Masque of the Strange Aeons

Game Master Mar Nakrum

The once-in-a-lifetime conjunction of celestial bodies has brought you to Lepidstadt's Spiral Cromlech on the Kuthonic Solstice. Your interest turns to horror, as the alien magics within the cromlech stir and propel you into an adventure that spans the depths of space and sanity.

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Grand Lodge

So I finally have a handle on my PC, Lanezra Ozil, though it's taken a few days. I realized last night that my problem nailing this personality and backstory down was because I was trying to meld two different PC concepts. Once I realized that it was relatively simple to pick one concept and discard the other completely.

It's not ready to post as its own Alias yet but I wanted to post here today lest I be forgotten.

Lanezra Ozil, LE Aasimar Empiricist Investigator

Sweet Dreams are Made of This:
Lanezra Ozil was just eleven when the dreams began. She thought little of it then; she was a Daughter of Cheliax studying in Nisroch -- and nightmares in the land of Shadowcallers seemed apropos. And afterall, the ineffable visions ceased after she left the city behind.

But years later in Korvosa, age fifteen, the dreams came back. By now her degree of scholarship was quite more advanced, and she knew then that these ambiguous dreams couldn't be related to her earlier ones. ....It was her traitorous mother, Lanezra figured. The Peri-Blooded Varisian gypsy her father rescued from the wilds of Varisia had come back from the grave to haunt her daughter for exposing her heresy. The dreams had come back because she was in Korvosa.

But that theory proved also incorrect. For today, a few years hence, the dreams have returned. Now in Ustalov. What do they mean? From whence do they come?

The House that Jack Built:
Lanezra Ozil is from a powerful House in Cheliax. The daughter of a Viscount & merchant lord in foreign trade, and one of his harem slaves, a Peri-Blooded Varisian gypsy his men kidnapped as chattel in Korvosa years earlier.

Lanezra Ozil is eighteen years old and spent her life from the age of nine with her father (and the tutors he hired for her) on the Inner Sea, from Absalom to Sargava, from Nisroch to Korvosa, and all the coastal towns of Cheliax.

A remarkable prodigy, Lanezra Ozil showed a strong understanding of Cosmology and Planar studies from a very early age. She spent her teen years visiting with scholars in Egorian's Asmodean Academies, Absalom's Ascendant Court and Wise Quarter, Nisroch's Schools of Shadowcalling, and Korvosa's famed Academae.

A year ago her House took the opportunity to expand its influence to Ustalov. Lanezra Ozil's Aunt and two Cousins went to Caliphas and she joined them. Soon after, Lanezra left for Lepistadt to study at the famous university there. To learn of her enigmatic nightmares. And master the study of The Planes.

Master of Puppets:
Lanezra Ozil has been steadfastly proud of her House and her heritage as a Daughter of Cheliax for as long as she can remember -- even before exposing her traitorous mother as an apostate when she was eight years old and proudly watching her execution by drowning.

[i][ooc]But then the dreams started. She was always strong-willed and opinionated, always ready to speak her mind. Here in Lepistadt she has one fear: What if her visions prove her faith in Asmodeus misplaced?

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

OK, a little like WE Ray, this isn't the character I was initially thinking of submitting for this game, but I think this could work well. Obviously I'll create a separate alias if you select him for inclusion. Any questions/concerns, please feel free to ask.


The scion of an ancient family dating back to the time of the Shining Crusade, Lord Daverin Darck had the standard upbringing of an Ustalavic noble. Given the finest training in arms as well as the finer arts of high society, in time he enrolled in the University of Lepidstadt, where he further honed his skills.

Once his training was completed -- a sole Lepidstadt scar on his cheek testament to his natural skill at arms -- he journeyed south to Caliphas, where he joined the Navy. Assigned to The Starlit Lady, he was clearly a favorite of his superiors and well respected by the rank and file, a junior officer obviously in line to gain his own command in the not-too-distant future.

