The tales of Rossen (Inactive)

Game Master Dalgar the Great

You are all friends or acquaintances that live in the small town of Rossen, located in the woods of Brevoy. An old logging town on the river. An expansion of the sewers has led to the discovery of a cave network. After the expansion crew were found dead a group of the Town Guard and a later an adventurer both went missing in the caves. You, as a group, have been tasked by the church to make your way down into the tunnels, find the missing Brother Mark, and remove any threats still down there.

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Play here guys. Game will start soon.

Drip... Drip... Drip

That is all you hear for the last few th minutes of trecking through the sewers. The darkness surrounds you. The uncertainty, the promise of excitement, of danger, of adventure loo.s around you and swallows you. Whether by torch or holy light, the darkness is only kept at bay. Never extinguished.


By this dim light you follow your map to a tunnel on the southern end. The stonework around you starts to look newer and then shifts to the simple supports and dirt walls that are hallmarks of new construction. You near your destination.


Rubble is strewn about, from a cave in perhaps? There is still torches slowly smoldering on the ground and footprints mark a decent amount of people walking through this area in a hurry.


A hole is visible through the rubble, the darkness is somehow darker on the other side. That feeling, that sense of adventure, is gone now. In it's place is a feeling of weariness, danger... And anticipation.


A bloody handprint is apparent on one of the rocks lining the hole. It appears to have been reaching for a handhold as it was being dragged. Your pulse quickens...


You feel... watched.


No, hunted!


The walls seem to constricting.


There's something out there...




Out there...


In the darkness...




Not Human...


HP 14(16) AC 14(12) T 11 FF 13 INIT +1 Perc +4 Saves: F: +4(6) R:+1 W:+0(2) Rounds of Rage: 7

Get behind me... Ruk cautions, wielding his blade in front of him like an old, old friend. He squints, trying to make out a friend or foe in the near perfect darkness outside their torches.

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24

Readied action to power attack.

Male Human Cleric HP- 13/13 AC- 15, FLAT- 15, Touch- 10: (STR 16) (DEX 11) (CON 15) (INT 11) (WIS 13) (CHA 13) / (INI +5) (REF +0) (FOR +2) (WIL +3) Skills: Knowledge- Arcana/Religion, Heal, Spellcraft

Ruk, we are at the ready! Legorec draws his Greatsword, and positions himself to the right of Ruk.

Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

I can't see anything, it's so dark beyond the light of our torches

I will ask Gorum for Guidance and see how he favors me.

Legorec uses Guidance (Orison)- grants +1 on one attack roll, saving throw, or skill check.

Just a note, Legorec has Magic Weapon and Bless set as spells for the day. Guidance (Orison) is chosen as well.

Ok, mass perception roll for those that are a little slower to the draw ;)

Deadeye: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

Thrynn: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14

Whether due to his keen night vision, or maybe just his instinct about predators after living around them for so long, Url spots what you all fail to see in the gloomy light. A shadow darts past the group from a rock and into the hole. You catch a glimpse of claws and horrible, needle-like teeth.

You have but a moment to pursue, but a pile of rocks shift next to the hole. A particularly large one moves and a faint voice can be heard.

Heeeelp meee It croaks. Waater

HP 14(16) AC 14(12) T 11 FF 13 INIT +1 Perc +4 Saves: F: +4(6) R:+1 W:+0(2) Rounds of Rage: 7

What the hell was that?

Ruk moves closer to the hole, sword at the ready. Reveal yourself!

Readied action to do a non-lethal power attack.

Also, I assume Url meant Ruk?

Yes, lol. I'm on mobile and my auto-correct hates me lol

A hand weakly tries to force it's way through the pile of rubble.
Help... please

HP 14(16) AC 14(12) T 11 FF 13 INIT +1 Perc +4 Saves: F: +4(6) R:+1 W:+0(2) Rounds of Rage: 7

Slice it off! Slice it off! Slice it off!

Ruk raises his sword over his head, a grimace etched into his face.

No way to know. Better to be sure. Better to live.

His holy symbol felt heavy against his neck, the holy symbol he crafted himself out of bits of old, study oak. It was crumbled and worn, but it served it's purpose.

Ruk frowned, already regretting his choice, firmly grasping the weak hand in his own and pulling it to safety.

I'm going to regret this... He growled, under his breath.

