You will start at first level and will gain levels at appropriate intervals throughout the AP. Please create your character following the standard Pathfinder point buy system, using a 20 point buy. Hit Points shall be determined in Pathfinder Society style - maximum at first level, average +1 for all subsequent levels (so Fighters start with 10, and gain 6 at each level for example). We are also using
Background Skills.
You’ll start with 200gp and three traits (link), one of which must be chosen from the campaign list. Remember, you may only have one trait per category. You may also have a Drawback if you wish, but it does not give you an additional trait, so I don’t expect any but the most adventurous to choose one.
We’re not using Mythic, variant multi-classing rules, or any third party rules such as Gestalt or Spheres of Power. No characters of Evil Alignment, please. No Gunslingers or other ‘tech’ themes. Please, no Summoners or very unbalanced builds. You should build well, but someone who’s only good at one thing, will spend a lot of time waiting as the others play. Also, try to limit your Race to the Core Book. If you make a good case for Race outside of the Core Book, I'll consider it.
Write a description of your outward appearance. Also write a detailed background that tells me something about yourself. Speak about your recent past, future goals you may have, one or two people you may know, and a memory of something in your past that is important to you. The detailed background need not be long. 4-5 short paragraphs are sufficient in most cases.
You are beginning in Ravengro, in the land of Ustalav. Depending on your character choices, you can be as ignorant or knowledgeable of this land as you'd like to be.
For more information please see the Campaign tab. There is a lot of useful stuff in there on what I’m planning in terms of tone, some discussion of die rolling, etiquette, crafting, and more. It might help to answer some questions you may have and is an important read for the campaign.
Also, let's try and keep our storytelling reader-friendly, in case we have folks outside the campaign visit our storytelling endeavor.