That all changed when his ship boarded a small vessel supposedly traveling from Kerse in Druma. Unknown to the crew of The Starlit Lady, the ship had actually come from the Isle of Terror, which the foolhardy pirates had braved in search of a lost treasure. Unfortunately for Darck, they found the treasure, The Book of Shadows, and brought it on board, where the young officer discovered it and claimed it as contraband.

In just the short time it took him to return to his own ship, Darck became convinced the book should not leave his side, its contents too dear to be risked with any of his crewmates. It seemed to whisper to him, speaking of dark powers and promising yet more glory for him. He became obsessed with keeping it safe, eschewing his sleep and even his duty, to make sure no one else claimed it. Finally, he snapped, lashing out when one of his fellow officers came to close and beating the man nearly to death.

Brought back to shore in chains, Darck was kept from jail thanks to his family's fortune, but even that couldn't prevent him from being drummed out of the service. He returned in disgrace to Leipstadt. Worse, The Book of Shadows was returned with the rest of his belongings, and remained in his possession as much as he remained in its.

Kicked out of his family's home, he now lives in a small apartment, trying to rebuild his life even as he seeks to uncover all the tome's secrets.


Lord Daverin Dark is a LN human swashbuckler, though depending on the other classes in the game, I might give him a couple levels in occultist as we go on.

He's intended to be a little more of a straight man for the campaign, a Fox Mulder-type (I think; I never actually watched "X-Files") who is caught up in something bigger than himself. He's unsure why he attacked his fellow officer, but the fact that he's wound tighter than a spring means it's likely he'll snap again at some point in the campaign.

Doomed Hero wrote:

Here's a couple concepts and backgrounds I'm interested in. Please let me know which one you feel would suit the game best.

Note that every one of these characters fulfills the party role of Scout (the traditional Rogue party slot), but are definitely not traditional concepts for that role.

I don't care about traditional party roles. If the party is missing a role, then I'll work around it. What I'm looking for are interesting characters that make me say, "I want to know what happens next."

Anyway, on to the feedback:

Jonas Locke, a man unwittingly tied to the power of the Great Old Ones

It's interesting crunch.

Desmond Ravencourt, a former Inquisitor of Pharasma tainted by the power of the Dark Tapestry

Cool name.

Father Griswald, the angriest priest those damn cultists ever crossed

Black and white moral systems doesn't work for/with me.

Brother Cain, the Black Chaplain, who will bring order to the rising chaos by any means necessary

Same issue as Father Griswald.

W E Ray wrote:
So I finally have a handle on my PC, Lanezra Ozil, though it's taken a few days. I realized last night that my problem nailing this personality and backstory down was because I was trying to meld two different PC concepts. Once I realized that it was relatively simple to pick one concept and discard the other completely.

Yeah, I have that problem sometimes.

It's not ready to post as its own Alias yet but I wanted to post here today lest I be forgotten.

Just to be clear, I never asked for one.

Lanezra Ozil, LE Aasimar Empiricist Investigator

That's a weird way to present the backstory, and it sounds like an Oracle or other divine favored fluff piece instead of something for an Empiricist, except for the sent off to school bit.

motteditor wrote:
OK, a little like WE Ray, this isn't the character I was initially thinking of submitting for this game, but I think this could work well. Obviously I'll create a separate alias if you select him for inclusion. Any questions/concerns, please feel free to ask.

See above remark about alias use for application.

Lord Daverin Darck's backstory.

Wouldn't that make your character level 15 or something? That's quite an adventure.

He's intended to be a little more of a straight man for the campaign, a Fox Mulder-type (I think; I never actually watched "X-Files") who is caught up in something bigger than himself. He's unsure why he attacked his fellow officer, but the fact that he's wound tighter than a spring means it's likely he'll snap again at some point in the campaign.

Mulder isn't the straight man, that's Scully. Also, having a cursed book of evil on hand doesn't lend to the straight man role anyway, the Cursed would be a more appropriate archetype, which is basically Mulder. Weird how that worked out.

