[Campaign Mode]VampByDay's Against the Aeon Throne game (Inactive)

Game Master VampByDay

Just a short, average cargo run to a new colony . . . Yeah, right.

Just a check. I was wondering if anyone wanted to play only the first book of Against the Aeon Throne in Campaign mode (Reach of the Empire). At the end of the book I would hand out chronicle sheets for the first book for those interested in Starfinder Society. The Book goes from 1 to 3 I believe, but the chronicle sheet is for only 1 level (1-2).

The first book of Against the Aeon Throne has the repeatable tag, so you can replay it if you want. I am doing this primarily for people who want to play some of the new Character Operations Manual classes (or builds, or archetypes) and are waiting for them to become SFS legal, but any players are welcome. I suppose the plan would eventually be to do the entire 3-book AP if there is enough interest, but I am flexible. (in my experience, most play-by-post APs fall apart after a while, so I don't want to overpromise.)

If you are interested, please respond below with how interested you are, how often you can post, and what kind of character you'd like to bring (just a general idea is fine, don't need anything too concrete.)

I'll be allowing the new operations manual character classes and equipment, and may switch up some of the stuff you find in the first book to reflect new gear (this is campaign mode, after all, so I'm given a little leeway.)

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

So no chance that you'd run all three books?

Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan wrote:
So no chance that you'd run all three books?
I suppose the plan would eventually be to do the entire 3-book AP if there is enough interest, but I am flexible. (in my experience, most play-by-post APs fall apart after a while, so I don't want to overpromise.)

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I'm in! SRO drone mechanic okay?

Grand Lodge

I will throw my hat in for this

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Vampire GM By Day wrote:
Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan wrote:
So no chance that you'd run all three books?
I suppose the plan would eventually be to do the entire 3-book AP if there is enough interest, but I am flexible. (in my experience, most play-by-post APs fall apart after a while, so I don't want to overpromise.)

Wow! My reading comprehension totally let me down there!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'm intrigued. I've played a little Starfinder, mainly in SFS, but have not yet actually built my own character. I feel that a solarian or an operative would be the class and humman is likely the race I would choose. I will make an official submission later.

Thank you.

Interested! I don't have the Character Operations Manual just yet, but I'd be very interested in playing a biohacker. My very first character concept was a starship doctor, and I tried to make it work with a mechanic and an envoy and neither seemed right.

I've mostly played SFS and have a few characters, but I haven't gotten anything over 3rd level so far.

Good, we've got a few interested parties. Sounds like enough for a table probably.

So for official submissions, here is what I'd like to see.

1) Character Concept: You don't have to make all choices, but give me a general idea of your character. Race/Class/Theme/ Any build shenanigans. Also, are they a social butterfly? A thick-headed idiot? A towering intellectual?

2) Your character needs a background and reason to be on this mission. You have a close personal android friend named Cedona (who identifies as female). She has recently said that she really needs some help, and is willing to pay you a substantial sum of credits to deliver supplies to a new colony in the vast called Nakondis. In a few sentences, explain how you know Cedona and why you are doing this for her. (If you need help, the book has some suggestions, but I'd like to see what you come up with.)

3)This book contains some starship combat. Tell me what role you would like your character to take up in Starship Combat.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Society Subscriber

1) SRO, (Drone) Mechanic, Roboticist
Not a social butterfly, quiet repair robot

2) Cedona has hired Mechanic Drone 178546286 to go to Nakondis. It encountered Cedona through coincidence while she was on the job. She acknowledges its sentence more than it does and believes that Nakondis could use it's technological skill and it could potentially embrace its individuality through work on a colony.

3)Engineer, or Science Officer

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

1) Winterborn Ryphorian, Mystic, Priest, with Profession (philosopher). He is a wisdom-bringer. Not overly social, but when he speaks, his words tend to be ones to listen to.

