BR Dinketry's Season of the Plundered Tombs (Inactive)

Game Master dinketry

Available Traders:
Hadden Hoppert, Smiths of Wati, Sunburst Market, Auction House, Falsin Deek, Ghoul Market, Udjebet, Shardizhad, Agymah, Efni Raan, Naheeba, Trove of Nef-Taju

How to Use Your Google Sheets ACG Deck Handler (credits to Cartmanbeck):
This Google Spreadsheets document was created to try to make it easier for you, as a player, to organize your character deck without having to carry around your physical cards.

You’ll enter the name of each card in your deck on the “DON’T LOOK” sheet (Important note: Every card listed on this sheet must have a unique name in order for the sheet to function correctly, so if you have two Blessings of the Gods in your deck, name them something like “Blessing of the Gods 1” and “Blessing of the Gods 2”).

All of the card-manipulation during a scenario will be done on the “LOOK” sheet. To draw a new card from your deck, type “TRUE” or the number 1 in the yellow box next to the word Draw on the right-hand side, and below that the sheet will generate a random card name from your deck which is not currently listed in any of the other columns on the sheet. Then you simply type that card’s name into a cell in the “Hand” section, and the sheet will generate a new random card for you under Draw.

To Recharge, Discard, or Bury a card, simply type the name of that card into the corresponding color-coded column of the sheet, and delete it from your Hand column. (Note: You can copy-paste things in the sheet, but make sure you ALWAYS use Ctrl-Shift-V, which is the keyboard shortcut for paste values only).

To shuffle cards into your deck, simply delete that card from your Discard (or wherever it came from) and then delete all the cards in your Recharged column.

How to Use Traders (credit to Yewstance):
"...I'm a player who LOVES the Organized Play use of Traders. Traders allow you to tweak your deck in ways that may not be possible in normal class deck play, and they let you tweak your deck composition. If you're playing a wizard with a weapon slot; feel free to use Sunburst Market to trade the weapon for a blessing or an attack spell. Virtually anyone is also happy trading one of their basics for a Cure spell, even if they're not a spellcaster (it's still a strictly-better Potion of Healing). If you want to switch the basics in your deck (lets say you just got an Ultimate Add-On deck, or you just changed your mind) then trading for something that will banish itself (like a spell or potion) is a nice way to 'fix' your deck after the scenario, too.

Some characters I might be more happy to play because I know I can mess with their decklists via traders. I can trade for the basic Blowgun weapon from Mummy's Mask (through Sunburst Trader) to give Rooboo a means of using her 1d10+4 Stealth skill in combat, for example. Or give Yoon another blessing.

Some OP rewards modify the cost of going to traders, and several can be used for 1-for-1 trades. Give Skizza an Alchemist's Kit via Falsin Deek (A largely unfair, but possible, combination)? Some scenarios may reward card types too; I often go to the Ghoul Market to prepare myself with more armors for Siege Deck scenarios ("Defensive Stance"), since you're punished greatly for taking any damage that isn't reduced to 0, but rapid explorations are no longer a big deal.

I'm a big fan of the OP method of Traders, and I really hope they somehow appear in all future seasons. The ability to tweak and optimise your deck just that little bit more opens up so many new strategies and fun decision making potential.

... GMs, storeowners or the like may be able to give advice or cheatsheets. The point that Traders are weaker in general if you don't know the set, whilst true, is a statement that also applies to character selection or even boon selection/deckbuilding; and I wouldn't argue it's a particularly new concept. It's just that normally in OP, characters worry about what banes they'll encounter, rather than what boons they can temporarily grab. Even basic boons can be themed for specific tasks/banes that may not be relevant in every set; just look at things like Magnifying Glass, Book of Garund, Bottle of Rum or Blessing of the Elements."

Catastrophe struck the world 10,000 years ago, and mighty Osirion was one of the first great nations to rise from the ashes. For centuries its pharaohs oversaw a golden age of expansion and innovation while crushing rivals such as the Tekritanin League and the golem armies of the Jistka Imperium. Eventually, though, the kingdom began to stagnate, its leaders unable to match the splendid accomplishments of their forebears. Following millennia of decline and foreign occupation, Osirion is once again autonomous and prospers under the Ruby Prince Khemet III.

Hoping to uncover forgotten secrets that his kingdom might employ while encouraging foreign traffic into the increasingly prosperous land, the Ruby Prince opened Osirion to foreign explorers approximately a decade ago. Those hoping to plunder tombs and make their fortune are subject to Osirian customs agents who reclaim the most historically sensitive finds and collect a modest tax on other goods. Yet even this is hardly enough to discourage treasure-hunters—not when one could uncover gold, lost magic, or even a piece of one of the legendary Shory flying cities from a lost age.

Among the region’s most influential archaeological operations is the Pathfinder Society, an international league of explorers and adventurers dedicated to discovering and chronicling the world’s mysteries. You recently completed your training as a Pathfinder agent in Absalom and set out for Osirion, dreaming of the ancient secrets buried beneath the sands and stone. Before you embark overland, though, it’s critical that you meet with Venture-Captain Norden Balentiir, who coordinates Pathfinder activity throughout Osirion and is an invaluable sage of which sites remain unexplored and unspoiled by common looters.

As your ship approaches Sothis, you can take in its beauty firsthand. Smooth-sided structures of tawny stone stand tall and proud, many capped with sparkling domes and adorned with spectacular columns. Famous temples tower over the skyline including the Necropolis of the Faithful, overseen by Pharasma’s priests. It’s a stark reminder that even though Osirion condones treasure-hunting, the Lady of Graves demands that all respect the dead. Perhaps greatest of all Sothis’s monuments is the Black Dome, a colossal, translucent scarab beetle that stands at the city’s center. History says that this was once Ulunat, a destructive behemoth laid low by the city’s founder and now inhabited by its elite.

There’s little time for sightseeing here, though—once you meet with Norden Balentiir, the archaeological wealth of all Osirion will be yours to explore. What you uncover might not just change your fortunes; it could change the world!