Seriously, go watch the X-Files.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

No, not level 15. :) I mean, ideally, I think he'd be level 2 or 3 to start, but obviously most games start at Level 1, and I think he can work there even with that back story. Basically, he went to school where he did well (thanks to natural abilities, i.e. that 25 point buy), got out, joined the Navy as a low-level officer (but seemingly destined for greater things thanks to his family's influence), and then encountered the Book of Shadows on his first real action and ended up kicked out of both Navy and his family's good graces...

Yeah, I realized after I posted that I had Mulder and Scully confused. Whoops. Maybe straight man wasn't quite the right description. I see him as being a bit of a fish out of water, though. He's a straight-laced noble/military man caught up in things bigger than him and trying to ride the wave and keep up with what's happening. He's very "proper" and expects things to be done in a certain way ... which of course they probably won't be.

motteditor wrote:
Second Verse.

There's still that little problem about how/why/ect the character ends up at the Winter Solstice festival.

Bēl-Ṣullulim wrote:

Anyway, on to the feedback... [snip]

Sounds good. Looks like my submission is a Summoner either way.

I have a slight preference for Jonas because his concept is more lovecraftian to me. He's not a hero, and will definitely react strongly to all the horror in the story.

Desmond, by contrast, is a monster hunter from a long line of monster hunters. He'd be the one threatening the eldritch abominations instead of running and trying not to pee.

Looking forward to your selections.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Bēl-Ṣullulim wrote:
motteditor wrote:
Second Verse.
There's still that little problem about how/why/ect the character ends up at the Winter Solstice festival.

It's a big festival, so he simply attends to see what's happening. It's possible the Book of Shadows was responsible for the idea, but also just as likely that he would have attended on his. He has no problem with having fun -- it's just not as exciting fun as everyone would define it.

Updated Interest so far:

Atlas2112 – Orion the Hunter, LE Half-Elf Magus (Hexcrafter)

Doomed Hero – Jonas Locke/Desmond Ravencourt, ?? Human Summoner (Morphic Savant)

EmissaryOfTheNorth – ?, ?? ?? Investigator (Steel Hound)

JoshB – ?, ?? Half-Orc Occultist

Motteditor – Lord Daverin Darck, LN Human Swashbuckler

Something Wicked – Amaria Desnusianu, N Oracle (Old Gods)

Storyteller Shadow – Rego Darksom, N Dhampir Cleric of Sivanah (Undead Scourge)

The Loney GM – ?, ?? ?? Summoner

The Pale King – ?, ?? ?? ??

W E Ray – Lanezra Ozil, LE Aasimar Investigator (Empiricist)

YoricksRequiem – Malachi Constant, CN Human Mesmerist

Grand Lodge

Hmmm, struggling a bit with this one. High nmber wins....

Lanezra Ozil is at the festival due to dreams that have drawn her from the University to the pavillion (or wherever we begin play): 1d20 + 1000 ⇒ (3) + 1000 = 1003

Lanezra Ozil is at the festival due to some library research that indicates her dreams may have to do something with the conjunction and she should witness it outside of a library: 1d20 + 1000 ⇒ (6) + 1000 = 1006

I have a concept but haven't gotten around to writing him up in full:

Lawful Evil Spirtualist, his older brother died a year back and became attached to him as a spirit. He is stuck between wishing to return to his brother to life and to letting his brother pass on. He is seeking out things like the conjunction and other phenomena as they interact with his powers in odd ways and he hopes to learn more about why is brother is linked to him through these occurences.

Personality wise he is the type that takes everyone's burdens on to himself and attempts to keep everyone else's soul clean by dirtying his own. He is 'evil' by choice and what he sees as necessity. So I am not certain if an evil alignment actually suits him, but I picture him doing evil things so...

He is currently unnamed.

