Skull & shackles (Inactive)

Game Master DBH

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Male N Human (Ulfen) Skald (Dragon Skald) 14 | HP: 142/142 DR 2/- | AC: 27 (Tch 16, Fl 27) | CMB: +15, CMD: 27 | F +16, R: +10, W: +15 (+4 vs fear) | Init: +4 | Perc: +22, SM: +24 | Speed 30ft | Raging Song: 32/32 | Spells: 1st 5/6, 2nd 2/6, 3rd 3/5, 4th 4/5, 5th 2/2 Spell Kenning 2/2 | Battle Cry 3/4, Lore Master 2/2 | Default stats only - see stats spoiler for current status

I hear these tree-people aren't keen on outsiders," Marnir says as they approach the huge palm groves. "We should try to look as friendly as we can. Walk casual," he suggests, with a pointed look at Kung.

I'll cast heroism on myself as we approach, just in case.


HP 75/(123) 101
AC 25, touch 14, flat-footed 25 (+9 armour, +1 deflection, +2 Dex, +1 dodge, +2 natural armour)
Speed: 30ft
Fort: +14, Ref: +10, Will: +14 (+4 vs fear) (+2 heroism)
Conditions: heroism
Melee attack (+1 furious battleaxe): +15/+10 (+8 BAB, +4 Str, +1 enhancement, -3 Power Attack, +2 inspired rage, +2 furious, -1 Reckless Rage, +2 heroism)
Melee Damage (+1 furious battleaxe): d8+27 (+6 Str, +1 enhancement, +3 Arcane Strike, +9 Power Attack, +3 inspired rage, +2 furious, +3 Reckless Rage)
14/26 rds raging song remaining


"Maybe I can shapeshift into something more comfortable to them? Some kind of plant-person, like a dryad or whatnot?" suggests Niobe.

Male CN Half-Orc Barbarian 12, Rogue 2 | HP: 35+149/150 (20 nl) | AC: 28 (17 Tch, 23 Fl) | DR 2/- | CMD: 37 (32 Fl) | F: +18, R: +18, W: +10 | Init: +5 | Perc: +17, SM +4 | Speed 40ft | Active conditions: see Stats spoiler in posts (other than hp, stats shown here are default stats only)

"Kung, ahhh, Kung not normally look casual?" The half-orc adopts a dramatic lope in his attempt to walk casually; he puts a wide happy grin on his face to help diminish the natural threat that his form generally presents.

Female Mermaid Witch (Sea Witch) 14 | 74/82 HP | AC 22 (CURRENT 32) T 15 (18) FF 19 (22)| Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | Initiative +3 | Perception +17| Fins to Feet (13 hrs)

"That's a good idea Ni, they're more likely to be receptive to someone who can understand their world." Callidora answers.

Are you sure you want to do that?

As you reach the center of the hills a coconut goes whistling past your heads, smashing into a tree beside you and tearing a huge chunk out of it.

You see two Treants making menacing gestures at you, one holds a coconut ready, the other is animating a pair of trees to fight for them.

You also can see signs of large scale logging in the area, though it looks as if it was months ago now.

What are you doing now?

Male N Human (Ulfen) Skald (Dragon Skald) 14 | HP: 142/142 DR 2/- | AC: 27 (Tch 16, Fl 27) | CMB: +15, CMD: 27 | F +16, R: +10, W: +15 (+4 vs fear) | Init: +4 | Perc: +22, SM: +24 | Speed 30ft | Raging Song: 32/32 | Spells: 1st 5/6, 2nd 2/6, 3rd 3/5, 4th 4/5, 5th 2/2 Spell Kenning 2/2 | Battle Cry 3/4, Lore Master 2/2 | Default stats only - see stats spoiler for current status

Marnir ducks behind a thick palm tree as a flying coconut explodes nearby. He peeks around the trunk and sees two huge treemen looking very threatening. Clearly angered by the felling of their trees, the treemen look like they don't respond well to visitors.

Unclear on what, if any, language the treemen speak, Marnir nonetheless calls out to them. "Hey! We're friends! We want to talk!" He turns to the others and mutters "Do they understand, do you think?"

Diplomacy just in case: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (11) + 23 = 34

Are you sure you want to do that?

The Treat juggling a coconut speaks in Common. "No Friends of ours. Leave or be killed like the Cyclopes."

Male N Human (Ulfen) Skald (Dragon Skald) 14 | HP: 142/142 DR 2/- | AC: 27 (Tch 16, Fl 27) | CMB: +15, CMD: 27 | F +16, R: +10, W: +15 (+4 vs fear) | Init: +4 | Perc: +22, SM: +24 | Speed 30ft | Raging Song: 32/32 | Spells: 1st 5/6, 2nd 2/6, 3rd 3/5, 4th 4/5, 5th 2/2 Spell Kenning 2/2 | Battle Cry 3/4, Lore Master 2/2 | Default stats only - see stats spoiler for current status

"We've defeated the cyclopses," Marnir says hurriedly. "We just want to live peacefully on the island. We don't want your trees, or your land. Or your coconuts," he adds.

