Sack Races - Five DC 12 acrobatics checks. Success moves you 10 feet forward as a single move. Failure falls down. Exceeding the DC by 5 or more moves you an extra five feet. Fastest to move 50 feet wins.
Hide and Seek - One stealth and one perception check. Combine totals and highest wins.
Weight Lifting - Three chances at a Strength check. Highest wins.
Tug of War - Two to three man teams, equal teams on both sides normally. Combine all strength modifiers and make one d20 roll three times. Highest wins.
Knife Throwing - Three ranged attacks. AC 13 = 1; AC 15 = 3, AC 17 = 5, AC 19+ is a bulls eye and 9 points. Combine all scores, highest wins.
Hagfish Challenge - DC 12 Will save followed by a DC 15 Fortitude save.