There are Mirrors (Inactive)

Game Master Wren McGalliard

Sailing on the Sea of Moonshae.

DR 1372, 1 Eleint

Llewellyn sees little combat on land. There have been times in the past when naval battles have been fought, but it is rare that a Northmen group larger than a raiding party has found it's way to Llewellyn. Wandering monsters, bandits and those raiding parties are easily bested by the forces, mostly Llewellyn guards, gathered at the tower. Because of it's military strength, but it's apparent infrequent use, the Stone Finger serves as a mercenary outpost as well. Those seeking protection while traveling from Llewellyn can find sell swords to protect them, merchants can hire their own private guards and those with civil queries can enlist the aid of either mercenaries or the appointed town guards. Although there are often tensions between the hired help and those tasked with civil responsibility, they mostly coexist due to generally mutual interests.

At sea, Llewellyn harbor is another story. While the Northmen who frequent the harbor tend to visit it with intentions of shore leave, or of commerce, there are some who would challenge the Callidyrian navy. Those Northmen, along with various pirates, privateers and mutineers give the Callidyrian no end of trouble, be it raids, hijackings or outright assaults. The docks of Llewellyn rarely fall under fire, due to it's state of neutral usefulness, but are seething with tension. High Queen Alicia Kendrick has declared Llewellyn a neutral zone and even the Callidyrian navy is required to keep the peace with all while docked; however, Llewellyn harbor and the seas beyond bring fortune and fame as likely as death and impoverishment.

At sea, Alaron can be seen hazy in the distance at times, but otherwise there is nothing but the waves, the wind and the occasional sea birds coming to roost atop the masts and in the crow's nest.



Moonshae Sourcebook