Ollibolli's Shackled City AP (Inactive)

Game Master Oliver von Spreckelsen

Shackled City... or how I learned to live with an Adventure Path

Imagine a wall of Obsidian on top of an ancient volcano.
Inside of it a city thriving on its mining operations on the slopes.

The city is built in circles from the crater sea up to the obsidian wall.
Cauldron is in the middle of nowhere, beyond the Amedio Jungle, on the edge of the Hellfurnaces a homungous mountain chain.
The next large city is two hundred miles away.
This is Cauldron, The Shackled City...

Cauldron where is it?
Here... diectly under the "O" of Dungeon at the edge of the map (it was a volcano... thousands of years ago).

What does it look like?
This is a bird's view of the crater lake.

Traits from the Hardcover:


Child of Jzadirune
One of your ancestors lived in Jzadirune at the time the Vanishing struck. You are especially resistant to dideases, but find the prospect of becoming sick yourself horrifying.
Benefit: You gain a +2 on saving throws made to resist the efects of disease.
Drawback: You suffer a -2 morale penalty on saving throws against fear while in places where a disease has broken out, or when fighting creatures that are diseased or can inflict disease with a spell, supernatural ability or extraordinary ability.
Roleplaying ideas: Your parents told you harrowing stories about the vanishing and your dreams are haunted by visions in which you catch the disease and fade away. (only for denizens of Cauldron)

One of your ancestors was a half-fiend. As a result you carry some of that taint with you.
Benefit: Regardless of your actual alignment, spells and spell-like abilities wih the evil descriptor treat you as if your alignment were evil. Magic items are similarly fooled. An unholy blight spell for example won't damage you, ever.
Drawback: Regardless of your actual alignment, spells and spell-like abilities wih the good descriptor treat you as if your alignment were evil. Magic items are similarly fooled. An holy word spell for example will damage you, always.
Roleplaying ideas: You are moody gloomy and have a short temper.

Dream Haunted
Your dreams are haunted by strange visions or tortured landscapes and deformed monsters. on some of those dreams, you are the deformed monster!
Benefit: You are used to fatigue and suffer no penalties when you become fatigued. When you become exhausted, you are instead treated, as if you were fatigued.
Drawback: You suffer a -2 penalty on savong throws against effects that cause madness or insanity and saving throws against sleep effects. If you are normally immune against sleep effects you lose this immunity.
Roleplaying ideas: You are always tired, though not to the point of fatigue. You tend to nod off when bored, and sometimes find it difficult to remember minor relatively unimportant bits of information.

Long Shadowed
You are descended from a tribe of indigenous people who died out as a separate tribe many centuries ago. Still, this tribe's penchant for necromantic magic runs in your blood.
Benefit: You automatically stabilize if reduced to negative hit points. When you take damage from negative energy, you reduce the actual damage you take by five points.
Drawback: Healing magic works poor on you. Whenever you regain hit points from magical healing, you gain 1 less hit point of healing per character level you possess, to a minimum of 1 point per die rolled.
Roleplaying ideas: You are somewht morbid and intrigued by death and undeath, even if these interests are purely to learn more of your enemies.

Mark of the Beast
One of your ancestors was a lycanthrope. Select a predatory animal of your choice; that animal feeld a mystic bond with you.
Benefit: Animals have a strange reticence when they attack you, and suffer a -2 penalty on all attack rolls made against you. if you have the wild empathy ability, you gain a +1 bonus on wild empathy checks.
Drawback: You suffer a -4 penalty to saving throws made to resist lycanthropy, and take +1 damage from attacks made by silver weapons.
Roleplaying ideas: You have a curious animal magnetism that is at once intriguing and disturbing. Your manners might be a bit crude, but you are loyal to your friends.

You were born into a noble family.
Benefit: You start the campaign with an additional 200 gp and gain a +1 bonus on all DImplomacy and Intimidate checks made against citizens of Cauldron or nearby villages. Certain NPC's in this campaign may react more favorably to your presence.
Drawback: You are well-known and recognizable and suffer a -4 penalty on Disguise rolls made against citizens of Cauldron or nearby villages. Certain NPC's in this campaign react more poorly to your presence.
Roleplaying ideas: You might be haughty, impatient or condescending to others. You might spend money frivolously, believing that there'll always be more income to be had. (only for denizens of Cauldron)

Scarred Soul
You've led a particularly tough life. Perhaps you're an orphan, or maybe you suffered some sort of traumatic experience as a child. Whatever the cause, your childhood experiences left you jumpy and haunted.
Benefit: You gain a +2 on Initiative checks.
Drawback: Your experiences have left your mind less able to deal with trauma, and as a result oyou suffer a -1 penalty on Will sabes.
Roleplaying ideas: You are quick to anger, jumpy, and possibly even a bit hyperactive. You're prone to feelings of paranoia and unfounded fear.

Scion of Surabar
You are a descendant of the man who discovered Cauldron, helped dettle the region, and aided in the defeat of an ancient demonic army.
Benefit: Pride in your lineage girds your mind and soul. You gain a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear, death effects, and insanity or confusion.
Drawback: Demons that encounter you in this region can instinctively sense your lineage and connection to their old enemy, and gain a +1 morlae bonus on their attack and damage rolls when fighting you.
Roleplaying ideas: You are proud of your heritage and quick to anger if another mocks it. You find demons intolerable, and some might see you as haughty or imperious. (only for denizens of Cauldron)

Touched in the Head
You're a little crazy.
Benefit: Your mind is disorganized and chaotic. You gain a +1 bonus on all saving throws against mind-affecting effects, save for those effects that cause confusion and insanity.
Drawback: Your inability to concentrate for long makes you suffer -1 penatly on all Wisdom-based skill checks.
Roleplaying ideas: You have a number of strange quirks (whistling off-key, eating raw meat, a nervous tic, a tendency to scream at odd moments, and so on) that can make you difficult to get along with.

Wyrm Blooded
One of your ancestors was a half-black dragon. You have some sort of distinctively draconic feature, be it reptilian eyes, scales on the backs of your hands, or tiny vestigial horns on your head.
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on all saving throws against acid effects, a +2 bonus on Acrobatics checks in the water, and a +1 bonus to Perception checks.
Drawback: Your body isn't quite as limber as it should be. You take a -1 penalty on Reflex saves.
Roleplaying ideas: You have an intensity about everything you do, and your empotions are powerful and often difficult for you to control. (only for denizens of the nearer region of Cauldron)

The Party will consist of:

Nightowl: Dari Lamancha, female halfling rogue
Kayos: Lunari Lightchaser, female half-elf sorceress
Seekerofshadowlight: Hanathan, female half-elf paladin
Franz Lunzer: Stergan Rus, male half-elf defender
Memento Mori: Manduzi Steelsong, male human rogue
Seyonne: Seynor Hillclimber, male dwarven cleric
Ithuriel: Lindwicket, male gnome cleric