Lexibean's Carrion Crown

Game Master lexibean

Ustalav...land of the undead.

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Its a quiet afternoon as you all arrive at the Ravengro cemetary, invitation to the funeral in hand. The town of Ravengro is quiet and grey to walk through, as most of Ustalav is. Nobody really seems to be about, and the cemetary isn't hard to find. Its one of the bigger landmarks of the town, other than the towering burnt out husk of the prison lurking ominously above.

Ravengro is famous for that prison - Harrowstone - though its been closed for years now.

But you're not here to see that. You're here to inter your friend, Dr. Lorrimor. Waiting at the entrance to the cemetary is a figure familiar at least to one of the party - Kendra Lorrimor, dressed in black for mourning, with a veil over her face. She waits with her head slightly down, and hands clasped in front of her, hoping everyone will be on time.

Karna approaches with dread. The man that she called father, lies lifeless in a box inside the graveyard. A box that isn't big enough to hold the great man and his larger than life thirst for knowledge. A box that isn't fit to hold the compassionate loving father that she has known for the last 16 years since being adopted by him. If it were not for him, Karna surely have been in jail or dead.

"Good to see you Kendra. You look beautiful as always, even in such dire circumstances."

Karna hugs her surrogate sister, Kendra, but pulls away before she gets too emotional. Fighting bouts of anger and grief, Karna is in a conflicted state of emotion. She doesn't want to cause a scene with her tears, and tries to keep her composure. Karna opts to stand by her adopted sister and gives faint smiles to the coming attendees of Professor Lorrimor's funeral.

Half-Elf Bard (Detective) 1 AC: 15/11/14 HP: 7/7 SAVES: -1/3/0 INIT: +3 PER: +5 LLV, Keen Senses

As Jaevin arrives at the cemetery he easily spots the large crowd amassing and assumes that to be the where the professor's ceremony will be taking place. He brushed his hair out of his eyes and dusted himself off for the hundredth time that day and began walking towards the gathering.

As he walked towards everyone his curiosity got the better of him as he eyed Harrowstone, making note that he should try to see if he could find a way inside should he have time after the funeral.

"Good day ladies, well as good as it can be I suppose. At least it isn't raining, right? Bah, I'm sorry, now isn't the time for jokes, I just can't help it, aaaannnnnd now I am rambling, let me start over."
clears throat and bows slightly
"Pardon me ladies, this is the funeral for the great Dr. Lorrimor, correct? He has made an impact on quite a few people I see."

Female Human Oracle of Pharasma 8; 59/59 HP; AC:13 [19] Touch 13 FF 10 [16]; F +8 R +6 W +12 (+16 fear); Init +2; Perception +8 (+12 undead/ can perceive ethereal undead)

As overcast as the day is, the very air seems to mourn the Professor's passing. Those in attendence feel gooseflesh rise along their skin as the air chills slightly, faint mist coming from the mouths of all in attendance as the small crowd parts without truly realizing why.

A delicate, wraithlike figure seems to glide forward, a filmy cloak moving against the wind almost as if under water as it wraps around her form.

Alongside her, almost unnoticeable, the grass bends as if depressed by another pair of feet to her left and a little behind her.

As she lifts her head, grey eyes,of an almost crystalline clarity gaze out of a face at once both youthful and ageless, filled with an awareness far beyond imagination.

Those eyes pass over the assembled group occasionally seeming to stop on nothing, nodding to something unseen.

Looking at Kendra and Karna, she moves forward to embrace each of them in turn.

"He's so proud of you both, y'know. I'm glad I could be here."

Male Halfling Paladin 1

Jamir has walked trough Ravengro, feeling uneasy he disliked the towering edifices, for his size, normal sized constructions were already looming He much prefered the houses of a small hamlet.
As Jamir approaches some of the mourners cast their eyes toward the sound of clanking armor, some of these the least serious ones, smile when they see the black haired halfling approaching armor covered in travelers' clothes carrying a sword, small to men, but quite long to a small one across his back.

"Sorry to interrupt but is one of you ladies the daughter of professor Lorrimor?" Jamir asks while inspecting the others. "An angel-touched, an elf fop, and woman of curious eyes. The professor kept interesting company, why I'm not surprised? Oh right only meeting was at the company of a werewolf.

"By the way my name is Jamir, Truthfully me and the professor were nothing more than aquaintances but I'm sad to see him part"

Jamir is trying to be as polite and formal as he can so he doesnt bring greater grief for the mourners but it really doesn't sit well with him. He has done it sometimes before though.

