[Gameday IX][PACS] Hawkmoon's 6-99: Tyrant of the Harrow (Inactive)

Game Master Hawkmoon269

Scourges and Story Banes
Story Bane Rosters

Adventure Rules:
While setting up, set aside all non-Harrow blessings from the vault; if you run out of Harrow blessings, shuffle them back into the vault.

Regardless of challenge mode, build Small locations, then shuffle a blessing into each location, and create the hourglass with 24 blessings. In Heroic challenge mode, add the location designated in the scenario with an “H”, and after creating the hourglass, display the wildcard The Harrows next to it; whenever the hour changes, the wildcard of the matching suit takes effect until changed. In Legendary challenge mode, also add a random Perils wildcard and a random Onslaughts wildcard.

The harrow suit is the hour’s suit.

When a character acquires a Harrow blessing, report its name and suit to the table coordinator along with the challenge mode you chose.

When you would discard a non-Harrow blessing for its power, bury it instead; when you would recharge it for its power, discard it instead.

When you fail a check to acquire a Harrow blessing, you may shuffle it into your location.

When choosing deck upgrades, treat Harrow blessings as level #.

The Game Master has not yet created a description for this campaign.