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The weekend and homework Den :), but I am here. Oh and I also wanted you guys to have a decision set on what you were going to do, since I dont' wanna railroad this for you.
The party heads upstairs to Kwava's office, leaving the staff to themselves.
"Okay, have a seat everyone. Here's where we're at right now, Talia and I searched a few rooms, but found ourselves held up in the papers room. Talia was able to conclude that there are some irregularities. Saul must have been funneling his money into something or someone labeled only as "D.A" unfamiliar to all of you. It's hard to say what he's been financing, because it definitely wasn't his wardrobe. We also checked the night vault, and nothing suspicious seemed to surface other than a small safe in the back which I hadn't noticed previously. I tried out all my keys but nothing worked. Do any of you have expertise in opening locks? As for me, I know he's guilty, and needs to die, but in the mean time, feel free to search the rest of the place for anything else. Now tell me, what did you find out? Since we now have a moment, do any of you have more questions for me? Oh, and Talia has something to say."
Talia slowly steps forward, with her hand over her mouth and her head tilted downward.
"Listen, all of you. I'm sorry I let you down today. I don't know what got over me during the ambush. I've always dreamed of adventuring, but I never really expected that I would freeze up at the first sign of danger. I do intend to work to serve the Shin'Rakorath and their cause, but I cannot put you in danger anymore for my lack of combat experience. I'm going to be taking Saul's place here at the goblin, managing the day to day affairs. This way I can stay deployed out here with you. I hope you're all okay with my decision. Kwava was really understanding and thinks I'll do a good job."
Talia seems to be a bit more confident now, standing a little taller, her face now returning to the normal pale color it usually is.
Edit: Re-read the post Den, I've added a few things! (Like i always do)

Dendarial the Ken Hunter |

I think a couple us can try the lock for you. Maybe we should start there. As to further questions, my only thought is lets operate as a team from now on and share all intel - even hunches about people. No more surprises. Deal?

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Kwava looks to Dendarial and responds
"I will try to be as transparent with you all as possible. Since you're all green, I have to be suspicious of your ability to start, though to an extent you've all proven yourselves in one way or another. There is still a long way for our unit to go, but I'm confident we'll get there. In the case of Saul, I couldn't have you walking around constantly suspicious of him, as this may have caused him to spook. But again, I will be more transparent with you."
Kwavas head perks up at the rest of the party.
"Also, I've already sent for some specific reinforcements to join our unit. After the boneyard, I can see what we're dealing with. If I hadn't been there, things could have gone much worse."
You notice that Ganmeed is nowhere to be seen in Kwava's office.
Kwava will accompany the party to the Night Vault.
The door to this reinforced chamber is composed of 6 inches of solid steel. Its hinges are securely nested in the stone wall. Seven keyholes and a locking wheel are set int he center of the door. All the locks
respond to a single key. As you walk inside this massive safe, the walls are lined with cashboxes with various labels and denominations.
Kwava takes you to the back of the safe with torch in hand and points to a hole that almost seems to be inlaid into the back corner of the room.
"That's it, lets see what you've got."

Vhalas Rhun |

With the cool eye of a professional Vhalas surveys the vault, as a smith might examine a fine blade. "Interesting... I knew the goblin brought in some jink, but I had no idea we were talking this much." And if the Shin'Rakorath have the resources to buy it flat out, they are bigger then I ever though. "This is going to take a while. Wasp, can you give me some light? Dendarial, i'll be calling for tools, just hand them forward as I ask for them. Ziyad, I might need a second set of hands." Kneeling down in front of the hole that has been inlaid into the corner of the vault, Vhalas begins to slowly and methodically exam it.
Perception: Locate Traps: (Take 20) 34 (Assuming +2 for aid from Ziyad)
After studiously examining the container for any secondary triggers, Vhalas withdraws from his pack a set of picks, a chisel, a rubber hammer and several other tools, as well as a horn like object he uses to listen to the clicking of the dials as they move. "I hope you don't mind that I talk while I do this... for some reason it helps me concentrate. A Lot of people take lock cracking for granted, but there's a art to it. I guess its a bit like coaxing a confession from a unwilling participant, Wasp or following tracks that your mark tried to obscure Den... A lock is made to keep something hidden and in the dark. And there are many different types of locks, about as many as their are people. Each one has a trigger... a weakness if you will. Something you can exploit..."
Disable Device (Take 20) 37 (Assuming +2 for aid from Ziyad)
"I think I have it."

