Kingmaker Campaign - DM_Kudos

Game Master Kudos

Kingmaker Campaign

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Male Elf Shadowcaster 4

Anwel knew elves back in Iadara who would have been mollified by flattery like Stellan's. Not that such a conversation could ever take place in Iadara, and not that these acquaintances of Anwel's would ever let themselves be found outside Kyonin, but if somehow Stellan had been brought before them in Greengold, his words might satisfy them. Here, they would think, was a human who knew his place. Anwel's cheeks grow hot as he realizes that Stellan probably considers him an example of that kind of elfdom, but he hides his blush with a gracious nod. His white hair flaps in front of his face, hiding it even more as Anwel raises it.

As the group meanders slowly to the tables, Anwel considers the implications further. Flattery was never without motive. Anwel doesn't think Stellan's motive is simply to get Anwel to like him. If that were the case, he'd have spent more words on the others. He had barely two sentences to spare for Bimbur, both generic and only one that could be considered complimentary. What does Stellan want?

Sense Motive:
1d20 ⇒ 8

Wanting to keep his head clear, Anwel takes only a barley broth with chopped up carrots in it for his meal. He watches Stellan closely through his hair. He and the canine were clearly master and familiar, but there was something about them that was even closer than Meldon and his familiar. And the animal was strange too. Its paws and eyes were too big, and its muzzle too small, to be any kind of fox or dog.

Knowledge (nature), (arcana):
1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21
1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18

It most reminds Anwel of the great white wolves his parents told him about when he was young. But such creatures are normally too self-possessed to bear to share a soul with a spellcaster. Anwel had heard stories of spellcasters taking the youngest dragons for familiars, and for the dragons to leave when they came of age, but that doesn't seem to fit Stellan's and Vinur's relationship either. If he were to characterize their roles, Vinur seemed like a guide, and Stellan like a pilgrim. But to what would Vinur guide Stellan? Whatever Stellan was, he was like no magician Anwel had ever met.

Anwel doesn't actually know the name "witch" of that it applies to people like Stellan. He can puzzle out his nature, but the name will elude him unless and until Stellan or someone else reveals it.

"Your information is incomplete," says Anwel, tipping his spoon into his mouth. "You can indeed find fey here if they notice you. And there was a time when the Narlmarches and the Fierani Forest, and all the scraps of woods in between, were one forest. Then, if you had looked, you would have found elder folk. Nowadays, you can find my people in the Crown of the World and the Sovyrian elves in Kyonin, but the only community in the River Kingdoms themselves is Hymbria."

Silver Crusade

Male Human(Shoanti) Fighter 2 HPs 13/13 AC 15/T12/FF13

Gorax listens to Bimbar describe the finer points of archery, discovering and relishing the hunt and long shot, the felling of deer at a distance. He enjoys the stew and bread provided by Svetlana, mopping the last the juice from his worn bowl with the fresh crusty bread. He leans back on the bench, stretching his arms after a good meal, "Thank you so much, 'tis just as my mother used to make, warming and healthy for of flavor. You are indeed a fine cook." He nods and smiles at Svetlana, as he relaxes.

Eventually the talk gets round to the mapping exercise and how far they have got with it. "Well, what's next then Bimbar? The lands to the west or do you have something specific in mind?"

Svetland listens intently to the elf as he describes his recent travels ...

He told us broadly where to look, but finding them will take time unless you happen to know where they are.

She starts to respond but is cutoff as the conversation quickly continues.

Do you and Oleg mind if we leave a large map of the Greenbelt here with you? It would make our lives easier if we didn't have to worry about it getting wet or ruined in the wild.

"Well certainly. You can leave the map with me and I'll see to it's safe keepings." She reaches out to grab the map from Anwel and holds it tight to her side. "As for your fangberries, if you just head just south of here you should come upon the Shrike river. Once near it, you should start to see your fangberry bushes."

The group gathers round the table and enjoys a fine meal. It satisfies and nourishes.

Oleg, after finishing up an exchange with the leader of the troops, turns to the group and says, "So I see these lands didn't try to test your skills. Give it time, it always does.

"So where will you head now?"

Male Human Bard 3 (Arcane Duellist); HP: 4/30 AC: 15/11/14; Saves: F +3, R +4, W +1; Init: +1; Per: +4

Putting down his knife and with a broad smile across his face turns to Svetland "A wonderful meal thank you, can I reimburse you for it?" Andrei says Offering a gold coin.

I assume that we have been give a brief run down of events if not please ignore next statement

Turning to the rest "I am a little concerned about the bandits turned good. Currently they seems turned around their life out of fear of what you would do if they didn't. It is my fear that soon as they have something more to fear, say the 'Stag Lord' sending a another group up here they will fear them more and switch sides again. I think what they need is a reason to do the right thing, some vested interest in defending the outpost. That could take many forms, religion, income, family or friends but they need something. To that end if you don't mind I'll go and have a chat with them and hear their side of thing. As where to go next I don't have much in the way of opinions as yet and will bow to the superior knowledge of my companions."

Andrei gets up and walks towards the ex-bandits offering his hand "Good day, I am Andrei Avotrus chronicler of stories. From the sounds of it you have a very interesting story, perhaps while I give you a hand here you could tell it to me"

I'd like to use a diplomacy roll to improve their attitude, do you want one roll for the group or individual rolls? Also I'd like to find out what they desire so as to make them loyal I assume this is another diplomacy roll to gather information?