Kendra embraces Karna, happy to see her again. She holds on for a moment or two longer than would be strictly polite, but she, like the Aasimar, is holding back tears she hides for a moment in the other woman's shoulder.

Then she pulls away to greet Rhia similarly, though a tad more reserved as she doesn't know her quite as well. "Thank you for coming." She says, throatily, her glance to the Oracle quite meaningful and grateful for her presence.

She also greets Jamir and Jaevin politely, bowing her head an offering them both her hand to clasp but not shake briefly, "I'm sure my father would be so happy that you're all here."

She straightens a bit, "I'm afraid that we're the whole procession today - my father didn't exactly make too many friends in this town. I'm sure he would be honored if you, his friends, would serve as his pallbearers."

Half-Elf Bard (Detective) 1 AC: 15/11/14 HP: 7/7 SAVES: -1/3/0 INIT: +3 PER: +5 LLV, Keen Senses

"Really now? He seemed quite the fascinating fellow we I met him a few years ago. I would have thought him to be quite popular among his peers." Jaevin eyed the group he saw earlier wondering who else could have died who was more popular than the late Dr. Lorrimor. "Oh and of course I'll be a pallbearer, I just wish this were under better circumstance, I had a few more things I wanted I talk about with him." As Jaevin talked he walked around the casket looking for anything Lorrimor may have left behind to find. He did talk a great deal about puzzles last they met.
Perception 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
"By the way, my name is Jaevin Darjudin, pleasure to meet you all. We must talk more about the professor later, I always found he kept the most excellent company"

"After the funeral of course you are all welcome to his - well I guess now my house." Kendra says politely, nodding to Jaevin's desire to talk about the professor.

The casket is fairly simple; Jaevin doesn't see anything odd or puzzling about it.

Male Halfling Paladin 1

"A halfling pallbearer. Gods the girl is as loony as her father. Oh well I can probably manage. Thank the gods for training. Yeah right!"
Jamir doesn't says none of that of course, he answers politely:Of course I be his pallbearer, but I have to ask my companions to eh.. not carry the casket too high? Ya know since I'm kind of a small one."

Kendra seems distracted, really; maybe she just didn't think of the little paladin as being little, really. That's flattering, right? Kendra wrings her hands some at Jamir's caveat, "Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't think of that... I ... I can be the fourth. If you want to lead the procession as a herald, to bring him to his place of rest?" She seems keen on not offending Jamir.

Male Halfling Paladin 1

"Well truthfully that might work better."We certainly don't want Jamir dropping the casket. That be might funny. Except it's a funeral. Jamir answers as good-natured as he can be trying to give Kendra the impression his not offended at all. Since ya know he is not.

Untrained diplomacy check:Take ten +3 Cha Total:13

When the procision begins Jamir makes a prayer in a low voice:

Prayer, Unless Lexi says otherwise Perception DC:15:
"Hey Old Dead Eye you're listening right? Well grant that woman Kendra some good fortune eh? Her father just died and you yourself says family is everything so I'm asking real nice here, for you to help her. Or at least send any danger she might encounter my way instead.""I'm so gonna regret this!"Damn but this sad bussines brings memories of the old priest."

Karna smiles warmly at Rhia upon seeing her familiar face.
"I was hoping to see you here, Rhia. I trust all is well?"

Upon meeting both Jamir and Jaevin, Karna smiles politely and simply says:
"Pleasure to meet you both.. I am Karna, Kendra's sister. I know that if you both knew the professor, than you must both be extraordinary men.

Half-Elf Bard (Detective) 1 AC: 15/11/14 HP: 7/7 SAVES: -1/3/0 INIT: +3 PER: +5 LLV, Keen Senses

Jaevin shakes his head, "Ha, hardly extraordinary. I am just a simple actor who plays the piano on the side. Just happened to be in the right place at the right time, I guess it was just a little luck."

If the Prayer happens:

After Jamir finishes his prayer Jaevin says to the little one, "That is quite an interesting prayer you got there. Never met any religious folk quite like you before."

Male Halfling Paladin 1

Jamir looks at Karna and answers:"Extraordinary? Don't know about that. Why don't I tell you the tale about how I met the professor and became a paladin later. Then yoiu judge!" It is very clear the halfling wants to tell this tale. He then turns to Rhia whom he has not been introduced to and asks:"Well I believe I know everyone names except yours miss...?