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With a bit of help, Vhalas is able to masterfully open what appears to be a complicated safe without any problems.
Inside the safe you find a large sack, as well as a parchment made of calf-skin. Burned into the top of the document you see the words
The Gold Goblin
125 pp
A small note which simply says Pharast 1-30
Kwava:"What's this? Well this should account for some of the book cooking, what a fool. And this? It cannot be."
Kwava leaves the room running, and returns within one minute, holding a similar looking parchment in his hands.
"This is the deed, signed over and dated by Saul and myself"

Vhalas Rhun |

Wasp leans in to see over his shoulder, pressing up against him.
Huh, three months ago, I would never have let someone get that close to my back. Too easy to put a dagger through the ribs. Either I'm getting sloppy or I'm starting to trust these guys. Dam, I'm probably going to regret it, but let's roll the dice and see how they fall. Wasp is my type of elf, and Ziyad knows a bit o' the cant. Hell even Den' aint bad for a man catcher."
"Thanks for the light Wasp. Let's take a look at that deed."
Perception 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17
Knowledge (local) 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

Vhalas Rhun |

"So if i'm reading this right, it looks like you got sold a fake? Or at least there are two different copy's of the deed? Pretty common grift... sell the guy a fake deed to a place that you never owned in the first place. But Saul owned the place, so that dosen't work. I think the key part is that clause"
ownership of the Gold Goblin does not in turn grant ownership of any smuggler’s tunnels that might exist underneath the property
Can't say I'm surprised about the smuggler tunnels. The guy that I used to work with, Lucky claimed that Korvosa was riddled with them, and that's a classier city then this dump. If the Gold Goblin did have some sort of a connection to smugglers tunnels, I think our best bet would be to search the second sublevel, since that would minimize the amount of work needed to excavate them. Here's the thing though. Pretty much everything is legal in Riddleport, what in the hell could be bad enough that you would have to smuggle it in?"
Know (local) 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
"So Kwava, I say we tear out everything not nailed down in this joint and start looking for a connection to a hidden tunnel. What do you guys say?"

Vhalas Rhun |

"Yea, start at the bottom and work our way up. but before we start, lets talk about that bag. It had that note said Pharast 1-30, along with a lot of jink. That's a date right there, so I'm thinking this is the amount that he skimmed for the month of Pharast. Kwava, what day did you buy the goblin on?"

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Kwava:"It seems you are correct Vhalas. Hard to say if he had a scheme in mind to push me out, but it definitly looks as though this was primarily a coverup."
"Haha, I appreciate and encourage the enthusiasm. Yes, as a manner of speech Vhalas, yes, I agree. Remember, this is a place of business and it must remain so even after the dust settles, so be mindful of the furnishing."
"The Shin'Rakorath have been the proud owner of the Goblin now for over three months. We purchased her early in Abadius. This must be the drop for "D.A."... whoever or whatever that is. Saul's income reports have been regular and profitable, but I suppose that if we did a full inventory of this safe we'd find otherwise. As for this money, our pockets are deep. I'm open to ideas about we use it for it's current "intended purpose", the problem would be knowing the time and place associated."
Know (Local): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14
Linguistics Take 20
Talia remains quiet as she slowly studies the deeds in detail.
Talia: "Kwava, I must be stating the obvious, but this is a forgery. If you look at the seal, there seems to be inconsistencies in the runic symbols on the Cyphergate design. The detail must have been too great to replicate."

