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I would be willing to run the Chronicles if we could get a group together. You said that you have a conversion packet.. how much work are we looking at to convert everything over? Or would it be easier to just go back to basics and run it in its pure form? I am currently in Nursing school and working 40+ hrs a week, so having to convert everything over would be a right royal pain in the ass with the work load that I already have.

Talinthal Uth Mondor |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Not much work at all: Here are the gods and domains:
Deities domain and favored weapon list:
Paladine: Good, Law, Nobility, Protection, Sun; Longsword
Kiri-Jolith: Glory, Good, Law, Strength, War; longsword
Majere: Good, Healing, Knowledge, Law, Protection; Unarmed Strike
Habbakuk: Air, Animal, Good, Travel, Water; Scimitar
Mishakal: Community, Good, Healing, Liberation, Protection; quaterstaff
Branchala: Chaos, Charm, Good, Luck, Trickery; Rapier
Shinare: Community, Law, Luck, Nobility, Travel; Halberd
Chislev: Air, Animal, Earth, Plant, Weather; Spear
Gilean: Community, Knowledge, Liberation, Protection, Rune; Quarterstaff
Reorx: Artifice, Earth, Fire, Rune, Strength; Warhammer
Zivilyn: Knowledge, Plant, Repose, Rune, Travel; Club
Sirrion: Chaos, Charm, Fire, Glory, Luck; Heavy Flail
Takhisis: Darkness, Destruction, Evil, Law, Trickery; Shortsword
Sargonnas: Evil, Fire, Law, Strength, War; Greataxe
Chemosh: Darkness, Death, Earth, Evil, Trickery; Scythe
Morgion: Death, Destruction, Evil, Madness, Plant; Glaive
Hiddukel: Chaos, Charm, Evil, Knowledge, Trickery; Dagger
Zeboim: Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Water, Weather; Trident
If interested please let me know what you would be interested in playing.

Talinthal Uth Mondor |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

for racial features we are going to use the following, humans, elves (Qualinesti and Silvanesti), dwarves, and half-elves are per the core rulebook. The other races are as follows:
+2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, -2 Strength (max starting wisdom, 16)
Small: Kender are small creatures and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, +1 size bonus on attack roles, a -1 penalty to their Combat Maneuver Bonus and Combat Maneuver Defense, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
Normal Speed: Kender have a base speed of 30 feet.
Fearless: Kender are immune to fear, magical or otherwise.
Kender Luck: Kender receive a +1 racial bonus on all saving throws.
Keen Senses: Kender receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception skill checks.
Lack of Focus: Kender have a -4 racial penalty on all concentration checks. Kender don't necessarily lack magical talent, but their general lack of focus discourages them from pursuing careers in magic.
Nimble Fingers: Kender receive a +2 racial bonus on Disable Device and Sleight of Hand skill checks. Kender can use the trained only aspects of these two skills even if they have no ranks in the skills.
Taunt: Kender receive a +4 racial bonus on Bluff checks to taunt someone.
Weapon Familiarity: Kender are proficient with slings and hoopaks and treat any weapon with the word "kender" in its name as a simple weapon.
Languages: Kender begin play speaking Common and Kenderspeak. Kender with high intelligence scores can choose from the following: Dwarven, Ergot, Elven, Goblin, Solamnic.
Kagonesti Elves
Racial Traits:
+2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Intelligence
Medium size
Normal Speed: Kagonesti have a base speed of 30 feet
Elvensight: Kagonesti Elves have low-light vision and can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light. Elvensight also includes darkvision up to 30 feet.
Elven Immunities: Kagonesti Elves are immune to magic sleep effects and get a +2 racial bonus against enchantment spells and effects.
Elven Naturalist: Kagonesti Elves gain the wild empathy ability and can improve the initial attitude of an animal. A Kagonesti Elf rolls a 1d20 and adds his Charisma bonus to determine the wild empathy check result. A Kagonesti Elf who gains this ability from another source, such as levels in Druid or Ranger, gain a +2 racial bonus on wild empathy checks. Kagonesti Elves also receive a +2 racial bonus on all Survival checks made to find or follow tracks.
Keen Senses: Kagonesti Elves recieve a +2 racial bonus on all Perception skill checks.
Weapon Familiarity: Kagonesti Elves are proficient with longbows (including composite longbows), longspears, shortbows (including composite shortbows), short spears, short swords, and spears and treat any weapon with "elven" in its name as a martial weapon.
Languages: Kagonesti Elves begin play speaking Elven and Sylvan. Kagonesti Elves with high intelligence scores can choose from the following: Common, Ergot, Gnoll, Goblin, Khurish, Ogre, Solamnic.
Tinker Gnomes
+2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Strength (max starting wisdom, 16)
Small: Tinker Gnomes are small creatures and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, +1 size bonus on attack roles, a -1 penalty to their Combat Maneuver Bonus and Combat Maneuver Defense, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
Slow Speed: Tinker Gnomes have a base speed of 20 feet.
Guild Affiliation: Tinker Gnomes select a Guild that they are affiliated with at character creation. His guild is a part of one of three broad groups which are Craft Guilds, Technical Guilds, and Sage Guilds. If he selects a Craft Guild he receives a +2 racial bonus on all Craft skill checks, Technical Guild Gnomes receive a +2 racial bonus on all Profession skill checks, and Sage Guild members receive a +2 racial bonus on all Knowledge skill checks.
Gnomish Engineering: Tinker Gnomes receive a +2 racial bonus on Craft (alchemy) and Craft (tinkering) skill checks.
Life Quest: Tinker Gnomes are difficult to deter from their individual Life Quests, they receive a +2 racial bonus on Will saving throws.
Weapon Familiarity: Tinker Gnomes are proficient will all crossbows (including repeating crossbows) and treat all weapons with the word "Gnome" in its name as martial weapons.
Languages: Tinker Gnomes begin play speaking Common and Gnome. Tinker Gnomes with high intelligence scores can choose from the following: Dwarven, Ergot, Ogre, and Solamnic.
+2 Strength, +2 Constitution, –2 Dexterity, -2 Charisma
Medium size
A minotaur’s base land speed is 30 feet.
+2 natural armor bonus.
Gore: A minotaur may use his horns as natural weapons to make a gore attack, dealing 1d6 points of damage plus the minotaur’s Strength modifier. If the minotaur charges, his gore attack deals 2d6 points of damage, plus 1 ½ times his Strength modifier. A minotaur can attack with a weapon at his normal attack bonus and make a gore attack as a secondary attack (–5 penalty on the attack roll and half Strength bonus on the damage roll).
+2 racial bonus on Intimidate, Profession (sailor), and Swim checks. Minotaurs are familiar with the sea and naturally adept at skills useful among seafarers.
Minotaurs may take the scent special quality as a feat.
Automatic Languages: Common, Kothian. Bonus Languages: Kalinese, Nordmaarian, Ogre, Saifhum.