Male CN Half-Orc Barbarian 12, Rogue 2 | HP: 35+149/150 (20 nl) | AC: 28 (17 Tch, 23 Fl) | DR 2/- | CMD: 37 (32 Fl) | F: +18, R: +18, W: +10 | Init: +5 | Perc: +17, SM +4 | Speed 40ft | Active conditions: see Stats spoiler in posts (other than hp, stats shown here are default stats only)

"Kung was casual!" the half-orc hiss-whispers to Marnir. "Why they so mad?"

Kung turns his attention to the treants, trying a different strategy. "Kung happy to fight! Kung good at it, very good. Kill you like cyclops!!! Not want, but we stay on island for good; you not stop us or scare us!"

Intimidate: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (16) + 12 = 28

Female Mermaid Witch (Sea Witch) 14 | 74/82 HP | AC 22 (CURRENT 32) T 15 (18) FF 19 (22)| Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | Initiative +3 | Perception +17| Fins to Feet (13 hrs)

"Well there goes the diplomatic approach." Callidora mutters.

Cioldryss (Callidora's familar) | 34/34 HP | AC 21 T 13 FF 20 | Fort +5 Ref +7 Will +6 | Initiative +5 | Perception +9|bite +6 (1d3), 2 claws +6 (1d3 plus attach)

"Throw $#!+, get hit!" Cioldryss quips.

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After some digging, I don't think there's anything I can turn into that will help. I can't turn into actual plants, and there aren't really any humanoid (plant) creatures.

Niobe holds up a calming hand. "Wait! Wait," she pleads. "They've done so much damage to your beautiful forest. I can help! I can help give the forest life again."

I'll have to come back tomorrow but I could use spells such as plant growth to help revitalize the forest here.

Are you sure you want to do that?

There is some debate between the two Treants, they seem to regard Kung as irrelevant to the discussion. Your claim of killing the Cyclopes and offering to regrow the jungle on the other hand is regarded favorably.

"Alright Humans. We have not seen any of the Cyclops fools since they killed many of our trees to make canoes. If you can regrow the jungle in our lands we will leave you in peace. We will not attack those passing through our territory, but will kill any who come to cut the trees."

What now?


"I will return tomorrow," she says. "I have harmony with the natural world - I can commune with the power of the Blue and the Green and bring life back here again."

Plant growth is only 3rd level so that should be a good one to use.

Female Mermaid Witch (Sea Witch) 14 | 74/82 HP | AC 22 (CURRENT 32) T 15 (18) FF 19 (22)| Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | Initiative +3 | Perception +17| Fins to Feet (13 hrs)

"We promise that any who are on this island under our stewardship will know that your forests are protected, and to be left alone." Callidora adds with genuine warmth.

Male CN Half-Orc Barbarian 12, Rogue 2 | HP: 35+149/150 (20 nl) | AC: 28 (17 Tch, 23 Fl) | DR 2/- | CMD: 37 (32 Fl) | F: +18, R: +18, W: +10 | Init: +5 | Perc: +17, SM +4 | Speed 40ft | Active conditions: see Stats spoiler in posts (other than hp, stats shown here are default stats only)

"And... uhhh..." Kung tries to find a way to contribute, but fails. "Yeah!"

Are you sure you want to do that?

That clears up the island of any major hazards for now.

Back to the fort and onto the feast? Or is there anything else you want to do first?

Male N Human (Ulfen) Skald (Dragon Skald) 14 | HP: 142/142 DR 2/- | AC: 27 (Tch 16, Fl 27) | CMB: +15, CMD: 27 | F +16, R: +10, W: +15 (+4 vs fear) | Init: +4 | Perc: +22, SM: +24 | Speed 30ft | Raging Song: 32/32 | Spells: 1st 5/6, 2nd 2/6, 3rd 3/5, 4th 4/5, 5th 2/2 Spell Kenning 2/2 | Battle Cry 3/4, Lore Master 2/2 | Default stats only - see stats spoiler for current status

Marnir would normally shake hands to seal an agreement, but isn't sure how that would go over with the treemen, so settles with a solemn nod and a promise that they would return to help repair the jungle.

"Good thinking Niobe," Marnir says as they leave. "I didn't know you could grow new plants like that, but I'm bloody glad you can!"

I think if the island is essentially safe I haven't got much else I'd want to do. Are we happy to welcome our guests?

Male CN Half-Orc Barbarian 12, Rogue 2 | HP: 35+149/150 (20 nl) | AC: 28 (17 Tch, 23 Fl) | DR 2/- | CMD: 37 (32 Fl) | F: +18, R: +18, W: +10 | Init: +5 | Perc: +17, SM +4 | Speed 40ft | Active conditions: see Stats spoiler in posts (other than hp, stats shown here are default stats only)

"Pirate party soon? Kung excited!"

Are you sure you want to do that?

Are you inviting anyone else to the feast from your friends and fleet captains?

Over the next weeks the work is non-stop, Niobe travels daily to the Treants hills to aid in the regrowth, achieving an understanding with the suspicious creatures after long days of work.