The Pale King wrote:

I have a concept but haven't gotten around to writing him up in full:

Lawful Evil Spirtualist, his older brother died a year back and became attached to him as a spirit. He is stuck between wishing to return to his brother to life and to letting his brother pass on. He is seeking out things like the conjunction and other phenomena as they interact with his powers in odd ways and he hopes to learn more about why is brother is linked to him through these occurrences.

Personality wise he is the type that takes everyone's burdens on to himself and attempts to keep everyone else's soul clean by dirtying his own. He is 'evil' by choice and what he sees as necessity. So I am not certain if an evil alignment actually suits him, but I picture him doing evil things so...

He is currently unnamed.

Kind of like the antagonist from Serenity, definitely still evil if you're doing evil to protect others; LE is spot on. I look forward to seeing the character fleshed out.

Due to some personal stuff, I'm extending the application deadline:

You will have until January 18th, 12:01 A.M., Mountain Time to submit your character concepts. A decision will be made the following week, and the game will start in earnest on the 22nd.

If I chose a Mesmerist, would it have to be the archetype where they can affect the undead? I know you can't spoil anything and that's fine. But since it's Ustalav, I'm worried that there will be too many immune to mental tampering to play a regular one.

EDIT: Also he's NE but I promise he's subtle and won't screw over the party unless they try to screw him over first.

Larkos wrote:
If I chose a Mesmerist, would it have to be the archetype where they can affect the undead? I know you can't spoil anything and that's fine. But since it's Ustalav, I'm worried that there will be too many immune to mental tampering to play a regular one.

Strange Aeons will have more to do with Outsiders and Aberrations then Undead. The base Mesmerist will be fine, not much beats Psychic Inception.

EDIT: Also he's NE but I promise he's subtle and won't screw over the party unless they try to screw him over first.

I think there's a difference between Evil and Stupid Evil. In fact, I think each alignment axis has their own resident Stupid trait. At the end of the day, it's simply a matter of not pooping where you live; just make sure the adventuring party is where you live.

The name is Samuel Hutchinson.

Samuel Hutchinson does not exist. That is to say that he was not born with that name. His mother was a laundress turned street thief/beggar. She was once employed by a Taldane noble house but was forced to flee. He had to scrape from the bottom to survive. When he was 14, he discovered his power: he could invade people's minds and make them like him more. He used this get more than what he usually got. This gave him a very small taste of the finer things in life.

This habit continued until his mother died from a knife in the back. She was the victim of an internal coup. Samuel used his power to convince them to let him run. He went to a new city and started doing street performances and con games to get by. Soon one of the people he charmed invited him join his acting troupe. He chose the name Samuel Hutchinson then to be his stage name. It sounded classier like the nobles he charmed in his youth. But it turned out he was not a terribly good actor. He only did well with villain parts and had trouble with the part where they lose. He decided to bounce around troupes. Samuel always left on good terms and could enter a new troupe very easily.

Samuel wants more out of life. He wants to be in control of something. He wants wealth and comfort and all the things that were denied him. Samuel will do absolutely anything to avoid being where he was. His primary motivation is to be a noble. No act is too cruel in the name of this goal.

Thus he came to Ustalav where the dead have decimated much of the nobility's numbers but none of their privilege. He desires to charm his way into being adopted into a noble house and getting himself named the heir. He needs time to plan, more power to break the wills of those involved, and, of course, a lot of gold. He is patient and willing to work with allies who don't interfere with his goal. It'd be nice to have friends who aren't forced.

The great secret of his life is that his father was the head of the house and Samuel is his bastard. The house reverted to the family of the woman who would have been his stepmother. Sam's mother was able to run away with her child and was able to escape because she was deemed too inconsequential. Samuel is now the sole heir to his house but he wouldn't be able to get any land or power even if his title were recognized.

TL:DR Samuel is a street rat turned actor who wants to be a landed noble. He will work with anyone to achieve that end and is not going to instigate any betrayals.

