Time –
Time will be tracked in ten minute (in “world” time) intervals (Turns). The Characters can explore, and map, 60 feet of dungeon features in ten minutes. Activities such as examining a room, chamber, passage, or feature other than for the purpose of mapping will be assigned a time based on the level of scrutiny the characters put into the effort. Combat will be measured in rounds as normal. The Characters must take a ten minute “Turn” of no activity, every six turns (one in six turns), to rest. Long periods of rest, for spell recovery and healing, can be taken at the Character’s discretion. A check will be made every three turns, for the possibility of a random encounter.
Perception and Vision –
It is DARK in the Dungeon. You will need a light source.
Encounters –
Encounters may occur as a random event, or as determined by the results of the Dungeon Generation Tables. When an Encounter is indicated, it will be determined if there is a potential for the Characters or the Monsters, or both, to be surprised, based upon the event that triggered the encounter. An encounter that occurs in a passage or chamber will require an encounter distance determination and this determination may be made randomly or can be determined by the conditions of the area. Initiative will be determined after encounter distance and degree of surprise are established. I will reserve the right to establish Initiative for the Characters in extreme or unorthodox situations. Local Monsters are HOSTILE, and will attack the Characters with glee. You can always attempt to Parley, Bribe, Feed, or otherwise sway the Local Monsters to leave you alone, but they will not join your group. There is a potential for Encounters with Neutral or Good NPCs, which may be helpful to your group, but will not join your party (unless you pay them very well).
The Dungeon –
I have revised, edited and modified, “Appendix A” of the Dungeon Master’s Guide (Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, First Edition copy, 1979) to be, in my opinion only, more compatible with the Pathfinder rules, to include such things as Door Types, Dungeon Features, Lock and Trap Difficulty Classes, and more. There are Eight tables (I through VIII), and most tables have sub tables, A-D. Rolls for the creation of the Dungeon will be done, please, in the Discussion thread. Questions and Clarifications about the Dungeon should also be handled in the Discussion thread.
Exiting the Dungeon –
You may exit the Dungeon at any time. It will take you one-sixth of the time normally required to travel to the exit from your current location, due to the quality of your map (you are making a map).
Experience and Leveling –
You will earn experience points based on a formula that is a hybrid of the AD&D first edition system and the current Pathfinder rules (you will gain experience for defeating local monsters, innovative game play choices, role playing, and from the gathering of Treasures). When your Characters level, you may immediately modify Hit Points, Saving Throws, Skills, and Attack statistics, but any acquisition of new Spells, Feats, or Skills will require interaction with a NPC found in the Dungeon willing to train you, or otherwise provide you with the training you need, or you will need to exit the Dungeon for training. This adventure will use the FAST leveling track.