The Ballad of Bloodmarch Hill

Game Master Joana

Map of Trunau; Tyari's map

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The halfling waves his hand in the air to get the dwarf's attention. When Dorn glances over to him, he points ahead inside the building and to the left.

The dwarf nods at the halfling and then slowly makes his way in that direction, hoping to be the first to catch sight of what or whoever is within.

Gnome Wizard (Familiar Adept) 3

Vhailor catches a stray thought and furrows his brow, before raising an eyebrow and being distracted by the feeling of opening and closing his mouth in a silent 'pop'. Air tasting a bit strange he pokes his tongue out a couple of times before shrugging and resuming his stoic vigil. Then his ear starts to itch... a couple of moments pass as the gnome attempts to figure out how to scratch it with both hands full, before he puts the butt end of his staff forward and leans it's upper section against his non-becatted shoulder. Hand thus freed he engages in a short but vigorous digital investigation of the itch, before resuming his hold upon his staff.

You slip the tip of a lockpick through the open knothole and fish around for the latchstring you're sure is nearby, taking extra care not to tap or scrape against the other side of the door. After what seems like a very long time but can't be more than a handful of seconds, you successfully snag the dangling leather strap and thread it back through the hole.

You can open the door with a move action next round, or attempt to open it Stealthily as a full-round action.

Dorn and Kaleb continue slowly to advance into the dark farmhouse. The halfling's eyes must strain to distinguish shadow from shadow in the dim light, but the dwarf's sight is unhindered. The middle of the long room is a mass of dirty and rotting hay, and empty troughs, feedboxes, and crates are arranged around the perimeter. It would seem that the largest part of this building was used as an animal pen, maybe for sheep or goats.

As you quietly enter the farmhouse proper, you can see another door in the opposite wall. Then you hear what the halfling must have heard: the murmur of a voice deeper in and to your left, speaking in a low, conversational tone. As you step around the end of a trough by the entrance, you can make out at the edge of the range of your darkvision another opening in the wall with a curtain stretched across it; whoever is speaking must be behind there.

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The blue thing at H10-11 is the curtain, and the door in the opposite wall is at H19.

The sunlight shining through the entrance behind you doesn't penetrate far in the gloom of the interior. You can't see very far, and the voice you heard was coming from somewhere deeper in the darkness.

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Okay, the next round will be the second round after Dorn and Kaleb entered. I need a round's worth of actions from everyone who wants to act or a statement of delay.

Gnome Wizard (Familiar Adept) 3

Vhailor remains pensive at the priest's side.

Dorn looks to the halfling and points in the direction of the blue curtain. He then makes his way there as quietly as possible.

The dwarf looks at you and points into the darkness. You can only assume he sees something you can't.

Female Human Rogue 4

Alicia carefully, quietly opens the door a crack and looks inside.

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

Marikel continues his count to a dozen, ready to charge in at the first sign of trouble.

Male Halfling Swashbuckler 2

Kaleb produced and lit a torch from his pack, with the intention of carrying torch in one hand and rapier in the other.

AC19 for this combat, not 20.

Marikel and Vhailor wait more or less patiently outside, with the gnome's cat and the dwarf's bird. The roc is taller than Vhailor and fixes the flameheaded gnome with a curious glance of its avian eyes.

You slowly and carefully move toward the curtain, when, at the far end of the room, a thin crack of not-dark appears, slowly resolving itself into an opening door. Silhouetted against the dim and indirect light behind her is Alicia. At the same moment, the voice you have been homing in on is suddenly cut off by an urgent "Hsst!" It would appear that someone behind the curtain has noted your presence.

You slowly push open the door to reveal a long, dark room, musty with the smell of rotting thatch. At the far end of the building, indirect sunlight spills dimly into the shadows, revealing some long, low wooden boxes of some sort. The floor appears to be covered with thatch, perhaps shedding from the unmaintained roof. You can see Kaleb in the doorway, fiddling with a torch, and can just make out a dwarven silhouette near the middle of the room against the backlight, but the nearest part is all in shadow.

You pull a torch and flint and steel from your pack and prepare to light it. At the far end of the room, you suddenly see a crack appear in the darkness, which subsequently reveals itself to be a door into a dimly-lit room, a young woman silhouetted against the opening. At the same moment, the low voice you have been hearing is cut off suddenly by an urgent "Hsst!" It appears that your presence has been noted by someone in the darkness.

Lighting a torch is a full-round action and you had to use a move action to retrieve it so it won't be lit until next round.

