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Realizing certain death awaits those who fail to surrender, and a slim possibility of life exists for those that do surrender, in a matter of moments, all the bandits alive and conscious have dropped their weapons Aside from throwing thunderstones, no other bandits take hostile action.
"She knew someone was coming for her. Hasn't slept out of armor in weeks and weeks. You wouldn't believe the stench. Oiled leather really 'seals in the flavor' if you know what I mean. No idea where she went to, no. She disappears in the night quite a bit. Makes lots of comments about times and timing. No idea what she means by it though."
In addition to the typical leather armor, shortbows, daggers and the like you are accustomed to finding, you also find three distinctive crates. It takes just a moment, then you remember the symbol is the same as that used by Oleg and Svetlana on their outpost. Inside the crates are bundles of fur, neatly trimmed and tied.
You also discover a case of bottles containing a strange green viscous liquid.

Sir Roga |

Roga will ensure all the men are tied up tightly and loaded into the wagon along with the crates. After thoroughly searching the camp for anything they might have missed (taking 20 on perception to search the tent and campfire area), he will pull the others aside for a talk.
"So, do we execute these and go after the leader? Take them back to Oleg's and hang them there? If we don't go after the woman soon, she's liable to escape our grasp for the foreseeable future." Roga looks at the crates, "No way to know for sure if they're killers, but Oleg and Svetlana seem to think that these particular bandits were worth killing."

Hammas |

Seeing the narrow trail, Hammas makes a swift, and hopefully not fatal, decision, Roga! Handle these. We'll get 'er. Inuki, with me. Garm, hakea! and plunges after the woman.
Sorry if this seems dumb. Since combat was still kinda of happening when she noticed this, Hammas would immediately pursue. She, in her mind at least, has strong advantage at night. Good luck everyone.

Sir Roga |

Well sh*t. By the time I'd get everyone tied up, she'd be long gone. So basically we have to split the party now. It's either that or leaving the ones in the camp to run free while we all go chase Hammas.
Roga curses as the half-orc runs off with her dog. "Gods damn it. We can't just leave these curs here unattended. Jutmon, Sergei and Inuki go after her. Narth and I can handle this."

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Charging headlong through the thicket and undergrowth, you manage to hit upon the trail the bandit is running down, taking some small nicks, pokes, and scratches as you bolt towards the location you believe is correct. 1d3 ⇒ 1. 1 point of damage Ordering Garm to chase after, the dog quickly out paces you and seconds later, Two Rounds, To Hit: Garm v. Bandit: 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 3 + 2 = 8 you hear a snarl and bark that sounds familiar, followed by some rather colorful screaming.
A second later, To Hit, Bandit v. Garm: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15 Damage: 3d6 + 9 ⇒ (3, 1, 3) + 9 = 16 you hear a horrible yelp, then nothing but the pad of feet runnin on the snow. Rounding yet another blind corner, in the twisting underbrush you find Garm unconscious, Stablize: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15 but breathing. Heal: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21 He does not appear to be dying. The foot prints continue on the trail. You would guess she stopped for no more than a couple seconds to deal with Garm.
You both have the same base land speed, so she will continue to be ahead of you for as long as she runs. She cannot run forever though...

Hammas |

Perkele! Seeing her friend injured but alive, Hammas draws her chain and runs after the fleeing bandit. This is her time, and few can match a half-orc's endurance.
She hurt my dog! Higher con, endurance, darkvision, and scent. That b!%!* will never escape me! The leader should be suffering penalties for dim light, right?

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After a couple moments more you hear the shrill cry of pain, or pleasure, perhaps both. Slowing just a moment, you notice that her tracks abruptly stop and vanish at the base of a very large, apparently dead elm. Circling the tree slowly, you can see where you suppose she either deliberately slid down under the tree, or was dragged.

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The hole reeks of death, decay with light first worldish overtones. There are no magical auras.

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The bandits, seeing their fallen allies all around, offer no resistance to securing them.

Hammas |

Apologies for delaying. *edit Ouch, Nat 1. I missed the giant's footprints.
Upon find the hole, Hammas readies her chain and carefully stalks around the tree, looking for tracks and other signs of movement through the area, hoping to learn more about what has transpired here. Once finished, she examines the tree, straining her senses from another clue. The smell of fresh blood, the sound of breathing. Anything that would tell her what was down that hole.Survival 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9 Perception 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23 vs scents13 + 18 = 31
Once Inuki arrived, What do you see?
After conferring for a moment, Need to find out what the rest know about this. 'Ave Nareth bring one of 'em 'ere. For the first time the half-orc seems worried. And take a look at Garm? He's 'urt bad, and I don't 'ave any 'ealing magic.