Diplomacy for changing attitude:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
Diplomacy for gather information:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

Male Elf Shadowcaster 4

"South, or southeast, I think, Oleg" says Anwel, with a slight grimace. He hadn't meant for Svetlana to have that map. It was only a rough sketch map, barely worth using except as a broad guide to create something better. He'd used up most of the paper, too, so it could not be added to. Still, the woman had opened her home to them and had fed them with at least the intention of doing so for free. She could keep it. Anwel's face rises a little, from troubled to impassive. He could always swap out the maps when they returned.

"Not only is it where Happs said we could find more of his fellows, it's also the quickest way to the area Bokken told us to find his berries. Thank you for that information, by the way, Svetlana." Anwel punctuates his speech with a nod of thanks in her direction. "Both are truer for due south, and that is my recommendation." Anwel spoons the last of the carrots into his mouth, chews, and swallows before continuing. "Speaking of the map, Oleg, do you think you could have a ruler, a protractor, and a compass in by the time we return? Now that the Restovites are here, we'll be able to stay out for days at a time. It would probably be best if we paid you when we returned – as you say the Stolen Lands are a dangerous place, and with risk comes reward. Who knows? We might even be able to afford a sextant if we stay out long enough!" Anwel delivers this last line with a broad smile, hoping Oleg would take the hint. A sophisticated navigational tool was far beyond their means at this time, but it would be necessary if they were to survey far afield.

EDIT: Cross-posted with Andrei.

Anwel sits calmly, his hands folded, as Andrei explains his plan. As he rises, Anwel beckons him over. "You are welcome to try," he whispers, "But I think you had best do so alone, or at least with your friends from the road. I think they will appreciate a fresh face." Before he lets Andrei go, Anwel has one more piece of advice. "See if you can turn Happs, the one with the black beard. From what I could see when we defended this place from them, the others stand or fall by him. It's either that or replace him in their minds as a leader worth following." That last bit would appeal to the sensibilities of someone like Andrei, Anwel thinks.

Male Human Bard 3 (Arcane Duellist); HP: 4/30 AC: 15/11/14; Saves: F +3, R +4, W +1; Init: +1; Per: +4
Anwel said wrote:
That last bit would appeal to the sensibilities of someone like Andrei, Anwel thinks.

Very true and what Andrei planning at least in the long term.

"Thanks for the advice, I'll start with him"

Stellan feels the intensity of Anwel's regard and is a bit discomforted then relaxes as the conversation continues. "I only know what travelers say and what mother taught. I never traveled out of the hill, mountains and forest of my home, until a few days ago." Stellan looks concerned, "I hope my skills adapt well, this land is very flat to me."

At the compliments for the cook, Stellan adds his voice to praise as well. "Well done indeed, better than at home, not that would be hard. Sigh, never again...."

"Thank you Master of Caravanserai, I sure we'll encounter much trouble but better there than here. May the spirits of the land grant you peace."

Stellan frowns a the mention of reformed bandits. "Some people may feel the need to steal to survive, but those who turn bandit rarely turn back, at least that's how mi'lord saw it. He did free a few that seemed penitent though."

"Moving out soon, I fear I have nothing in the way of supplies for my horse or myself. I do have a few coins left if there are provisions about but I not sure if there is enough fodder for all these horses."

DM_Kudos how are you handling logistics? Without farms close by, feeding the horses without grazing and slowing by half at least, is nearly impossible. Most DM hand-wave this away but you may have other ideas.

Stellan, unless otherwise interrupted, buys spends a gold for animal feed but leaves most of it at Oleg's. He packs only 40 lbs or 4 days worth in Hjarta's saddlebags, He spends twenty-five silvers for five days of trail rations. He keeps a days ration in his backpack, the rest in saddle bags.

"Will we hunt on the way or go straight through? Pardon me, I should have asked before, who is the groups leader?" Stellan asks the last with a bit of naivety or is it wisdom?

Male Elf Shadowcaster 4

"Does it matter?" asks Anwel, looking askanse at Stellan. These newcomers, barring Gorax, seem much more comfortable than Anwel's companions in systems of deference and heirarchy. Stellan parroted the beliefs of his liege as though they were promulgations from Abadar himself, and his treated his actions as the very code of justice for the world. Anwel wonders how he would have coped with the mission Dima had given him, and if this attitude might be a clue to the pilgrimage that was the source of his magic. And of course Andrei had his superior attitude that warmed to the notion of taking the bandits, molding them, and standing over them as a master. Having in his own life both fought warlords and tyrants and sat in a ruling council, Anwel is sure that their perspectives, for now, are limited and limiting, like Khargol's zealotry. Hardly something to look for in a leader.

"We have been able so far to make decisions as a group without a guiding hand. And as Oleg said, we have yet to be ambushed or surprised, so the person best suited to combining our talents has yet to emerge." Anwel lets his expression soften after that challenge. Prove yourselves, he seemed to be saying. We will too. We shall see who is worthy.

"For what it's worth," he says, firmly trying to change the subject. "We successfully hunted enough to feed seven people on the outing we just returned from."

"The name is Happs. I used to be a man free in these land, doing what want, but that chapter in my life is over."

Before the man can continue, Oleg shouts over from where he was standing, "You are damn right and you will work here until I see fit to turn you over to the guards!"

Happs sighs at being reminded of his impending future. "Anyways, my story is not much of interest to you and these will be the last moments I get to enjoy the open wilds. Now if you'll excuse me, I have work to do."

Happs finishes his quick conversation with Andrei and then continues with his work.