Ziyad |
Ziyad turned his back on the platinum, it was 1/10th his son's life. Temptation weakened without visible cues. With a somewhat defeated posture, he said weakly "Let me hold onto that document, Talia. We may need it for identification purposes in the field."
Then later "Certain new thoughts have just occurred to me regarding the tunnels and my earlier survey of this place. I might double check a few things and report."
Using my engineering to find logical contact or avoidance points for tunnels based on the layout/style of the structure.
1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26
Using my profession (sapper) experience for other significant details regarding tunneling.
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
And a thorough craft (stone-masonry) on the second sub-level for unusual stone forms.
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

The Killer Wasp |

Whether or not Wasp recognized the forgery seems immaterial at this point, but for the most part, she's held back to let the more professional grifters think out loud among each other. She does nod her head a few times, but otherwise doesn't add much.
When it's time to search, though, she's as enthusiastic as anyone.
Perception 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31!
She does love uncovering mysteries.

Vhalas Rhun |

"The Shin'Rakorath have been the proud owner of the Goblin now for over three months. We purchased her early in Abadius. This must be the drop for "D.A."... whoever or whatever that is. Saul's income reports have been regular and profitable, but I suppose that if we did a full inventory of this safe we'd find otherwise. As for this money, our pockets are deep. I'm open to ideas about we use it for it's current "intended purpose", the problem would be knowing the time and place associated."
"Well Kwava, if we are going to be your "field agents" I would love to use some of that jink to put together an emergency kit. Now that Talia won't be joining us, I don't fancy having to sew up my own guts after a tumble if you catch the skinny. Some potions, or perhaps a wand. Those firebombs were a mite useful too. Roughly speaking at 1,250 gold. Well that could save a lot of heartache in the right hands. I bet Wasp could go talk to the Silken Veil and see if they could scare us some sacraments. If you don't mind that is Wasp. As for the rest of the joint, yea Den, start on bottom and work our way up. It's going to be a long nights slog, but we may as well get started. Might want to stick to pairs just to be safe."
Perception (Taking 20, room by room looking for hidden doors, ect. Total= 30
I don't want to cut the new guys out of the RP, so I tried to leave you an opening to work them in as a conversation piece.

Dendarial the Ken Hunter |

We need everyone together for this exercise. I am not sure what we will find, but when we find it I expect trouble. Besides, we are looking for secret passages and such, and 4 sets of eyes are much better than 2.

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As the group separates, you all realize that is now getting late, and you are extremely tired. That being said, you have it in you to conduct this search.
Kwava will gesture to Talia to give his forged copy of the deed to Ziyad
To learn about the engineering and sap points of the building, Ziyad will spend some time observing the different levels of the Gold Goblin, as well as looking outside. You remember hearing that the tunnels in Riddleport are roughly 10' underground, meaning that any logical entrances would be a staircase down from an area not directly above sub-level 1, or straight out of sub-level 1. It is possible they would be up from sub-level 2, but this seems unlikely. None of the stone forms in sub-level two seem to be out of the place.
In Saul's office (9), you find a light crossbow in a secret compartment under his desk with 10 bolts.
When passing by the cellar entrance, you smell something interesting. Give me a Knowledge (Local) check Den.
In the staff quarters (22) you find a few of the on-site staff hanging around speaking in private. In some of the empty rooms you find a bunch of personal affects, and 36 gp in loose change.
In the Dressing Rooms you find a bunch of what looks like outfits of disguises of royalty, cold weather, jesters, and the well known Succubi.
In the dining room on level 2 (27), you find behind a large tapestry an opening into the rafters. You notice that you have one-way vision down into the gaming floor from here.
You also notice a funky scent on level one near the cellar entrance
Give me a Knowledge (Local) check Wasp
VhalasAnything beyond what I've revealed to you here will require specific perception checks.
Kwava: "I'm sorry but the money needs to stay within the Goblin. I was suggesting we could use it as bait, like a fake drop, but either way it will need to be funneled back into the system. We might already be bankrupt. As for patching up the wounds, I've got that under control. I sent Ganmeed off with a request for one to two new recruits. I estimate their arrival some time tomorrow mid-day."
You spend time searching the sub-levels with Ziyad. If you haven't already, read GG articles 31-39.
You find the underground arena that runs on certain nights of the week. You find two separate kennels with dogs and pigs. They both seem extremely hungry as if they haven't eaten in a few days. Feces are all over the floor, and it smells terrible.
In the infirmary (36), you find a potion of CLW.
The octahedron is surrounded by a large arena. In the octahedron you find a number of weapons on the walls, as well as blood stains smeared on the walls, pillars, and some on the sand.