mittean |

I'd be interested in playing. A few questions, for clarification:
1. Pathfinder rules?
2. Chronicles...do you mean the War of the Lance, for the adventures, or are we referencing something wholly different?
3. Available classes?
- CRB, I assume. No sorcerers? Or are we going to be okay with sorcerous and wizardly magic being friendly on Krynn? :)
- UM, The magus.
- UC, no gunslinger, is my guess (unless it's gnomish something-or-other. Samurai and Ninja?
- APG, Witches, Cavaliers, Summoners, Alchemists, Inquisitors and Oracles. No major issues for me, but that'd be up to the DM.
- Other various and sundry from the ACG and Unchained, or any holdovers from 3.5 (Bo9S, etc).
4. Would we do the Heroes of the Lance, or our own characters?

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As a diehard canonistic fan, if I run this, I would try to keep it as close to the original as possible, so Tal has it right.. I completely agree with your opinions.
Mittean, you make a good case for some of that. The Magus does not, in my mind, work well with the world.. if you are willing to argue though, I am willing to listen. Gun slinger would be a big no, as well as Samurai and Ninja. Cavaliers and Inquisitors can be done with minimal trouble inside of the Solomnic Knight pathway, so I would have to recommend that.
This would not be for PFS credit.. but we would be adapting things to PFS standards. And to keep the spirit of the game, I believe that the PF Core rule book would be the main rule set,with some exceptions open for discussion, but once again, I would like to keep this as close as possible for aesthetic reasons.
I would prefer to run the actual Chronicles.. the War of the Lance.. Any opinions on that?
--Just for those not familiar with this, the Chronicles are a set modules that follow the original DragonLance book story line. (Technically, the books follow the mods, but same difference at this point.) The Age of Mortals modules is after *I believe* the books, and remains in the same world.

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It depends on the age you're running. If you are running in the Original saga time period, Oracles and Sorcerers did not exist as all magic came from Divine sources and the Gods of Magic ment the only way to learn magic was being a cleric or wizard (Although Dragons and Draconians did have sorcerer-like abilities).
If you're doing the Age of Mortals, the Oracle class works well to represent Mystics, divine casters who draw upon wild divine magic through a Domain of power. Sorcerers draw upon wild magic to cast their spells. So whether certain classes are allowed depends on the age.
Definitely don't see Witches working as they are arcane casters and it specifically says in the fluff that arcane casters cannot use healing spells. Bards would be difficult to play considering they use spontaneous magic. I suppose if they had a divine patron they might be able to be used otherwise as Bards do not use magic in the same way as wizards they don't work unless its the age of mortals. Arcanists, BIG NO NO! Wizard magic and Sorcery are mutually exclusive, you can't be both at the same time. Gunslighter might work if you're a Gnome Gunsmith. Psionic classes, also not possible to play.