The compliments come in from all over for the food. Svetlana makes sure to thank all those happy guests for their kind words, "It's just an old recipe my mother taught me. I hope you will tell your friends!"


"Southward should keep you busy. I've heard many tales of those parts; mostly men making claims of wild creatures. As for your requests, I shall be able to do that. It should take me a couple days to get my request in and materials back." Oleg nods his head to Anwel and excuses himself from the conversation. "Let me make note of that nwo before I forget to." He makes his way back to his house.


Logistics are not my friend. Therefore as long as take into account "getting food" from "somewhere" I will be good with that.

Male Human Bard 3 (Arcane Duellist); HP: 4/30 AC: 15/11/14; Saves: F +3, R +4, W +1; Init: +1; Per: +4

"One chapter ending is just an opportunity for a new chapter to start and your story would be of interest to me but first let me have a talk to Oleg on you behalf."

Walking over to Oleg,"Do you mind if I have a quiet word?"

"I know Happs and his men caused you and wife all sort of misery and I think it shows how great a man you are that you are allowing them to earn it off rather than seeing them swing from the gallows. But I have to say I am a little concerned about what will happen if some of their ex-friends show up, currently their is little to hold them to the side of good and right. What I'd like to see is them taking up arms to defend your wife and your property. That will take some trust and building of loyalty which is not an easy thing for me to ask of you given their resent history but I take you for the type of man who can look past that and into the future. I was thinking that a good starting point would be that I give them a small wage but thought it might look better coming from you. A honest penny for a honest day's work. I see no harm in giving a little pay as the only place they have to spend it with you anyway." Andrei says giving a conspiratorial wink, then offers a gold coin "This should cover their pay for a while at least."

Silver Crusade

Male Human(Shoanti) Fighter 2 HPs 13/13 AC 15/T12/FF13

Gorax listens to much conversation, "So bandits to the south you say, then surely that's where we'll go to free these fine people of the fear that must have gripped them in the past. And if we get them berry things for that man you know, then so much the better. Do you map the areas as you travel through them, for if you do, then I'll do my best to help, but to be honest, I'm not so good at that." Gorax smiles his friendly smile, "So early to bed tonight, and up bright and early to get off on this adventure then."

Not sure of the time, but Gorax will help Oleg with any work which might require some muscle, if there is time left in the day.

Male Elf Shadowcaster 4

"Well, Gorax," says Anwel, "On our last excursion we were able to map a little under a hundred and fifty square miles*. Svetlana has that map now. What I'd like to do, and the rest of the group and Svetlana agree, is to map the land we cover on each excursion as meticulously as we can, and then piece together a master map of the whole Greenbelt at our leisure here, with the right measuring tools." He smiles a smile that seems to flow into place as if lubricated. "I'm sure we'll all be useful."

Dwarf HP 11/11; AC 16/11ff/15t; Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5 Init +4; Per+7/9stone CMD=17(21) Monk (Zen Archer) Perfect Strike 1/1

Bimbur watches enviously as Andrei deftly solves a potential crisis with the competent bandit leader.

I do not have his way with people.

"I thought we would map the plains around the post so we know the vicinity of Oleg's is safe. With a horse for me to ride we can map about 150 square miles each day. The armored fighter and the man with the game leg are no longer around to slow us down. I do miss the gnome and his menagerie, but Anwel has the magic part covered quite well. He had most of the bandits down with a single fountain of colors."

Silver Crusade

Male Human(Shoanti) Fighter 2 HPs 13/13 AC 15/T12/FF13

Gorax feeling relaxed, yawns and says "Well its mapping is it, then we'll have to do that too. Just point me in the right direction.." he laughs and rests back again.

I have the impression that it was early morning when everybody arrived at Oleg's and it's now before noon, if that's false assume that we will rest for the evening then set out, otherwise ride at once! Revising my prep. Spend 3gp/month for cost of living, spend 5 gold for 10-day supply of food for Stellan, Vinur, and Hjarta. I'll place 10 trail rations on character and assume auto resupply at every return to base. Only need to track supplies used when "in the wilderness." Does that work for you?

Wilting under Anwel glare, Stellan feebly replies, "I meant no offense, just trying to fit in." Stellan busies himself with his tasks. At the conversation about what to do next, Stellan says, "I know nothing of mapping, but I can scout if need be. Set out for a new area to seek it's mysteries, I will follow. If there are more bandits about though they should be dealt with so they do not bring more harm to goodly people."

Stellan thinks to himself. I guess Anwel doesn't like authority, some are that way. Udo says little, Bimbur is friendly, I not sure what he meant by monk.

Stellan, as opportunity presents itself, will address Bimbur. "Master Dwarf, I heard your account of your training but I'm not sure of its meaning, a monk of bows? Do you mean you are a blessed of Ol'Deadeye? It seems you mean more but I have seen, well, nothing of the world. Would you be so kind to further my knowledge of people and the ways they follow?" Stellan asks with a genuine curiosity.

Dwarf HP 11/11; AC 16/11ff/15t; Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5 Init +4; Per+7/9stone CMD=17(21) Monk (Zen Archer) Perfect Strike 1/1

Let's set out again.
Bimber tilts his head towards Stellan, "Aye, I am a monk of bows. It is less of a religion and more of a fighting style taught by some monks. Rather than being adept with my bare hands, I have trained for months with the bow."

"Now, as for the group leader, well that hasn't been decided. Anwel is quite smart and makes for an excellent advisor. Gorax seems to have the knowledge of fighting and would probably make a good military leader. I think in time our talents will determine where we fit in this new nation we are attempting to form."