Vhalas Rhun |

Huh... what is that smell down here? Sure, this is a fighting pit and all, but it seems out of place... Searching in the octahedron Vhalas studys the floor and walls looking for anything out of place.
Perception 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28
Know (local) 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21

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You do not specifically recognize the smell. You can almost taste the smell it's so bad. It has a musty scent of rotten and sour body odor.
Vhalas follows his nose to the center of the octahedron. Once you are in the very center of the room, you immediately know the smell: Troglodytes. You spend more time inspecting the area and notice that as you step around, there is a slight creaking noise below you. Kicking away the sand, you are able to uncover what looks to be a trap door with a large keyhole covered by a a wooden plug.

Vhalas Rhun |

Well, well, well, what do we have here?
Kneeling down to the hidden trap door Vhalas sweeps away the sand inspecting it. The others will want to know about this. Carefully, Vhalas sweeps the sand back onto the trapdoor to hide it. Rishing Vhalas goes to find his companions. Once he gathers everyone up into Kwava’s office he lets them know that he has found a hidden trapdoor but wanted to gather everyone before he went further.

Dendarial the Ken Hunter |

This is where I thought we were.
Den recommends we secure that passage and complete our search of the grounds, then enter the passage and see where it leads. If there are troggs down there is there anything we can do to protect against that smell? some alchemical or the like?

The Killer Wasp |

Wasp listens to Vhalas explain the trap door.
"I seem to recall smelling something similar earlier. Quite a reek." She glances to Dendarial and Ziyad. "Any ideas what it may be?"
"If there are troggs down there is there anything we can do to protect against that smell? some alchemical or the like?"
Wasp looks at Den with a somewhat blank expression. "Troggs?"

Vhalas Rhun |

I diden't specifically mention them. but I imange that I would have. So I would let it slide.
Standing across the office from Kwava Vhalas noddingly agrees. "Yea, what Den said Wasp. Smelled like Troggs down there. Considering what the contract said, I have a hard time beliving that Saul diden't know about the hidden bolt hole. I say we go check it out. Either we find where he went, or we might find a lead that will point us in the right direction. Either way this is a breach of our security and we need to check it out."

The Killer Wasp |

"Either way this is a breach of our security and we need to check it out."
"Agreed." Wasp nods. "Whatever is down there, it's a threat to our operation."
She looks to Dendarial. "I'm used to dealing with humanoids. What can we expect from these Troggs? Besides stench?"

Ziyad |
Troglodytes are dungeoneering, right?
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
Ziyad brushes his chin a moment, briefly expounding everything he knows about troglodytes to the group in a breif and well organized presentation, using the prestidigitation cantrip to add visual aids such as anatomy diagrams and ritual totems.

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Sorry boys, humanoids are Local. Ask Vhalas, he can tell you IC everything you need to know about Troggs. Additionally, in order for leveling to take affect, as well as for Ziyad to renew his spells, you guys need to rest. You've now been awake for over 24 hours.
Kwava:"I have plenty of things to work out here with Talia, I'll leave this to all of you to work out. First things first, though, we all need rest, it's been a long 24 hours. If you choose to go down below, I'll pull a few strings to find out about The Hole. If you head there, I'll keep a watch below to make sure nothing comes up."
Just then, light breaks through the windows of the Gold Goblin and hits your eyes. The sudden bright light burns, and fatigue begins to set in.

Vhalas Rhun |

Casually running a coin over his knuckles Vhalas stares off into the distance dredging up everything he can remember or has heard of Troglodyte's. "Well, first off they stink to high hell, but you already know that. Me and Lucky would occasionally stumble into a clutch of them when we would work smuggler tunnels. They are stupid, ugly and smelly, but they won't go down without a fight. Think of a half-man, half lizard and you wouldn't be far off the mark. They are good at hiding though, and if they think they can kill you, they won't hesitate. Basically what I'm saying is that they are evil to the marrow, and you shouldn't feel bad about putting them down. Any other questions?" As if to emphasize the point Vhalas dances the coin off his knuckles and into the air, before slamming it down on the Kwava's desk. "But seriously guys, I feel like a candle that’s been burned on both ends. I say we get some rest. Restock any supplies we need in the morning and then check it out."