Female Human Oracle of Pharasma 8; 59/59 HP; AC:13 [19] Touch 13 FF 10 [16]; F +8 R +6 W +12 (+16 fear); Init +2; Perception +8 (+12 undead/ can perceive ethereal undead)

Smiling in response to Karna's greeting Rhia is in the midst of replying when she suddenly looks back over her left shoulder,, her head cocked as if listening to someone.

After a moment she starts as if surprised by Jamir's presence as he speaks.

"Rhia....Rhia Van der Geist." she replies looking at the little Paladin.

"Of corse I'll help Kendra."

Kendra nods a bit. "Well ... how do we want to do this then?" She asks, smiling a bit because she is glad that there are others here who miss the Professor too. Ravengro is a lonely town, in that sense.

Half-Elf Bard (Detective) 1 AC: 15/11/14 HP: 7/7 SAVES: -1/3/0 INIT: +3 PER: +5 LLV, Keen Senses

I think everyone is ready to move one, but I'll spoiler this just in case we aren't

Moving on?:
"Well then, everybody ready? On Three?" Jaevin moves to one of the free handholds and waits for everyone else to do the same. "One... Two... Three."

Seems legit to move on! If you guys ever want to speed things up or shuffle things forward just let me know, I like to give lots of opportunity for people to play which is something I'm discovering doesn't work quite as well on PbP. :)

Kendra positions herself to pick up a handle.

Male Halfling Paladin 1

Yeah ready to move on. Jamir doesn't shine in these situations XD

In Answer to Darjudin about that prayer:
"Well I figure Old Dead Eye got better things to do than hearing a overlong talk about something that can be said in a moment." "Though the old priest would have beaten me for it."

Jamir waits till everyone rise the casket to say his prayer, then depending on how far the procision goes Jamir adds another prayer, this time to Pharasma:

New Prayer DC15:
"Oh ye great Lady of Graves, plese keep dead flesh under the earth, and dead bones too, and if it is a wizard, keep the soul too."

And, hopefully with everyone working together, they're picking up the coffin! Once they have it shouldered and Jamir and his slightly more appropriate prayer take up the lead, they can march on into the cemetary. They walk up the long walk through the tombs and tombstones, a quiet and somber procession (at least on Kendra's end). They're unhindered until they come to the main road and start towards where they can see the priest and a few others waiting ...

They're at the turn towards the grave when they find that there is a small crowd of humans in their way. Barring their way, in fact.

Their leader appears to be and elderly, but wiry fellow with graying hair and a surly expression.

"That's far enough! We been talkin', and we don't want Lorrimor buried in the Restlands. You can take him upriver and bury him there if you want, but he ain't goin' in the ground here!"

Male Halfling Paladin 1

"Can we simply bury the old fool? Of course not!"Jamir stops eyes the man and says:"Okay friend, the way I figure things is this: the old man lived on town, he dies where we bury him? Why on town of course! Now I gonna give ya the time I need to draw my sword for you guys to give me a good reason why in the nine hells are you stopping us, or I'll begin bashing your heads till they start working again eh?" He says with a humorless smile, while drawing his sword.

Karna sees the crowd of people and shakes her head in disbelief and says:

"I recommend you all listen to Jamir. I don't wish to fight anyone, but I will not allow our farewell to the Professor, mine and Kendra's father, and friend to all here, to be tainted with the small mindedness that you all possess towards him.

He has just as much right to be buried in this cemetery as any of you. How would your family and friends feel if they were told they had to bury any of you elsewhere? We have enough grief to deal with, we don't need any of you to add on to it."

Half-Elf Bard (Detective) 1 AC: 15/11/14 HP: 7/7 SAVES: -1/3/0 INIT: +3 PER: +5 LLV, Keen Senses

"Whoa, Little Man - Jamir, Karna, hold up there. This is the professors funeral, he would want us to try and talk this out..." Jaevin puts on an overexaggerated thinking face, "Well at least I think he would, he really loved to talk." He chuckles a little bit at his own joke and he lowers the casket to the ground, figuring the others would take his lead and set it down as well.

Jaevin puts a hand on Jamir's shoulder and bends over to whisper in his ear, "Be ready with that sword if things go south." He then walks up to the opposing group with his arms out and leaning back (to appear smaller) to appear as little threatening as possible. "So, why don't you tell me why we can't bury the late Doctor here. He was a fine fellow indeed, and I don't think he'll becoming back to haunt nobody, he lived a very fulfilling life, ya know."