Male Human Cleric HP- 13/13 AC- 15, FLAT- 15, Touch- 10: (STR 16) (DEX 11) (CON 15) (INT 11) (WIS 13) (CHA 13) / (INI +5) (REF +0) (FOR +2) (WIL +3) Skills: Knowledge- Arcana/Religion, Heal, Spellcraft

It sounds weak, whatever it is.

Legorec shifts to a position so he can attack the voice that is calling out.

Damned darkness, there's no telling what Ruk is pulling out of that pile of stone.

Carefully now Ruk. Legorec motions, as Ruk pulls at the hand.

HP 10/10 AC 15 T 14 FF 11 INIT +1 Perc +1 Saves: F:+2 R:-1 W:+3 Lv 1 Spells left 3/4. Bluff +10 Diplomacy +8 Disable Device +3 Sense Motive +6.

Oh god, oh god, oh god. Thrynn was muttering under his breath the most basic formation of a prayer. This place was the scariest place he's ever really been. No trees, no ponds, no light. Just stones, and bugs, and darkness. This place gave Thrynn the creeps and that moaning from the distance wasn't helping. He thought he heard a cry for help and ran to where Ruk was standing. Is that... a person? Hello? Are you alright? He turned to Ruk. Get him out of there!

You heave and move some of the heavier rocks away to reveal a small man covered in dust. He's a human with brown hair, stubble on his chin and haggard eyes. from what little clothing you can see under all the dust, he is wearing what probably once was a miner's outfit with multiple ragged gashes that slowly ooze blood. His right knee is a complete mess of blood and the distinct white of exposed bone. He looks at you tiredly, as if it is taking all his strength just to stay conscious.



Male Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 10 Init +4; Senses Perception +6 Diplomacy +1, Heal +6, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (arcana) +3, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +3, Knowledge (religion) +3, Perception +6, Sense Motive +7

Luther has an arrow pulled from his quiver, ready to deal with anything that may come from behind the party as they rescue the man.

If no one else has water, I have water in my pack, someone can grab it, or someone can watch our backs.

I am not sure I like the sounds of what just ran by us.

Can someone make a knowledge check to see if we know anything about what we saw? Maybe we didn't see enough of it to know, though.

I can use Light to give us more light, if we want, it may draw things into us, but I can also use detect magic to see if there is any foul magic afoot. Let me know if you think I should cast either.

HP 14(16) AC 14(12) T 11 FF 13 INIT +1 Perc +4 Saves: F: +4(6) R:+1 W:+0(2) Rounds of Rage: 7

He doesn't need water you fools, he needs blood! Ruk snarls, half-supporting the injured man. He rips off his waterskin and offers it to the man.

What are you waiting for!? Heal him!

Ooh, detect magic would be good. Light MAY also help, but I think the DM was hinting that the darkness could be more potent than normal.

Male Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 10 Init +4; Senses Perception +6 Diplomacy +1, Heal +6, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (arcana) +3, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +3, Knowledge (religion) +3, Perception +6, Sense Motive +7

Everyone should add the full stat block to their profile. I went to look to see if someone had a higher heal check than me.

Luther slowly steps back to the man, while keeping his eye behind the party. He puts the arrow in his mouth, to free a hand. With the free hand he touches the man, attempts to ease his pain

Heal: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

For the record, the heal skill does not physically heal someone. It would be better to consider it your knowledge and ability to practice medicine. So you'd roll heal you'd notice that the guy has a broken leg, or those wounds are definitely infected, maybe if you had a few hours you could set them to where they'd heal eventually, but it's not instantaneous. The name's misleading I know.

Your pretty sure that man is never walking on that knee again, but you have no idea how to fix it. Also those lacerations are probably infected

The man weakly takes the waterskin from Ruk and guzzles it down greedily. After he's done he starts to realize how much pain he's in and starts to drift off.

The sound of water dripping continues to torment your psyches.

HP 10/10 AC 15 T 14 FF 11 INIT +1 Perc +1 Saves: F:+2 R:-1 W:+3 Lv 1 Spells left 3/4. Bluff +10 Diplomacy +8 Disable Device +3 Sense Motive +6.

Dear god, step away, I can help. Thrynn puts his hands on the man's body. Both Thrynn's hands and the man's leg start to glow.