The Killer Wasp |

"First things first, though, we all need rest, it's been a long 24 hours."
"But seriously guys, I feel like a candle that’s been burned on both ends. I say we get some rest. Restock any supplies we need in the morning and then check it out."
It's pretty clear from Wasp's reaction that she didn't even realize they'd been up so late. Then she yawns.
"Huh. Guess a few hours of sleep is in order."

Ziyad |
Ziyad awoke and left a beautiful handwritten note for the others explaining his intentions to briefly explore magic merchants in town. He had left his heavy pack behind, taking only a saw strapped to his back. Traveling slim he weaved a path through the streets with the cunning of one who has lived in deep urbanity their entire life. He suspected he was being watched and bit into an alleyway, wrapping his bag of gems tightly around his waist under a few layers of cotton strips. Kwava had pointed him in the direction of a good magic source, and Ziyad was eager to get back to his arcane studies. No longer misled by pure theory, Ziyad sought practical application in all formulae, knowing that creating his own universe was an action rather than an idea. He pierced the morning sun with his tread and reached the merchant with a commanding presence.
I am shopping for the following items, irrespective of order.
1st scrolls: mount, true strike, silent image, vanish, alarm
2nd scrolls: locate object, darkvision, spider climb, web, gust of wind
Wands: of flaming sphere (~10 charges), of web (~20 charges)
Scribe Scroll raw mats 10

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The Order of Cyphers is a very haughty organization who overly enunciate and generally speak down to people. This manner of being is not purpose, as the Cyphermage's are generally well educated Wizards and scholars with years of study under their belts. Joining the organization is not easy task, as there are hundreds of travellers who attempt to join each month.
Once you arrive at the Cypherlodge, you notice about 10 people scattered around in small groups chattering among themselves in the front room. The patron at the front desk looks up from a scroll he is scribing and addresses you.
"Welcome to the Cypherlodge, we are currently full and so we are not accepting new guests, or is that not why you are here? Magic items you say? And you know Samaritha? As a visiting guest, you will need to pay a one time fee of 50 gp to access the facilities here at the Cypherlodge. You look to have some proficiency with the arcane, are you a travelling wizard yourself?"
When asked about scrolls and wands, he responds
"We are not a group of adventurers collecting used wands, we have professional craftsman who are renowned in the region of their works. All jobs are taken by consignment, unless it is for a scroll, in which case we may already have it done."
Wand prices are:
50 charges: 100% of the base price
40 charges: 105% of the base price
30 charges: 110% of the base price
20 charges: 115% of the base price
10 charges: 120% of the base price
Scroll prices are:
90% of the base price.
Since the cyphermages spend so much time practicing and developing the scribing abilities, there is a standing 10% discount on all scrolls (until further notice).

Ziyad |
"Your fee is agreeable. And yes, I am engaged in arcane praxis. However, an associate of mine is also interested in divine formulations...the kind woodsmen employ. I assume you do not have that kind of research available. After our business, I wonder if I might speak with Samaritha?"
I guess I will ignore the wands for now and get all the scrolls I want. 5 1st level + 6 2nd level with discount comes to 922.5. I will spend another 125 on scribing raw materials for use in the field. Spells are as noted above with the addition of a flaming sphere scroll. Then of course the 50gp fee. So all in all, I just spent 1097.5 gp.
When I get back, I'll use 40gp of my scribing materials to write flaming sphere to my spellbook, taking 10 for the spellcraft check and 1 hour for the process. If there is time, I'll do vanish for 10 more gp worth of scribing materials.

Vhalas Rhun |

Morning, The sun rises on Riddleport, an ugly hovel of a city, full of thieves, cutpurses and thugs. Striding though the rabble Vhalas deftly made his way through the crowds towards the Bank of Abadar. [i]Perhaps I was a bit too hasty with Kwava.[i] Vhalas thinks. Stepping up the marble steps of the Bank Vhalas greets the Acolyte and scrawls a number on a sheaf of paper. I need to access my safe deposit box...
Drider, Vhalas will be destroying the note and any evidence he left at the bank this morning, after having a change of heart over the past evening.