Initiative rolls:
Alicia 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29
Dorn 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Skyreaver 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
Kaleb 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
Marikel 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
Vhailor 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
Carbonel 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Daktani 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
Urnsul 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
half-orc #1 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10
half-orc #2 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13

Surprise round: Kaleb, half-orc #1, Dorn


Kaleb, if you use your surprise round action, you can get your torch lit before round 1. Of course, you can choose to do something else with your standard or move action as well. The wedge of shadow in the doorway is the part that's in dim light for you. You can see Dorn at the edge of it and Alicia at the door on the other side of the room, but you're not sure what might be in between them.

Male Halfling Swashbuckler 2

Kaleb finishes lighting the torch.

The halfling's torch sputters into life, illuminating the eastern end of the room. A door in the northern wall can now be newly seen by those without darkvision, but the western side of the room is still in shadow. From within that darkness, a hoarse cry rings out, "Indringers!"


Just as the halfling lights his torch behind you, you see a hand move the blue curtain so a face can peer out. It is this half-orc who sounds the alarm.

Surprise round: Kaleb, half-orc #1, Dorn

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"I FOUND YER ORCS! AND THEY KINDA KNOW WE'RE HERE!" he yells to the others as he heads toward the blue curtain.

Move to K 13

AC 18; Hp's 21

Kaleb completes lighting a torch
Half-orc #1 opens the curtain
Dorn moves

Initiative roll-off between Marikel 1d20 ⇒ 11 & Vhailor 1d20 ⇒ 10

Round 1 init: Alicia, Urnsul, Kaleb, Skyreaver, half-orc #2, Daktani, half-orc #1, Carbonel, Marikel, Vhailor, Dorn

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The circle directly around Kaleb is normal light, and the wedge of shadow outside that is dim light, Alicia. You can tell Dorn is between you and the light simply because he's blocking it, but you don't have line of sight to a half-orc right now due to darkness.

Gnome Wizard (Familiar Adept) 3

General Vhailor Notes:
He'll keep to the back of the conflict - and react thusly:
If the others are crowded in, draw wand and magic missile away
If there is an opening for a color spray (catching two of them minimum with no friendlies) then he'll take it
If we get them down to only one standing then Vhailor will refrain from magic missiling and let the others beat down.

Female Human Rogue 4

Cursing silently, Alicia quietly moves into a position next to the curtain and prepares to stab whomever pokes their head out with her hopeknife.

Stealthily move to I9, then ready vs. approach/appearance.

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
1d6 ⇒ 2

Alicia, at this point, you can't actually see the curtain. The far end of the room is illuminated due to the open entryway, but the near end is dark. Perhaps more importantly, there's a half-orc standing in H10, whom you also can't see but who can see you. I would advise you either delay until you can see the room (presumably when Kaleb advances) or ready a ranged attack. Or produce your own light source.

Female Human Rogue 4

Was confused by the map--thought it was the area between Kaleb's light source and Dorn that was dark.

Alicia readies her hopeknife, balancing it in her hand so that she can throw it as soon as a target presents itself. With her free hand, she draws the hand crossbow from her belt.

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
1d4 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
1d6 ⇒ 6

Sorry, the visibility indicator in MapTool is kind of non-intuitive. The shadowy part is dim light, but then the area past that, which should be dark, looks the same as the "normal light" area. Next time, I'll fog-of-war the dark part to make it more user-friendly.

A muscular female half-orc pushes past the male at the curtain, glances around the room, and makes a beeline in your direction, drawing a warhammer as she approaches. She attacks with energy but without accuracy; you feel the breeze as the weapon's heavy head swings past.

A sound of movement is heard from the darkness, then a woman's voice shouts, "Daktani! 'N dwerg! Neem dit eers!"

Daktani! A dwarf! Take it first!

Alicia readies an attack & draws a weapon
Urnsul moves to K12, drawing weapon, & attacks 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

Round 1 init: Alicia (readying), Urnsul, Kaleb, Skyreaver, half-orc #2, Daktani, half-orc #1, Carbonel, Marikel, Vhailor, Dorn

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Male Halfling Swashbuckler 2

Kaleb hustled after the Dwarf, softly cursing the larger humanoid's impatience.

Double move as far towards Dorn as possible.

The halfling hustles in, carrying his torch, revealing the dwarf engaged in battle with Urnsul. The black-haired woman is now fully dressed and armored. Kaleb and Alicia can now see, along the north wall, an entrance draped with a blue curtain, which a male half-orc is holding half-open as he peers out.

