Shadows of Eternal Winter
Game Master
An ice age is coming. Darkness rises in Irrisen. Can our Heroes stop it?
Male Ulfen Human Ranger (Woodland Skirmisher) 2; HP24/24; AC17 T14 F13 CMD17; F+4 R+7 W+2; Perception+8+
Acrobatics w/ Load: 1d20 + 6 - 3 ⇒ (7) + 6 - 3 = 10
Female Female Elf Ranger (Trapper) 1/Wizard 1/Archmage 1: Init +6 | Perc +11 | AC 15 / T 14 / FF 11 | HP 23 | Saves F +4 / R +6 / W +4 | Mythic: 5/5
Are we missing any other Acros?
Dwarf Cleric of Gorum (Crusader) 2/Hierophant 1
Human(Ulfen) Barbarian(Armored Hulk) 2/Champion 1 (HP 43/43; AC:19, T:11, FF:18; Fort:+10 Ref:+2 Will +2; Init+1; Perc+6) (Effects: Mythic 5/5)
Sorry folks busy day at work. New job is wonderful though and I work for great people now.
Okay as you are all crossing the bridge..
Most of the part gets across easily Morrigan in the middle having a bit of trouble and the dwarf at the rear having more. Almost across the bridge he begins to slip and slides off the edge unable to catch himself. The rope snaps taut and slams him into the wall nearky jerking the next members in line off their feet. Please make str checks to pull the dwarf up before the cliff edge can slice the rope. Thogrim make me a climb check or a ref save your choice.
Also you take 1d6 ⇒ 4 nonlethal.
Human(Ulfen) Barbarian(Armored Hulk) 2/Champion 1 (HP 43/43; AC:19, T:11, FF:18; Fort:+10 Ref:+2 Will +2; Init+1; Perc+6) (Effects: Mythic 5/5)
Str: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
Aric will try to pull up the dwarf in peril.
Map Link Inquisitor (Witchunter)HP 15/15; AC 18/13/15; CMD 15; Init +7; Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +7; Lvl1: 3/3 Bolts 11/15 CI
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19 but pretty sure hulk there got him
Female Female Elf Ranger (Trapper) 1/Wizard 1/Archmage 1: Init +6 | Perc +11 | AC 15 / T 14 / FF 11 | HP 23 | Saves F +4 / R +6 / W +4 | Mythic: 5/5
STR Check: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (19) - 1 = 18
Hehe, she's so strong, my girl :D
Dwarf Cleric of Gorum (Crusader) 2/Hierophant 1
hehe skill checks are not my friend in this armour, I'll go Ref Save then
Reflex Save: 1d20 ⇒ 9
Does this mean I die at the first encounter? Would be hilarious
Thorgrim slips off the bridge and becomes dazed as he crashes into the icy wall.
He feels the tug of the others trying to get him back up.
"I'm alright!" He shouts back up. "Thanks for catching me!"
Human(Ulfen) Barbarian(Armored Hulk) 2/Champion 1 (HP 43/43; AC:19, T:11, FF:18; Fort:+10 Ref:+2 Will +2; Init+1; Perc+6) (Effects: Mythic 5/5)
"It's alright, just watch your step. "
No it just means you didn't catch yourself on the rocks you get another check depending on the results of the rest of the str checks.
Init +5 | Perc +7/9 | AC 13 / T 13 / FF 10 | HP 17 /21 | Saves F +2 / R +3 / W +4
strength: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (19) - 1 = 18
Male Ulfen Human Ranger (Woodland Skirmisher) 2; HP24/24; AC17 T14 F13 CMD17; F+4 R+7 W+2; Perception+8+
Darn, I was hoping we didn't need the rest of the Strength checks!
Strength Check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Savage Skald Bard 2/ Marshal 1
Actually Morrigan put you over.
The party reacts quickly and pulls the dwarf up the cliffside quickly and settles him to his feet within seconds of his falling.
Dwarf Cleric of Gorum (Crusader) 2/Hierophant 1
Thorgrim huffs and puffs as he finally has solid ground back under his feet.
He smiles faintly. "Well that was close, thanks for pulling me up."
Female Female Elf Ranger (Trapper) 1/Wizard 1/Archmage 1: Init +6 | Perc +11 | AC 15 / T 14 / FF 11 | HP 23 | Saves F +4 / R +6 / W +4 | Mythic: 5/5
I guess we keep on moving till the other side of the bridge?