I'm so glad we're going with Background Skills. Is it too much to hope that we get Automatic Bonus Progression too?

Larkos wrote:
TL:DR Samuel is a street rat turned actor who wants to be a landed noble. He will work with anyone to achieve that end and is not going to instigate any betrayals.

I like it, just add a reason to be at the Winter Solstice festival.

I'm so glad we're going with Background Skills. Is it too much to hope that we get Automatic Bonus Progression too?

I'm going to think about it.

Bēl-Ṣullulim wrote:
Larkos wrote:
TL:DR Samuel is a street rat turned actor who wants to be a landed noble. He will work with anyone to achieve that end and is not going to instigate any betrayals.
I like it, just add a reason to be at the Winter Solstice festival.

That's easy; he's going to perform for money and recognition.

And yay for possible Auto Bonus! It may not be as important for me as a caster but I still like it. Makes the PCs feel like heroes to me.

Larkos wrote:
That's easy; he's going to perform for money and recognition.

That's not especially compelling. It works, certainly, but it's flat. Where's the magic?

The theater troupe takes advantage of the large influx of tourists and the restlessness of a captured audience. They usurp a knoll near the cromlech, transforming it into an impromtu stage. They entertain with stories of ancient prophecy, kings, and madness-while the cutpurses make there way through an attentive audience.

You don't have to do that, but it's the sort of thing I want to see.

And yay for possible Auto Bonus! It may not be as important for me as a caster but I still like it. Makes the PCs feel like heroes to me.

I get what you're saying, and I agree with you from a Hellenistic context, i.e. heroism is not defined by morality.

Oh I didn't realize that's what you were going for. I was thinking he's a free player for now; makes things less complicated for him to join up with the party.

How about: Samuel begins seated upon his throne gazing over the massed festival-goers. It may appear to be a cart given to him at a very reasonable price by weak-minded merchant but, for now, it was his throne. He soon stands upon it, calling upon the unwary and the gullible to match him in a game of wits. Sometimes even his wit may fail but no matter, nothing a little magic can't fix.

Larkos wrote:
Oh I didn't realize that's what you were going for. I was thinking he's a free player for now; makes things less complicated for him to join up with the party.

That's completely up to you, it was just an example.

How about: Samuel begins seated upon his throne gazing over the massed festival-goers. It may appear to be a cart given to him at a very reasonable price by weak-minded merchant but, for now, it was his throne. He soon stands upon it, calling upon the unwary and the gullible to match him in a game of wits. Sometimes even his wit may fail but no matter, nothing a little magic can't fix.


Dotting for interest...

Undead Scourge is a Paladin Archtype, removed it from the Profile for submission. For now I will stand pat with the Background as is.

Rego Darksome wrote:
Undead Scourge is a Paladin Archtype, removed it from the Profile for submission. For now I will stand pat with the Background as is.

I should have looked it up, I thought it sounded off. Thanks for the update.

Backstory updated, thanks for review.

I am still debating whether to cure or inflict, but that decision could be made later.

Oh, great Old One! I'm sorry for the delay... the evil "Job" hath taken me prisoner.

I shall write my confession today, please don't eat my soul!

(I'm so sorry guys. Will work on it now)

Dark Archive

@ Amaria. It might be worthwhile to go with cure. We're goona be causin' much mischief and we can cause even more if we know there are ample heals in your pocket. =)

And I can vouch for Emmissary. He doesn't have much experience when we speaks he speaks'm well. =)

And I think I have the backstory finished. The crunch part will come later (give me another 30 minutes or so).

Francis is a half-elf, just for the record.

The Last Words of the Warwick Family:

To my dear son Francis,
I write this letter to you in my last moments hoping to rekindle the flame of common sense inside your mind. Don't be a fool like your father, don't be the person I hated to be. Don't run after dreams...
And keep yourself away from what lurks beyond your sight.
I hope you can forgive me someday, for I can't.
The fog, it comes back. I can hear them. They call me... I won't resist much longer, Francis.
Take care, son. I love you,

Eliphas Conrad Warwick.

