DM Dr Evil's PFS - The Wounded Wisp (Inactive)

Game Master DM DoctorEvil

Wounded Wisp Basement

Selmius Foster's Note - Player Handout 1
"I write this letter in the event that my upcoming expedition to Bhopan goes poorly. In this trove I have left my considerable findings which I hope will be of use to our growing society. While most of this information will no doubt already be in the hands of fellow society members, there is a personal matter which I have left contained within."

"Events over the past decade have led me to suspect a fellow agent of hoarding her knowledge and not submitting it for review. This woman -- a surprising sensible gnome by the name of Eylysia -- has partaken of almost as many missions as I. Yet she reports only a third of what I have brought to light. In order to ensure knowledge is not concealed, I have begun an investigation into Eylysia and her activities here in Absalom, hoping to find her hidden repository of stored knowledge. Thus far, I have come across two promising leads."

"The first is Eylysia's contact with a well-known stonemason by the name of Arkath. I had the displeasure of meeting this fellow in his dying days, when he promised to take any secrets he held to his grave. He was interred in a mausoleum in the Ivy District weeks after our encounter, though I still believe there is more to his connection with Eylysia."

"Another lead is Eylysia's friendship with a member of Arcanamiruium, a local wizard's guild. The fellow is a gnome by the name of Fimbrik. All of my attempts to speak with him have failed, though, I have noted his home address in my files for followup."

"It is my sincere hope that I am able to return to discover what Eylysia has hidden, but should I not, I entrust this to my assistant Adolphus or any brave society agents who come across my unfinished work.

==Selmius Foster."

Adolpus Note - Player Handout 2

"My mentor, Selmius Foster, is dead, slain during our journey to the island of Bhopan. I have taken up his investigation into Eylysia's activities, though recent developments mean my time in Absalom is short."

"My initial follow up of Foster's investigation into Arkath involved hiring several diviners to discern his veracity of Selmius's leads. It appears the stonemason was quite honest with my mentor, there is some key clue buried with him in his mausoleum."

"I have watched Eylysia for many months since my return, and I have caught her making additions to the Wall of Names -- the memorial built in honor of my departed mentor. She has add three names, none of which are true Pathfinders and are likely worth investigating. Their names are:

- Doulgonlir Caskmail
- Hollis 'Evil Grin' Thorne
- Karina Clamp

"Events are in motion that will soon take me to Quantium, after which I will be unable to conclude this investigation. I leave this hidden under the Wounded Wisp, in hopes that one day I might return, or that the Society endures its current woes and a future generation of agents can take up this cause.

-- Adolphus."

Fimbrik's Note - Player Handout #5

Well, you got me!

I’m not here anymore, and my house is filled with an incredible array of illusions to discourage the curious. But you just had to break in. I respect your gumption and assume you’re either a petty burglar or someone looking into Eylysia’s affairs.

I've left Absalom to look for my friend, for she’s been missing for some time; however, I've attached the name of a particular Pathfinder you’ll want to investigate at the Wall of Names at the Society Grand Lodge. I assure you, it’s quite important, but I’ll leave you to figure out why.

Oh, and the password. It’s ‘Wiffle.’ You’ll find it important, should you learn where to use it.

—The Illustrious Fimbrik