Pssst, Jaevin, you're carrying a coffin! :)

Half-Elf Bard (Detective) 1 AC: 15/11/14 HP: 7/7 SAVES: -1/3/0 INIT: +3 PER: +5 LLV, Keen Senses

Pssst, I know. ;)

Jaevin Darjudin wrote:
He chuckles a little bit at his own joke and he lowers the casket to the ground, figuring the others would take his lead and set it down as well.


So, the question is now whether everyone else is setting the coffin down - its importantish to how the scene plays out. :)

Karna follows Jaevin's lead and lowers the casket as well.

Botting Rhia for now - hope she's okay!

Kendra is swift to respond, also lowering the coffin. Her sadness is quick to turn to anger. "What are you talking about?" She cries out, "I arranged it with Father Grimburrow! He's waiting for us! The grave's already been..."

The coffin hits the ground with a soft thud, as all four of its pallbearers carefully lower it in order to deal with the intrusion.

"You don't get it, woman. We won't have a necromancer buried in the same place as our kin! I suggest you move out while you still can. Folks are pretty upset about this right now."

The rest of the would-be thugs and farmers close in on the party a bit.

Half-Elf Bard (Detective) 1 AC: 15/11/14 HP: 7/7 SAVES: -1/3/0 INIT: +3 PER: +5 LLV, Keen Senses

"Hey there old chap, he wasn't a necromancer. He may have study lots of things dealing with the undead but he certainly never raised them. Though he may have RAZED a few back when he was younger I'm sure."
Bluff: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28
Jaevin, puts his hand on the man's shoulder as though he was an old friend. "This man recently died, and even if you didn't like him, at least respect him for the things he accomplished in life. Please just let us pass and we'll be of no more trouble to you. I promise."

EDIT: Damn, he is like the smoothest talker ever. XD

GM points for puns. :)

They listen. Or, well, the ones in the back listen, and before their leader knows what's happening, they are slowly dispersing, with the occasional grumble. Left with no backup, the elderly man leading them just glares at Kendra and the others venemously before sliding off into the cemetary and disappearing with the others.

Then the PCs are free to continue their procession, though it takes Kendra several moments to calm down as she is literally trembling with rage.

"Thank you, my friends." She says, once she has control of herself again, though her lips are still pale and her eyes bright, "I am even more in your debt for coming, now."

Male Halfling Paladin 1

Aff there goes my post

Debt! That was nothing remembering peoble to use that thing inside their heads is all part of me duties! Jamir smiles.Now lets go eh?

Angry halflings rock my world.

Jamir gets the most venomous glare yet - but they're leaving. Kendra puts a hand on his shoulder to steady, or maybe soothe him. "Thank you." She murmurs. Clearly, this is what she felt like saying. But she has to live with these people.

Half-Elf Bard (Detective) 1 AC: 15/11/14 HP: 7/7 SAVES: -1/3/0 INIT: +3 PER: +5 LLV, Keen Senses

"Well now that they have been taken care of, lets get going before he brings back more people, ones that may or may not be angier. Either way I don't want to find out." Jaevin moves back to the rest of the party and picks up the casket (along with everyone else).

Karna resumes carrying the casket as well, shaking her head in disbelief at the townsfolk's blind and unwarranted hatred.

"Let's hope they let us give our farewells in peace now."

They have no further trouble, and get the casket to the grave. Waiting there is a shriveled old Cleric of Pharasma who says a very slow and windy prayer over the casket as they lower it into the hole.

Then he proceeds to give another wordy and frail sounding sermon, mostly about Pharasma and less about the Professor himself ... then invites the party to say any words about Lorrimor if they choose to.

Kendra wrings her hands a bit and waits till last.

Go ahead and roll Perform or Diplomacy if you're going to give a speech!

"Were it not for father, I would be rotting away somewhere in a jail cell, or worse. I was, and still are, in debt to his kindness and tutelage. He lived his life in wonder and amazement, pursuing knowledge, and touching people's lives. I know not of a finer man to have walked amongst us. Rest in peace father, may you finally learn the truths of the world that you so passionately sought out."

