Legends of Andoran (Dragon Mountain-Pathfinder) (Inactive)

Game Master Dread

This is an 'adventure path' created by combining the adventures Sunless Citadel, Forge of Fury, Speaker in Dreams, Wererats of Relfrin (now called Wererats of Sauerton), The Standing Stone and Dragon Mountain. Care to take the journey?

The Northern Andoran River Valley has never been without it's share of problems. Kobolds, Orcs, Goblins and more still find homes in the shadows of the Five Kings Mountains and Fey trouble those that enter the Verduren Forest. However long has it been without the presence of the much feared Infyrana of Ashardalon, A Great Red Wyrm.

What started as a small tremor brought on by some unholy rituals performed in the depths of the The Sunless Citadel, near the Hamlet of Oakhurst, that will take adventurers on a whirlwind tour of the Andoran River Valley's communities as they seek to track down the source of the tremor and follow up on problems that all indicate one thing....Infyrana of Ashardalon has returned and is laying claim to lost territory.

Ashardalon, an ancient Dwarven City hidden in one of the peaks of The Five Kings Mountains. Long ago Infyrana chased the dwarves from its halls and claimed its wealth for her own. Kobolds of the area flocked to her call and took up residence within. Long ago the the memory of Ashardalon faded from the minds of the locals of the River valley. Long ago it began to be referred to as Dragon Mountain. Long ago even this faded from memory, as Infyrana slept.

But, that was long ago....

Neutral Good Hamlet
Corruption: -2/Crime:-2/Economy:-1/Law:-2/Lore:-1/Society:-1
Qualities: Prosperous
Danger: -5
Disadvantages: None
Population: 55
Noteable NPC's
Kerowyn Hucrele Human Female Expert 6 (Merchant/Mayor)
Democles Nagle Human Male Cleric 4 (Saranrae)
Felosial of The Verduran Half-Elf Female Ranger 3 (Sherrif)
Benjamin Ennis Human Male Warrior 1 (Deputy)
Verner Lang Human Male Inquisitor 1 (Judge)
Rurik of Clan Craftsmith Dwarf Male Expert 3 (Blacksmith)
Garon Alestar Human Male Expert 3 (Innkeep- Ole Boar Inn)

Base Value: 260 gold
Purchase Limit: 1500 gold
Items: 4 Minor (None above 750 gold)
Spellcasting Limit: 2nd

The Hamlet of Oakhurst is located at a crossroads in the Northern Andoran River Valley. a small collection of buildings surround the crossroads with the main 7 buildings at the center of the Hamlet. These buildings are The Hucrele Manor, and barn. with a collection of three wagons used to transport goods. Across the street from it is The General Store, from which Kerowyn runs her daily affairs. On the far side of the Hucrele Manor is the Courthouse, where Hamlet affairs are handled. Judge Verner Lang, an appointed Judge from Almas, and an ardent worshipper of Iomedae, handles day to day affairs, consulting closely with Mayor Hucrele. Next to the Courthouse is the Sherrif's Office complete with 2 jail cells. Either Sherrif Felosial or Deputy Ennis are here at any given time, unless there's an emergency. At the north western corner of sits The Ole Boar Inn, a 2 story building with 8 private rooms upstairs, a main room and kitchen on the first floor and a wine cellar below. It too has a bar, and an outhouse. Behind it heading west is the Forge and Smithy of Rurik. Across from it on the south west corner sits the Church of Saranrae.

The Crossroads go North towards Lord Cavius' Keep 'Eiderhold'. East towards The Verduran Forest and Ossington. South towards Harkers Ferry and Sauerton. West towards The Sunless Gorge and further to Glen Hollow and The Five Kings Mountains.

Andoran river valley:

character goals:
(so I dont forget)
Tae- Find out who her real father is/was (I know just who he is ;) )
Ekan- Have a Wizards Tower. Help establish an Andoran Magick Academy. Work against Slavers and help escaped slaves..including setting up a Safe Haven.
Larry- ??
Grommund wants to earn his way back into the respect of the dwarves of Five King's Mountains, so that he can return and find out what has befallen his sister.
Zarrick- goal is to someday be able to commune with his parents and tell them goodbye and to build his own temple to pay homage to his savior goddess, Sarenrae.
Klor- Fight Evil and Protect Dwarven Heritage.
Alrick the Lesser- become an Eagle Knight (though that remains to be seen)

Character Notes:

Grommund- Reactionary/Convincing Liar
1. Profession Locksmith/Knowledge Local/Craft Metalworking
2. Languages- Common (Taldane), Dwarven (Khuzan)

Klor- Reactionary/Zest for Battle
1. Craft Armor/Craft Weapons/Knowledge Engineering/Profession Merchant
2. Languages- Common (Taldane), Dwarven (Khuzan) , Terran (Aerthen)