Back at your fort the walls are now solid, the interior buildings fit for habitation again. A small but growing collection of craftsmen and traders are eagerly snapping up the completed buildings in the new village being laid out by your Harbor master. Docks jut out into the waters of the harbor, welcoming ships to rest and trade.

Audessa Reyquio and her ladies have set up a fine establishment, graced by beauties who can cook, dance and sing. With the fine alcohol you've acquired and the cooks providing good eating your fledgling port is rapidly becoming a popular stop. Even for ships who don't need supplies or water.

You have a few days to catch your breath and inspect everything just before the big day arrives.

Three ships arrive offshore and drop anchor, clearly identifiable by the flags flying from their mastheads. The first is the two-masted brig Blood Moon, flag ship of Avimar Sorrinash, lord of Ollo . The second is the galley Come What May, vessel of Lady Cerise Bloodmourn. Finally, the frigate Wavecrest flies the banner of Captain Mase Darimar. Boats are lowered into the water from the three ships and head for shore, their passengers surveying the harbor and port with measured, discerning eyes.

Avimar Sorrinash

Sense motive Avimar Sorrinash DC20:

The Pirate Council sends Avimar Sorrinash to the Island of Empty Eyes to test you before offering them a seat on the council. As a guest at your dinner party, he expects and demands the best, but he also presents a threat to those in your care. He is lascivious, spiteful, and used to getting his way, and his manners and goodwill
only extend so far. Under the influence of strong drink, Sorrinash becomes more belligerent and prone to acting on his baser instincts.

Lady Cerise Bloodmourn

Sense Motive Lady Cerise Bloodmourn DC20:

Lady Bloodmourn is one of three pirate lords sent by the Pirate Council to assess your success in claiming and settling the Island of Empty Eyes . Though fervently interested in the dinner party honoring her and the other emissaries, she also takes her duty very seriously. Her every word, action, and peal of laughter is designed to measure you and determine your worthiness in joining her on the council. Like any clever noblewoman, however, she also seeks to curry their favor and build alliances . Indeed, Cerise hopes to someday displace Kerdak Bonefist, and claim the title of Hurricane Queen and dominion of the island nation as her own.

Mase Darimar

Sense Motive Mase Darimar:

Mase Darimar comes to the Island of Empty Eyes to assess your progress in taming your new stronghold. He seems to have other reasons than doing so than just the Pirate councils wishes though?
What those reasons are will depend on how he finds you and what he thinks of your success in setting up on your island.

What are you doing now?

Female Mermaid Witch (Sea Witch) 14 | 74/82 HP | AC 22 (CURRENT 32) T 15 (18) FF 19 (22)| Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | Initiative +3 | Perception +17| Fins to Feet (13 hrs)

Sense Motive(Avimar Sorrinash): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Sense Motive(Lady Cerise Bloodmourn): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
Sense Motive(Mase Darimar): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

Male N Human (Ulfen) Skald (Dragon Skald) 14 | HP: 142/142 DR 2/- | AC: 27 (Tch 16, Fl 27) | CMB: +15, CMD: 27 | F +16, R: +10, W: +15 (+4 vs fear) | Init: +4 | Perc: +22, SM: +24 | Speed 30ft | Raging Song: 32/32 | Spells: 1st 5/6, 2nd 2/6, 3rd 3/5, 4th 4/5, 5th 2/2 Spell Kenning 2/2 | Battle Cry 3/4, Lore Master 2/2 | Default stats only - see stats spoiler for current status

We should invite Norva and Kyra and their crews to join the party, and to show that we're a solid fleet. We should also invite Captain Fairwind, as she's been very supportive of us. And I could probably invite my wife too I suppose.

Marnir spends a few days surveying the work that's been done so far, very pleased with how the island is growing and expanding into a port town of significance. He keeps in close contact with Korvus Blaine, making sure that he has everything he needs to keep the town going.

I can't fail those Sense Motive checks, so I'll dole out some information and people can read the spoilers.

As sails appear on the horizon, their markings clearly identifying which Free Captains have come to assess the island, Marnir makes sure that the town and the Drake are ready to receive their guests. "Right, best behaviour please," Marnir says as the three boats approach the quayside. "Kung, I want you to keep a close eye on Captain Sorrinash. He can be dangerous, especially when he's drunk. He's not to lay a finger on any of our people. Niobe, I'd like you to suss out Lady Bloodmourn. She's canny, I hear, and always looking to build alliances among people she deems worthy. I want us to look like we're worthy, yes? And Cally, Captain Darimar is a bit of a mystery. We need to make ourselves look like we know what we're doing, but also we need to work out why he was sent, and that's your job."

As the Free Captains climb up from their boats, Marnir mutters to his friends "If anyone needs anything, or there's any trouble, I want to know about it. We're all in this together, and we're all going to be judged as a crew, so let's stick by each other." He then turns to the waiting Free Captains, puts on his most welcoming smile and says clearly "Welcome, honoured guests, to the Island of Empty Eyes. I am Captain Marnir Saltvig of the Unbound Drake, Master of Tidewater Rock, and your host for the coming festivities."