Init +5 | Perc +7/9 | AC 13 / T 13 / FF 10 | HP 17 /21 | Saves F +2 / R +3 / W +4
"You are welcome. Let us get beyond this bridge and onto more certain footing"
Map Link Inquisitor (Witchunter)HP 15/15; AC 18/13/15; CMD 15; Init +7; Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +7; Lvl1: 3/3 Bolts 11/15 CI
Dorvren moves forward once they reach the end of the bridge, and pauses with his xbow ready
Human(Ulfen) Barbarian(Armored Hulk) 2/Champion 1 (HP 43/43; AC:19, T:11, FF:18; Fort:+10 Ref:+2 Will +2; Init+1; Perc+6) (Effects: Mythic 5/5)
As the party turns to leave the bridge area you hear one pure high clear note. A blasts of sound with a purity you have likely not heard before. The bridge groans and creaks and then with screech of its tortured components collapses into the deep ravine.
Dwarf Cleric of Gorum (Crusader) 2/Hierophant 1
"Seems we won't be getting back that way." The dwarf simply states.
"Only way we can go is forward from now on. Let's go."
Male Ulfen Human Ranger (Woodland Skirmisher) 2; HP24/24; AC17 T14 F13 CMD17; F+4 R+7 W+2; Perception+8+
"If there's a trap laid out for us, it will be set to take us on the trail. No need for us to make it easy on them. Dorvren? You up for going a little out of the way?"
Savage Skald Bard 2/ Marshal 1
Alex just shakes his head and grins. "Nothing like adventure in the brisk air to get the blood pumping. This is like the beginning of some tales they used to tell up North, really. Next, I would say that either we will be ambushed for taking the road or we might be ambushed for NOT. Who's to say, really?" The bard muses out loud.
Map Link Inquisitor (Witchunter)HP 15/15; AC 18/13/15; CMD 15; Init +7; Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +7; Lvl1: 3/3 Bolts 11/15 CI
Lets go ruin a trap.
Dorvren makes ready to move off with Grim.
Human(Ulfen) Barbarian(Armored Hulk) 2/Champion 1 (HP 43/43; AC:19, T:11, FF:18; Fort:+10 Ref:+2 Will +2; Init+1; Perc+6) (Effects: Mythic 5/5)
"I hope you're right, I could do with a scrap."
Dwarf Cleric of Gorum (Crusader) 2/Hierophant 1
"Aye I wouldn't mind a scuffle myself. Get all that tension out of me from falling of that bridge."
Female Female Elf Ranger (Trapper) 1/Wizard 1/Archmage 1: Init +6 | Perc +11 | AC 15 / T 14 / FF 11 | HP 23 | Saves F +4 / R +6 / W +4 | Mythic: 5/5
Aldiran shakes her head at the exchange, but cannot help a smile at the nonchalant tone her companions employ, after the confirmation that they are probably being herded into whatever lies ahead.
Init +5 | Perc +7/9 | AC 13 / T 13 / FF 10 | HP 17 /21 | Saves F +2 / R +3 / W +4
Morrigan rolls her eyes at the men, yet can't help but hide a small amused smile. She trudges after, her eyes peeled for signs of danger... or oddness.
Perception Morrigan: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
Perception Nemein: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21
Okay guys so are we traveling parallel to the road off at an angle what?
Male Ulfen Human Ranger (Woodland Skirmisher) 2; HP24/24; AC17 T14 F13 CMD17; F+4 R+7 W+2; Perception+8+
My intent was to take the entire group off the path, with a scout having line of sight to both the path and group, but the group being far enough off not to see the path itself. I see how the interpretation that we have a counter-ambush party off the trail while the primary group stays on the trail could be seen in what I wrote, though. Honestly, either works for me.
Init +5 | Perc +7/9 | AC 13 / T 13 / FF 10 | HP 17 /21 | Saves F +2 / R +3 / W +4
Morrigan shivers, and not just at the chill in the air. She picks up her pace to catch up with the others, murmering quietly so only those near can hear. "We are being watched by a man with horns. Seems more interested in watching and keeping tabs on us... so far."
Going on the assumption that this guy is probably fey...K Nature: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Map Link Inquisitor (Witchunter)HP 15/15; AC 18/13/15; CMD 15; Init +7; Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +7; Lvl1: 3/3 Bolts 11/15 CI
come on out and you won't get killed.
I assumed you were just striking off into the woods grim lol. I just wanted to know what direction. But I see what your trying to do now and in that case I will need stealth rolls Morrigans spoiler still applies
Init +5 | Perc +7/9 | AC 13 / T 13 / FF 10 | HP 17 /21 | Saves F +2 / R +3 / W +4
Stealth from everyone?