Ekan-Focused Mind/Freedom Fighter
1. Profession Scribe/Profession Clerk/Knowledge Arcana/Knowledge History/Knowledge Local
2. Languages- Common (Taldane), Draconic (Wyrmish), Dwarven (Khuzan), Elven (Sindarin), Halfling (Selenian)

Larry- Birthmark/Resilient
1. Profession Farmer
2. Languages- Common

Zarrick- Focused Mind/Sacred Touch
1. Profession Book Keeper/Knowledge Arcana/Knowledge Religion
2. Languages- Common (Taldane), Dwarven (Khuzan), Elven (Sindarin)

Tae- Faith Healer/Magical Knack
1. Profession Apothecary/Craft Alchemy/Knowledge Planes/Knowledge Religion
2. Languages- Common (Taldane), Celestial (Angelic), Dwarven (Khuzan), Draconic (Wyrmish), Infernal (Fiendish)
3. acid resistance 5, cold resistance 5, and electricity resistance 5

Alrick- Chivalrous/Natural Born Leader
1. Profession Innkeeper/Knowledge History
2. Languages- Common (Taldane)


Rations: 9
Water: 1 Day
Flasks of Oil: 10
Hero Points: 1

Rations: 4 days
Water: 1 day
Sling Bullets/Stones: 0
Potion of Cure Light Wounds: 1

Rations: 3 Days
Water: 1 day
Ale: 1 Gallon
Crossbow Bolts: 10
Grappling Bolts: 5
Acid: 3
1 Vial that has you puzzled It holds an almost silvery metallic oil that swirls with varying bands of silver/gray color as you eye it.

Rations: 1 day
Water: 1 day
Potion of Cure Light Wounds: 1
Alchemists Fire: 2
Acid: 3
Defoliant: 1

Rations: 7 days
Water: 1 day
Crossbow Bolts: 15
Holy Water: 2
Sunrods: 6
Candles: 4
Potion of Cure Light Wounds: 1

Rations: 1 Days
Water: 1 Day
Crossbow Bolts: 7
Potion of Cure Light Wounds: 1

Rations: 1
Water: 1/2 Day
Sling Bullets/Stones: 0
Hero Points: 1

Treasure Gained:

Klor- Diamond Chip 30GP, Silver Ring = 5 Gold, 18 GP, 149 SP, Onyx 30 GP, Dwarven Statuette 30GP
Tae- Citrine 43GP, 139 SP, 16 GP, Onyx 30 GP, Moonstone 30 GP, Silver Ring 30 GP
Ekan- Chunk of Jasper 10GP, 41 GP, 149 SP, Onyx 30 GP, Moonstone 30 GP, Scroll of Knock,
Zarrick- 51 GP, 149 SP, Onyx 30 GP, Moonstone 30 GP, Evil Silver Holy Symbol 25GP
Grommund- 48 GP, 179 SP, Onyx 30 GP, Moonstone 30 GP, Silver Ring 30 GP {Karakas Signet Ring, Sharwyn's Signet Ring}
Larry- 110 SP, 16 GP, Onyx 30 GP, Dwarven Statuette 30GP, MW Comp Long Bow +2 strength,

Alrick- 319 Silver

Campaign Calender:

12th Gozran Earthquake/Heroes of Oakhurst Head to Sunless Citadel Gorge.
15th Gozran Felosial scouts Nearby Farmsteads and Gorge entrance.
16th Gozran Mayor Kerowyn calls for adventurers
17th Gozran Party enters Sunless Citadel destroys Bloodyclaws Tribe

18th Gozran- Current Day

We are using the Medium Experience track. 2nd Level- 4000

Grommund (1st Rogue)- 2520
Klor (1st Fighter) - 2520
Tae (1st Oracle) - 2520
Zarrick (1st Adept) - 2520
Ekan (1st Illusionist) - 2520
Larry (1st Commoner) - 2520
Alrick (1st Commoner) - 1155

Creatures/Traps Encountered (indicates not defeated):

Sunless Citadel: Twig Blight, Dire Rats, Kobolds, Guthash The Mother of All Giant Rats, Goblin Warriors, Goblin Rogues, Very Young White Dragon, Hobgoblin Rogues, Hobgoblin Fighter, Goblin Cleric, (Bugbear Ranger), Goblin Commoners, Goblin Experts, Skeletons, Thoqqua
Sunless Citadel Traps: 10' Pit Trap

individuals known:

