thereal thom |

Poles would be easiest and fastest to manufacture. And handy for working the raft if the river is no more than 3 or 4 feet deep. Paddles would be best for manuvering if the river is deep or fast, but could easily take hours to hew a proper one. Forked branches with cloaks cut and tied in the forks might be a quick improv.
A rudder is no good unless we have some speed relative to the water, unlikely with the raft. What we would need is a sweep, a 7 or 8' paddle.

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Water is pretty deep with the river running engorged from the rain. 6-10 feet average, deeper in some spots. Paddles would probably be better but long poles (15' or so) aren't out of the question for usage.

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Kail'ar wrote:we do have some hides
did we let the goblin go, or kill him
or we going to drag him with us?
could make a good anchorI don't think goblin hide is tough enough.
Seriously, we didn't say anything about it. I guess we left him tied up on the floor.
It was a kobold, and Fakey might be able to retcon it so that Keegan is dragging him along with the party.

thereal thom |

it would make me laught is the most horable way
Jaden would not think of killing the damitest thing.... well yet...
never know how Keegan will rub off and all...
bisides, need a mascote sometime
Surely we could get a better mascot than this treacherous little sneak kobald. Maybe we could hang him off the side of the raft like an outboard motor.

thereal thom |

I thought you guys ended his life. If not you could be dragging him along but it's gonna slow you down considerably, probably add a day or two of travel time.....
I don't think we ever actually decided to kill him.
Will it rain everyday? Would he make a good outboard? I wanna get home.

Effan Effluvium |

"Uhmmm... Wess are returning to Falconsss Hollowsss, with medisssinesss for our sssick." Hozs says in his best Lizardfolk. "Uhmmm.... We are sssimply trying to get homesss asss fassst asss posssible. Can you helpssss usss get home fassster?" Hozs pauses trying to remember lizardetiquette for a moment. "Uhmmmm... Howsss can we helpssss you?"
Wow. LOL Does Hozs speak whale too?

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"Uhmmm... Wess are returning to Falconsss Hollowsss, with medisssinesss for our sssick." Hozs says in his best Lizardfolk. "Uhmmm.... We are sssimply trying to get homesss asss fassst asss posssible. Can you helpssss usss get home fassster?" Hozs pauses trying to remember lizardetiquette for a moment. "Uhmmmm... Howsss can we helpssss you?"
Wow. LOL Does Hozs speak whale too?
IIIIIII'mmmmmmmm nooooottttttt sssuuuuuurrreeeee.. (nemo).
Anyway, is everyone OK with the Roleplay of the lizardfolk? I am trying to tie in an overarcing plot but if it gets old let me know and I can move things along a bit more quickly. And I hate typing all the ssss's. It's harder than it seems.;P

therealthom |

Effan Effluvium wrote:"Uhmmm... Wess are returning to Falconsss Hollowsss, with medisssinesss for our sssick." Hozs says in his best Lizardfolk. "Uhmmm.... We are sssimply trying to get homesss asss fassst asss posssible. Can you helpssss usss get home fassster?" Hozs pauses trying to remember lizardetiquette for a moment. "Uhmmmm... Howsss can we helpssss you?"
Wow. LOL Does Hozs speak whale too?
IIIIIII'mmmmmmmm nooooottttttt sssuuuuuurrreeeee.. (nemo).
Anyway, is everyone OK with the Roleplay of the lizardfolk? I am trying to tie in an overarcing plot but if it gets old let me know and I can move things along a bit more quickly. And I hate typing all the ssss's. It's harder than it seems.;P
That was a funny bit in Nemo. I also really dug the turtles.
The lizardmen are cool. We can assume the sss's if you wish to quit typing them.

