The Warden of Branderscar: A wizard who mostly stays in his tower with his books and his owl.
Sergeant Blackerly: The watch sergeant at Branderscar. He seemed to be a very cruel and uncaring man. He laughed as he personally branded each one of you. He was holding card games in the guardhouse at night, and his carelessness let you all escape Branderscar. Blackerly is now deceased.
Richard Havelyn: A self-righteous knight, who is disgusted by you. He would have lead a full company of knights and nobility to witness your execution, had you not escaped. Heverly seems to know the man.
Grumblejack: An ogre that has joined you all for the escape. He helped out, and now is roaming the countryside with his trusty dog.
Tiadora: A hauntingly beautiful woman, who helped you escape Branderscar on behalf of Cardinal Adrastus Thorn. She serves Cardinal Thorn, though to what extent is unclear.
Cardinal Adrastus Thorn: The High Priest of Asmodeus, and mysterious benefactor who helped you escape from prison. You have joined him in a quest of revenge on Talingarde, and signed a Pact with him as your second loyalty.
The White Ravens:A group recruited from the Savage North to help Cardinal Thorn. Comprised of:
-Elise: One, a beautiful woman, all dressed in white, seemingly prepared for winter, though it's not too cold now, with long black hair and an albino raven. Works with ice magic.
-Doston: Another, a large man, never seen without his greatsword. Would be equally likely to talk or start an epic bar fight if taken for a drink. Otherwise, very monosyllabic.
-Trak: One member of a set of twins, wiry, yet sturdy men. This one is almost always dour. Is a bounty hunter, and pretty good with a bow, though seemingly not with people.
-Trik: The other twin. This one is never seen without a smile and a joke. Has been friendly with Wocket, and helped her learn to shoot a little better.
Timeon: Squire to Sir Balin. He was found hiding in a secret room in the Nine Lessons. He was killed by Mithril Cobras, and Heverly impersonated him in order to get close to Sir Balin.
Sir Balin: One of the leaders of the Knights of Alerion and master of Timeon. Sir Balin was tricked and killed by the Knot of Thorns during their trial of the Nine Lessons.
Kargeld Odenkirk: The captain of the Frothsmar. He's been hired to take you and a weapon's shipment to Sakkarot Fire-Axe. Afterwards, you have been ordered to tie up loose ends.
Sakkarot Fire-Axe: A bugbear in charge of the bugbear army in the North. You have been assigned to escort a weapon's shipment for him, then to break Balentyne open for his army to conquer.
Captain Edward Sambryl: The captain of the Blade of St. Martius, a ship which has stopped the Frothsmar to inspect it.