Silver Crusade

Male Human(Shoanti) Fighter 2 HPs 13/13 AC 15/T12/FF13

Gorax smiles at Bimbar's words, "Me a general! Are you sure that's wise?" he chuckles. "If holding a sword makes me a sargent, then sargent I shall be,..Ha ha ha ha! Let's get on and clear the land of bandits first, make it safe for good folks to make a home. So how long we plan on travelling?"

Male Human Bard 3 (Arcane Duellist); HP: 4/30 AC: 15/11/14; Saves: F +3, R +4, W +1; Init: +1; Per: +4

Andrei comes back from his conversation with Oleg smiling. "Don't worry Gorax we would need an army for you to be general. You can start as sergeant of this motley company with my blessing. Hopefully one day we my have an army, but by then you might have got a little more experience and confidence."

"I do agree, I am eager to get going too. Since we don't have a leader lets put it to a simple vote. Since the two directions that seem useful are south and south west I suggest we vote for one of those. I vote for south."

17/17HP; AC17/13/14; Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +0; Init+3; Perception +7

Udoeak comes back from his time alone on the wall. "South sounds as good as any direction to me. I'm ready to get going whenever everyone else is."

Silver Crusade

Male Human(Shoanti) Fighter 2 HPs 13/13 AC 15/T12/FF13

"I defer to your greater knowledge, its the first time I'm here so one ways as good as another. You say south, so south be it." the fighter smiles taking a cloth to wipe his blade..

Dwarf HP 11/11; AC 16/11ff/15t; Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5 Init +4; Per+7/9stone CMD=17(21) Monk (Zen Archer) Perfect Strike 1/1

"South it is, Lay on McGorax."

Male Human Bard 3 (Arcane Duellist); HP: 4/30 AC: 15/11/14; Saves: F +3, R +4, W +1; Init: +1; Per: +4

"Excellent we seem to have a majority. Let us get going." Turning to Oleg. "Thank you for your hospitality, we will return soon."

Stellan looks even more confused, "Monks pray in monasteries. I'm don't see that as a way to fight, though some do, I guess. It's all very strange, but no matter, Bimbur, you are an archer and that's all I need to know."

Stellan has gaps in his knowledge of the world, as I understand it members of the monk class are rare in the inner sea. So Stellan is having trouble grasping your meaning.

"I seem to have supplies enough in hand, ready to ride, lead on." Stellan put Vinur on the saddle then mounts, Vinur just forward. they both survey the land ahead. "I'll scout in the lead unless someone else wishes to do so"

Survival 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18 Avoid trouble, forage, stop for shelter, if weather looks to become bad.

Perception 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28 Find it, whatever it is, before it finds us.

Silver Crusade

Male Human(Shoanti) Fighter 2 HPs 13/13 AC 15/T12/FF13

Gorax asks Oleg to hire a horse from his stable if he has any, then joins the others on their way out from the trading post. As he leaves he salutes Kestren Garess, "Good Luck Captain, we'll settle this land and map it soon so you and your men will be able to get round easier. Think about if there's anything we can do to help you when we return?" And Gorax follows he others out of the gates into the wild unknown.

Perception 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (19) - 1 = 18 for when we need the first check.
Survival 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10 aid another, Stellan

Male Elf Shadowcaster 4

Anwel sits passively, his hands folded inside his sleeves, as the others voice their opinions. They already know his preference for going south, and Anwel is pleasantly surprised when they decide to proceed along those lines. He smiles indulgently, if a bit wistfully, at Bimbur's compliment. How right he was, without knowing it, to mark Anwel as something other than a leader.

After Stellan mounts his horse, Anwel sidles up to him and beckons for his ear. "Don't get the wrong idea," he says, sotto vocce. "I don't hold anything against you. As for fitting in, well, things will change now you and your friends are here. We'll see how we all like the way they turn out." Having said this last piece, Anwel pulls away from Stellan and puts up his hood. There was still a long afternoon under the sun.

Male Human Bard 3 (Arcane Duellist); HP: 4/30 AC: 15/11/14; Saves: F +3, R +4, W +1; Init: +1; Per: +4

I'll also spend 1 gp on getting fodder for foreseeable future. Not sure if there are enough horses for everyone. Either way.

Andrei waves goodbye to Oleg, Svetlana and Captain Garess and nods to Happs then leads his loaded mule out following Stallan. After a little he waves Stallan and Vinur back to main group.

"Now that we have got started it seems like there are few things we probably should get organised before they become an issue."

"Firstly, with bandits and wild beasts we should get an idea of abilities in combat. Now I know some of this is obvious, Bimbur will be filling targets with arrows and Gorax, Udoeak and I seem to favour the longsword while Anwel and Stellan use magic. What I was talking about is other abilities that might be important for the rest of to know. For instance Anwel when you spray out that light that I heard took out the last lot of bandits do we need to look away or cover our eyes? Anything else about you magic would be good as well. I have very minor magical abilities and can heal sword wounds a couple of times a day so if things get desperate let me know."

"Secondly, we seem to worked out who is going to be a our scout. Is there anything else we need to worry about with how we ride in case we are ambushed?" Andrei looks around at the other gaze pausing briefly on Gorax.