Curaigh |

"Uhmmm... Wess are returning to Falconsss Hollowsss, with medisssinesss for our sssick." Hozs says in his best Lizardfolk. "Uhmmm.... We are sssimply trying to get homesss asss fassst asss posssible. Can you helpssss usss get home fassster?" Hozs pauses trying to remember lizardetiquette for a moment. "Uhmmmm... Howsss can we helpssss you?"
Wow. LOL Does Hozs speak whale too?
O:) glad y'all got the reference :) I enjoyed the RP Fakey, though I missed it mostly as I was submitting to the PF open call...
for the river trip, I am going to change my spells to CLW, Speak w/animals, summon critter 1 and summon critter 1. H hopes to find some otters or similar river folk to help through some of the tougher river spots. Unless he can find a whale...
Thaaaaannnnkk yoooouuuuuu sirrrrrr!

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Effan Effluvium wrote:"Uhmmm... Wess are returning to Falconsss Hollowsss, with medisssinesss for our sssick." Hozs says in his best Lizardfolk. "Uhmmm.... We are sssimply trying to get homesss asss fassst asss posssible. Can you helpssss usss get home fassster?" Hozs pauses trying to remember lizardetiquette for a moment. "Uhmmmm... Howsss can we helpssss you?"
Wow. LOL Does Hozs speak whale too?
O:) glad y'all got the reference :) I enjoyed the RP Fakey, though I missed it mostly as I was submitting to the PF open call...
for the river trip, I am going to change my spells to CLW, Speak w/animals, summon critter 1 and summon critter 1. H hopes to find some otters or similar river folk to help through some of the tougher river spots. Unless he can find a whale...
Thaaaaannnnkk yoooouuuuuu sirrrrrr!
Cool, I'll see what I can do for ol' Hozs!

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Fakey, you still out there?
Sorry, I am trying to pull together the whole "returning as saviors of the town" thing and I want to make sure I handle it well. I will post something tonight to get it moving.
Sorry for the delay.
Curaigh |

Well as the holidays draw ever closer I'm going to be a bit of a slow poster more then usual I'm afraid. I'll try and keep up with things so happy Holidays all.
Holidays started 30 26 days ago or so, (at least for me :) Happy Holidays all !

therealthom |

Terry Dyer wrote:Well as the holidays draw ever closer I'm going to be a bit of a slow poster more then usual I'm afraid. I'll try and keep up with things so happy Holidays all.Holidays started 30 26 days ago or so, (at least for me :) Happy Holidays all !
Only 20 days to Happy Holidays for me. ~face shades green with envy~ What line of work are you in?

Curaigh |

Curaigh wrote:Only 20 days to Happy Holidays for me. ~face shades green with envy~ What line of work are you in?Terry Dyer wrote:Well as the holidays draw ever closer I'm going to be a bit of a slow poster more then usual I'm afraid. I'll try and keep up with things so happy Holidays all.Holidays started 30 26 days ago or so, (at least for me :) Happy Holidays all !
higher ed, and my students leave on the 20th--meaning 20-24 is a crunch time. I meant merely that I get into the holiday spirit starting with Halloween O:)
EDIT: no pun intended :)

therealthom |

I don't know how many of you are interested in RPG superstar, but would you be willing to critique my items? Or even tell which one I should develop? I will of course be willing to read and critique anything you want me to. O:)
I'd be very happy to. Don't know how much use I would be. But, I'd be very happy to. I would love to give it a go myself, but writing is a torturously (SP?) slow process for me and December is not a good month for big projects. Editing, I'm quick and fairly brutal. I wish they would start RPGS in March.

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I don't know how many of you are interested in RPG superstar, but would you be willing to critique my items? Or even tell which one I should develop? I will of course be willing to read and critique anything you want me to. O:)
Sure. If you don't wanna post you can send it to me at falsehealer at yahoo dot com.

therealthom |

therealthom wrote:Nice work on our return, Fakey, especially Keegan's woman, but I think Faldor's joke on Keegan has taken a nasty twist. DO we really want him to breed?It's a scary thought.
kenner_tim (capital2) yahoo dotcom . If as Fakey says, you don't want to post.