Stealth: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22
Map Link Inquisitor (Witchunter)HP 15/15; AC 18/13/15; CMD 15; Init +7; Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +7; Lvl1: 3/3 Bolts 11/15 CI
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8 stealth
Human(Ulfen) Barbarian(Armored Hulk) 2/Champion 1 (HP 43/43; AC:19, T:11, FF:18; Fort:+10 Ref:+2 Will +2; Init+1; Perc+6) (Effects: Mythic 5/5)
Ha Stealth!: 1d20 - 4 ⇒ (20) - 4 = 16
Female Female Elf Ranger (Trapper) 1/Wizard 1/Archmage 1: Init +6 | Perc +11 | AC 15 / T 14 / FF 11 | HP 23 | Saves F +4 / R +6 / W +4 | Mythic: 5/5
Dwarf Cleric of Gorum (Crusader) 2/Hierophant 1
Thorgrim wouldn't even care about stealth, he can remain silent however.
"A horned man you say? You certain that he is not just wearing a helm?"
Male Ulfen Human Ranger (Woodland Skirmisher) 2; HP24/24; AC17 T14 F13 CMD17; F+4 R+7 W+2; Perception+8+
Stealth w/ Encumbrance: 1d20 + 9 - 3 ⇒ (8) + 9 - 3 = 14 Sigh.
Init +5 | Perc +7/9 | AC 13 / T 13 / FF 10 | HP 17 /21 | Saves F +2 / R +3 / W +4
Thorgrim Snowblade wrote: Thorgrim wouldn't even care about stealth, he can remain silent however.
"A horned man you say? You certain that he is not just wearing a helm?"
Could she tell if it was a helm or actual antlers?
He was most definitely not wearing a helmet.
Init +5 | Perc +7/9 | AC 13 / T 13 / FF 10 | HP 17 /21 | Saves F +2 / R +3 / W +4
"I am certain." She gives the dwarf a level look. "Whatever their purpose, the fey-kind in these parts are coming out of the woodwork. Doubtless it is one of them."
Just double-checking, but nothing from my knowledge nature check? (16) :)
Savage Skald Bard 2/ Marshal 1
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
Knowledge (Nature): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
Alex keeps his eyes out as well, looking for such an odd creature as Morrigan is describing, seeing both if he can find it or at least place it in his mind. Hopefully, his eyes are sharp enough to pick out anything else in the areas around them.
Belated Stealth: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Alex you do see it in fact it looks at you grins and holds a finger up to its lips as your mark pulses. You have no idea what or more likely who he is....
Morrigan you determine it is not a normal lesser fey.
Savage Skald Bard 2/ Marshal 1
Alex pulls up his sleeve slightly to look and see if the pulsing mark is just a pulse of feeling or if there is actually coloration to it.
I'm assuming Alex can confirm that it's not a helmet?
"I saw it too...And it definitely seems to be watching us. And it definitely knows we see it. ....And it's smiling." The last part seems to make him more uncomfortable than the rest of it.
Human(Ulfen) Barbarian(Armored Hulk) 2/Champion 1 (HP 43/43; AC:19, T:11, FF:18; Fort:+10 Ref:+2 Will +2; Init+1; Perc+6) (Effects: Mythic 5/5)
"Alright, where is he? I'll go over there and bring him out."
Map Link Inquisitor (Witchunter)HP 15/15; AC 18/13/15; CMD 15; Init +7; Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +7; Lvl1: 3/3 Bolts 11/15 CI
This is what comes with making deals with the fey. Foolishness
Male Ulfen Human Ranger (Woodland Skirmisher) 2; HP24/24; AC17 T14 F13 CMD17; F+4 R+7 W+2; Perception+8+
"Well, keep watching him, but keep moving. Knowing he's there shouldn't keep us from watching for others. We already know they don't all play for the same team. He could be neutral in this for all we know."
Init +5 | Perc +7/9 | AC 13 / T 13 / FF 10 | HP 17 /21 | Saves F +2 / R +3 / W +4
divineshadow wrote:
Morrigan you determine it is not a normal lesser fey.
I'm not sure how to take this statement...does she think it's a lesser fey, but somehow altered from 'normal' (such as being turned to the 'winter-side' or under the effect of a spell), or does she think its kind is not normally lesser fey, but this one has been reduced in power, or trying to appear 'lesser', or does she think it's a lesser fey that's not normally found around these parts, or does she just think it's fey, but doesn't really have a clue about what kind? xD
True enough Grim. I can't quite put my finger on it at the moment but something about it seems odd, even for a fey."