"Thirdly, we are going to have to camp out in the wilderness quite a lot and I certainly would feel safer with at least one person on watch at night. I know you would have this worked out before but we might need to adjust things." He looks around the original party then continues. "I would favour three four hour watches with two of us on each watch, one of which should be able see in well in the dark, which would be Bimbur, Anwel and Uboeak. I understand that some spell casters need 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep?" He looks at Stellan and Anwel for confirmation. "So maybe we put Stellan on the first watch and Anwel on the last watch so each gets their sleep. Then maybe Uboeak joins Stellan in the evening watch, Bimbur and myself on the midnight watch leaving Gorax to join Anwel for the morning watch"

"I'm sure there is issues I've missed, is there anything else we need to discuss before Stellan heads out to scout?"

Stellan rides back as Andrei waves at him. He listens to the rally speech. Stellan looks a bit concerned as Andrei talks about magic. He nods at the statement of needing a good sleep. "Yes, I need a good rest to prepare my abilities for the day." As Andrei continues, it looks that Stellan is thinking of something. At Andrei's end, Stellan sighs and says, "Well I'm good in woods and hills, lived in them all my life. I'm OK with my shortspear beat off raiders a few times back home. As to magic... well I didn't hire a bard to sing about it, not many would, because of preconceptions, that aren't always true. But you need to know. My craft is witchery, witchcraft, I'm a witch, specifically of winter, Vinur here is a winter wolf cub, my companion, my spirit fetch, in some sense, my link to winter itself. Now he's not evil, or I, some that practice this art are, but that is true of any vocation." Stellan looks soberly at the other judging their reaction.

Going on, he says, "Well having said that, I'm a healer, also right now I've have the ability to make a few go to sleep, if they can; not just by boring them either, and can make myself hard to hurt in a fight, for a while. Could change that to a few others things I know. But the special thing witches have are their hexes. Yes some can be curses and I know a few minor ones to make people and some critters debut themselves so they kinda mess up. Weak but I can keep throwing it. Otherwise I can hex some healing. Only works on a person once a day though. The upside is I can cast it many times, if a hundred different people needed healing I could do that, might take an hour though. Also it's as easy to work a hex as it's hard to learn, don't have worry as much about getting hurt while doing. Passable at mundane healing as well, have a a bunch of herbs and bandages with me if needed." Stellan stops, looks uncertain then continues. "Mayhap I'm talking too much so I'll just say I know some languages, am used to hard work, and ready to make a new home with y'all."

Stellan finishes with, "I'm good with that plan Andrei." Stellan waits for the others to respond.

17/17HP; AC17/13/14; Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +0; Init+3; Perception +7

Udoeak shrugs. "Stellan, is it? There's much worse than witchcraft in the world, and it doesn't matter to me where one gets their prowess from. It's results that matter in most cases."

"I've had some experience ecploiting openings in combat, so I'd prefer some strategic maneuvring on the battlefield, setting up flanks and what not. Other than that, I specialize in a field called Alchemy, although I've gone more in-depth with it than the common alchemical items you see, such as Alchemist's fire, thunderstones, sunrods and the like. Given time, I can brew potions, otherwise the extracts I brew in the morning only work on me as far as I've seen. I brew a few other things, but like I said, they only work on me. I'm sure in time, you'll see the effects of them. I know a few languages, and I've got a few tricks up my sleeve," he says, smiling as he flicks his wrist and a dagger comes sliding right into his hand. As he looks down to reset his "trick", his eye catches on his holy symbol (Of Desna). "Right. Don't let this fool you; I'm no priest, nor do I wish or deserve to be one. It's a trinket from... the past," he finishes solemnly, pausing slightly before finishing his statement.

His eyes linger on it for a moment, but he soon returns to his talking. "I grew up with little, so I learned to make the most of what I get, and now, if need be, I can survive for much longer than most without food or water, which is why I'm not as concerned about it. I've got a few more tricks, but they don't come in handy very often. If they'll be of use, I'll be sure to let you know." His green cloak flaps around him, and as he raises his arm to adjust his glasses, any looking at him can see a glint of metal on the underside of the cloak.

For watch orders, that's fine with me, I suppose. I don't particularly have a preference on the matter.

Dwarf HP 11/11; AC 16/11ff/15t; Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5 Init +4; Per+7/9stone CMD=17(21) Monk (Zen Archer) Perfect Strike 1/1

Bimbur listens to the conversation and perks up when it is about tactics.

"Besides filling targets with arrows, I am also a capable scout. The tactic I prefer to employ is skirmishing. By being a forward scout with archery and defensive skills, I can harass and hold my own until help arrives. I can easily fire into combat without a problem as I have trained to hit foes in close quarters with allies. Magic shielding and invisible magic armor will help my evasion skills significantly. I think this magic is not outside of our abilities, but with our limited resources, it will probably be a while until we can count on it regularly."

He adds, "The watch schedule sounds like a good one. I can take my sleep anytime."

Oleg and Svetlana watch at the party departs from the outpost. They wave to them as they leave,"Be safe friends and may the wind always be at your back!" Svetlana sends the men off with a heart filled wish while Oleg joins in with his own comment,"And come back when you can. I'll be happy to take whatever you find off your hands!' Oleg does make sure to keep the warehouses filled.

The party, now reinvigorated with new friends to join in the quest, set forth to cover the Stolen lands. Oleg and Svetlana seem to be in safe hands for now so the concern of returning bandits should not bother you any more.

The day greets the travelers with fair weather, perfect for covering the open lands. Overhead, the clouds roll on by changing shapes all the while, and occupying any mind with thoughts of what they might be. To the west looms the Narlmarches, a forest that must be teeming with creatures unseen. Ahead of you and all the way around to the east are the open plains of the Stolen Lands. The tall dry stalks of grass crunch under your boots as you walk. You wonder when the last time rain fell on these parts... must not be anytime recently.