Are you sure you want to do that?

Kung, Niobe & Callidora. I'm going to need your initial greetings to the various captains please.

Male CN Half-Orc Barbarian 12, Rogue 2 | HP: 35+149/150 (20 nl) | AC: 28 (17 Tch, 23 Fl) | DR 2/- | CMD: 37 (32 Fl) | F: +18, R: +18, W: +10 | Init: +5 | Perc: +17, SM +4 | Speed 40ft | Active conditions: see Stats spoiler in posts (other than hp, stats shown here are default stats only)

"Hi! You Captain Sorrinash?" The short but imposing half-orc approaches the captain, a wide grin on his face and a sparkle in his eye. "Me Kung! First Mate and Master-of-Arms to Captain Marnir, of Unbound Drake. Me like name of you ship... Blood Moon. Kung want to swim in Eye of Aben... Aven... you know what Eye Kung talk about. Swim under blood moon be perfect!"

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Nobody's sure when she got in the chance to go clothes shopping. The concept seems vaguely ridiculous on initial inspection - in their natural habitat mermaids would likely not even have clothing, aside from of course the need for armor in case of war against other denizens of the ocean like sharks and sahuagin. At some point, though, the druidess managed to acquire a floor-length skirt made of sequined cloth, which moves and flows to catch the light with sparkles as if swimming through a kelp forest just beneath the surface of a sunny lagoon. Above her simple crossover halter is a cerulean-and-green blend that matches. Her long, lustrous hair is brushed out and extends far down her back, to her (temporary) legs. She also wears two pairs of pearl stud earrings - one in each earlobe and one upper cartilage piercing in each. Despite having a humanoid form, though, she has decided - for whatever reason - to retain her gills, and the long, pink slashes are clearly visible, though folded in place while she remains on land. Her interdigital webs are still slightly pronounced, making it clear that she is more than a land-dweller with some odd scars.

Niobe does her best to hide her nervousness at the arrival of the pirate kings and queens. Her own seasoned competence is undeniable, but her only-recent arrival in upworld society poises her in a position in which her behavior often seems charmingly naive and sheltered.

She is quick to arrive and escort her quarry when the pirate lady of Come What May finally arrives. "Lady Bloodmourn," she says with an inclination of her head. "I am Niobe, one of Captain Marnir's officers. Welcome to Tidewater Rock. I would be happy to show you to the feast hall if you wish, or answer what questions I can."

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

Are you sure you want to do that?

Your loyal captain's arrive and look around with real delight. A growing port as their home base is something to enjoy. It speaks to any ambitious pirate of a leader who is on the rise.

Tessa Fairwind is also impressed with what you have managed to create in the short time you have had. Looking around with enjoyment at the white sands and blue waters. She studies the growing town and port with approval. "Not only a man of action, but also a man who can lead and build." She says to Marnir, with a smile promising much intimate delight.

Kung. Your greeting is accepted with a grunt and a nod. "Lets have a look at this fort of yours." Captain Sorrinash says bluntly. His face becoming more approving as he tours the rebuilt walls and sees the defenses covering the harbor.

Niobe. While she joins the tour politely Lady Bloodmourn is more interested in the entertainment. Her face lights up when she sees the fine tavern set up by the ladies. "Darling, you shouldn't have!" She coos happily when offered Taldan Fire-Brandy.

Callidora. Captain Darimar is calm and polite, but seems very pleased that both you and Niobe are merfolk. He asks questions regarding how you have found service on the Unbound Drake, and how you find serving your Captain? Looking at him from a closer position you think that his Elven blood might be that of aquatic Elves.

Anything more or should we start the feast proper?

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Female Mermaid Witch (Sea Witch) 14 | 74/82 HP | AC 22 (CURRENT 32) T 15 (18) FF 19 (22)| Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | Initiative +3 | Perception +17| Fins to Feet (13 hrs)

Preparing for the occasion, Callidora uses the magic of her sleeves to change the appearance of her clothing, opting for a flowing azure gown with a clear aquatic theme, cut to accent her ample form, and accented by pearl and gold jewelry, her own, burgundy-red hair falling flowingly down her shoulders and back. Like Niobe, the signs of her mermaid nature are clear to anyone observant, along with a radiant confidence in her presence and it’s effect.

She walks out to greet the newcomers with a flowing grace that calls to mind the fluidity of swimming, her smile dazzling and welcoming.

”A pleasure to meet you Captain Darimar, it is an honor to host you all! I am Callidora, and it is my pleasure to show you around our fair island.” As the conversation proceeds, the sea witch notes the Captain’s likely aquatic nature, exulting in her and Niobe’s acceptance as valuable members of the crew, and Captain Marnir’s eye for the value of talented crew. Cioldryss remains nearby, flying around with fluid movements, the little tidepool dragon clearly entertained by all the commotion.