Inuki Talespinner |

Sorry, forgot that the dog was out.
"I'll check on your dog."
Inuki will go back and use a healing spell (CLW, 2 if necessary) on Garm if Nareth is not in the vicinity. Then he returns to the tree with Jutmon and Hammas to try to figure out what to do, but he tries to keep a safe 10-foot distance.

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Following the path of the party through the thicket is almost as difficult as following the path of an elephant through a china shop. There are several sets of foot prints, and lots of snagged bits of cloth, hair, and . . . eww in the brambles here and there. After a short while Jutmon discovers the corpse? of Garm the dog. Shortly after arriving at the blood matted canine, Inuki shows up.
Natural 1's on skills, and natural 20's are not auto success/fails like on attacks/saves. Nothing is noticable on an 8, but it was not because you rolled a 1. Had someone with a +0 rolled an 8, they would be in the same boat.
Hammas, you are certain the woman is in that hole. There is the scent of blood, decay, death, and first worldy smells. Fey likely somewhere. Hard to say what kind by the smell of them, but generally the nicer fey don't live in blood, death, and decay.

Hammas |

Can I tell if she is alive? i.e. Is the smell of blood strong enough for a creature that bled out, or more suited to a wounded, but alive animal? Is there only the smell of new blood, or old as well? Is the smell of death/decay fresh, ripened, or old/faded? All of the above?
Hammas crouches near the hole, nostrils flaring as she tries to make better sense of this strange place, ready to spring back if anything lashes out or emerges from it. Politely, but assertively, she tries calling out in Sylvan I am Hammas. My prey has fled into your hole and I still desire it. While you treat with me?
As Inuki and Jutmon return, they can see her ears twitching furiously. She's in there, I can smell it. Blood, rot, death and fey. Water's swirling and the current's hidden. Did the others know something about this?

Sir Roga |

Roga takes an inventory of everything the bandit's had after tying them all up.
I'm sorry, I missed how many are actually still alive.
If any of them tries to escape in any way, Roga will kill them without hesitation.

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Four I believe.
You find:
421 sp,
106 gp,
a pair of silver earrings worth
a wooden music box
three crates of furs and hides
and a polished wooden case of potent greenish herbal liquor. There are still eight bottles with liquor left in them.
4 kegs of miscellaneous tools, nails, and hardware in various stages of repair, covering a wide range of crafting needs. It appears to be jus the stolen odds and ends from several months banditry.
You also find:
1 destroyed large tent
8 shortswords
16 daggers
8 suits studded leather armor
146 arrows
1 wagon in rough condition, with a day or two's work, it could be serviceable.

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Taking ten to consider, and you realize that the number of animals that would be happy to have an cozy warm underground den in the middle of winter is probably too many to list. If you reduce that list to the creatures that would likely eat carrion, and you still have hundreds of possibilities, everything from wild dogs, fox, wolf, badger, rats, bats, cats, weasles, otter, and so onall the magical beast varieties of the same. Most varieties of snake also ball up en masse to preserve heat during the winter. Most of the outer wall dies, and rots away.
The fey is slightly easier to narrow down Most that live underground would prefer a cleaner environment. If you had to guess, you would probably bet on red-cap, mite, or boggard.
A final thought crosses your mind, undead often, or so you have heard, are dead and rotting.
The image of a pukwudgie briefly flashes through your mind, but you push that thought aside.

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So to recap, Hammas is standing over a hole that leads under an elm, observing in silence. Jutmon and Inuki are about 500 yards away at the recently healed dog, and 1500 or so yards north east-ish, Roga, Nareth, and Sergei are watching over a handful of bandit captives, and a decent pile of loot.

Sir Roga |

Well, since Roga can't leave the bandits unattended he's basically waiting for the crazy half-orc and everyone who went after her to return. If they don't come back tonight he'll either go look for their bodies himself, or ask one of the others to do it.

Sir Roga |

"So you figure they're dead yet? They've been gone for a few minutes now. Pretty decent haul here. Whatever the situation of the others, we should take these lot back to Oleg's for trial and to sell all this stuff. Mind helping me fix this wagon?" Roga asks Nareth, while examining the damage to the vehicle.