Gorax and Stellan keep their trained peeled on the lands yet to come. Every so often, they notice a stray creature roaming the lands or flying high in the sky but none have been found to be hostile.

As you march southward, covering familiar terrain, you notice that in the distance there is a small hill. This hill is not unlike any you have encountered before but what makes this particularly interesting is the single tree that sits atop it. Seeing as this is a break in the monotony of simple lands, you decide to make your way to it. Certainly it couldn't hurt to take rest here as it is the only form of shade for quite the distance.

New MAP for your viewing pleasure.

Male Elf Shadowcaster 4

Anwel nods in approval and assent when Andrei proposes getting more organized, and prepares to listen to his proposals. His first one strikes Anwel as problematic, and the corners of his mouth tighten. The Rostlander's desire to know all their abilities betrays a desire to command their abilities, something Anwel is not really comfortable with yet. Still, Anwel feels inexplicably safer with Andrei than he does with the other newcomers, safer than he has since Jeremiah, or Anadhon. The harm would not come from putting his abilities at the man's disposal, but from the man's knowing Anwel's true abilities at all. So Anwel waits for others to share first, hoping for an opening.

He barks in laughter as Stellan gives it to him. "Witchcraft, of course!" Anwel had been searching his memory for a name that would fit Stellan's art since he'd guessed at its nature at the trading post. He tosses his head in relief at the revelation, and his hood flops off. A few strands of his hair stretch longingly out to the cloth for a few seconds before settling down. "That explains so much about Vinur!" Anwel settles down a little. "And about you," he says, a serious look on his face. "Thank you for sharing this secret, and do not be afraid. I know what you were afraid of, and will not shun you for what you can do. People think of shadow wizardry and winter witchcraft in much the same way.

"If you want a name for what I can do," says Anwel, turning to Andrei, "that is it. People think of shadow magic and think of dread and pain. But it is also serene and quiet. It has a soft, beautiful sensuousness that pure insubstantial illusion lacks." It is now, almost in illustration, that Anwel puts his hood back up, letting the cloth settle on his head and his ears nestle into the folds. His hands fall to his sides and disappear in his sleeves. "As for your specific question, Andrei, it would not help. I could see why Bimbur's description would give you that idea, but what he saw, what anyone who was not a bandit saw, is only a small part of the true magic. I will try to explain."

Anwel's hands come up again, and his sleeves fall around his elbows. He positions one so the other is in its shadow. "Consider two objects. When one is in shadow, a part of the light that might hit it is blocked, absorbed into or reflected off something else. What I did was take that missing light, imagine it broken into its component parts, and show my imaginings to the bandits. That Bimbur was able to see anything at all is down to small bits of shadowstuff I wove into the spell to sharpen the colors' contrast." The hands move closer so the fingers can weave through one another for a moment, then Anwel drops them again.

"That should tell you why covering your eyes would not be enough. It was not the colors the bandits saw that overwhelmed them, but my imagination that overwhelmed theirs. You must trust that I know when best to loose this power." Anwel smiles, his mouth visible under the hood's shadow. "And believe me when I say that I can do many things, some more surgical than the spell Bimbur described, and still others tailored to beings other than weak-minded human bandits. I can make a charging boar slip and fall, weaken a woodsman's arms as though he had been chopping all day, pull a sword from my shadow and join Udoeak, and deflect blows around me with invisible armor and shield. I can also, for a short time, pick my shadow up off the ground and bend light around me so I cannot be seen or tracked."

Anwel's eyes flash as Udoeak's composure slips. That holy symbol could not have come from Mother Emma, who Anwel was pretty sure by now was not an elf. Anwel had seen workmanship like that in the market in Iadara. Leafwork filigree like that never came from human hands. Udoeak seemed reluctant to talk about it, and though this had been a secret-sharing session, that was no reason to push. It would come up when it came up, but if Anwel's guesses were right he could at least get to feel smug. He decides to move the conversation along.

"As for riding, we are not all riding, and should take that into account. If there is real need to flee those with horses should be prepared to carry those without. While travelling, those on horses should keep to the perimeter so they can stay mobile and protect those on foot." Anwel imagines for a second clinging to Andrei's waist as his horse gallops away from some terror, and his lip curls. "I would be very happy to take the last watch. I prefer to prepare my spells before sunrise."

Male Human Bard 3 (Arcane Duellist); HP: 4/30 AC: 15/11/14; Saves: F +3, R +4, W +1; Init: +1; Per: +4

Andrei smiles and nods at each comment. He manages to hide his surprise at the revelation of Stallan as a witch. Bluff: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21

"Well said and brave, I am a bit of a collector of stories and must say that witches are not cast in the best light in most stories I have encountered. But as Udoeak said so well, it is not our skills but the deeds that we do with them that will be remembered. This journey we are all on may be the story that future generations tell and remove the taint on the term witch."

Turning to Udoeak "I have mostly trained in duels, one on one so I will have to get used to fighting as a group. Surrounding an enemy is always useful but if you have trained to make particular use of it I'm sure we can use that to our advantage. You say you need time you need time to brew potions, is there anything else you need? Like the Fangberries Bokken mentioned, that we might be able to keep an eye out for? I too worship the Gods, in particular Shelyn, but also are not part of her clergy, at least not in any official way." Andrei pulls out a chain from around his neck with a beautifully carved wooden bird attached (the holy symbol of Shelyn), there is also a flash of gold from something else dangling off a second chain around his neck.