Male N Human (Ulfen) Skald (Dragon Skald) 14 | HP: 142/142 DR 2/- | AC: 27 (Tch 16, Fl 27) | CMB: +15, CMD: 27 | F +16, R: +10, W: +15 (+4 vs fear) | Init: +4 | Perc: +22, SM: +24 | Speed 30ft | Raging Song: 32/32 | Spells: 1st 5/6, 2nd 2/6, 3rd 3/5, 4th 4/5, 5th 2/2 Spell Kenning 2/2 | Battle Cry 3/4, Lore Master 2/2 | Default stats only - see stats spoiler for current status

Marnir is pleased to welcome Kyra and Norva to the island, and allows the experienced captains to find their own way around the burgeoning port town.

"We're all about hidden depths around here," he replies to Captain Fairwind with a cheeky wink as she heads into town, his gaze following her retreating form.

I'm happy to start the feast once our guests have been welcomed.
As an aside, I hope no-one minds me handing out assignments like that. It's a co-operative game, and I don't want to seem like I'm bossing people around just because Marnir is the captain. I just thought I'd provide a suggestion as to how to handle our guests, and I'm more than willing to be told to bog off if anyone thinks we should do it a different way.

Female Mermaid Witch (Sea Witch) 14 | 74/82 HP | AC 22 (CURRENT 32) T 15 (18) FF 19 (22)| Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | Initiative +3 | Perception +17| Fins to Feet (13 hrs)

I think it was a good call, especially assigning Kung to the berzerker lech rather than one of the girls

Male CN Half-Orc Barbarian 12, Rogue 2 | HP: 35+149/150 (20 nl) | AC: 28 (17 Tch, 23 Fl) | DR 2/- | CMD: 37 (32 Fl) | F: +18, R: +18, W: +10 | Init: +5 | Perc: +17, SM +4 | Speed 40ft | Active conditions: see Stats spoiler in posts (other than hp, stats shown here are default stats only)

Agreed. Though I'm the only player remaining from when Marnir became captain, we understood at the time that sometimes you'd actually have to play a captain! No concerns on my part with how you're doing it. Thanks for thinking of it though!


I basically was going to write what Callidora wrote! I think it's fine to make the occasional executive decision, as we're all on the same team and we can discuss it backstage if necessary.

Niobe is only too happy to show her guest to the revelry. "We've brought in a great deal of food, ale, and wine for the celebration. This is as much for you as for us! Please, enjoy."

Are you sure you want to do that?


Callidora. Captain Darimar soon brings the conversation around to the various inhabitants of The Shackles, specifically the more exotic. He wants to hear of any encounters the Unbound Drake has had with races such as the Merfolk, Aquatic Elves, Locathah?

The feast is underway, and going well. The supplied food, booze and entertainment working it's magic.

Away from the responsibilities of her ship and crew, Lady Cerise Bloodmourn takes especial delight in shore leave and strong drink. Soon after retiring to the mess hall, she asks the party for a round of
their best drinks and encourages them to share a tale of their adventures on the island.

Perform (Sing) or (Oratory) to impress her and the other Pirate lords.

What are you doing now?

The perform check leads to other events, so I"m awaiting the results.

Male N Human (Ulfen) Skald (Dragon Skald) 14 | HP: 142/142 DR 2/- | AC: 27 (Tch 16, Fl 27) | CMB: +15, CMD: 27 | F +16, R: +10, W: +15 (+4 vs fear) | Init: +4 | Perc: +22, SM: +24 | Speed 30ft | Raging Song: 32/32 | Spells: 1st 5/6, 2nd 2/6, 3rd 3/5, 4th 4/5, 5th 2/2 Spell Kenning 2/2 | Battle Cry 3/4, Lore Master 2/2 | Default stats only - see stats spoiler for current status

Marnir indicates for Audessa to bring out some of the good rum for Lady Bloodmourn as he makes his way to the front of the hall, swigging from his pint of ale as he walks. He slams his empty mug on the nearby table, climbs onto it, and begins his tale.

"This fort," he starts, indicating the building around them, "was once an outpost of the empire of Cheliax. But even before the Chelish came, more than six hundred years ago, this island was part of the ancient cyclops empire of Ghol-Gan. These cyclopes were cut off from their empire as it fell, and were trapped in their crumbling ruins and fading finery on the high plateau above us."

He takes another swig from a fresh pint that one of Audessa's girls has left on the table beside him before continuing. "When we arrived here, the remaining cyclopes were feral and desperate creatures, clinging onto a ruined grandeur that they no longer understood. They tried to resist us, to keep us out of their collapsed temple and away from their ancient treasures. But, like the linnorms of my northern homeland, the Unbound Drake and her crew are a mighty force! We braved the traps and tricks of the cyclopes, slew the degenerates that defended their temple, and claimed their bounty for ourselves. Now we, the crews of the Unbound Drake, Best Revenge and No Gods No Masters, are the defenders of this island, and we intend to create the greatest pirate hold the northern Shackles has ever seen!"

If I can GM, I'll spend one round of raging song to use Glorious Epic, to give myself a +3 bonus to Diplomacy or Intimidate against anyone who listened to my performance. It seems like the sort of thing that might come in handy.

