JM's Untitled Campaign

Game Master JM

Looking for "Old School" D&D Players.
We are a group of 30-40 year old Guys, looking to establish a gaming group with some LIKE Minded people.

Currently 3 Guys
Ages are late 30s/early 40s
All Gainfully/Professionally Employed
Last Played D&D 20-30 Years Ago

LOCATION: Orange COunty, CA
GAME DAYS: Every-Other Saturday (5pm to 11pm)

We played D&D WAY BACK when -- When it was fun, and not overly complex.
Our Game is an extremely "Rules Light" style of Play.
We DO NOT Powergame or Metagame (ie- We care about Role-Playing our Character, and care about the personality of our Character... not about a Character with Big Stats and Excessive Abilities)

Our Group is looking to add 1-2 More (Like Minded) Players to our Game.


You Might Be a Good Fit If You:
- Last Played D&D 20-30 years ago, and have not played since
- Want to "Re-Experience" playing D&D after a very long hiatus
- Are NOT Quite "Up-to-Speed" or plain just dont know the current rules/game
- Love to Laugh and have Fun
- Can Take a Joke and Give a Joke
- Are familiar with the Characters: HR Puff N Stuff, Giant Robot, The Rifleman, Speed Racer, Herman Munster, and/or James T. West/Artemus Gordon
- Shower on a Regular Basis
- Have a Vehicle


You WILL NOT Be a Good Fit If You:
- Are under the age of 25
- Live in your parents Basement
- Do Not have a Vehicle
- Cannot Name at least Five TV shows from the 1970s
- Think Showering is "Optional" or is "Excessfully Opulent"
- Know all the Game Rules and can recite them by Section and Page Number
- Attend more than 12 Gaming Conventions per year
- Are Currently Incarcerated
- Are a Multiple Felon

SO..... If you fit the bill; send me an email at
If you dont fit the bill... well; There should be a convention this weekend.


Silver Crusade

Sounds like I almost fit the role perfect except 2 things: 1 I'm currently looking for a Pathfinder group and 2 I live in La Puente which I dont think is too far, but would have to see exactly where the group is! It has been a while since your post so I am hoping maybe you've gone the way of Pathfinder!

Re-Booting in Case We To recruit

Sovereign Court

You folks still looking to add another player? I am 45, love old school D&D (basic, 1e, 2e, Labyrinth Lord, etc.). I shower regularly (my wife makes me), and I care more about story and fun than I do about the strict math of the game. Hope to hear from ya...


Sovereign Court

Feel free to email me as well if/when you have an opening. I enjoy D&D, from Pathdinder, to 2e, to 1e, to Basic (Labyrinth Lord).

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