GM Shady's Crypt of the Everflame (Inactive)

Game Master shady18

Current date: Kuthona 2, 4710 AR, around 3pm; XP - 935 each; Roll20 link

The arc starting with the level one module, Crypt of the Everflame. All going well, we'll tour the sequel modules Mask of the Living God and City of Golden Death, then figure it out from there.

Adventure Background:

The general idea is that the party is made up of young would-be adventurers from Kassen, where the adventure is set, so it’s implicit they were born or at least brought up in Kassen.

The story starts in Kassen, a small settlement in Nirmathas, which sits on the Tourondel River that defines the border with Lastwall. The town was founded about 200 years ago, as Kassen’s Hold, by the warrior Ekat Kassen, and briefly became a thriving trading post. Around 20 years after its foundation, Kassen’s Hold was attacked by a mercenary force led by Asar Vergas, a former companion of Kassen, with whom he had managed to fall out. Kassen managed to fight off Asar, but in the final battle both were mortally wounded. The dead were buried in the ancient crypt that Asar had been using as his base, and an eternal flame was set above Kassen’s tomb, “so that all who visited might find warmth in the wilderness”.

Subsequently, a tradition arose whereby every year, at the end of the harvest season, a group from the town would visit the crypt and light a lantern to bring back to the town, as part of the last harvest celebration before the long winter. Normally, the group consists of a group of dignitaries and important citizens, but in some years, the ritual is used as a kind of initiation ceremony for young, would-be adventurers from the town, and involves mock trials and encounters designed to test their mettle. This is one of those years; a small group of novice adventurers have been selected to perform the Quest of the Everflame.

Kassen Background:

The Town of Kassen

A hamlet in northern Nermathas. Pop. approx 750 (human 93%, halfling 3%, half-orc 2%, elf 1%, half-elf 1%)

Authority figures (see below for background):

  • - Jonark Uptal, elected mayor of Kassen;
  • - Colbin Vetnar, woodcutter guildmaster;
  • - Gregor Wisslo, captain of the guard
  • - Holgast, town sage
  • - Father Rantal Prasst, priest of the Temple of Erastil.

Key sites:

  • - The Seven Silvers (ref 1 on map): this is the principal (all right, only) inn and tavern. It consists of two floors and is run by Trelvar Silvers, assisted by his daughter, Asina, and full-time waiter Jimes “Short-Change” Jiggins, well known in town for his generous tipping (to himself) policy.

  • - The Greathall (ref 2 on map): a grand three storey wooden building near the centre of town. All being well, the final ceremony of the festival of the Everflame will be held here.

  • - The Woodcutters’ Guildhall (ref 3 on map): lumber is the main trading good moved out of Kassen, and the Woodcutters’ guild holds a monopoly, taking a tithe on every log that leaves the town. On the back of this, the guild has grown both rich and powerful, and guildmaster Cobin Ventnar is one of the most influential figures in the town.

  • - Temple of Erastil (ref 4 on map): this is the only formal temple in Kassen, although it contains a number of shrines to other friendly gods. It’s run by Father Prasst (see below).

  • - Town Watch (ref 5 on map): headquarters of the town’s small militia, run by Guard Captain Wisslo (see below)

  • - Renet’s Steel & Braggar’s Shop (refs 6 & 9 respectively on map): there are two blacksmiths in Kassen, Renet and Braggar. While Braggar is extremely unreliable (see below, again) the quality of his goods tends to be far higher, so Renet specialises in cheaper, more common items.

Kassen Characters:

Potential mentors

These are also notable personalities in Kassen, so you’d be expected to know them anyway. One should assume that the quest party has been nominated by the relevant mentor, for some reason, so you need to establish a link. The easiest method is probably to have your character work alongside or for the mentor as an apprentice, though there are other alternatives (relative from out of town, etc.).

I’ve listed them by class/race/gender:

  • - Paladin/human M: Sir Drammott - a scout, in the service of Lastwall, detailed to watch for orc incursions. A Lastwall patriot, and doesn’t mind who knows it. As a mentor, harsh but fair. House is ref 8 on map.

  • - Bard/half elf M: Jocyn Elmaran - Jocyn is based at the Seven Silvers, where he performs nightly. He retired to Kassen having previously served as a soldier on the orc frontier, a period which left him with a crippled leg. Easy going and carefree when sober, he can tend to be miserable when drunk.

  • - Rogue/halfling M: Jimes “Short Change” Jiggins - the waiter at the Seven Silvers. He’s thoroughly dishonest, but his friendly style means that most of the time he gets away with it. In the case of a rogue apprentice, he’ll probably have the nomination made by Colbin Vetnar (see below), “to call in a favour” rather than doing it himself.

  • - Wizard/human M: Holgast - Holgast is also the town sage. Although knowledgeable, he’s old, quite forgetful and fairly lazy. His apprentices tend to learn from him by reading his spellbooks while he naps. His tower is ref 11 on map.

  • - Sorcerer/human (at least apparently) M: Moltus Vardigan: the mysterious Vardigan family lives in an estate on the edge of town. Moltus is now an old and apparently unhinged man with long white hair, surrounded by almost a dozen grown-up children (all had through different wives). Moltus’ apprentice might well be one of his children, though he has been known to take students from elsewhere (who generally come away dissatisfied by his willingness to teach them). Estate is ref 10 on map.

  • - Fighter/human M: Gregor Wisslo - Gregor has been captain of the Town Watch for many years now. Gregor tends to be seen as quite inflexible and “by the book”. The guard is well organised, but most of them detest Gregor himself and look forward to him being replaced.

