First timer questions

PaizoCon General Discussion

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Scarab Sages

Leg o' Lamb wrote:
Woran wrote:
Coffee quality so far has been dissapointing.
Coming from The Netherlands all coffee will be disappointing.

I am afraid that is the truth

So, when does the willcall open in the morning so that games can start at 8 am?

Paizocon is a bust for me this year.

My flight to Seattle was eventually canceled after a six-hour delay. There were no flights that could get me there today (Friday), with the possible exception of getting on standby for a 8:30 PM arrival. Best guaranteed seat would arrive at 1PM Saturday...which would have meant missing half the con, including both events I was going to run and the lottery event I was most excited about.

I made the painful decision to just cancel the trip.

So many flights were canceled that there were no rooms at any hotel with airport shuttle service, so I had to take an Uber across town to a so-so Hampton Inn. Checked in at 2:30 AM. At least I got five hours of sleep.

And there are no flights home today, either. Soonest is a 6PM Saturday flight. I'm looking at a one-way car rental for a 5-hour drive home... assuming that I can get a car.

"Disappointed" doesn't really convey how I feel right now.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hey Buddies,

My schedule has (mostly) opened up this weekend, I live in the Puget Sound area and most importantly have permission from wife and kids to attend for a bit. This is why I want to go:
1) Events/talks - there are some I'm interested in each day
2) High five people I recognize from irl, podcasts, etc
3) Visit vendors
4) Swag (if available)
5) Sitting in on a game if possible (less important given the last minute prep and I don't often play PFS)

My questions: First, is it unheard of for me to purchase a one day ticket so late in the process and drop in for fun?

Second: Which of the following scenarios would be reasonable:

Option 1 - Friday 5/26 - Arrive at noon, leave at 4/5pm
Option 2 - Saturday 5/27 - Arrive at noon, leave at 7pm
Option 3 - Sunday 5/28 - Arrive (as early as) 8am, leave 4/5pm

Thanks in advance!

Haladir wrote:

Paizocon is a bust for me this year.

My flight to Seattle was eventually canceled after a six-hour delay. There were no flights that could get me there today (Friday), with the possible exception of getting on standby for a 8:30 PM arrival. Best guaranteed seat would arrive at 1PM Saturday...which would have meant missing half the con, including both events I was going to run and the lottery event I was most excited about.

I made the painful decision to just cancel the trip.

So many flights were canceled that there were no rooms at any hotel with airport shuttle service, so I had to take an Uber across town to a so-so Hampton Inn. Checked in at 2:30 AM. At least I got five hours of sleep.

And there are no flights home today, either. Soonest is a 6PM Saturday flight. I'm looking at a one-way car rental for a 5-hour drive home... assuming that I can get a car.

"Disappointed" doesn't really convey how I feel right now.

Wow, that's awful, Haladir! So sorry to hear you've had such a rough time with travels and will be missing PaizoCon entirely. I'm flying later today, after my son gets out of school, and I guess I'd better check flight status and such. Better luck to you next year!



Definitely do that, Khelreddin; Dennis had his flight canceled from SFO, though he was able to book a new flight from OAK.

Thanks for the reminder, Kate! I was planning to check closer to my flight time, but even now, 6.5 hours before scheduled takeoff, there's a 30 minute delay. Hope it doesn't get too much long as they don't cancel it, I should be okay. Multiple digits crossed!

Is there a good place to trade boons or know what all boons are available this year? Preferably by number to facilitate trading here at the con

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