Perform Oratory 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

Half-Elf Bard (Detective) 1 AC: 15/11/14 HP: 7/7 SAVES: -1/3/0 INIT: +3 PER: +5 LLV, Keen Senses

"Dr. Lorrimor, a fantastic man no doubt. He traveled the world and saw many things that we will never see cataloging them for the future generations. In my eyes, he viewed the world as a puzzle to be solved, and he tried so hard to put all of the pieces together, and many of those pieces fit together. Perhaps if he had lived longer he would have been able to solve all the great mysteries, but sadly he is not with us anymore. Dr. Lorrimor inspired me to do great things in Caliphas and I am indebted to him for all the knowledge and wisdom he imparted to me. Thank you Doctor, you will certainly not be forgotten.
Dip for speech: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
Act for a single tear: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16

Female Human Oracle of Pharasma 8; 59/59 HP; AC:13 [19] Touch 13 FF 10 [16]; F +8 R +6 W +12 (+16 fear); Init +2; Perception +8 (+12 undead/ can perceive ethereal undead)

"The professor helped me at a difficult time, and allowed me to come to terms with my gift. He was one of the most understanding, open minded and brilliant men I've ever met, and a great fried to my family and the innocent citizens of Ustalav. Pharasma gains an amazing man today."

Diplomacy 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21

As she speaks, eerie moans of sorrow can be softly heard as her robe and cloak flutter in a breeze that seems to affect only her.

Male Halfling Paladin 1

Jamir says nothing only nodding towards the casket and thinking:"Good luck old man. I pray for your but I think that would tip the balance against you."

Kendra speaks last, telling a couple of the stories that she knows about his adventures, though they are at best spotty. The professor always tried to keep Kendra away from his line of work. She makes it all the way through without crying, though.

Then, the service is over and the frail priest says one last prayer that would be more effective if it were shorter.

After the formalities, Kendra turns to her fellow funeral-goers, "Thank you again for attending, my friends. I'd like to invite you all to his ... well, I guess my ... house for refreshments, and then we can hear his will. He asked that all of you be present for that." Kendra's expression is puzzled - she's not sure why they all need to be there, honestly.

Male Halfling Paladin 1

"Let us go swiftly. I have an acute dislike of cemiteries." Says Jamir moving towards the exit.

Half-Elf Bard (Detective) 1 AC: 15/11/14 HP: 7/7 SAVES: -1/3/0 INIT: +3 PER: +5 LLV, Keen Senses

"indubitably, little man." Jaevin gives a little hand flourish to the ladies, "after you ladies."

walking to the house:
jaevin wonders outloud, "I wonder what would happen if one of us couldn't show up today, what is the purpose of needin us all there" he isn't expecting an answer from anyone and jumps slightly if anyone does answer him because he is lost in his own little dream world.

Feel free to spoiler anything else you want to talk about on the way. I know its Easter and stuffs, so don't feel the need to rush, just moving along. :)

Kendra leads them to her house - or the Professor's house, and lets them in with a key. Inside, it is not all that large, though every wall is coated with a full wall's-worth of books on their shelves. Some of said shelves have obviously carried their heavy burden for quite a while, as they are beginning to warp under the weight. Kendra invites them in to the main room, and the seats at the table there.

"[b[It should be a few minutes before the Councilman arrives. Would anyone like anything to drink?[/b]" She hovers.

"Yes I would like tea or coffee. Jamir sits himself in a chair then hops down take some books from a selve and sits upon them. Now this is better. Ya know your father read quite a lot. Can't imagine what man saw in them books I mean. I never managed to complete reading Old Dead Eye's words, though he has a tendency to go over and over the same things, like a old farmer."

Half-Elf Bard (Detective) 1 AC: 15/11/14 HP: 7/7 SAVES: -1/3/0 INIT: +3 PER: +5 LLV, Keen Senses

"Yes please, some water would be splendid." Jaevin looks all around the room scanning all the books that the professor has... had? I'm never sure on whether to use past or present when talking about about a dead person owning things. Haha He pulls a few books down detailing the more recent history of Ustalav and major cities in the area. He does this to disguise his real intent of searching for anything unusual in the place.
Bluff: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
Search: 20 + 5 = 25 or 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22, 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10, 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23, 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13, 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22,

When Kendra comes back with drinks:
"I really hope we get some of these books, my wife would love a few of them, and I wouldn't mind having them all. Haha"

Kendra bustles off to make some tea, giving Jaevin plenty of time to snoop. He just finds many books. Some of them are very old indeed, and one can see how the villagers might assume that the professor was a necromancer. Many of his books are obviously not of the savory variety.

Coming back with hot water and a tray of tea fixings, Kendra admits, "Well, I'm sure you'd both put them to much better use than I would." With a doubtful glance at the shelves.

Karna sits down and smiles at the memories that the Professor's house, now Kendra's, stirs up in her mind.

"Thank you Kendra. The tea smells wonderful. Don't over do it though! I am sure this ordeal has worn you out..."

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