Ruins of Pathfinder: The Quest for Arcadia (Inactive)

Game Master Robert Brookes

“There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign.”

Robert Louis Stevenson

Current Encounter Map Axebeak Hills Encounter


Settlers' Cache: Goods (47), Labor (0), Influence (0), Magic (0)
Unrest: 3
Crafted Tools: 3 Carts and 15 Sledges


Terrain: Hills
Traits: Resource (stone)


Old Info:

Salvage: This hex contains useful salvage. For every day the settlers perform a salvage operation, the settlers' cache gains 1d4 units of Goods. Other interesting flotsam has a chance of being encountered during every day of salvage.

Now that you have landed in Arcadia, it is up to you to determine the best course of action for you and your settlers. Stranded in the new world with no ships to take you back home, you are left with few options but to forge a new life. Adventuring in the new world before building a settlement works in a way similar to the downtime system but also incorporates elements of the mass combat and caravan rules. Since you are straddling a line between kingdom and caravan, these blended rules will serve as a supplement to the sandbox exploration rules.

The PCs traveling on their own utilize the standard exploration rules presented in the sandbox exploration section of Ultimate Campaign. However, with nearly 300 settlers in tow, exploration is a more arduous process. The settlers are significantly slowed by needing to carry and haul supplies salvaged from the shipwrecks, and with no carraiges or caravans to move things (yet), the going will be slow.

Travel/Exploration Speed: At present, when moving as a whole unit, the Dwarven Settlers have a speed of 15. See movement for what that means in travel.

Consumption: Each day the settlers are actively traveling, they consume 1 unit of Goods from the settlers' cache. For each day of exploration, the settlers consume 2 units of Goods from the settlers' cache.

The settlers are a mish-mash of soldiers, tradesmen, farmers and families of their ilk. As a whole they are a mass of eager and tempered explorers looking to settle in a new and dangerous land. There are simply too many dwarves to individually represent each of their skills, and as such the group can be committed to a task or tasks as a whole.

The settlers can perform one supplementary task per day (above and beyond necessary daily work to survive that they perform automatically, such as cooking and general maintenance of their gear). The settlers may perform up to 5 supplemental tasks per day, but for each task beyond the first, the PCs must make a successful Diplomacy or Intimidate check (DC 15 + 1 for every point of Unrest) to successfully inspire or goad the dwarves into action without suffering damage to their morale and gaining Unrest (see below). The tasks performable by the settlers are detailed below:

  > Craft: The settlers have a combined +50 skill bonus on any one craft check, representing dozens of dwarves working together on the same project. Typically this large bonus would be used to craft large amounts of mundane equipment in days rather than weeks.

  > Defend: This puts the settlers into a rotation of watch shifts with sentries. Dwarves are positioned around the clock to keep watch for threats entering or approaching the camp. While on the Defend task, the camp makes a continual 25 on Perception checks.

  > Live off the Land: The settlers actively hunt, forage, and make themselves self-sufficient from the natural resources abundant in Arcadia. For each day the settlers perform this task, they consume 1 less unit of Goods. In a hex with the resource trait, the settlers consume 2 less units of Goods.

  > Salvage: When in Hexes with salvageable supplies, you may order the settlers to comb the land for salvageable gear, gainins 1d4 units of Goods per day until the hex's resources are depleted.

  > Scout: Members of the settlers fan out to explore the countryside around their current camp. Each day you task the settlers to perform the Scout action, you reveal all adjacent map hexes to the settlers current location.

This number represents how confident and happy the settlers are, the lower the better. After the traumatic crash the settlers Unrest is at 5, as they are harried and worried about the future. Unrest can never go below 0, and any modifiers that would reduce Unrest to 0 are wasted. If Unrest ever reaches 20, the settlers fall into anarchy and refuse to perform any tasks and may leave, cause violence, or attempt to travel on their own.

  Gaining Unrest
The following actions can cause Unrest in the settlers:

  > Prolonged Travel: If the settlers are ever made to travel more an 8 hours in a day they gain 1 point of Unrest.

  > Demanding Activities: Each time the settlers are asked to perform more than one supplementary task in a day (and the PCs fail a Diplomacy or Intimidate check to motivate them) they gain 1 point of Unrest per failed check.

  > Disaster: If the settlers fall victim to a disaster (such as a flood, wildfire, monster attack, etc) they gain 2 points of Unrest.

  > Shortages: If the settlers' cache of Goods ever reaches 0, the settlers gain 2 points of Unrest.

  Reducing Unrest
The following actions can reduce Unrest from the settlers:

  > Bribe: At the beginning of each day the PCs may opt to spend 1 unit of Goods to reduce Unrest by 1 point. This represents handing out additional rations, brewing a few rounds of ale, or otherwise using supplies to curry favor.

  > Morale Boosting: A PC may spend 1 day performing a morale-boosting activity among the settlers, from a rousing speech, to laying out the settlers strategies for moving across the land, to performing uplifting music and the like. The PC performing this task may make a Diplomacy or Perform check (DC 10 + 1 per point of Unrest). A successful check removes 1 point of Unrest. A PC may take a 10 but not a 20 on this check.

  > Rest: Every day that the settlers go without needing to make any supplementary tasks reduces their Unrest by 1 provided that the settles cache has at least 1 unit of Goods in it.

  > Special: Certain special events may reduce Unrest by 1 or more points. The GM will inform you when these events occur.

  > Explore: The dwarven settlers are typically considered to be a cohesive whole working together and cooperating towards a unified goal. If the PCs desire, they may divide out members of the settlers into "exploration" teams that may travel apart from the whole. Choosing to divide the settlers into exploration teams costs 1 daily action for the settlers, and may cost additional actions depending on how many dwarves are involved. Using 1/2 of the total settlers to explore costs 1/2 the total daily actions allotted to the settlers.

Since settlers off exploring another hex from the base camp do not have access to the settlers' cache of goods, they must be provided with a base number of goods before they depart. Each team of exploring settlers consumes 1 unit of goods per day.

Exploring settlers can gain unrest as normal, through encounters with monsters, disasters, or other hazards. Furthermore, exploring settlers who consume all of their rationed goods gain 1 point of Unrest (independent of total Unrest hedl by all settlers.) They do not add this additional Unrest until they return, and if their Unrest reaches 20 before returning home, the exploring settlers become anarchic and refuse to return, breaking off into their own independent group.