It is the Year 998. 4 years before, Cyre was destroyed by the Mourning. No one knows who caused it. But soon after that, the Order of the Emerald Claw was destabilized and driven underground by Karrnath's monarch.
Now the monarch of Karrnath is trying to restore his kingdom. You are all cadets to the Rekkenmark Academy, and you are seeing the restoration before your eyes. Although close to Korth, the Karrn capital, Rekkenmark is faced with political corruption. You are all new and able bodied cadets (Constitution must be 9 or more). Around you, you see corruption eat away at the city like a cancer.
question is: Can you standby and let it happen, or will you do something about it?
Tone: Heroes against injustice, but dark. Eberron is dark fantasy.
Tech Level: Transportation (Lightning Rail, Airships, and Galleons) equal Late 1800's technology (Dirigibles, Train Rails, and Clipper Ships are equivalents). However, the lack of gunpowder restricts weapon technology to the 1500's (no arquebus).
Fashion: Fashion depends on where you are. In Aundair, Elizabethian fashion is prominent, while in Karrnath, 1700's fashion is dominate. In Sharn, fashion trends change year to year to represent it's dynamic life. In Thrane, fashion is controlled by Sumptuary and Modesty Laws. Ostensibly, Fashion on the whole is equaled by Europe in the 1600's.
Ultimately, fashion was dictated by Cyre, but now it's up in the air as to which nation dominates' fashion.
20 Point Buy.
Level 1
Wealth Level: 1 (roll for it)
3 Traits, 1 Drawback
Background Skills
Alternatively, PCs made with Ultimate Campaign will be accepted.
If it's in Pathfinder, it's in Eberron
Psionics: Allowed. Kalashtar can really shine with Ultimate Psionics.
U/I rules: being used.
Use Tzizimine's conversion for now. Remember one thing, I don't agree with the assignment of domains for the various religions he did. I doubt everyone does (I don't).