I use a spell. Cure light wounds. After that Detect Magic and then I top off Ruk's water skin and fill my water skin with Create Water.

HP Healed: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

Here you go, are you alright? As he speaks, Thrynn hands the man his water skin and offers his hand to help the downed man up to his feet.

Male Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 10 Init +4; Senses Perception +6 Diplomacy +1, Heal +6, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (arcana) +3, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +3, Knowledge (religion) +3, Perception +6, Sense Motive +7

That's reasonable, I wasn't trying to heal him for HP per say, just attempting to stabilize him, and as you said, see if I can practice medicine. I guess my description of touching him wasn't on par with that. I will describe it better next time

Luther takes one look at the cuts on the mans legs, and a very grim look comes across his face, Luther takes the arrow out of his mouth to speak

I wish there was something I could do for you sir, but I am sorry to break the news, you will never walk on that leg again, to make matter worse, those lacerations look infected. We need to be ready for that vile creature to return.

Luther moves the arrow to the same hand he is holding his bow in, and while making a small hand movement speaks words very softly to himself.

I'd like to use detect magic to see if there is any foul magic at play

Once the spell is complete Luther notches the arrow into his bow, not pulling back, but prepared to do so if needed.

The man leans on you heavily, his larger wounds seem to have scabbed over at the least and his smaller sounds have healed. His wounds are still probably infected and his knee is still shattered, but it's not as bad.He looks tired still but doesn't look like he'll pass out at the moment.

Thank You...

Who are you? And where's my crew?

Luther, Thrynn:
Your survayence of the surounding area reveals only minor traces of magic, however, a more through look reveals traces of Enchantment magic.

I cast Enhanced Diplomacy to raise my diplomacy by +2

We are members of the church, we are looking for our brother in faith. Brother Mark. When we came inside we only saw you and the destruction around you. We don't know where your crew is. But if you can tell us more about what happened here, I'm sure we can help.

I roll diplomacy to attempt to make him like me more or raise his disposition towards us all, so he feels comfortable talking to us.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28

Your... Your from the Church? Brother Mark? He was a priest of Sheyln right? Um, I don't really really remember what happened, it's kinda blurry. I think one of those rocks hit my head. Last thing I remember is me triggering our load and it misfired or something. I went to go check it out but there was a bidding sound and the charges went off. That's when the cave in buried me there.

I went unconscious around that time and woke up to...

The screaming! Oh, the screaming. There was this scurrying of claws on stone. I... I think some kind of creatures took them. I was so scared, I just lay there in pain, not daring to make a sound. I was such a coward, and they TOOK THEM!

He starts sobbing at this point

But now your here to save them! The Heavens themselves must have blessed them. Thank you thank you thank you.

He devolves back into sobbing broken up by cries of "thank you".

Male Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 10 Init +4; Senses Perception +6 Diplomacy +1, Heal +6, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (arcana) +3, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +3, Knowledge (religion) +3, Perception +6, Sense Motive +7

Do you know what direction they were taken in?

HP 14(16) AC 14(12) T 11 FF 13 INIT +1 Perc +4 Saves: F: +4(6) R:+1 W:+0(2) Rounds of Rage: 7

Ruk turns away, eyeing his surroundings. Let the clergy discuss the events -- he was here because they trusted him for his brawn, not his stunning, flawless smile.


Ruk looks around, keeping an eye out while the others chat, readying a power attack on any foes.

Logic would probably dictate that they were taken through the hole into the strange tunnels

The sound of dripping water continues to echo through the sewer. The darkness, although unsettling as ever, remains still.

HP 14(16) AC 14(12) T 11 FF 13 INIT +1 Perc +4 Saves: F: +4(6) R:+1 W:+0(2) Rounds of Rage: 7

I wonder...

Ruk lifts a large rock, roughly the size of a basketball, with one meaty hand, and tosses it down the hole.

You hear a soft splash after only a few moments pass.

HP 14(16) AC 14(12) T 11 FF 13 INIT +1 Perc +4 Saves: F: +4(6) R:+1 W:+0(2) Rounds of Rage: 7


The rope. Damn it! I knew I forgot something...

One of you -- hand me a rope! Ruk asks, peering into the black, and thrusting his hand out preparing to venture into the darkness below.

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

It's dark... And black... And circular... your sure It's definitely a hole.