2) As an android, Cedona knows she was created, but intelligent corporeal creatures, and would normally be fairly irreligious, but for some reason, she has expressed interest in religion and has been discussing such things philosophically with me. She knows that, as a philosopher, I don't have much in the way of marketable skills to get a full time job, but that charity is something I value, so bringing supplies to a struggling new colony might be right up my alley.

3) Science, or maybe a secondary gunner? Mystics are tough fits into most starship crews in a fight.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

1. Uplifted Bear/Biohacker ... probably use a new COM theme, but not sure yet. Concept: Bear in a labcoat.

2. I have provided medical expertise to the Stewards before, helping to deal with some biochemical weapons that were being smuggled into the Pact Worlds, seemingly originating in the Azlanti Empire.

3. Most likely Science Officer.

I'm interested, I'm considering a few things at the moment, primarily a Hunter Soldier with a creature companion or possibly an experimental weapon/armor mechanic.

1. An android biohacker, with the new sensate theme. I'm picturing him as a newly created android modeled off an autodoc. Maybe a dash of Star Trek's EMH with a strong desire to get new experiences.

2. Cedona was responsible for helping with some of the refinements of the doctor's final construction and programming. She imparted some of her own nanites into his construction. Because of this, he views her as sort of an older sister. With his medical and biological knowledge, he believes he can ensure the supplies (whatever they are) useful and stable when they arrive.

3. Science Officer is the best fit. Possibly secondary Engineer or even Pilot.

Huh. Seems super science heavy. Which is great except the part where someone actually has to fly the ship and shoot the guns.

I'd be interested, but does everyone have to be on board for an SFS game? I'm not super familiar with how Chronicle sheets work out, and I'm kind of interested in playing a COM class.

Grankless wrote:
I'd be interested, but does everyone have to be on board for an SFS game? I'm not super familiar with how Chronicle sheets work out, and I'm kind of interested in playing a COM class.

You certainly don’t have to receive a chronicle sheet. In fact, you can join Normal SFS games with a pregen and not take chronicle sheets! If you want an introduction to SFS however, I’m sure myself or someone else can help you get into it!

Thank you. I'll definitely look in to it regardless, just in case - but consider me interested as well... and with a desire to play a non-science character. :P

I'm interested and i wanted to play an operative with piloting actually, so that might be a good fit.
I'll have to look over COM next week, then i can say a bit more.

So a drow operative with ace pilot would be my starting baseline.

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So, looks like we have a more that a few people interested, enough that not everyone can fit in the group. So here's how I'm gonna run things. For everyone who has posted a character idea, backstory, and starship role, that's fine, you don't need to do anything else.

For everyone else: Post your General character idea, character backstory (including why you are on the mission and how you know Cedona, see my above post) and your starship role by WEDNESDAY, 11/20/19. I will then choose five people. People will be chosen based on how complimentary they are to the party, and how well the backstory does in tying in with the main plot, with who came first acting as sort of a tie breaker.

Good luck to all.

PRATT BIVENS is a human soldier smuggler (I'll probably use the pirate theme). He is somewhat flamboyant, and a former member of the Free Captains. He never really found the heavy-handed tactics of most Free Captains appealing, and he tended to favor missions favoring smuggling sensitive items rather than outright piracy. He now seeks his own ship and some smuggling work (perhaps even legitimate honest shipping) outside of the Free Captains.

It was a recent smuggling job that helped him make Cedona's acquaintance. Pratt was able to make a sensitive delivery that benefited Cedona. Cedona mentioned that there may be other work in the future.

I would think Pratt could be an outstanding Captain for this crew. I'll build him with secondary starship roles as well.

I rather enjoy starship combat, so I would be glad to build a ship for us, though of course I would enjoy guidance from the GM and my fellow players.

I'm modeling Pratt off of the head of the thieves guild from the first Dungeons and Dragons movie (expertly played by Richard O'Brien). He was probably the only cool character in that awful movie.

Edit to add that I could also see Pratt as a Witchwarper if there is other muscle in the party.

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Got room for one more interested party? Do we need to have a full profile written up for the submission at this point or just the basics?