As Kaleb advances with the torch, Alicia takes the first chance to throw her hopeknife at the duplicitous half-orc, but the blade pings loudly as it rebounds off a metal stud in her leather armor and clatters to the floor.

A middle-aged male half-orc with a weathered face and gray at the temples pushes out past the younger man at the curtain, wielding a morningstar. "Skiet die meisie," he snarls as he passes, joining Urnsul in facing down Dorn. His swing doesn't have as much muscle behind it as hers did, but it is more accurate; the dwarf has to interpose his shield to deflect it.

The other half-orc steps forward into the room, and the curtain falls closed behind him. He draws a crossbow from his belt and slides a bolt into it.

Shoot the girl.

Alicia's ready is triggered
Kaleb double-moves to K15
Half-orc #2 ???
Daktani moves to J12, drawing weapon, & attacks 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
Half-orc #1 5-foot-steps to I10, draws weapon & loads crossbow

Round 1 init: Urnsul, Alicia, Kaleb, Skyreaver, half-orc #2, Daktani, half-orc #1, Carbonel, Marikel, Vhailor, Dorn

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So close to a hit, Alicia. You don't have an extra +1 in there somewhere? (I looked and couldn't find one.) If she'd charged, you would have hit her, but she didn't have a direct, unobstructed path to Dorn.

Despite the avatar, Urnsul is wielding a warhammer, not a bastard sword.

A general reminder to the party (except Dorn) that your instructions were to bring in Daktani alive, a level of restraint he seems unlikely to reciprocate.

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

At the sound of commotion, Marikel charges in, sword and shield at the ready. (O21)

"Follow me troops," he shouts over his shoulder as he does so.
"That might throw them."

Stomping hard to try to sound like a platoon of soldiers, Vhailor follows Marikel into the farmhouse, Carb on his shoulder.

Marikel double-moves to O21
Vhailor (with Carb) double-moves to P22

Round 1 init: Urnsul, Alicia, Kaleb, Skyreaver, half-orc #2, Daktani, half-orc #1, Carbonel, Marikel, Vhailor, Dorn

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"It's okay! They just want ta kill the dwarf fir... oh wait. Ya know, you could be a tad nicer, lass, you'll never make any friends with that kind of attitude," he tells her as a matter of fact as he steps to the side to give any others room to fight, bringing forth an animal instinct within himself as he swings at the hulking half-orc woman. "REAVER! MYND I ANGEN EICH HELP, FI FFRIND!"


Tiger aspect +2 Dex/1 minute(swift); 5' step to L 12

Warhammer: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

AC 19; Hp's 21/21

The dwarf's swing comes no closer to hitting Urnsul than her attempt did to him.

Answering the dwarf's call, the roc follows Marikel and Vhailor toward the interior of the building.

Urnsul steps around the dwarf in turn and attacks again. This time she takes a bit more time lining up her swing, and the warhammer hits Dorn solidly.

Dorn 5-foot-steps to L12, invokes animal focus, & attacks
Skyreaver double-moves
Urnsul 5-foot-steps to L13 & attacks 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24 damage 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Round 2 init: Urnsul, Alicia, Kaleb, half-orc #2, Daktani, half-orc #1, Carbonel, Marikel, Vhailor, Dorn, Skyreaver

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Right now, the whole main room is either in normal light (the circle in the middle) or dim light (the ends). Ali has a clear shot at Daktani in J12, but if she shoots at the half-orc in I10, she'll have a 20% miss chance.

Male Halfling Swashbuckler 2

Kaleb continued his movement into the room by somersaulting gracefully onto a table behind Urnsul. His exquisite rapier darted out in a swift jab, easily piercing the half-Orc's leather armour in the square of her back.

Acrobatics (Hop onto Table): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21
Attack (VS Orc, Higher Ground, Flanking): 1d20 + 10 + 1 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 10 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 25
Damage: 1d4 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

Will use Dodging Panache on any attack against Kaleb.

Female Human Rogue 4

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
1d4 ⇒ 4
Concealment 1-20 misses: 1d100 ⇒ 12

Alicia loads a bolt into her hand crossbow, lines up a shot and pulls the trigger. When she hears the crack of the bolt against stone walls rather than half-orcish flesh, the rogue curses and ducks around the corner of the door.

Move action to load, standard to shoot at the orc in I10, then 5-foot-step to J6.

Correction:Skyreaver flies past Vhailor and Marikel into the farmhouse.