Male Human Cleric HP- 13/13 AC- 15, FLAT- 15, Touch- 10: (STR 16) (DEX 11) (CON 15) (INT 11) (WIS 13) (CHA 13) / (INI +5) (REF +0) (FOR +2) (WIL +3) Skills: Knowledge- Arcana/Religion, Heal, Spellcraft

Legorec, seeing Ruk toss a rock down the hole, grabs a rock and uses a Light orison and illuminates it and tosses it down the hole.

Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20

Ruk, this might help. What do we do with the man we found? His cries may draw unwanted attention.

I didn't realize I could have three orisons at once. Light and Resistance are the other two.

Six feet down a tunnel leads off westerly. It seems to be a natural tunnel with a few inches of water at the bottom.

HP 14(16) AC 14(12) T 11 FF 13 INIT +1 Perc +4 Saves: F: +4(6) R:+1 W:+0(2) Rounds of Rage: 7

Don't ask me what to do unless you want 'im unconscious. Ruk shrugs, trying the rope to a near stalagmite and climbing down.

The stone continues to illuminate the surronding area. Ruk observes that the water is slightly murky and doesn't appear to be sewer water. The tunnel itself widens to about ten feet wide and continues for thirty feet before turning northward. The water seems to deepene to somewhere about one and a half feet deep. Smaller holes ranging anywhere from an inch to six inches are peppered around the walls.

HP 14(16) AC 14(12) T 11 FF 13 INIT +1 Perc +4 Saves: F: +4(6) R:+1 W:+0(2) Rounds of Rage: 7

I hate water... Ruk mumbles, stabbing the water lightly with his greatsword. Somehow, it makes him feel a little better.

What the hell are these little holes?

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18

Secret Roll:
1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27

You start poking around the holes, you find some are occupied by small creatures. Rats and cave crabs and such. As you continue poking around, you find one rat has a chunk of something fleshy in it's lair.

Male Human Cleric HP- 13/13 AC- 15, FLAT- 15, Touch- 10: (STR 16) (DEX 11) (CON 15) (INT 11) (WIS 13) (CHA 13) / (INI +5) (REF +0) (FOR +2) (WIL +3) Skills: Knowledge- Arcana/Religion, Heal, Spellcraft

I guess I should follow Ruk and leave the man here, we'll have to pick him up on the way out.

Legorec follows Ruk down the rope into the tunnel below.

HP 14(16) AC 14(12) T 11 FF 13 INIT +1 Perc +4 Saves: F: +4(6) R:+1 W:+0(2) Rounds of Rage: 7

Y'mind leavin' the man a potion Deadeye? Worst comes to worst and all of that. Ruk spoke, helping Legorec down the rope.

Also, careful, there's water down here, along with other vermin filth.

Male Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 10 Init +4; Senses Perception +6 Diplomacy +1, Heal +6, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (arcana) +3, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +3, Knowledge (religion) +3, Perception +6, Sense Motive +7

Luther returns the arrow to his quiver, and attaches the bow to his back. He looks at the man, and begins digging through his pack, he leaves the man with some water, some rations of food.

This should be enough food for 2 days, after 2 days, if we have not returned, attempt to make your way back topside.

Luther says small prayer over the man, and continues to follow the others down the rope.

HP 14(16) AC 14(12) T 11 FF 13 INIT +1 Perc +4 Saves: F: +4(6) R:+1 W:+0(2) Rounds of Rage: 7

Careful not to poke the water with the torches. Ruk warns, helping Luther down from the rope. I don't think it's flammable, but better to be safe. It doesn't smell normal.

Ruk takes the lead into the winding tunnels.

A dungeon full of gasoline? I'm not that evil. Or am I :p. Ethier way, you just gave me an excellent idea for my homegame :D

Male Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 10 Init +4; Senses Perception +6 Diplomacy +1, Heal +6, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (arcana) +3, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +3, Knowledge (religion) +3, Perception +6, Sense Motive +7

I don't think Thyrnn has come down the tunnel yet, We should wait before him before we venture further.

Male Human Cleric HP- 13/13 AC- 15, FLAT- 15, Touch- 10: (STR 16) (DEX 11) (CON 15) (INT 11) (WIS 13) (CHA 13) / (INI +5) (REF +0) (FOR +2) (WIL +3) Skills: Knowledge- Arcana/Religion, Heal, Spellcraft

Legorec waits at the bottom of the hole for the rest of the group.