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Nareth smiles "And I thought I was the pessimist. No, I believe they are a little more resourceful than that, and some of them are so determined I don't think death would stop them. You'd be surprised how much death can't stop" he looks lost in thought for a moment "Yes, quite he haul indeed. Hmm, I've never been much of a carpenter but I'll see if I could help" Nareth begins helping Roga repair the wagon, but makes sure to constantly check on the prisoners, including occasionally checking if their bonds have been altered in any way

Hammas |

With Inuki back, and nothing decisive from Jutmon, Hammas stands. Unless one of us wants to crawl inside, don't think there's much else we can do 'ere. Let's 'ead back.
Unless of the other two has a suggestion, Hammas starts back to the camp. Finding in a better, but still poor, condition, Hammas tenderly carries him back. Though quite heavy, there's no way she'd drag a friend through the snow.
Once they meet up, Hammas calls out to Nareth, Mind using your skills? Inuki did what he could, but Garm's still hurt pretty bad.
Not to skip ahead too much, but wanted to post just in case people start moving things along.
Once confident that Garm isn't in any immediate danger, Hammas relays everything she could find. I don't think she wound up there by accident. She knew right where she was headed, and not many humans do at night with someone on their tail. Best chance seems to be going in after, but that hole smells like death and wicked faeries, the kind that put out your eyes for fun, so I'd not eager. This lot say anything useful? Gesturing towards the prisoners.
Alright you, now what's the deal with your boss and that old elm? It makes my ears lie flat, so tell me true. This gentleman, gesturing to Roga is a knight of Brevoy, and not over fond of your profession, so best make yourselves useful.

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As Hammas walks in with Garm, Nareth heads over and takes her in a surprisingly gentle cradle, then listens for a heartbeat "Shouldn't be too difficult, I'll need a bit of time though"
"Roga and I haven't bothered trying to interrogate them yet, and they haven't said anything of their own accord either"

Sergei Surtova |

Sergei remains completely silent once the fight is over. He finds himself a place just away from the party to watch their interrogation of the captured bandits. He was getting close to his purpose here in the stolen lands, and was getting just a bit impatient.

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Pulling the bandits off individually to question them, you get the same information you got earlier. This months pass phrase at the Stag Lord's keep is "By the greased thighs of Calistria." The green liquid is for the boss, the Stag Lord. He thinks it lets him commune with some kind of higher power, for whatever that is worth.
Although none seem to know what is in the hidey hole, they all agree that there are some wicked fey in the woods, and that just the other night, a group of fey made off with a bag of loot that includes a ring much like the one Svetlana lost.
All of the bandits also believe the female who escaped might be in cahoots with the fey, or something. She disappears regularly, and seems to rather dislike her boss of late. In addition, some have seen her at the dead elm in the past, always whispering and sneaking around. It is certain she knew where she was headed.

Jutmon Symber |

Jutmon also asks each one personal questions about their history.
What made them choose a life of banditry?
Do they have any other skills?
How did it feel when they made their first kill?
If they could do their life over, what would they change?
Jutmon's Sense motive is only +1, but he is trying to judge each one's character. Trying to come up with a more satisfactory way of dealing with these bandits.

Hammas |

Perhaps our priest can assist? I hear confession is good for the soul.
Hammas' eyes are a bit bright as she lays Garm on the fallen tent. Right, Thanks. Can't do it myself.
Hammas is surprised at mention of the ring. She never mentioned anything 'bout it to me! To the bandits, Oi! Whose idea was it to take 'er ring?
Seems we've got a problem. She's down there, along with Hag knows what else. Once we settle things 'ere. I say we poke around the hole a bit, see if we can burn 'em out. Yay, nay?