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Fakey, how are we doing here?
I am just plain swamped with one kid sick and the other still to shuttle back and forth to school. I've been in a bit of a funk also with holidays and bills and whatnot but I am pulling through and refocusing. Gaming always gets me through. So I am gonna be working on wrapping up individual lines and then have a final wrap-up for the group before preparing to launch into the next part of the Path.
I was thinking of either running a modified(beefed up and more of a continuation of our current story) Crown of the Kobold King and then into some Gamemastery Modules after that to cobble together a path, or starting with something else.Any preferences guys?

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I was thinking of either running a modified(beefed up and more of a continuation of our current story) Crown of the Kobold King and then into some Gamemastery Modules after that to cobble together a path, or starting with something else.
Any preferences guys?
It's all good in my book, man.

Curaigh |

therealthom wrote:Fakey, how are we doing here?I am just plain swamped with one kid sick and the other still to shuttle back and forth to school. I've been in a bit of a funk also with holidays and bills and whatnot but I am pulling through and refocusing. Gaming always gets me through. So I am gonna be working on wrapping up individual lines and then have a final wrap-up for the group before preparing to launch into the next part of the Path.
I was thinking of either running a modified(beefed up and more of a continuation of our current story) Crown of the Kobold King and then into some Gamemastery Modules after that to cobble together a path, or starting with something else.
Any preferences guys?
Kobold King has my vote, and whatever after that is cool by me. O:) Get Well Soon (and to the little fakey too).

therealthom |

Fakey, Sorry to hear about your kid. Hope he or she gets well soon. Don't sweat DMing, if you want to take a break over the holidays do it. I've been thinking about putting my games in the freezer til New Years. There's just too much to do.
In terms of the future for the game, I've got no preferences. I don't know any of the modules and if you want to go homebrew that's cool too.

therealthom |

Sorry Guys. I am just slammed with the holidays. I will really try hard to post tonight or tomorrow for the game.
Its cool. I think we're all jammed right now. I still want to figure out Effan's magic boots, but it's not happening til after Christmas, maybe not New Years.

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Anybody have any questions about the treasures found during the adventure? I am unsure as to whether I IDed the stuff or not, let me know if there are any concerns.
Also once I get the individual wrap-ups done the final wrap-up at the tavern will occur and payments will be given from Laural and I will figure out what Bossman Teedum pays Keegan and Raph for hazard pay(He's a dick so it will be pretty pathetic).

Kail'ar |

I do agree with group on everything so far, and if you are going to add a few new players, it would be great. I will miss Raph, the clean backstaber, i did like how he was played. If you can find a rogue it would be great, as with a back up hitter or three. I found the Jaden was in almost all close combat, and i do not want to take all the fun away from the rest of the group. I have loved the over all play dinamics of this group, and how they have all fell into little nice round holes.
That being said, we had many of our number laying on the ground in the "battle of the cookware", and it was down to Keegan and Jaden, and even then we need alot of big rolls to do any damage. So a god speaking warior would be a big help too. I know asking alot and that is only if we find a few people ready to jump into the game. I am up for new people joining with us, and i so want to keep this story going.

therealthom |

Terry, nice catch on the eldest tree. I'd forgotten that, and how tempting it might be to a lumberjack.
After a couple quiet days in town, Effan should have his work caught up and be ready to lay the fey to rest. Fakey, is there anyone in town who might know about such stuff?
As for adding folks, I'm good with that. I will miss Raph though.

Curaigh |

kenner_tim (capital2) yahoo dotcom . If as Fakey says, you don't want to post.
RealThom and Fakey: I finally sent my rough out tonight so if you did not get it might be in your spambox. Thanks for offering to critique this. Since we are so close to the wire, I will understand if you dinnae have the time. :)
If anyone wants a critique please let me know sjankecapitaltwo* uidaho dotedu.

therealthom |

RealThom and Fakey: I finally sent my rough out tonight so if you did not get it might be in your spambox. Thanks for offering to critique this. Since we are so close to the wire, I will understand if you dinnae have the time. :)
If anyone wants a critique please let me know sjankecapitaltwo* uidaho dotedu.
*** spoiler omitted **
Just saw this post. Haven't checked email in a couple days. Tomorrow will be ugly at work. I might be able to get to it Friday morning. When's the drop dead date?