Rise of the Runelords

Game Master Goblins Eighty-Five

Why then the world's mine oyster, Which I with sword will open.
-William Shakespeare

Character Creation
»Races: Core, plus Aasimar, Changeling, Fetchling, Ifrit, Oread, Sylph, Tiefling, and Undine. I also will allow Eberron's Changelings with a +2 to any attribute, and Rite Publishing's Gargoyle. You may NOT apply a template.
»Classes, Feats, Spells, and Everything else: Any Paizo Pathfinder book, Any WoTC 3.5 book (except for BoVD and BoED), any non-setting Malhavoc press books, and any 3rd Party Pathfinder books; the last three need to meet my approval/conversion and I need to own them! I'm pretty easy going on what I allow though, I even allow things like the Book of Nine swords, and words of power. If you've ever wanted to make a stupid broken character, now is your chance!
»25 point build. You may play any Adulthood, Middle-Aged, or Old characters, BUT! I will not be allowing the age modifiers.
»Average starting gold plus 25gp.
»2 Traits
»Action Points. 5 + 1/2 level.
»Any Alignment but CE; if you play evil stupidly (Hi everyone! I'm evil! or as I usually see it: Hi Everyone! I'm a jerk!), I will allow your character to get killed, or just ask you to make another one.
»Select a Golarion Deity
»A character goal (this could be a goal you have for your character but your character doesn't know it!)
»One paragraph describing what your character looks like, how they carry themselves.
»One paragraph describing you character's personality
»NOTE: FAST CHART XP. If you are making a new character, you will be one level lower than the current party average.

My Character Creation house rules (some of these were put up to a vote):
»A +1 to one attribute at every even level, no choosing the last one you placed it into (No +1 Dex at 2nd and then 4th. You couldn't do Dex again until 6th level)
»A feat at every level. This doesn't stack with the old feat progression, it replaces it.
»Starting HP: At first level, it is MAX HP + your Con SCORE + your Con Modifier. Afterwards, it advances normally, but, if you roll a 1 on your HP, treat it as a 2.
»Reputation Score. You don't have to worry about it, heck, I'm only telling you just in case you wanted to take one of the Reputation feats.
Non-Character Creation House Rules
»You do NOT have to roll to confirm critical hits. Any feat or trait, etc., that deals with adding a bonus to a roll to confirm a critical hit is now instead added to the damage of a critical hit AFTER the multiplier.
»On non-combat related skill checks, rolling a 1 is considered to be a -5 instead, On non-combat related skill checks, rolling a 20 is considered to be rolling a 25.
Create an alias with your character's name, fill out the tables, for languages, you start with your nation's language, if any, as well as the standard. I'd like to see this layout:

Combat Details:

List each combat stats total, and then, next to it, the calculation for the total. For example:
CMD: 14 = 10+1(Base Attack)+1(Dex)+1(Str)+1(Dodge)

Initiative Modifier:
Touch AC:
Flat-Footed AC:
Current HP/Total HP:
Current Action Points/Total Action Points:
Experience Points:
Do the following as many times as need
(Attack name here)To hit:
(Attack name here)Damage:

Character Details:

Reason to be in Sandpoint:

Description: Be sure to mention height, weight, eye color, hair color/style, skin tone, as well as what they are wearing most often


Favorite Beverage:

Favorite Foods:


Ethnicity: For humans and half-breeds only please!

Traits: Please list what book, and which page


List each relevant to you skill's total, and then, next to it, the calculation for the total. For example:
Acrobatics: 8 = 1(Dex)+1(Rank)+3(Trained)+2(Racial)+1(equipment)
Please also list Perception and Sense Motive, even if you have no ranks.


Please list what book, what page (except for core), and how you got it. For example:
Human:Weapon Focus: Longsword
Fighter: Dodge

Class Features:

Please list what book, what page


Equipment:Please list what book, what page, cost, weight, and where it's located most of the time. For example:
Heatstone, The Inner Sea World Guide, pg 293, 20gp, 1lb, in belt pouch 1.

Containers: Please list what book, what page, cost, individual weight, and where it's located most of the time.
Carrying Capacities:
Current Weight:
Light Load: Medium Load: Heavy Load:
Lift over head: Push/Drag Load:


Here is the sheet for what will be your Caravan.


Caravan Name:


Armor Class:



Hit Points:

Traveler Capacity:
Cargo Capacity:


Wagons (In order):