Perform (oratory): 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (2) + 21 = 23

Male CN Half-Orc Barbarian 12, Rogue 2 | HP: 35+149/150 (20 nl) | AC: 28 (17 Tch, 23 Fl) | DR 2/- | CMD: 37 (32 Fl) | F: +18, R: +18, W: +10 | Init: +5 | Perc: +17, SM +4 | Speed 40ft | Active conditions: see Stats spoiler in posts (other than hp, stats shown here are default stats only)

"You not tell about weird ghost, with spiders. Tell about weird ghost out of time!"

Perform (oratory), aid: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (12) - 2 = 10

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"Well there's a song about us now, you know!" says Niobe. "It goes something like this."

She starts pounding the table with a mug to establish a beat.

"So Marnir's a pirate captain they say
He came from the north and he's here to stay
He cuts a swath with a bloody axe
'gainst Chelish ships and shark attacks
He's toppled giants, and storms confront
Too bad his wife's an angry...

Eye of Abendego
'round the eye of Abendego
'round the eye of Abendego
'round the eye of Abendego
'round the eye we go we go!

Now Kung the mate's a barbarian hewer
Hacks with sword, with spear he'll skewer
He loves to drink and sail and fight
His superstitious rage delight
You'll hear the tap of his peg-leg stick
Though it's not as big as his massive...

Eye of Abendego
'round the eye of Abendego
'round the eye of Abendego
'round the eye of Abendego
'round the eye we go we go!

Niobe's the mistress of the storms
And also queen of many forms
She comes from the ocean waters warm
Where mermaids work their singing charm
She swims while wearing only pearls
But saves her love just for the...

Eye of Abendego
'round the eye of Abendego
'round the eye of Abendego
'round the eye of Abendego
'round the eye we go we go!

The witch named Callidora holds
Many hexes, spells, and wards
Her dragon Cioldryss is smarmy
But this witch is far from barmy
Her clouds and charms come from her wits
But everyone loves her ample...

Eye of Abendego
'round the eye of Abendego
'round the eye of Abendego
'round the eye of Abendego
'round the eye we go we go!"

She blushes slightly but smiles at her own verse and can't help but grin to Callidora as well.

Perform (sing): 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (3) + 18 = 21

Ye gods, all that work for a 3.

Female Mermaid Witch (Sea Witch) 14 | 74/82 HP | AC 22 (CURRENT 32) T 15 (18) FF 19 (22)| Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | Initiative +3 | Perception +17| Fins to Feet (13 hrs)

Callidora tells Captain Darimar of the crew's encounter with the sehaugin terrors and their stronghold, remembering the stories that Niobe had told her of the crew's adventures before she came aboard. When she gets to the part about the mutilated locathah queen and her eggs, the compassion is unmistakable in her voice.

As Niobe performs her song, Callidora listens with rapt attention, smiling warmly in response to Niobe's little grin, the druid's blush utterly adorable. As the verse makes note of her....charms, the sea witch snickers good-naturedly giving a little shrug.....which only reinforces the point.

Are you sure you want to do that?

Between Marnir's telling of the tale, and Niobe's venture into the performing arts you are a social success.

More problems arise of course, three high ranking pirate captains in the same room guarantees this.

Having downed enough Taldan fire-brandy to kill most people Lady Cerise Bloodmourn decides it's a good time to have a bit of swordplay.

Pointing at Kung she draws her rapier and stands there swaying, though her blade is perfectly still. "You there! Short, squat and ugly. I hear you're good with at least one of your weapons. Want to put it to the test?"

She's challenging you to a test of swordplay. Who can disarm who?

You get three attempts to disarm her, then she does the same for you.

Do you accept?

Meanwhile one of Audessa's girls approaches the party and whispers there's a small problem in the kitchen that requires your attention.

Sense motive DC15:

It's not a small problem and you are needed urgently!

What are you doing now?

Male N Human (Ulfen) Skald (Dragon Skald) 14 | HP: 142/142 DR 2/- | AC: 27 (Tch 16, Fl 27) | CMB: +15, CMD: 27 | F +16, R: +10, W: +15 (+4 vs fear) | Init: +4 | Perc: +22, SM: +24 | Speed 30ft | Raging Song: 32/32 | Spells: 1st 5/6, 2nd 2/6, 3rd 3/5, 4th 4/5, 5th 2/2 Spell Kenning 2/2 | Battle Cry 3/4, Lore Master 2/2 | Default stats only - see stats spoiler for current status

I can't fail that Sense Motive check.

"Let her win one maybe," Marnir whispers to Kung on his way to the kitchen, "but don't make it too obvious. Show her what you can do," he says, confident Kung can make a good show of himself.

Marnir walks nonchalantly towards the kitchen, following the waitress and trying to make it look like everything is fine. He lets the door close behind him before asking "What's the problem?"