  • - Ranger/human F: Arnama Lastrid - Armana is a highly competent ranger - tough, quiet and brave. Having been orphaned in the wars with Molthune, she grew up with a ranger band, but when of age decided to return to Kassen, her parents’ home town. She’s not as good a teacher as she is a ranger - tending to be impatient and irritable. Most of what her students learn, they do so by example, following her on far-ranging patrols and hunts. House is ref 7 on map.

  • - Druid/human F: Olmira Treesong - Olmira is regarded as eccentric, even for a druid. She only wears clothing made from natural materials (such as bark, leaves, and grass) and is always accompanied by a host of small woodland creatures. She talks to herself and her retinue constantly, having full conversations despite the fact that no one seems to answer her. Olmira’s apprentices tend to be sent on esoteric missions into the woods, to talk to the elements, the trees and the animals; nevertheless many have gone on to be successful druids.

  • - Cleric/human M: Father Rantal Prasst - Kassen has only one temple and it is devoted primarily to Erastil, but Father Prasst allows those who worship other friendly gods to pray at the temple as well. Prasst is still young, only 24; he’s a former soldier but abandoned that career for the priesthood after only one battle.

  • - Barbarian/dwarf M: Braggar Ironbane - Braggar is one of the two blacksmiths that service Kassen. Braggar is a perfectionist, and prone to fits of violent anger when his crafting doesn’t achieve his exacting standards - though he’ll typically take this out on his work rather than on nearby people. His teaching style focuses on craft and artifice, but he can also teach pupils about controlling their anger and unleashing it when the time is right. Shop is ref 9 on map.

  • - Monk/human F: Ilimara Oniri - Unusually for Kassen, Ilimara is born and brought up a long way away - in Qadira. She tends to keep herself to herself, living in a house on the outskirts of town (the only dwelling on the north side of the river, across the bridge). She has had a number of visiting acolytes over the years, but for some reason relatively few have chosen to hang around; others have left early, claiming they sense a dark secret Ilimara is loath to reveal. House is ref 13 on map.

Other Characters

Other well known characters in town:

  • - Jonark Uptal (human M): the town’s mayor and most important citizen. The mayor is elected every 4 years; Uptal has held the position these last 11 and another election looms. Hence his decision to hold a Quest for the Everflame this year, and he has a significant investment in it going off without an issue. Generally thought to be a fair man, although like most of the regular citizens will tend to favour locals over outsiders. House is ref 12 on map.

  • - Colbin Vetnar (human M): guildmaster for the woodcutter’s guild, and therefore probably the most powerful person in the town, after the mayor. Generally seen as somewhat greedy, self-interested and officious.

  • - Cygar Anravis (human M): A shady character, who’s been renting a room at the Seven Silvers these last 4 months. Tends to keep himself to himself, can occasionally be seen about town, observing the townsfolk.

  • - Grimscar (half-orc M): An expert tree-cutter, one of the best in town. But also an unpleasant drunk, and a dislikable bully.

  • - Golfond Kir (human M): A member of the town watch, and normally based in the town’s sole watchtower. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but known as good hearted, honest and a dedicated member of the guard.

  • - Trelvar Silvers (human M): Trelvar has run the Seven Silvers inn these last 10 years, having inherited it from his father. Trelvar's wife died last year, giving birth to their son; the baby boy unfortunately died a few weeks later. Since then, he’s been helped by his daughter Asina. His mood has naturally darkened over the last 12 months and his principal interest is now to ensure his daughter’s future.

  • - Asina Silvers (human F): helps her father at the Seven Silvers. She’s only 13 but is already known as the town gossip. She will also tell anyone willing to listen that her dream is to move to the big city (Tamran) and make a life there (though her fate is probably to end up taking over the bar from her father).

Map of Kassen

Trail to the Crypt

Roll20 link to game

GM Policy:

Dice Rolling (stolen from

The following PC rolls will always be made by me to keep things moving:
1. Initiative
2. Perception
3. Sense motive
4. Saving throws
5. Group diplomacy*
Player dice rolls of these types will be ignored, unless specifically requested by me.

I may make the following where appropriate, but you may request to make these yourself (let me know if you prefer to roll these yourself):
1. Knowledge checks
2. Survival checks
3. Individual diplomacy*
Further, I may make a roll of any kind on your behalf if there's a long and unexpected break in posting (see below on "Moving Along").

* Where the group is involved in a diplomatic action and a diplomacy roll is required, I will roll using the PC with the highest modifier for the group as the primary roll and the next highest modifier for an assist. Depending upon roleplaying and other circumstances, I may allow multiple assists also, or require someone other than the PC with the highest modifier make the primary roll. Otherwise, the players roll these individually.


Sometimes I'll post text in spoilers - these will sometimes be pointed at specific characters (e.g. "For Illya"); sometimes it might be a translation of a language you may or may not know; and sometimes it might be relevant to specific rolls (e.g. "DC 15"). You're encouraged not to look if it doesn't apply to you (though to be honest I don't mind, if you can separate in your mind your role as a character from that of someone observing the game) and more importantly I'll assume if it doesn't apply to you then you haven't read it. For example, if it's a translation of a language you don't understand, for your character to see the translation, someone who does understand it needs to tell you about it.

If it's genuinely secret to a player (which I'm not expecting in this first scenario at any rate) then I'll PM it.

Moving Along

I'm assuming people are posting on weekdays about once a day, maybe less so over a weekend or a public holiday. If you're going to be away a while, let me know and we'll work something out.

Let me and the rest of the party know if/when you're ready to move along. I don't want to smother RP and conversations, equally I want to make sure we don't get bogged down (dungeons are notorious for this in PbP).

My general assumption is that, outdoors and en route to somewhere, you talk while you walk, so you're still moving.

Having Fun

And let me know by PM if you're not enjoying yourself, and why. I'll do my best to do something about it. It's the point of all this, after all.