Lady Calista Lisia ir'Romano |

Hi there, I think we can do a little bit with out the GM.
How about we outline what our PCs roll and main slicks are.
Calista is a thinker, skilled mind reader and manipulator, using her mind over her body in combat. She shows little emotion. nearly always acting with cold methodical logic. She is a little off putting, coming over cold and unfeeling.
Think of her as like a Vulcan from Star-trek

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Support class here.
I'll be doing my best to help keep you all alive and healthy while my phantom and whatever other minions I may gather along the way throw themselves a little more directly at the danger.
She's surprisingly social and well spoken. While she doesn't flaunt her necromancy, she isn't ashamed of it either. I mean, her home country of Geb is literally run by undead...

Sir Yander Royce |

Yander is pretty typical for what you'd think of as an Order of the Dragon Cavalier. (As typical as you can be wearing a 300 year old suit of haunted armor. I'm imagining his Spiritual Ally power as being the literal ghost of his 3rd great grandfather showing up to help him when he needs it.)
He is built to be a tank. Lots of hit points and heavily armored.
Between Heroic Block, Bodyguard, In Harm's Way, and the Order of the Dragon bonus to aid another, he can act as anyone's secret service agent during a fight (moving and throwing himself between you and the bad guy to take the hit himself).
@Reckless: we'll have to think on how to handle that particular action in PBP without bogging things down, but also not doing things in a way that gives me too much player knowledge about whether someone needs me to help them out.
Between mythic combat reflexes and bodyguard, we can assume I'll always aid another for AC for anyone adjacent to me who is attacked. (unlimited AoO)
I don't know from reading In Harm's Way if that decision is made before or after damage is rolled.
The decision to use Heroic Block should probably be made before an attack is rolled. We can play that however you want. (and I promise I'll pay attention and post frequently during combat so as not to leave you waiting long on any decisions on my part whether to jump between the bad guys and my friends).
I'd also be open to leaving some of the decisions to you. Yander is going to be a pretty typical heroic knight and is going to put himself between any of his companions that need defending and the bad guys. If you want to make some of the calls on when he moves to defend his friends to speed things up, I'm good with that.

Rahdeem of Breeze |

Hey guys, looking forward to playing.
Rahdeem is a sniper-style blaster; one big shot per turn (with a bunch of self-buff and reroll abilities to make sure it counts.). He'll be using air blasts to assault the enemy from extreme range -- 240 ft at max range, to be exact. With the kineticist perma-fly, I can stay off the ground to avoid melee attacks, while getting bonuses to my defense against ranged attacks. Rahdeem is incredibly stealthy, and can up the ante by turning invisible pretty frequently (swift action, 9 times/day, for WIS-mod rounds).
Personality wise, Rahdeem enjoys the company of people and is far from anti-social. He's not opposed to large groups or crowds thanks to his time in Absalom, and his unique appearance often draws attention, which he's generally OK with. That said, he prefers to spend his free time relaxing in the sky and riding the winds. In a conversation, and especially in a group, he's keen to listen more than talk, like most Slyph, and isn't opposed to eavesdropping.
I gave him a Chaotic Good alignment instead of the typical neutral that Sylphs gravitate towards, to reflect his stronger-than-average connection to the Djinn. also, I don't want to be THAT chaotic neutral guy

Rahdeem of Breeze |

Chaotic Good and Lawful Evil? I'm sure we'll be fast friends Raziya :)
I'm assuming from the bag of onyx that you'll be Animating a lot of dead things. Maybe I should switch to Neutral after all...

Roonfizzle Garnackle |

Roonie is mostly a specialist or troubleshooter. He can fill in for a secondary melee, and He can be surprisingly accurate, and do mild to fair damage, IF, he's getting sneak attacks in. He's mostly geared to have a solution to many problems. He also has Wasp Sting (aka Butterfly Sting), that should make a true heavy melee happy, regardless of their crit mod.
(I crit, and allow who ever's next to use that as a crit threat to confirm of their own. And Kukri's are 18-20. Did I mention I can use an Occultist ability to make one weapon keen as a standard action? 15-20. He also TWF's, so there should be a good opportunity to pass crit threats off to whomever wants em. A Greatsword crit is much more satisfying than a 1d3+7 x2. Now, a skeleton with a great AXE crit of x3... Woo!)
As for things to work out. Roonie has Fast Stealth, and a high stealth score. What this means, is that he can move his standard 20', while stealthed and take no penalty. How I would like to run it, so as to NOT cause problems with PBP, is to assume that he's with the group, or trying to keep 20-30' ahead of them, while moving stealthily, and only rely on gaining advantage if it becomes pertinent. <checks to see if the party has a Network from our Telepath Lady Calista Lisia ir'Romano. I see minklink as an hour long power for Focus, but no Network feat … because <checks actual book> Telepathic Link not on the SRD. Got it. I can be assumed to have let the party know of any surprises I see through Mindlink (More Ideal), or Psicrystal (less ideal) if/as needed without waiting for me to actually act>
I'm considering picking up a wand of Longstrider, so my slower movement (20') relative to most people is fixed. I had forgotten that I lost my usual method to fix that for this build so need to fix my profile.
As for being late to the party, the last time I’d looked while at home, there wasn’t a Discussion tab yet. Even though I can discretely read posts while at work, I cannot actually sign in to post updates. Headed over to the gameplay post to see what's up!
As for Alignment, Roonie tends to be an easy going CG, with an occasional lawful and nongood tendencies (Loyalty to allies, is a strong concept for him, and woe betide anyone who attempts to kill them!)