Quirk, Private Eye wrote:
I'm modeling Pratt off of the head of the thieves guild from the first Dungeons and Dragons movie (expertly played by Richard O'Brien). He was probably the only cool character in that awful movie.

How DARE you denigrate Jeremy Irons' magnificent performance as Profion?! :P

Change of plans. I'm probably going with a blind Vlaka Envoy with Combat Expertise and a taste for advanced melee weapons. Blind swordsman/team dad here I come!

If the game lasts long enough for it to be really relevant, I'll pick up the Battleflower archetype.

How DARE you denigrate Jeremy Irons' magnificent performance as Profion?! :P

Alright. I'll give you that. He wasn't bad. The rest of the movie was a cheesefest with occasional bits of eye candy.

By the way, it looks likes the GM just needs some basic ideas about your character by the 20th (Wednesday). I think there's a post up there with what constitutes "the basics". :)

I'm a little late to the party since I was on a train all of today but here goes:

1.Sapling Ghoran, Solar Disciple, Biohacker amed Xawn. This basically Zhaan from Farscape. A healer who uses their own body as a starting point for their botanical and clinical knowledge. Pleasant and sweet but ethereal and alien. While very young for their species, Xawn draws upon ancestral memory of previous Saplings. While I've chosen the Solar Disciple theme, I might take Ace Pilot to represent one of those past lives

2.As a Steward, Cedona found herself injured in the aftermath of a mission and went into hiding. She was found by the new sapling Ghoran Xawn who healed her with a poultice made of their own sap and leaves. After she returned to the Stewards' care, Cedona arranged for the Sapling to gain education in pharmacology. The Sapling never forgot this generous opportunity and when Cedona asked them to visit her, they just had to say yes.

3.Starship Role would be as a gunner or a Science Officer or Pilot if I change my theme.

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

After sleeping on it, and sleeping on it, and sleeping on it some more, I've come to realize I probably don't have room for another play-by-post at the moment. My burnout was so bad this week it set off smoke alarms!

So I'll have to skip this one for the moment until things lighten up on my end a bit. Have fun folks!

Mariteen Nearvoid, the Ysoki Ghost Operative Mercenary. Special operative of the Stewards who showed a certain “moral flexibility” during screening. An often cheerful person, Mariteen takes his “work” seriously and his training has ingrained in him the tendency to be silent while performing.

Feeling lost after schooling on Verces, Mariteen turned to the Stewards. During the screenings done after initial training, Mariteen fit the profile of a certain “moral flexibility” and he became part of a special operatives group. This included missions of extraction, infiltration, and assassination. A recent mission saw him sent to obtain some sensitive files from a Church of Damoritosh. As part of his cover, Mariteen join a diplomatic mission going to the same world as a record keeper. He made friends with an android woman named Cedona on the trip. She found his smile and laughter to be warming to her, though she did not quite understand why. His job completed successfully, but his friendship with Cedona was genuine and they remained in touch. She learned he was more than he seemed, though she does not know the extent of his skills, but she would value his assistance in the journey she will be undertaking.

Mariteen will be able to fill in most roles as a secondary as he will have a wide range of skills. He likely would be best though at being and engineer or a gunner. Piloting as well may be something he is good at.

I do not have an extensive knowledge of the lore or setting of Starfinder (though because of a lot of background with Pathfinder, I know a little). I left some of the story elements vague, like what planet they were traveling to, because I do not know enough to guess what planet may be appropriate. Hopefully the core of the story is fitting though.

If the group is interested in doing all three books, I would certain enjoy that.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Society Subscriber

OR, and hear me out, a Telia Qi Adept...

OR a Telia Vanguard

Saashaa wrote:

OR, and hear me out, a Telia Qi Adept...

OR a Telia Vanguard

I mean, that's fine, but if you want to change your character concept you'll need to post a new character profile (backstory/starship role)

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I think I'll stick with my original unless it seems necessary to change for party balance.