"It sounds like Anwel can cast the spells protective spells you are looking for, although as you say he might have a more dire need of them. Maybe Udoeak can brew them into potions? I assume from your description and your use of bow we should endeavour to not let you get cornered?"

Andrei seems to follow Anwel's explanation of magic "I was not aware that there are shadow wizards, but if they are feared as you say you are also brave for telling us, thank you. From Bimbur account of fight with brigands you have already justified your skills by your deeds and I look forward to seeing them in action soon. You bring up a good point with the horses lets make sure no one is left behind if we need to flee."

Stallan has a horse and I am leading a pack mule. Couple of quick questions to the GM, how many horses are we currently borrowing from Oleg? And did Oleg take my 1gp to pay the brigands?

Stellan interjects, "I'm not a good rider and Hjarta is no warhorse, just a breeding mare. If there is trouble, my first thought will be to dismount before she panics and bucks me off."

What time of year are we in? What is the climate and weather usually like here? As I understand it weather in the Greenbelt should be like interior Maine, not noted for warmth.

Stellan looks as if a thought just stuck him. "Oh and if you get cold please let me know, so I can prepare camps right for you, I really don't feel the cold. And uh thank you all for understanding." Stellan looks sort of bashful as though he didn't expect the support.

Dwarf HP 11/11; AC 16/11ff/15t; Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5 Init +4; Per+7/9stone CMD=17(21) Monk (Zen Archer) Perfect Strike 1/1

Bimbur dismounts and hands his horse's reins to Gorax before approaching the tree with his bow out.
"Looks like a nice place to rest; I'll scout ahead."
Bimbur can't help but be stealthy, it is how he was trained.
Per 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
Stealth 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
I think it is -5 stealth penalty for full speed movement.

Male Elf Shadowcaster 4

@ Kudos: Is the lone tree in this hex, or another one, further south? I got the impression that we were nowhere nearby it, that we could see it in the far distance.

@ Stellan: Unless I miss my count it is 28 Calistril, which corresponds to 28 February.

"Don't mention it," says Anwel with another small smile. This quickly hardens into mock seriousness. "Though you are correct: not everyone will be so understanding." Anwel is glad that Stellan has drawn the conversation back to himself, and endeavors to push it further away from sharing secrets. "As for your offer, my people come from Lossendor, from the Crown of the World," says Anwel, spreading his hands as though this much, and the implications, are obvious. "But I will keep it in mind. Thank you."

Anwel spends the rest period alert for any hidden presences. Bandits could be tracking them, yes, but Anwel is more worried about his mistress' scrying sensor.

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19

17/17HP; AC17/13/14; Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +0; Init+3; Perception +7

It is, Bimbur, but I think we're a bit far away for you to go off to the tree just yet.

I forgot to say it, but Udo's holy symbol is indeed incredibly intricate with leafwork, and it in fact looks like no holy symbol of Desna most here would recognize.

"I'm not too bad at fighting one on one, so I can do that too. My experience just lies in the exploitation of openings. To brew potions, all I'll need are time and supplies. I should be able to, at some point, order supplies for potionmaking through Oleg. Other than that, I don't really know the plants, fungus, and such around here, so I couldn't really tell you. Regarding making potions of his spells, it might be possible, although I've no experience cooperatively crafting It may be beneficial, however, if I could take a look at your spellbook, Anwel, if you don't mind, of course. I may be able to find a way to make some of your spells into formulae. I've been able to do so before with a spellbook here or there."

"Thanks for your offer, Stellan, but I should be fine. I've slept in worse places than out here, cold or not," Udoeak says, smiling just a bit.

Udoeak notices Anwel's perception of the holy symbol and his recognition of it's craftsmanship, and nods almost imperceptibly to him.

Unless questioned further, Udo is perfectly fine being silent for now, keeping an eye open as well.

@ Andrei: If memory serves me right this night, I believe that all had horseback. And yes, Oleg did take the 1gp albeit begrudgingly. I apologize for not addressing that conversation.

@ Stellan: The weather is brisk to fair. The land is dry in the stretch that you are in currently

@ Anwel: The tree is within this hex, the one that was just revealed. Given the lay of the land, it is easy to see something like this at your current distance.

@ Bimbur: Looking back, my description was not as well as it should have been. The "tree" in question is quite out in the distance; maybe ~500 yards. We can forego the rolls unless you want to save those for later.

Editing this post while I still can ... I am WRONG about the horses. In fact I think we only had one that Jeremiah used to make sure we don't fall behind. Thanks Udoeak!

17/17HP; AC17/13/14; Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +0; Init+3; Perception +7

Kudos, I don't believe myself to have a horse. At least, I don't have a horse that I've paid for.

Male Half-Orc Wizard 1 - HP 13/13, 0 non-lethal, AC12, CMD16, F+3, R+2, W+3, Prescience 6/6

Kudos, Is it possible to have borrowed a second horse from Oleg so both Bimbur and Gorax can be mounted as they both have a speed of 20ft.

Silver Crusade

Male Human(Shoanti) Fighter 2 HPs 13/13 AC 15/T12/FF13

As the others discuss the powers of magics Gorax shrugs, much of what is said goes over his head. "I can use a sword and shield, trained with the city watch. What more is there, I've fought with my bare hands in the pit, until I was told to feign defeat, but I couldn't do it. I mean it weren't right. I could beat Tranth the Unmerciful and I did. Pit fighting ain't all straight, there's people in the shadows what controls it. My fights dried up." The weather beaten face of Gorax smiles. "I can look after meself in a fair fight, none of that magic stuff, what ever that does." He frowns looking at Stellan and the others who purport to have command over magical things, his eyes shown a mind uncomprehending.