I'll follow behind the group and cover our backsides.

Legorec uses a Light orison on his greatsword after heeding Ruk's advice.

HP 14(16) AC 14(12) T 11 FF 13 INIT +1 Perc +4 Saves: F: +4(6) R:+1 W:+0(2) Rounds of Rage: 7

He hasn't posted in over a day. I'm content assuming his character would come down -- if his character wouldn't, and he says so later, I would be fine just ret-conning that. Otherwise we'd just sit here all day waiting.

I'm assuming Thyrnn wants to stick with the plot

You continue on down the strange tunnel. The darkness seems less heavy here, but just as menacing. Almost like It's welcoming you in. A green glow cab be seen around the bend.

HP 14(16) AC 14(12) T 11 FF 13 INIT +1 Perc +4 Saves: F: +4(6) R:+1 W:+0(2) Rounds of Rage: 7

His greatsword leading the way, Ruk hummed a limerick from his childhood while forging ahead towards the mysterious green glow.

A bloated old corpse of a cat,
Landed a mighty big splat,
The flies were in awes,
While they nibbled her claws,
And wore its ear as a hat!

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

HP 10/10 AC 15 T 14 FF 11 INIT +1 Perc +1 Saves: F:+2 R:-1 W:+3 Lv 1 Spells left 3/4. Bluff +10 Diplomacy +8 Disable Device +3 Sense Motive +6.

Ruk, you wouldn't happen to know what that light is, or what could cause it? Thrynn was whispering from behind Ruk. Eerily glowing green lights are never a good sign. Does anyone know anything about the things that live underground?

Sorry for the delayed responses, I went on vacation to Puerto Rico and I haven't been near my phone because of the flight and packing. I'll still be on vacation for about another week. If you guys are waiting on my response, send me an email and I'll make sure I get on an post. And yes, I followed the group into the tunnel. Sorry about the confusion.

Male Human Cleric HP- 13/13 AC- 15, FLAT- 15, Touch- 10: (STR 16) (DEX 11) (CON 15) (INT 11) (WIS 13) (CHA 13) / (INI +5) (REF +0) (FOR +2) (WIL +3) Skills: Knowledge- Arcana/Religion, Heal, Spellcraft

Such a fitting rhyme to sing while we're in a dark, disgusting place.

Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Maybe a Dungeoneering check would help as well?

Legorec checks the tunnel behind the group periodically as they continue toward the green light.

Male Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 10 Init +4; Senses Perception +6 Diplomacy +1, Heal +6, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (arcana) +3, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +3, Knowledge (religion) +3, Perception +6, Sense Motive +7

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
Knowledge(dungeon): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

HP 14(16) AC 14(12) T 11 FF 13 INIT +1 Perc +4 Saves: F: +4(6) R:+1 W:+0(2) Rounds of Rage: 7

He gives a grin to Legoric for complementing his poetry.

No idea about the light, Ruk shrugs to Thrynn, But this isn't the first time I've been underground. There's a lot to be worried about, but only one thing to be truly fearful of.


I'm the scariest thing in here. He boasted proudly. And don't worry, I'm on your side.

Male Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 10 Init +4; Senses Perception +6 Diplomacy +1, Heal +6, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (arcana) +3, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +3, Knowledge (religion) +3, Perception +6, Sense Motive +7

We are all very glad for that fact, friend, but I am still worried about what else may be down here.

Thoughts on me casting light on an arrow and firing it at the green glow, maybe it will illuminate the area more?

HP 14(16) AC 14(12) T 11 FF 13 INIT +1 Perc +4 Saves: F: +4(6) R:+1 W:+0(2) Rounds of Rage: 7

Sounds like a good idea. A dose of Detect Magic would also be good, and maybe a Guidance on your subsequent Perception check?

Male Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 10 Init +4; Senses Perception +6 Diplomacy +1, Heal +6, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (arcana) +3, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +3, Knowledge (religion) +3, Perception +6, Sense Motive +7

Luther makes a small move of his hand, and says a few words to himself. He is attempting to attune himself to tell if any magic is acting here.

He then takes his bow out, removes an arrow from his quiver and notches the arrow into the bow. Holding it in place with one hand he casts Light upon the arrowhead, and waits patiently as begins to feel what magic may be at play here.

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