Alicia takes a precarious shot around the edge of the doorframe, then ducks back under cover before the half-orc can return fire.

Kaleb deftly hops atop a rickety animal crate and and stabs Urnsul square in the back, eliciting a squeal of protest.

Another half-orc pushes his way through the curtain with a loaded crossbow and quickly scans the room. "Waar is die meisie?" he demands. His fellow nods him to the western door. He is almost in the doorway when he spies Alicia in the corner. He steps back to get a clear shot and fires, but his aim is off and the bolt buries itself, quivering, in the wooden doorjamb between them.

Daktani backs away from Skyreaver and circles around to flank Dorn. "Wat is die storie oor die groot voël? Ons moet hier uit te kom!" He swings his morningstar at the back of the dwarf's head, but Dorn again manages to raise his shield to intercept the blow.

The half-orc at the curtain aims his crossbow at the roc that just flew into the room and fires, but the nimble bird swerves to avoid the bolt. He presses another bolt into place and steps toward the south.

Where is the girl?
What's with the huge bird? We need to get out of here!

Skyreaver double-flies to J15
Alicia loads crossbow, attacks, 5-foot-steps to J6
Kaleb moves to L14 & attacks
Half-orc #2 moves to L8 & attacks 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
Daktani moves to L11 via K10 (no AoO provoked) & attacks (flanking) 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 3 + 2 = 17
Half-orc #1 attacks 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18, loads crossbow, & 5-foot-steps to J10

Round 2 init: Urnsul, Alicia, Kaleb, half-orc #2, Daktani, half-orc #1, Carbonel, Marikel, Vhailor, Dorn, Skyreaver

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hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

Marikel rushes into the room and, seeing the battle before him, calls out to Iomedae. (Move to K20, grant Battle Rage to self)

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

(Make it Bless. Sorry Alicia.)

Marikel charges in and calls on his goddess to bless his allies.

Vhailor enters on the priest's heels, drawing the wand he used on the rooftop spiders, and points it in the direction of the half-orc woman. The glowing force bullet deftly swerves around Kaleb and impacts Urnsul.

Marikel moves to K20 & casts
Vhailor moves to L21 & activates wand 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Current effects: bless (Dorn, Kaleb, Marikel, Skyreaver, Vhailor, Carbonel)

Round 2 init: Urnsul, Alicia, Kaleb, half-orc #2, Daktani, half-orc #1, Carbonel, Marikel, Vhailor, Dorn, Skyreaver

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"Amgylchynwch yr un yma, Reaver, and attack!" he tells the bird, motioning toward Daktani.

Surround this one, Reaver!


Skyreaver does as instructed and flies on the opposite side of the male half-orc and attacks.

Fly to L 10(Yes and take AoO's I know); Attack

Bite(Outflank, Bless): 1d20 + 7 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 7 + 4 + 1 = 15
Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

AC 23; Hp's 10/10

Well, if he gets dropped on the AoO, at least the attack won't be wasted. Silver lining and all that.

Darnak takes a swing at Urnsul and steps out from between the half-orcs after he does.

Bless, Flanking; 5' step to K 12

Warhammer: 1d20 + 4 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 4 + 1 + 2 = 17
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

AC 19; Hp's 13/21

Skyreaver makes a wide swing through the western end of the room, swooping past the two half-orcs with crossbows in their hand, who can only duck and cringe as he passes. Daktani, however, attempts to swat the oversized bird out of the sky with his morningstar but mistimes his attack and misses badly. Skyreaver returns the favor with a snap at the half-orc, but Daktani just manages to weave out of the way of the closing beak.

Dorn swings his hammer at the injured woman, connecting solidly, before stepping out of his vulnerable position between the two half-orcs.

Urnsul takes a step to keep pace with Dorn and swings at the dwarf once again, but her grip on the weapon slips on the blood on the haft and she fails to injure him further. "Dit is net dat inmenging priester uit die huis van Broer Hond en sy volgelinge," she snarls. "Die dood van die dwerg, en die res sal maklik verslaan."

It's only that meddling priest from Brother Hound's place and his toadies. Finish the dwarf, and the rest will be easy.

Skyreaver moves to L10 (Daktani AoO 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4) & attacks
Dorn attacks & 5-foot-steps to K12
Urnsul 5-foot-steps to K13 & attacks 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

Current effects: bless (Dorn, Kaleb, Marikel, Skyreaver, Vhailor, Carbonel)

Round 3 init: Urnsul, Alicia, Kaleb, half-orc #2, Daktani, half-orc #1, Carbonel, Marikel, Vhailor, Skyreaver, Dorn

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The half-orcs in L8 & J10 have concealment from you (20% miss chance).

