Behold the Galaxy

Game Master Slaughtersea

From derelict to masters of the galaxy... how will you lead your colony?

Current CP: 490

Character Creation Guidelines --- Version 1.2; 18-05-2013:

Character Creation

Character Creation is unique in that each player must only set his character's ability scores and select a profession.

- 20 point buy

As for your race, Terra Primar are as follows:
-Members of this race gain a +2 bonus to any two ability scores.
-At 1st,8th, and 16th level, members of this race gain Skill Focus in a skill of their choice as a bonus feat.
-Members of this race gain an additional skill rank at 1st level and one additional skill rank whenever they gain a level.

Each player selects a Profession from the following list. Once you have done so, you need only select your additional skills (1 per skill point) and write down your Talents.


Trained for combat, you possess a good knowledge of combat tactics, weapons use and maintenance as well as an array of skills useful in dangerous situations.
HD: d10
Skill Points: 4
Strong Save: Fortitude
Automatic Class Skills: Knowledge (Tactics) and your choice of either Piloting or Craft (Structural).
Starting Talents: Light Weapon Proficiency, Medium Weapon Proficiency, Heavy Weapon Proficiency, Light Armor Proficiency, Medium Armor Proficiency, Heavy Armor Proficiency, Deflector Proficiency and Vital Augments.


Trained for maintenance, repairs and construction, you possess a wide variety of skills and your quick reactions to difficult situations make you an integral part of any team.
HD: d8
Skill Points: 6
Strong Save: Reflex
Automatic Class Skills: Craft (Structural) and Craft (Mechanical).
Starting Talents: Light Weapon Proficiency, Light Armor Proficiency and Skill Focus.


Trained for research and development, your sharp mind, quick wit and cunning intellect has made you a peer in the scientific circles back on Terra Prima.
HD: d6
Skill Points: 4
Strong Save: Will
Automatic Class Skills: Knowledge (Sciences) and your choice of either Knowledge (Earth Sciences) or Knowledge (Physical Sciences).
Starting Talents: Neuragen Implants.
Skill List:

-Craft (Electronic, Explosive, Mechanical, Pharmaceutical, Structural)
-Disable Device
-Escape Artist
-Knowledge (Business, Civics, Current Events, Earth Sciences, Physical Sciences, Tactics, Technology)
*NEW*: Knowledge (General Science) is a generic Science skill that also becomes a class skill as soon as any of the other two Sciences are chosen. For every rank in your highest Knowledge (Earth Sciences) or Knowledge (Physical Sciences), you also put a rank in Knowledge (General Science) as well as a circumstance bonus equal to half the skill ranks (rounded down) of the other Science. For example, if you have 10 ranks in Earth and 6 ranks in Physical, you will have 10 ranks in Science and a +3 circumstance bonus to it as well.
-Sense Motive
-Sleight of Hand
-Use Alien Device (Much like Use Magic Device)
-Xenology (Handle Animal with alien life forms)

Revealed Talent Descriptions:
Vital Augments: As Toughness Feat.
Skill Focus: As Feat.
Neuragen Implants: A neuragen implant gives the user the capacity to use almost supernatural powers obtained from strange objects called Devices. Essentially, they can spend Neuragen to use these abilities. Each use of a Device costs a certain amount of Neuragen. Neuragen is replenished whenever the user has a full night's rest (8 hours). (Neuragen essentially functions as spells per day, equivalent to a Sorcerer's spells per day table.) You will however, need to find Neuragenic Devices to use this ability. *NEW*Each character will select a "caster stat" upon obtaining his or her first device from either Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma.

Aside from this, make a small physical and character description as well as the reasons for your departure to space on this colonial voyage.

Terran (Common, known by all characters)
Shinzo (Asian dialect)
Davillen (European dialect)
Vatumban (African dialect)
Tsetra (Russian dialect)

What Else?
You'll notice that besides the Talents, Skills and bonuses at 1st level, nothing else is presented. This is intentional. As a derelict colony, you will need to build yourself up to unlock additional Talents. In short, the paths you take during the course of this game will determine much of the technology and talents that will become available to you.

Sample Character Sheet:

Character Name
Male/Female Terra Priman CLASS
Alignment Medium Humanoid (Terra Priman)
Init +X; Senses; Perception +X

AC XX, touch XX, flat-footed XX (+X Dex)
HP XX (1dX+X)
Fort +X, Ref +X, Will +X


Speed 30 ft.
Melee +X
Ranged +X


Str XX, Dex XX, Con XX, Int XX, Wis XX, Cha XX
Base Atk +X; CMB +X; CMD XX
Languages: Terran
Combat Gear
Other Gear