Rook (Vlaka Combat Expertise Envoy) is perhaps not what one would expect on a ship headed out to a remote colony world. Gentle and friendly, there is a measured pace to the fellow. He steps gingerly, as though considering each movement carefully. Considering his eyes are grey and dull, a pair of sightless orbs, his measured pace is certainly not too odd. He does carry with him a cane but rarely uses it to feel out his environment as one might expect.

If ever asked how he came to be so far from his homeworld, Rook often simply states that he is doing what he has always done. He is finding a path forward. The ghostly vlaka seems to drift through the lives of others, an enigmatic but not unwelcome presence.

Rook met Cedona rather inadvertently. A suspect she was chasing had taken a hostage and holed up inside of a hat shop. No one was taking action, even as the child's parents wailed in fear. Rook walked inside as though there was nothing the matter. Exactly what happened was a matter for debate on that street for a long time. All that is known is that there were quiet words exchanged, then a sudden flurry of movement and the child came running out. Moments later, Rook stepped outside as well, escorting the hostage taker.

Rook largely keeps his own council in many things, but he does seem fond of Cedona. While not physically imposing or mystically gifted, having Rook around seems to make things go far more smoothly than they should otherwise. He is clever and considers many options before taking action. Cedona was likely banking on this when she asked him to help deliver those supplies.

As for ship role, Rook will most likely fit best as a Captain, however, his wide range of skill options will mean that I could probably build him for just about any role.

Just saw this, I'm interested and would like to play the witchwar.

Here's a short addendum to my character idea:

In the spirit of many of us using new options from the Character Operations Manual, Pratt Bivens will be choosing the ambusher fighting style from the new book. I think this goes with his concept as an opportunistic dirty fighter when there are no other ways (though he would usually rather talk his way out of a potentially violent situation).

I have jotted down a few notes and some basic information on Pratt. I'm still aiming for him being an outstanding captain during starship combat.

Vampire GM By Day wrote:


So, looks like we have a more that a few people interested, enough that not everyone can fit in the group. So here's how I'm gonna run things. For everyone who has posted a character idea, backstory, and starship role, that's fine, you don't need to do anything else.

For everyone else: Post your General character idea, character backstory (including why you are on the mission and how you know Cedona, see my above post) and your starship role by WEDNESDAY, 11/20/19. I will then choose five people. People will be chosen based on how complimentary they are to the party, and how well the backstory does in tying in with the main plot, with who came first acting as sort of a tie breaker.

Good luck to all.

Just saw this post, was waiting for the official recruitment thread, so I'm sure I'm not the only one who missed it. Okay, so my witchwar character will take on engineering or computers for starship. He will have blast and trickery/illusion spells.

As far as backstory, he is an escaped slave from the Azlanti empire. Though he doesn't know the area very well or the planet cause he had help. Also he knows is that it is a well forested area and he wants to do the same for all the prisoners, to help them escape. I can even add in Cedona helped him escape, even if it was indirectly by sending someone.

1. General Character Idea:
The general character idea is an forlorn elven operative. I loved to play rogues in PF1, so this feels natural for me.
I imagine the character as someone who tries to find his own path and luck in the galaxy, kind of a Star Wars influence there, only in outcast elven.
Wanted to take the spy specialization, but would be comfortable with hacker (to accomodate a different role than pilot perhaps), detective or ghost. With spy i'm leaning to have a higher CHA and take diplomacy as a class skill, so i can face or support there. Then mysticism as second addition class skill from that feat to be able to deal with magical traps and identify creatures.
I'll be taking some operative complementary stuff from COM, possibly the shuriken assassin exploit. That seems funny somehow.

