At each character level (including 1st level), you gain one of the following endowments. Each endowment can be selected multiple times, and the bonuses stack. However, a specific endowment can only be selected once every four character levels. For example, if
Thick Skin is taken at 2nd level, it can't be chosen again until 6th level.
Ability Score Increase (min 4th level): Gain a +2 enhancement bonus to a single ability score.
Armor Expertise: Select one type of armor or shield you are proficient with. When wearing an armor or shield of this type, it gains a +1 enhancement bonus to AC. Each time you select this endowment, select another type of armor or shield to gain this bonus and increase all previous instances by +1.
Elusiveness: Gain a +1 deflection bonus to AC
Resistance: Gain a +1 resistance bonus to all saving throws
Thick Skin: Gain a +1 enhancement bonus to natural armor
Weapon Expertise (min 3rd level): Select one type of weapon you are proficient with. When wielding a weapon of this type, it gains a +1 enhancement bonus to attack and damage and counts as magical for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction. Each time you select this endowment, select another type of weapon to gain this bonus and increase all previous instances by +1.