The last will of a dying man. Bedridden during his last year, maddened by what he found. And he want me to stop here and act as our lineage was an average one? I was the one who helped him discover the old texts. I was the one who translated the last paragraphs of the "Salms in Black". I WAS THE ONE TO HELP HIM!
And I couldn't...

No, I won't stop here. I will discover what lays beyond. I will know the truth and bring peace to my father's memory.
I have only one clue... one that leads me to Lepidstadt

Francis Garnell Warwick. Investigator, archeologist, duelist, man of dashing romances, world aclaimed genius. Or that's what he'd like to think.

Only son of Eliphas C. Warwick, the famous investigator from Ardis, Francis usually accompanied his father during his expeditions. Even though calling expeditions to a lot of book reading, proof checking and library delving is a bit too much.
His early years passed swiftly with the teachings of his father. A capable mentor and intelligent man, Eliphas tried to prepare his son for what he had seen. Unknown to Francis he was receiving the training necessary to look upon the abyss and don't lose his mind during the inevitable moment when the abyss looked back.

But the madness overcame Eliphas sooner than he expected and with only 46 years he had to be treated as an elder man. This take a toll in the young Francis, whose devotion to his father was undeniable.

After his father's burial Francis burnt everything about their research to prevent innocent eyes from damning themselves. Everything but a scroll his father wrote moments before losing his mind, a scroll with a single poem of sorts written inside: They lurk beneath the stars / Crowling down the spiral / Awaken by the cries / Shadows over Lepidstadt

I hope is good enough!

And this is Francis Garnell Warwick's profile.

Are there any PCs out there that might know a young scholar at the University in Lepistadt?

I figure since we have a good week yet before the applications are due I wouldn't mind introducing Lanezra Ozil around, see if we can add a little rapport between characters before gameplay. (unless the DM wants us to be strangers at the Conjunction....)

I'm building a young scholar from a grand House in Cheliax who, at the beginning of the campaign, is very pro-Cheliax/ pro-Asmodeus (from childhood) but has also always struggled with these ineffable, cosmic nightmares and, when whatever will happen at the Conjunction Festival happens, changes my entire outlook on the cosmology and The Dark Tapestry -- I can't wait to find out exactly how my mindset will change and what my scholarly life will become.

Lanezra Ozil will be an Investigator (Empiricist) and at third level switch to Alchemist (Mindchemist) -- an ultra Knowledge Skills & Diplomacy based PC.

- W E Ray

Hmmm...My character is intended to be a high diplo character too, though he is better at bluffing due to a class ability. I suppose with my undetectable charm person and your diplo, we could have a good social combo.

I look forward to some Cheliax vs. Taldor banter.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Lord Daverian Darck attended the university. He'll presumably be slightly older at the start of the story -- and have been out for at least a few months at the start of the campaign, enough time to have joined the Navy and then gotten drummed out -- but as long as you were there at least a year, I think it'd make sense if he knew you.

While he wouldn't necessarily be interested in Asmodeus, he is very lawful and he wouldn't much care about Cheliax either way. As a noble, he'd find a connection in your "grand House" roots.

Perhaps he took you somewhat under his wing after you were bullied by some simply awful CG Milanite or Sarenite rabble?

@ Samuel Hutchinson,
If I'm selected for the game I'd love some Cheliax & Taldor banter, whether we know each other prior to start or not. However,... the mood of the game -- and the DM has implied he really wants Mood to be forefront -- may make any out-of-Dark-Tapestry dialog clash with the atmosphere he (and we, as interested applicants) want to be engrossed in. We'll have to play it by ear and tone down our discourse if necessary, maybe save it for another game. .... Which is good since it'll save you some embarrassing reminders of how decrepit your country has become.