2. Backstory:
Seo-Yeon is what most call a forlorn elf. Her parents being traders in the third generation she grew up out of Castrovel, mainly on space ships, trading stations and other trade hubs.
Less interested in trade than in space ships she developed quite some piloting skills, but also became knowledgable and learned how to behave herself to get what she wanted from others. Or disguise herself to get where she didn't belong.
Not wanting to take on the trade of her parents she eventually set out on her own, trying her luck as a pilot. Since that didn't go so well she also had some very questionable assignments and never left out a chance to get a personal advantage, sometimes at the cost of others, when she could. While able to defend herself brute force is not ther thing though and she always searches for a more clever way, assorting to trickery, bluffs, disguises, hacking, etc.
Eventually coming to Absalom station she was quite impressed with the Starfinders, which would have meant more stability and safety for her, but she couldn't make it - yet.
Still she took some assignments among others and flew stuff for them.
A few years ago an android name Cedona contacted her, in searching a pilot for an emergency mission. Seo-Seon had no clue how Cedona had found her and the mission didn't seem to promising, but she still did it. Cedona was impressed with her piloting skills and steadily tried to supply Seo-Yeon with new contracts. Probably she suspected her second trade and tried to keep her on the legal side, even though her assignments sometimes made use of her other skills.
The two developed sort of a friendship over time, often talking on the net and meeting on contracts if possible.
When Cedona contacted Seo-Yeon recently, mentioning she urgently needed help with something, it wasn't only the promising payment that made Seo-Yeon agree, although she could really use that.
Being alone in space and mostly on business operations is double hard for an elf, even a forlorn one who is more used to such situations.
Seo-Yeon appreciates friendships and hopes one day to find a place in a really good crew who could become her new family and companions.
After all, a good trade network and connections as well as the right support is the next best thing after your own skills and abilities.

Seo-Yeon is deeply worried about Cedona at the moment, because she suddenly went silent. Of course she agreed to the mission. At the same time she is also very curious to find out what's going on. Cedona always had the most curious assignments and Seo-Yeon ever suspected her to be involved in some secret society.
This mission only seems like a win-win situation for her: help one of her friends, save her network, earn a great sum of money, find out secrets...

3. Starship Role:
Seo-Yeon is versatile here, depending on specializtaion at first, but from level 3 on doesn't matter.
With the pilot theme she would be destined to be the pilot, but can serve as engineer or science officer as well.

4. About me:
I'm a long-term PbP player and most times can get in a daily post. Also showing strong long-term commitment to campaigns and interested in doing all 3 books.

Scarab Sages

Alright! I've looked over all ten entries I've gotten, and narrowed it down to the people who would be the most complimentary to each other, who had a backstory that worked well with the campaign themes, and who had starship roles that would work together. I'll get the game started probably within the next few days, and send each of the winners a link. In the mean time, here are the winners.

Saashaa-SRO Mechanic-Engineer.
Quirk, Private Eye- Human Ambush Soldier-X
Sha'ir- Sap Ghorran Biohacker-Science Officer
Master Han-Del-Vlaka Envoy-X
Hayato Ken- Elf Operative-Pilot

Congratulations to all who got in, and apologies to all who didn't.

Pratt and Master Han-Del:
Both of you have indicated a preference for ship captain, but a willingness to do other things. You can share the role or not, but also consider that your ship will need a gunner, and Master Han-Del's character will be blind. On that note, As a blind Vlaka, you might want to take something that lets you work with computers directly so that you can do things like fire guns. The Triune feat that gives you telepathy with machines would work, as would the Technopathy Node

For all of those that got in:
You start play with a tier 1 ship. You can build your own, or I have a basic one you can use. Let me know. It will have to have at least one empty cargo bay at the start in order to make sense for the story.

Feeling lucky and excited to play in this.

Best wishes to those who didn't make it--hopefully other opportunities will arise soon. I'm new to GMing online, but in the near future I'll be considering an AP.

I'll be looking forward to discussing how we're going to soup up this second hand starship with my crew mates.

GM, could you open up discussion so we could hash out the details of this space jalopy?

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Have fun you all!

Congrats guys. Good luck.

Wow thanks! Looking forward to this one!
In planning to run a starfinder PbP in the near future as well, so that might be a consolation for everyone who could not play this time.

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