Female Human Rogue 4

Dropping her hand crossbow and drawing her rapier, Alicia closes with the nearer of the two half-orcs. Taking advantage of his lack of a melee weapon, she stabs him.

Move to K8, drawing her rapier as part of the move action.

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
Critical confirmation: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
1d6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
1d6 ⇒ 2

Dropping the empty hand crossbow, Alicia darts through the doorway, drawing her rapier, and stabs at the half-orc who shot at her. Unfortunately, however, the deceptive shadows frustrate her aim, and the thin blade finds only empty air rather than the half-orc's flesh.

Alicia drops an item, moves to K8, drawing weapon, & attacks 20% miss chance 1d100 ⇒ 9

Current effects: bless (Dorn, Kaleb, Marikel, Skyreaver, Vhailor, Carbonel)

Round 3 init: Urnsul, Alicia, Kaleb, half-orc #2, Daktani, half-orc #1, Carbonel, Marikel, Vhailor, Skyreaver, Dorn

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Man, I wish you'd remembered to roll the % miss chance! I hate negating a crit due to concealment, and you probably wouldn't have rolled a 9. :P

Male Halfling Swashbuckler 2

Got a meeting at work, will post in my lunch hour later.

Male Halfling Swashbuckler 2

Wow, that was a ridiculous day at work. Sorry for the delay.

Irritated that the woman perceived Dorn as a greater threat than himself, Kaleb followed her, continuing to hound Urnsul as the half-Orc tried to defend herself from two attackers. His anger clouded his skill and the lunge was clumsy, although swift. His rapier left a second bloody wound as he once again pierced her guard and armour.

5 foot to follow Urnsul then attack again.

Attack, all previous modifiers minus higher ground, plus bless: 1d20 + 10 + 1 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 10 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 17
Damage: 1d4 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

The woman should fall. The woman must fall, surely, given the grievous wounds on her blood-slick body, but somehow, against all reason, she remains on her feet.

The half-orc facing down Alicia grins and drops his own crossbow, drawing a short sword from his belt. "'Skiet die meisie.' 'Steek die meisie.' Geen verskil." He tries to stab Alicia, but without even poor visibility to blame, his attempt comes nowhere near harming her.

Daktani steps to complete the flank around Dorn and attacks once again. This time, the morningstar connects viciously, rattling the dwarf's very bones.

Looking for a likely target, the half-orc with the crossbow steps back toward the curtain and fires at Marikel. The well-aimed bolt finds a infinitesimal gap between the overlapping plates of his armor and draws blood.

Ansha, Dorn & Kaleb:
Orcs are known for their ferocity, for being able to stay on their feet a few seconds after they should be unconscious, and this trait is inherited by many half-orcs. Unless Urnsul has immediate access to healing, she is surely soon to collapse.

'Shoot the girl.' 'Stab the girl.' Same difference.

Kaleb 5-foot-steps to K14 & attacks
Half-orc #2 drops item, draws weapon & attacks 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Daktani 5-foot-steps to K11 & attacks 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23 confirm? 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15 damage 1d8 + 1 + 2d6 ⇒ (6) + 1 + (6, 1) = 14
Half-orc #1 5-foot-steps to I11, attacks 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21 confirm? 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9 damage 1d8 ⇒ 2 & loads crossbow

Current effects: bless (Dorn, Kaleb, Marikel, Skyreaver, Vhailor, Carbonel)

Round 3 init: Urnsul, Alicia, Kaleb, half-orc #2, Daktani, half-orc #1, Carbonel, Marikel, Vhailor, Skyreaver, Dorn

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As Dorn is struck solidly from behind, his eyes go wide, "Yep, that one smarts," he manages through pained breath before falling in a heap to the ground, motionless.

Hp's -1/21

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

Seeing Dorn fall, Marikel charges the nearest opponent, bringing his longsword to bear on the unfortunate foe. (J14)

Masterwork Longsword (Charge, Bless): 1d20 + 5 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 5 + 2 + 1 = 23
damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

The priest charges up beside Kaleb, dealing Urnsul a wicked slash that opens her flank bloodily, but she somehow stays on her feet.

Vhailor follows more judiciously, bringing his wand to bear on the woman.

