DM Dr Evil's Curse of the Crimson Throne

Game Master DM DoctorEvil

Book 2 Seven Days to the Grave - A mysterious illness threatens peace and stability in Korvosa.

Orc Attack map

Loot Tracker

Old Korvosa featuring The Shingles

Landscape portrait of Korvosa showing many city landmarks

Map of Korvosa

List of NPC's
Zellara Fortune Teller, gave you lead to find Lamm
Sabina Merrin - handmaiden to the queen.
Sgt Grau Soldado - drunken Guardsman, damaged by love.
Maric - elderly priest of Iomedae; friend of Kalvin.
Cressida Kroft - Field Marshal of the Korvosan Guard, hires PC's for some delicate operations.