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Each bandit answers as honestly as possible.
First bandit: "My mother was a whore, and I was born in the keep to the south. Never knew any different. I don't have any other skills. Odd thing about bandits, they are kinda lazy. No need to farm when you can steal the wheat. I have no idea how I felt. Better than the other I suppose. I always wanted to learn to play the harp. We had a bard down hear couple years back, tried to teach me. Then he made some jape about dryads and wood, and the boss had his tongue cut out and he was staked out on the hill for the cursed ones. Never asked for lessons after that."
Second bandit: "I was a hunter and trapper. Kept getting robbed, so one day, I set traps up for the bandits. Left some nice prizes in the center of my camp, and hid in a tree to keep watch. Three of the stupid arises hit traps. The leader through to make a run of it and ran across the backs of his former friends. He tripped and landed face first in a bear trap. What a mess. I felt bad at first. Just holed up in my tree and watched all night until some trolls came by an ate em all up. I went to the officials, and they threatened to charge me with murder. Turns their leader actually was a tax collector, just skimming some extra for his troubles. I ran off to the south, and they hooked me up with my own team, but I wasn't good enough to hold them together, so I was demoted. I don't think there is much I coulda changed that would make a difference, except maybe to be born a noble. Nobles never have this kinda trouble."
Third bandit: "My step-mother never had any need of me, so when my dad up and died of consumption last year, she sold me to the local Calistrian sisterhood to get trained up. This lot killed our escort, and took us all for their own. We had three choices. Whore, dead whore, or workin collection. I figured I would rather work collection. Ain't killed no one yet, but I shoulda killed my step mum the moment my father passed. I am good at writin, best penmanship in my whole class. Used to illuminate scrolls. Not magic mind you, the normal ones. They was going to teach me to forge if I proved myself. Go ahead and kill us then. Put 'at least she wasn't a whore' on my marker if you please."

Inuki Talespinner |

Inuki returns to the bandit camp with Hammas. He listens to the bandits' stories, especially the aspiring bard's. To the others he says, "Some of these people made bad choices. Some of them never had a choice. If we are to establish order here, I say we make a place for people to have a second chance. If we can give them some purpose, maybe others can come and have a second chance also." He trails off, lost in thought.
Maybe see if Oleg has some work for them, or put them to work as scouts or patrols or something? Make sure they are fed and let them earn their freedom.
To the bandits, he asks where the Stag Lord's keep is.

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Confession? Well I'm not sure how it will effect your soul, but I can tell you it will probably help the condition of your body for the next few hours
huehuehue, me and my Zon-Kuthon
And yes, I have a rather high sense motive if we ever need it (seems these bandits are pretty honest for now)
Nareth quietly listens to the bandits stories, maintaining eye contact and occasionally nodding. To the first bandit "Bards are quite the miracle in this world. They live for music, they share the past, they spread knowledge, and they can raise spirits that none others could. It is an honorable proffesion to aspire to"
Second bandit "You over-reacted and made a mistake, perhaps you should have hired protection or tried talking to authorities; although I know those both come with problems of their own. The question is: Can you forgive yourself? Can you turn your back on this life and go back to becoming a hunter of animals instead of man? Think on it"
Third bandit "Born into an unfortunate situation, I can personally sympathize with you. You have a talent though, and scribes are always useful. Being a wizards scriber can make you rich"
Nareth gathers all the bandits together "We are going to bring you back and put you on trial, but for being cooperative I am going to put in a good word for you. If you manage to convince them you can lead a normal life, perhaps you can return to one. I'll make sure they give you the chance to talk"

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Yes, you have an 18 to sense motive, taking 10, and they are making no attempts at bluffing, so you are pretty sure they are being honest.

Jutmon Symber |

Jutmon frowns. "We'll get back to you, he tells the bandit."
Remember we are giving them each a separate interview.
Jutmon leans over to whisper in Nareth's ear."This is their trial. Oleg does not have the authority; I don't think Krestle cares."
"We need to deliberate. In private." Jutmon states aloud.

Sir Roga |

Once they are standing apart from the bandits, Roga will say "I'm fine with giving them employment at Oleg's under the supervision of Krestle. If Oleg will take them that is. I know we're not required to, but I'd feel better about this if we convened a jury of locals to decide if they hang or not."

Hammas |

Hammas concurs, Doesn't sound like the girls done anything, and the other two seem alright, second's the reason I stick south of the road. Never did like tax collectors. Yeah, Oleg's sounds good. Something that the first one said bothered me though, gonna ask it. The girl too.
Heading over to the first one, So, what's you're name? I'm Hammas. Trapper from over by Outsea way. Came 'ere to bag a troll, and now I'm with the knights after the Stag Lord's 'ead.
Said you're from a keep to the south. Would that be where this Stag Lord is? What can you tell me 'bout 'im? That thing about the dryad and wood. Now, I'm respectful of the spirits as the next hunter, but them jokes are old as time, even 'ave some truth to 'em. Why'd he get so bent over it? Sounds like a right bastard.
To the girl, You said 'us'. How many others are there and where are they? Also, either of these two touch ya?