Marikel charges
Vhailor moves & activates wand 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Current effects: bless (Dorn, Kaleb, Marikel, Skyreaver, Vhailor, Carbonel)

Round 3 init: Urnsul, Alicia, Kaleb, half-orc #2, Daktani, half-orc #1, Carbonel, Marikel, Vhailor, Skyreaver, Dorn

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Dorn, in the absence of a further command, I believe Skyreaver should continue to follow the last one he was given, which was to attack Daktani, flanking when possible. You want to roll his attacks?


The bird lets out a shrill cry as Dorn falls and it moves with the half-orc, continuing its attack.

5' to K 10

Bite: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
Damage: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

Talon attacks(Only if he can hover. Otherwise disregard):

Talon: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
Damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

Talon: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
Damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Crit confirm
Talon: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25
Damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

AC 23; Hp's 10/10; Tiger Focus

Are there rules about hovering other than the DC, which Reaver autopasses? I think you forgot bless.

Seemingly angered by the dwarf's injury, this time the roc attacks viciously; both beak and claws come away bloody.

Urnsul turns, grievously wounded, and finally pays Kaleb the compliment of attacking him. Her eyes seem to have a hard time focusing on the halfing, however, seeming half-wild and half-glazed, and the warhammer swings harmlessly over his head. At the end of the swing, she falters, her fingers twitching on the haft, then collapses in a bloody heap.

Skyreaver 5-foot-flies to K10 & full attacks
Urnsul attacks 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

Current effects: bless (Dorn, Kaleb, Marikel, Skyreaver, Vhailor, Carbonel)

Round 4 init: Urnsul, Alicia, Kaleb, half-orc #2, Daktani, half-orc #1, Carbonel, Marikel, Vhailor, Skyreaver, Dorn

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Oh, hey, roll me a stabilization check for your turn, Dorn. Alicia, you've still got a 20% miss chance on the half-orc you're fighting in the dim light ... though what are the odds you roll under 20 three times in a row? ;)

Female Human Rogue 4

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
1d6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
1d100 ⇒ 58

Alicia's mouth thins into a grim line as Dorn falls. She stabs at the half-orc once again, this time finding her mark.

The tip of Alicia's rapier finally finds its target, piercing the half-orc's shoulder.

Alicia attacks

Current effects: bless (Dorn, Kaleb, Marikel, Skyreaver, Vhailor, Carbonel)

Round 4 init: Urnsul, Alicia, Kaleb, half-orc #2, Daktani, half-orc #1, Carbonel, Marikel, Vhailor, Skyreaver, Dorn

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Male Halfling Swashbuckler 2

Moving smoothly under the war-hammer's clumsy arc, Kaleb was already moving as Urnsul fell in his wake. Stood protectively over Dorn's fallen form, Kaleb's rapier jabbed out to stab Daktani in the back of the thigh.

Flanking Attack: 1d20 + 10 + 1 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 10 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 20
Damage: 1d4 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

Kaleb will spend a point of panache if targeted by Daktani to use Dodging Panache, boosting his AC to 23 against the attack and moving him to J11 in the process.

The Balladeer wrote:
Are there rules about hovering other than the DC, which Reaver autopasses? I think you forgot bless.

Not to my knowledge. And you're right, I sure did forget bless. Thanks for the catch.

Stabilization check vs. DC 10: 1d20 + 3 - 1 ⇒ (7) + 3 - 1 = 9 OF course.

Hp's -2/21

Kaleb flanks with the fallen dwarf's roc and drives the point of his rapier deeply into the half-orc's thigh. Along with the ravaging he just received at the beak and talons of the bird, Daktani succumbs to his injuries.

Sensing the tide of battle turning against him, the half-orc facing Alicia tries hurriedly to strike down the young woman, but his clumsy stroke fails to connect.

The other half-orc releases another bolt which defeats Marikel's scale mail before ducking back behind the curtain, which falls to conceal him from view.

Kaleb moves to K11 and attacks
Half-orc #2 attacks 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
Half-orc #1 attacks 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18 damage 1d8 ⇒ 5 & moves (last seen in H11)

Current effects: bless (Dorn, Kaleb, Marikel, Skyreaver, Vhailor, Carbonel)

Round 4 init: Urnsul, Alicia, Kaleb, half-orc #2, Daktani, half-orc #1, Carbonel, Marikel, Vhailor, Skyreaver, Dorn

Updated map link

Male Halfling Swashbuckler 2

Oops. Did Kaleb just kill Daktani or has he fallen unconscious?

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