[PFS_Aerondor] 06-08 The Segang Expedition [Tier 1-5] PbP Gameday 4 (Inactive)

Game Master Aerondor



Rumors of a lost shrine in the Segang Jungle draw the Pathfinder Society’s attention, but the prohibitive cost of sending a team into the wilds of Jalmeray threatens to shut down the expedition before it even begins. Fortunately, a wealthy patron has offered to fund the PCs travel expenses in return for their help in his decades-old quest. Can the Pathfinders balance this new obligation with their exploration of the archaeological site?

Content in “The Segang Expedition” also contributes directly to the ongoing storyline of the Sovereign Court faction.

Getting an antitoxin and antiplague, and a potion of cure light wounds and a potion of Shield of Faith. 200gp

Alchemist's fire (flask) 20 gp
Antiplague 50 gp
Chalk, 10 pieces 1 sp

George Chadwick Parker:
Antitoxin: 50gp

Baron RUDYAHM (4)
+1 diplomacy on the boat
+1 spider in the boot
+2 Baron did killing blow on "tiger"
Count Matsanda (3)
+1 diplomacy on the boat
+1 first day (exaggerating the counts deeds to the baron)
+1 (calming the elephant)