@ Lord Daverian Darck,
My 19 year old PC could certainly have met you at the University a year ago. She arrived in Ustalov at age 18 and only spent a month or so in Caliphas (with family) before going to Lepistadt for the University -- all by herself.

If by "taking her somewhat under your wing" you mean as a protector and guide to the new land -- Awesome. I'd be remiss not to point out, though, if you meant as a mentor, that my Knowledge Skills at 1st level will start at +9, +1d6 -- and that Knowledge Planes and Religion will be even higher. And those numbers will go up much higher in just a couple levels.
....And maybe I wasn't bullied by some Chaotic idiots (I know, I know, "Chaotic idiot" is redundant) but maybe I was accosted: Dudes see a pretty young girl, bookish and naive, and brand new to Ustalov let alone Lepistadt -- and they get a few bad ideas.... Lanezra Ozil is not a fighter type. So Lord Daverian Darck's help in that kind of situation would be great.

- W E Ray


Even the darkest stories need some humor to balance things out and avoid Darkness-Induced Audience Apathy. Besides I'm sure we can't bend the tone of the game any more than your country has bent its knee to Hell. I do see how too much humor would be revolting, just like Andoran did against Cheliax.

As for a prior meeting, how much does Lanezra love the theater?

You're mistaken, Sir, Hell bent the knee to us.
(Your "humor" pun is brilliant -- kudos.)

I haven't thought about the theater. The Player running Lanezra Ozil is a big theater buff and as such many of my PCs are as well. But I see this one as being a bit too into esoteric Cosmology, Planar existence and epistemological ontology to go to a Broadway show. I'll have to think for a reason to go.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Lanezra -- Ah, I thought you were even younger, for some reason. That would all work out well.

And I definitely meant more as a protector than a mentor. Daverian's smart, but I suspect nowhere near as smart or knowledgeable as Lenezra. He's more a man of action than learning.

Lanezra Ozil wrote:

You're mistaken, Sir, Hell bent the knee to us.

(Your "humor" pun is brilliant -- kudos.)

I haven't thought about the theater. The Player running Lanezra Ozil is a big theater buff and as such many of my PCs are as well. But I see this one as being a bit too into esoteric Cosmology, Planar existence and epistemological ontology to go to a Broadway show. I'll have to think for a reason to go.

While true, remember that this is before the campaign. So she may have seen him in a performance or con game before the formal beginning.

EmissaryOfTheNorth wrote:

And I think I have the backstory finished. The crunch part will come later (give me another 30 minutes or so).

Francis is a half-elf, just for the record.

** spoiler omitted **...

It's a little on the nose, but I like it.

Bēl-Ṣullulim wrote:
EmissaryOfTheNorth wrote:

And I think I have the backstory finished. The crunch part will come later (give me another 30 minutes or so).

Francis is a half-elf, just for the record.

** spoiler omitted **...

It's a little on the nose, but I like it.

Yeh, I know... I had the idea, but this time the words weren't flowing as well as other times. And trust me, I'd really love to play this game because of its theme.

I'll try to be a better player than writer if chosen *winks*

Checking in.

Should we be whipping up Crunch for our submissions? I saw that a couple people had aliases made but didn't see any direction from the GM about that. Thought I might have missed a post.

Doomed Hero wrote:

Checking in.

Should we be whipping up Crunch for our submissions? I saw that a couple people had aliases made but didn't see any direction from the GM about that. Thought I might have missed a post.

I had mine mostly ready as it was an old submission tweaked for this campaign.

As a Lovecraft fan this one I think will be a blast to play in!

@ Doomed Hero,

The DM had originally made the application deadline 11 January but then mentioned that RL obligations were going to prevent him from doing anything substantial for a week so he made the deadline 18 January.

Francis Garnell Warwick wrote:

Yeh, I know... I had the idea, but this time the words weren't flowing as well as other times. And trust me, I'd really love to play this game because of its theme.

I'll try to be a better player than writer if chosen *winks*

Good thing this isn't a job interview. Heh.