Male CN Half-Orc Barbarian 12, Rogue 2 | HP: 35+149/150 (20 nl) | AC: 28 (17 Tch, 23 Fl) | DR 2/- | CMD: 37 (32 Fl) | F: +18, R: +18, W: +10 | Init: +5 | Perc: +17, SM +4 | Speed 40ft | Active conditions: see Stats spoiler in posts (other than hp, stats shown here are default stats only)

Kung slams back the rum that he was drinking, and calls for another as he stands. "Kung always like a fight!" the half-orc grins. While he waits for his second rum, he begins waving diners and revelers from the center of the hall, so that he and the Lady have room to work.


HP 120/120
AC 24 touch 15 flat-footed 20 (+8 armor, +4 dex, +1 natural, +1 deflection/ring)
CMD 31 flat-footed 27 (+10 BAB, +6 str, +4 dex, +1 deflection/ring)
DR 1/-
Speed: 40 ft
Fort: +14, Ref: +14, Will: +7
Conditions: none
CMB: +16 (+10 BAB, +6 str)
Melee (+1 furious greatsword): +17/+9 (+10 BAB, +6 str, +1 enhancement, -0/-3 power attack)
Damage (+1 furious greatsword): 2d6+19 (+9 str, +1 enhancement, +9 power attack)
Melee (+1 spiked gauntlet): +17/+9 (+10 BAB, +6 str, +1 enhancement, -0/-3 power attack)
Damage (+1 spiked gauntlet): 1d4+13 (+6 str, +1 enhancement, +6 power attack)
Ranged (javelin): +14 (+10 BAB, +4 dex)
Ranged damage (javelin): 1d6+6 (+6 str)
23/23 rds Rage remaining

Are you sure you want to do that?

Everyone clears a space quickly for the upcoming duel. Kung you can attempt to disarm Lady Bloodmourn now.

Kung you can attempt 3 disarms on her. Then she does the same for you.


Once in the kitchen the problem is obvious, a large number of rats are emerging from the cellar and trying to get at the food while the staff try to fend them off. If this is discovered by the Captain's it would be a great embarassment.


Captain Darimar is impressed and pleased by the Unbound Drakes record being diplomatic and good friends to the non-humans they have encountered. Aside from that he seems well inclined towards your group and will obviously vote in your favor.

Niobe. You have impressed the guests, and your own friends and crew members. You've also drawn the attention of Captain Sorrinash, who has been steadily drinking and is now looking your way with lustful interest.

What is everyone doing now?

Male N Human (Ulfen) Skald (Dragon Skald) 14 | HP: 142/142 DR 2/- | AC: 27 (Tch 16, Fl 27) | CMB: +15, CMD: 27 | F +16, R: +10, W: +15 (+4 vs fear) | Init: +4 | Perc: +22, SM: +24 | Speed 30ft | Raging Song: 32/32 | Spells: 1st 5/6, 2nd 2/6, 3rd 3/5, 4th 4/5, 5th 2/2 Spell Kenning 2/2 | Battle Cry 3/4, Lore Master 2/2 | Default stats only - see stats spoiler for current status

"S&!#, where did these come from?!" Marnir exclaims as rats scurry around his feet. "Get all the food off the floor, and keep that door shut," he says, trying to make sure that none of their guests catch wind of the problem.

He grabs a handful of bread rolls from a nearby basket and waves them at the rats nearest him. "Here ratty rats, some nice bread for you," he says as he holds the rolls down at floor level to let the rats get the scent of it before walking over to the cellar door and throwing the bread down, hoping the rats will follow it out of the kitchen. He grabs the nearest waiter, a young man with dark skin, and tells him "Bring Niobe here please, now."

Male CN Half-Orc Barbarian 12, Rogue 2 | HP: 35+149/150 (20 nl) | AC: 28 (17 Tch, 23 Fl) | DR 2/- | CMD: 37 (32 Fl) | F: +18, R: +18, W: +10 | Init: +5 | Perc: +17, SM +4 | Speed 40ft | Active conditions: see Stats spoiler in posts (other than hp, stats shown here are default stats only)

Kung grins as he squares off against Lady Cerise. "In civilization they say Kung shouldn't fight a lady. Kung happy we in The Shackles, not in civilization!!!" He laughs as he moves forward and starts sparring, both hands gripping his greatsword as he attempts to rip her weapon away.

Combat Maneuver, disarm, +1 furious greatsword: 1d20 + 16 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 16 + 1 = 24
Combat Maneuver, disarm, +1 furious greatsword: 1d20 + 16 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 16 + 1 = 29
Combat Maneuver, disarm, +1 furious greatsword: 1d20 + 16 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 16 + 1 = 32


HP 120/120
AC 24 touch 15 flat-footed 20 (+8 armor, +4 dex, +1 natural, +1 deflection/ring)
CMD 31 flat-footed 27 (+10 BAB, +6 str, +4 dex, +1 deflection/ring)
DR 1/-
Speed: 40 ft
Fort: +14, Ref: +14, Will: +7
Conditions: none
CMB: +16 (+10 BAB, +6 str)
Melee (+1 furious greatsword): +17/+9 (+10 BAB, +6 str, +1 enhancement, -0/-3 power attack)
Damage (+1 furious greatsword): 2d6+19 (+9 str, +1 enhancement, +9 power attack)
Melee (+1 spiked gauntlet): +17/+9 (+10 BAB, +6 str, +1 enhancement, -0/-3 power attack)
Damage (+1 spiked gauntlet): 1d4+13 (+6 str, +1 enhancement, +6 power attack)
Ranged (javelin): +14 (+10 BAB, +4 dex)
Ranged damage (javelin): 1d6+6 (+6 str)
23/23 rds Rage remaining

Are you sure you want to do that?

