[SFS] GM Zoomba's 3-07 Strike at Zone 78 (High) (Inactive)

Game Master Zoomba


Vehicle Combat Rules:
Vehicles need a PC to take control and act on the controlling PC’s initiative. PCs can relinquish control of the vehicle to another PC or engage autopilot as a swift action. While controlling the vehicle, the controlling PC can drive the vehicle as a move action and move up to its listed speed. Vehicle movement provokes attacks of opportunity. PCs can also ram the vehicle into a creature as a full action. Ramming allows the vehicle to move in a straight line up to its full speed. If the vehicle hits a creature or object, it attempts to deal damage equal to double the vehicle’s collision damage to the creature and half the collision damage to itself. The targeted creature can attempt a Reflex save to avoid the attack.

If the vehicle’s Hit Points fall below less than half its maximum Hit Points, it gains the broken condition. This imposes a –2 penalty to its AC and collision DC, reduces its Piloting modifier by 2, and halves its full speed and mph speed. If a vehicle takes damage that reduces it to 0 HP, it is wrecked.

PCs that choose to attack while inside a vehicle are able to do so. However, vehicles provide a penalty to attack rolls unless the vehicle is stopped. The vehicle provides the listed cover bonuses to the passengers and pilot. PCs who wish to disembark can do so as a move action.

The Game Master has not yet created a description for this campaign.