Advice on gming magical school setting. Also spell duels!

Paizo General Discussion

I plan to have a one-shot magic school session regarding my group of mythic mostly caster party. The premise is that the party had fallen victim to a nightmare creature, and wake up in a wizarding school with completely new memories without really knowing each other, but as the day goes on, their old memories start to return, and they have to find a way out.

However, I do plan for there to be some obstacles to challenge, and most of the people there have some sort of mastery over magic, but I was blank on ideas regarding stuff to fill the school with (other than having students separated by 'School of Magic'), so I'd like to hear y'alls input and ideas regarding such a setting.

Chances are, there's at least going to be one spell duel, and I've read up on the Paizo spell rules, but was wondering if anyone else had tried a better system regarding two casters duking it out with magic or had an idea they wanted to throw out about homebrew rules for the duels.

So is this a one-shot for characters from a larger campaign? The nature of the larger campaign would likely make a difference for what is best for this one-shot.

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