Meepo- Hunter/Trainer for 'Dragonsthrone Tribe' <Kobolds- Sunless Citadel> 2nd Ranger
Calcryiax- Very Young White Dragon
Yusdrayl- Queen for 'Dragonsthrone Tribe' <Kobolds- Sunless Citadel> 4th Sorcerer
Ekan 'Erky' Timbers Ex Sellsword, Adventuring Priest of Caiden Cailean ,was Prisoner of 'BLoodyclaw Tribe' <Goblins-Sunless Citadel> 1st Fighter/2nd Cleric
Balsag The Hunter- Bugbear Hunter for 'Bloodyclaw Tribe'. 1st Ranger

Potion Id/Alchemical:

Cure Light Wounds- Creamy White/smells of milk: 1d8+1
Anti-Toxin - Clear smells of Almonds

how I'll be doing combat.:
Because This is one of the biggest slow down in a PBP format, I will be doing everything possible to speed things up. This means Ill be putting normally closely guarded dm information out there right off the bat so things move smoothly. In addition to that, You will be rolling some of my dice and I will be rolling some of your dice.

When an encounter happens all will roll initiative. I will roll once for each major bad guy on the enemies side and once for blocks of mooks that share common statistics. This will especially be important in the latter part of the game when the party will be facing at times literally hundreds of Kobolds at a shot.

I will then arrange initiative like this- Whichever side had the higher initiative among all of its members then the opposing side.

I will post the enemies stats as such.

Name AC Touch FF HP FO- RE- WL-
Special- Defenses.

for each combat so it makes it easy for you to know what to roll.

Consider it as if the group has a tactical leader who starts barking out orders and everyone responds. This means it will reward the party with a member who has a very high initiative roll, but it could also work against you if theres a bad guy with the same. In the end I think it will balance out.

I will have combat maps

When players post their action, I ask you do it like this...

Fluff post

5 foot step. move action go to A10. Cast spell Ray of enfeeblement

dice roll attack. dice roll damage

If there is a save then roll the opponents save. Ability checks roll them.

I will do the same.

You may edit to place a fluff post after the crunch

I will Work hard to post at least once a day, and sometimes twice. I ask all of you to do the same.

Should a player not post for 24 hours, in combat only, I will npc the character to move it along. I will not use any of the characters special abilities or spells or consumables with the exception of healing if it is needed. I will use the simplest form of attack (o level spell, ranged, melee) that makes sense at the time. So please dont miss your action. Exception: If a player is going to be absent and tells me what they want to do, I will make sure I do that.

what to do with problems- ie forgotten abilities spells etc...NO Backtracking However we continue and do ad hoc modifiers from that point on to bring things up to snuff. 2 examples-

DM I forgot to add the +1 for bless to the attack, I would have hit.- answer: You automatically hit next round. But that monster only had 2 Hit points left and I would have killed him from the plusses alone. and it wouldnt have hit Joe....

Right- Joe's damage turns out to be nonlethal and is subdual only, and the monster stumbles allowing your team to shift initiative and get attacks in now.

Example 2- DM I channeled to save everyone and forgot I had no more channels left- No worries your Diety gave you a freeby. do it again and it will turn out to cause damage ;)


game play:
Once again I will be posting once or twice a day, depending on whats going on. Should an emergency come up I will find the time to notify you. I ask you do the same. I realize that some times during gameplay a player reads the threads and says to their self..There's nothing for me to 'say' and does not post.

A DM sometimes wonders if all the players read what was posted so they don't move things along without getting confirmation from the group thats what they want. Also a DM wants to allow players the opportunity to search and research the fluff. Its a tricky balance.

Because of that I will be using OOC a lot to let you know what I need to move things along. Please read it.

How Ill do traps (and there are a lot of them)- IF The Party Rogue (or a character with Trapfinding) is in front I will make perception checks at every juncture where a trap is present as the party moves through the dungeon. If its an alternative character I will NOT make passive perception checks. If the type of trap is evident, success will tell you what it is. If the type of trap is not evident, I will merely say what you see and that the hairs on the back of your neck are standing up.

Along with that- I will make passive perception checks if the module asks for it for players who may be able to notice things. However most things will require you to say "I search" or "I look". Please dont say "I search the room."

Be specific. I search around the corner to my right. I search the urn. etc...

House Rule #1: Coup De Grace:

Ive never liked characters who are asleep being able to be slain outright by a DM. I developed this modification to the Coupe De Grace Rule. A Helpless Character; NPC, Monster or Player, can have a coupe de grace performed on them. This is an automatic hit That puts a character Below 0 hit points by whatever the strength modifier of the character is + any precision damage such as sneak attack (max) or rangers FE bonus.... This is a full round action, and may result with death. But may just leave the character hovering near deaths door with a chance to recover. To me this is more cinematic and doesnt have character's being slain for falling unconscious to a spell. Only 1 Coup de Grace may be performed on a character. It takes a Heal Check at DC 25 to ascertain the character is not dead.