Rise of the Rookie Runelords (Inactive)

Game Master GeraintElberion



[dice=Rak Init] 1d20+1 [/dice]
[dice=Akuleh Init] 1d20+1 [/dice]
[dice=Kadrian Init] 1d20+2 [/dice]
[dice=Izbela Init] 1d20+3 [/dice]
[dice=Algon Init] 1d20+1 [/dice]

Notable NPC's
Sheriff Balor Hemlock - Sandpoint's local law enforcement and protector.

Father Abstalar Zantus - Sandpoint's spiritual leader and cleric of Desna.

Ameiko Kaijitsu - Rusty Dragon owner

Tsuto Keijitsu - Ameiko's brother, son of Lonjiku Kaijitsu

Lonjiku Kaijitsu - owner of the Sandpoint Glassworks, minor noble, recently deceased

Shalelu Andosana - Elven ranger and scout

Mayor Kednra Deverin - Kadrian's aunt and leader of Sandpoint

Bethana Corwin - Halfling maid, works at Rusty Dragon for Ameiko

Aldern Foxglove - Magnimar noble

Ven Vinder - Sandpoint General Store owner and shopkeeper, father of Shayliss Vinder


NG Small town
Corruption +0
Crime +0
Economy +1
Law +0
Lore +2
Society +0
Qualities prosperous, rumormongering citizens
Danger +0
Government autocracy (mayor)
Population 1,240 (1,116 humans, 37 halflings, 25 elves, 24 dwarves, 13 gnomes, 13 half-elves, 12 half-orc)

Base Value 1,300 gp
Purchase Limit 7,500 gp
Spellcasting 4th
Minor Items 3d4
Medium Items 1d6
Major Items --

Festival Games:

Sack Races - Five DC 12 acrobatics checks. Success moves you 10 feet forward as a single move. Failure falls down. Exceeding the DC by 5 or more moves you an extra five feet. Fastest to move 50 feet wins.

Hide and Seek - One stealth and one perception check. Combine totals and highest wins.

Weight Lifting - Three chances at a Strength check. Highest wins.

Tug of War - Two to three man teams, equal teams on both sides normally. Combine all strength modifiers and make one d20 roll three times. Highest wins.

Knife Throwing - Three ranged attacks. AC 13 = 1; AC 15 = 3, AC 17 = 5, AC 19+ is a bulls eye and 9 points. Combine all scores, highest wins.

Hagfish Challenge - DC 12 Will save followed by a DC 15 Fortitude save.