Doomed Hero wrote:

Checking in.

Should we be whipping up Crunch for our submissions? I saw that a couple people had aliases made but didn't see any direction from the GM about that. Thought I might have missed a post.

If you feel like it.

the Shining Host wrote:
As a Lovecraft fan this one I think will be a blast to play in!

Me too, I used to run local games of Call of Cthulhu. The players had a bad habit of getting themselves killed, like the time they were interrogated by Dagon cultists... If the cult leader asks you if you're going to the authorities, you say: "No Sir, didn't you mention a vacant position in your organization?"

Presenting for your consideration.
Jhanek Osyck. 27 yr. old human LN Investigator (Infiltrator)

Jhanke Osyck is junior lecturer at the university, and the author of several monographs on Kellid funerary practices. He became aware of a vigorous trade among some students and scholars at the university in pamphlets dealing with the blasphemous secrets of the Dark Tapestry. He went to the proper authorities, and was reluctantly recruited to spy on these groups. He discovered that these delvers into forbidden lore were pretty much bored dilenttantes, with no connection to a larger network; however his handlers won't let him walk away, instead, they have had him turn over some staggeringly dangerous tomes to the members of these cliques. He is beginning to suspect that he is the bait in some trap being set for some-one, or some-thing, in the occult under-ground.

Personality: Pedantic and self-centered, with a inflated sense of self-importance. He is becoming increasingly paranoid and anxious.

Bēl-Ṣullulim wrote:
the Shining Host wrote:
As a Lovecraft fan this one I think will be a blast to play in!
Me too, I used to run local games of Call of Cthulhu. The players had a bad habit of getting themselves killed, like the time they were interrogated by Dagon cultists... If the cult leader asks you if you're going to the authorities, you say: "No Sir, didn't you mention a vacant position in your organization?"

I run a Cthulhu game here on the boards we are early in the process but I know the module is one of the better ones written by Chaosium! Looking forward to seeing how the characters deal with the revelations they will face. I have mostly played and not run the game so it is an interesting experience for me as well.

cirle wrote:

Presenting for your consideration.

Jhanek Osyck. 27 yr. old human LN Investigator (Infiltrator)

Brilliant. Exactly the sort of thing I'm looking for.

Storyteller Shadow wrote:
I run a Cthulhu game here on the boards we are early in the process but I know the module is one of the better ones written by Chaosium! Looking forward to seeing how the characters deal with the revelations they will face. I have mostly played and not run the game so it is an interesting experience for me as well.

Good luck to you!

I'll try to have our harried scholar statted over the weekend.

Submissions So Far
Character - Player - Race & Class
Amaria Desnusianu - Something Wicked - Human Oracle
Francis Garnell Warwick - EmissaryOfTheNorth - Half-Elf Investigator (Steel Hound)
Jhanke Osyck - Cirle - Human Investigator (Infiltrator)
Jonas Locke or Desmond Ravencourt - Doomed Hero - Human Summoner (Morphic Savant)
Lanezra Ozil - W E Ray - Aasimar Investigator (Empiricist)
Lord Daverin Darck - motteditor - Human Swashbuckler
Malachi Constant - YoricksRequiem - Human Mesmerist
Orion the Hunter - Atlas2112 - Half-Elf Magus (Hexcrafter)
Rego Darksome - Storyteller Shadow - Dhampir Cleric
Samuel Hutchinson - Larkos - Human Mesmerist

Additional Interest Expressed
Character - Player - Race & Class
Unnamed - The Pale King - Spiritualist
Unnamed - The Lonely GM - Summoner
Unnamed - JoshB - Half-Elf or Half-Orc Occultist

Thanks YoricksRequiem, tomorrow is going to be a busy day.

Good luck to all who submitted!

It may have been posted already and I missed it, but can you provide a link to the Background Skills rules in Pathfinder Unchained please, for those of us who need it?

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