Kung finds the disarming duel harder than he thought it would be, even using a greatsword against a rapier it is only his last strike that succeeds.

Lady Bloodmourn looks surprised, and also pleased when her weapon goes flying. "Oho!" She laughs happily. "It's been a while since anyone had me defenseless."

Once her weapon is returned she takes her turn at removing Kungs weapon from his grasp.

Disarm: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (14) + 17 = 31

Her skill with the Duelists favored weapon becomes obvious when a deft twist has Kungs greatsword on the floor on the first pass.

Lady Bloodmourn bows to the applause and claps Kung on the shoulder. "Well fought! It has truthfully been some years since anyone has made me drop my weapon."

She presents Kung with a gift for successfully disarming her.

Scoundrel's sword cane:

Aura moderate divination; CL7th
Slot none; Price 20,925 gp; Weight 4lbs .
A skull and partial backbone carved from ivory top this +2 sword cane, and gray sharkskin covers its wooden scabbard. The wielder can use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply her Dexterity modifier instead of her Strength modifier to attack rolls with a scoundrel's sword cane sized for her, even though it isn't a light weapon.
The eyes of the skull atop the scoundrel's sword cane constantly enhance the wielder's awareness, granting the wielder a +5 competence bonus on Perception checks.
In addition, once per day, the wielder can concentrate while holding the cane to see through the skull's eyes as if they were her own.
In effect, the scoundrel's sword cane can be used as a periscope, allowing the wielder to safely peer over obstacles or around corners.
If the wielder has total concealment from an observed creature except for the end of the cane, the wielder uses the skull's
Diminutive size modifier for her Stealth check instead of her own size modifier.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, arcane eye, obscure object; Cost 10,635 gp

Niobe, a serving girl is quietly telling you that Marnir needs you in the kitchen for a moment.


Marnir The rats take the bread with great hunger, when you throw it down into the cellar you see it is teeming with rats! Far too many for such a well used room?

What are you doing now?

Male N Human (Ulfen) Skald (Dragon Skald) 14 | HP: 142/142 DR 2/- | AC: 27 (Tch 16, Fl 27) | CMB: +15, CMD: 27 | F +16, R: +10, W: +15 (+4 vs fear) | Init: +4 | Perc: +22, SM: +24 | Speed 30ft | Raging Song: 32/32 | Spells: 1st 5/6, 2nd 2/6, 3rd 3/5, 4th 4/5, 5th 2/2 Spell Kenning 2/2 | Battle Cry 3/4, Lore Master 2/2 | Default stats only - see stats spoiler for current status

"What the..." Marnir mutters as the scale of the rat problem becomes clear. He steps backwards and shuts the cellar door (assuming there is one) and waits for Niobe to arrive, hoping that her powers will be enough to deal with the rat swarm. "Make sure there aren't any rats still up here," he says to the kitchen staff, pulling out his knife and stabbing it into a rat at his feet before throwing it's corpse into the fire.

This is Marnir's 1000th post! How far we've come in the last nearly-3 years!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Are you sure you want to do that?

Jun 19 2016 was the first post. Kung is the only original left. Marnir joined after only a week or so though. So he's the other stalwart. Cheers Gang.


At the request of the servant sent by Marnir, Niobe nods her head and heads down to the kitchen to see what's up. When she spots the massive horde of rats she blanches, then she kneels down and says, "What's up buddies? Someone brought you here, yeah?"

Wild Empathy: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (4) + 14 = 18

And of course I still can't roll for s~#+.

Unable to get the rats to cooperate, Niobe looks about desperately for some other entrance to the kitchen, some place that someone might've let them in - or summoned them.

Female Mermaid Witch (Sea Witch) 14 | 74/82 HP | AC 22 (CURRENT 32) T 15 (18) FF 19 (22)| Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | Initiative +3 | Perception +17| Fins to Feet (13 hrs)

If they're indifferent you might have pulled it off.


Wild, non-domesticated animals start unfriendly.

Female Mermaid Witch (Sea Witch) 14 | 74/82 HP | AC 22 (CURRENT 32) T 15 (18) FF 19 (22)| Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | Initiative +3 | Perception +17| Fins to Feet (13 hrs)

But they were just given food

Are you sure you want to do that?

The small basket of bread doesn't last long in a mass of rats and they are still trying to reach the kitchen despite there being people there?

Knowledge Nature Niobe: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (13) + 15 = 28

This is abnormal behavior for rats and Niobe soon realizes that something in the kitchen must be drawing the rats.

Kung & Callidora For you it's just drinks and pirates partying hard at the moment. Though you are curious as to what's keeping Marnir & Niobe busy in the kitchen?

What are you doing now?

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