Roonfizzle Garnackle |

Currently debating who I want to 'bump' into next, and giving our DM a chance to react to our posts before going too much further.

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RE: Skill checks and results.
For your self-contained actions and interactions with NPCs you're making up like the pickpocket and gameplayers, I'm ok with you narrating results, but Raziya is correct about assuming results/reactions/etc of other pcs and npcs/environs I've placed into the game: you should allow me to provide you with the results of your checks.
Hope that clears things up a little.

Roonfizzle Garnackle |

Enjoy the Con!
I understand busy workdays... I've spent most of the last week training someone new on my duties as a backup, on top of the normal workload.

Lady Calista Lisia ir'Romano |

Just so you know my PC will not be Mind reading any of the Players PCs, I feel that is far to close to PvP and not really good gameicet.
NPCs how ever...

Roonfizzle Garnackle |

I understand perfectly. I'm honestly using my wife's laptop while we have a new box for me built. Might be another month for before I'm happily posting again. Here's hoping that your fix is painless and fast!

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I'm hoping to have an opportunity to catch up & post tomorrow after work, but I definitely will post by Monday. Glad to see you all are keeping things going with RP!
I am off from work on Monday, so I will be sure to borrow this computer to get caught up. I hope to have my computer fixed on Tuesday and be a able to resume normal operations. Thanks for your patience.

Roonfizzle Garnackle |

Part of it on my end at least is twofold, as I'm swamped at work, AND, based on what GM Reckless stated, it implies to ME, that he might have limited access to his PbP's, and while my actions would mostly be just one more thing to read, and then reread when everything is fixed, and then respond to with specifics, I've been trying to NOT post as much. Off to slip in the door, and aid another on that massive search check.

Lady Calista Lisia ir'Romano |

Well we have a leed there may be more who but we did not find much more.

Lady Calista Lisia ir'Romano |

waiting on GM I think, then we can head to that where house.

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sorry guys, been a busy week- retail management at Christmastime always is- but I'll get a "moving on" post up tonight. After that, it will probably be Saturday when I post again; will be spending my one guaranteed day off a year with the family Friday.
Hope everyone has a great holiday, whichever they celebrate!

Roonfizzle Garnackle |

Happy Holidays to you and yours as well! I will be out of town with intermittent web access as well. I understand the holiday work madness... I spent 5 hours yesterday redoing work scheduling people for tomorrow, and next week, as my boss approved more and more people after I'd started getting the work done. ... along with other madness. I'll throw up some rolls for traveling now.

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The GM can seen this in another campaign from me, but I'll put it up here too for everyone else's benefit
So, I've just started a new job this week and though I figured I'd find a way to balance it with free time, I simply haven't. I work 10 hour shifts and run a commute that's over an hour each way. Basically I have no time for anything during my weekdays for the next 3-6 months.
Of course, that means posting to campaigns is just extra I can't manage right now when I hardly have time to make dinner before I'm back to getting ready for bed. So rather than lag the entire campaign with my dead weight, I'll just dip out now before it gets worse.
I'm really sorry about this, I certainly hadn't anticipated a 10 hour day job when I started picking up campaigns on the forums, but I guess that's just the way my particular cookie crumbled this new year.

Lady Calista Lisia ir'Romano |

Sorry to see you drop Raziya Hawary, All the best with the new Job.

Roonfizzle Garnackle |

Good luck with the new job! Hopefully things calm down after the break in period, but either way, it was nice having you with us.

Lady Calista Lisia ir'Romano |

GM just so you know I have a rule that if a game drops to one post per-week from the GM I drop. This game has now slowed, cold we have an explanation why?

Roonfizzle Garnackle |

For the record, I haven't posted, as I'm tied up IC at the moment, and don't feel like I have anything to contribute until we either move forward in either time, or something happens to interrupt what I'm working on. Haven't really come up with to push things along yet.