As the discuss the watch he just nods, "Just wake me, watch is what I do, keeping the peace and vagabonds in line. Ain't no different out here, I had much to hunt in the woods at home, rabbit and berries and shrooms and stuff. It was that or me mum and us lot would've starved. So ain't no difference here."

On reaching the stump, Gorax dismounts and takes Bimbar's horses reins. He waits for Bimbar to give the all clear, before moving forward, "A dead old tree will help us take our bearings." as he searches out the most comfortable part to sit against and watch the world go by and let his horse rest without his weight on its back.

Perception 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (16) - 1 = 15

Silver Crusade

Male Human(Shoanti) Fighter 2 HPs 13/13 AC 15/T12/FF13

In a previous post Gorax asked Oleg for a horse, I assume that it was given the OK by DMK/Oleg. Note that Gorax wasn't born to the saddle.

Dwarf HP 11/11; AC 16/11ff/15t; Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5 Init +4; Per+7/9stone CMD=17(21) Monk (Zen Archer) Perfect Strike 1/1

Bimbur and Jeremy (oracle with lame) were offered horses earlier (noncombat trained), but it was pointed out by Anwel that Richard (armored fighter with 20' speed) would still slow us down. Now I assume we take the two horses and party travels at 30' and maps one clear hex a day.

As the party approaches the distinctive tree, conspicuous for its size and placement, Bimbur speaks, "I'll dismount and scout things out when we get to about 200' of that tree. You can give me about a sixty foot head start and follow behind."

Putting actions to words, Bimbur jumps of at about 200' and hands his horse's reins to Goraz.

Male Human Bard 3 (Arcane Duellist); HP: 4/30 AC: 15/11/14; Saves: F +3, R +4, W +1; Init: +1; Per: +4

Andrei smiles "I'll take great please in waking you up Gorax as that will mean I can go to sleep"

Turning to Bimbur "Sure, do you think it is dangerous?" Andrei follows Bimbur at the distance of about 60'

Looking amused at the statements of their familiarity with cold Stellan says, "Not quite what I meant, no matter." Stellan leads until Bimbur goes ahead to scout the hilltop with the tree.

"If someone wishes to take the reins of my horse, I'll follow behind Bimbur." If so aided, Stellan dismounts and also follows at 60' but is careful to step in Bimbur's steps and matches his speed.

Stealth 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26 +1 one more if it counts as hills.
Survival 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11 Stalking Bimbur ;)
Perception 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7 What we see.

Stellan finds all the cover there is but cannot follow Bimbur's trail perfectly in doing so. He concentrates too hard on this so sees nothing else.

Dwarf HP 11/11; AC 16/11ff/15t; Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5 Init +4; Per+7/9stone CMD=17(21) Monk (Zen Archer) Perfect Strike 1/1

As Bimbur stumbles along noisily, he turns around to make sure Stellan is there, Stellan is moving quite stealthily. Realizing Stellan is also quite adept at scouting, Bimbur gives Stellan a formal bow and and mimics taking off a hat. He motions for Stellan to come even and whispers, "It appears we both have scouting skills. Let's stick together."

At about 50' Bimbur will motion for a stop so they can really check out this area. Whispering, "I hear there are trees that are living and can grab people. I also hear elves live in some trees. Somehow I can't picture Anwel living in a tree."

Perception at 50' 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

Silver Crusade

Male Human(Shoanti) Fighter 2 HPs 13/13 AC 15/T12/FF13

Sorry if I caused confusion, but I rewrote a bit after reading Bimbar's actions. What I meant was Gorax holds Bimbar's horse and waits until he returns from scouting, then given all is clear he goes and sits down against the tree.

Male Human Bard 3 (Arcane Duellist); HP: 4/30 AC: 15/11/14; Saves: F +3, R +4, W +1; Init: +1; Per: +4

Andrei will take Stellan's reins, and follow the pair giving them a good 60 ft gap.

With their exchange with the group over, the dwarf and the human start their stalking towards the hill. They proceed with great care as to ensure that no villains or surprises await for them upon arrival. The dwarf takes the lead with the human trailing behind.

Meanwhile the rest of the party watches intently as the two tread on.

As you come closer to the tree you take note of the shape of it as it looks like an old oak tree. From some of the markings and deformities you can gather that it was most likely struck by lightning at some point. It sways gently in the passing breeze making no other moves other than what the wind tells it to.

You watch intently as the dwarf makes his way to the hill. His movements cautious and precise. He seems to make little issue with what he finds as he approaches. Now, as you come closer to this tree yourself you take note of the shape of it as it looks like an old oak tree. From some of the markings and deformities you can gather that is most likely struck by lightning at some point. It sways gently in the breeze.

Dwarf HP 11/11; AC 16/11ff/15t; Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5 Init +4; Per+7/9stone CMD=17(21) Monk (Zen Archer) Perfect Strike 1/1

Bimbur waves gives the all clear signal, waves the rest forward, and goes up to the old tree. Might be a place to carve my rune.

Male Human Bard 3 (Arcane Duellist); HP: 4/30 AC: 15/11/14; Saves: F +3, R +4, W +1; Init: +1; Per: +4

"Right, looks safe lets head on up."

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