mittean |

I don't have too much issue with magi. They prepare their spells from a spell book, and would need to be at least 4th level before 2nd level spells are cast. There are a ton of characters that never make it much past that power level throughout the entire DL series, and as a possible uncommon class, it would be even less likely to see them high enough level to have needed to take the test.
Also, the test was something that I always felt was misunderstood from perspective of the characters we were presented the world through (Raistlin). Yes, Wizards wanted ALL spell casters to take it, but that was so they kept a monopoly on the power. Hedge wizards definitely existed, and were hunted, but I think it had little to do with them being "dangerous", or it breaking a religious tenant, or something. It was simply keeping a grip on power over that section of Krynn.
At least that's the way I played it. I grew up all DL, but my campaigns were much greyer, less black and white. I liked questioning ethics, and cultures, and traditions and pre-consciences ideas. :) Corrupt Knights of the Rose, Kenders who weren't thieves, good draconians, Priests of Takhisis just trying to defend the people of their town from invading goblins...things like that. They weren't common, but they weren't impossible.

Dragonofashandflame |

I don't have too much issue with magi. They prepare their spells from a spell book, and would need to be at least 4th level before 2nd level spells are cast. There are a ton of characters that never make it much past that power level throughout the entire DL series, and as a possible uncommon class, it would be even less likely to see them high enough level to have needed to take the test.
Also, the test was something that I always felt was misunderstood from perspective of the characters we were presented the world through (Raistlin). Yes, Wizards wanted ALL spell casters to take it, but that was so they kept a monopoly on the power. Hedge wizards definitely existed, and were hunted, but I think it had little to do with them being "dangerous", or it breaking a religious tenant, or something. It was simply keeping a grip on power over that section of Krynn.
At least that's the way I played it. I grew up all DL, but my campaigns were much greyer, less black and white. I liked questioning ethics, and cultures, and traditions and pre-consciences ideas. :) Corrupt Knights of the Rose, Kenders who weren't thieves, good draconians, Priests of Takhisis just trying to defend the people of their town from invading goblins...things like that. They weren't common, but they weren't impossible.
I could see witches falling into the hedge wizard category. But, if people wanted to go with a more traditional route for DL, I'm good with that. I was thinking a kender rogue, a gnome alchemist (if allowed) or wizard who focuses on crafting, Minotaur knight of solamnia (probably a cavalier, paladin, or a fighter), or some kind of elf enchanter

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So, I struck gold on google, and somehow found a PDF of Dragons of Despair as a random download. Bad news is that this is written in Ye Olden AD+D 2nd ed. (I think that this is actually a scan of one of the original 1984 documents) Tell yall what.. give me the weekend to look over this and see if I can do it, and you, justice. Like I said before, I work 40+ hrs and also am in a pretty accelerated RN program, so I have a lot on my plate as it is.. I do not want to get in over my head and then let yall down with a crappy experience. Good news for you, is the fact that I am literally just about salivating about getting the chance to read this!!

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This is going to require a lot of work, but I think that I can manage it. We will not be flying through this, but I think I can keep up with a moderate post rate. I purchased the 3.5 ed, and after looking at both that and the AD+D version I found yesterday, I will probably be using both of them.. there are aspects that I like about each. The maps are really pretty crappy, so combat will most likely take place on a Google Spreadsheet with references to the incredibly fuzzy and impossibly zoomed out maps. THAT is going to be a fun fight between Adobe, my printer, and my scanner!
So.. we have reached the character creation and party size creation stages. This was designed for 6 (2nd ed) or 4 (3.5) members between levels 3-6 (2nd ed) or level 5 for 3.5 ed. I can accommodate this for 4-6 people, and lets start with the party level of 3. More people will make it easier, so I am dropping the level, and will tweak the encounters as necessary to keep it challenging without killing anyone!
As for creation.. 20 pt buy, use PF Core rulebook for feats, etc, standard gold to start, +1,500 (Post cataclysmic Krynn is extremely poor). For those not accustomed to the rate exchanges I will post background once I get a thread up, but work with gold for now. Right now, the only races are human, half-elf, kender, hill dwarf, and Qualanesti Elves. For these races, unless specified above (Kinder) please use PF standards.
Classes, Please refer to the above discussions. If you can validate your desires and argue a point for inclusion of this or that, then I will be open to listening. Above all at this stage, it is a group event. My word or thought is not the end all be all.. I want a well balanced and functional group that can have fun and get along.
Please provide a backstory. I do not need a novel, but for the love of the gods above, please have some reason to be in Solace and fighting this war.
As is only fair, Talinthal Uth Mondor began this thread looking to put this whole thing together, so he is automatically in. The rest.. I don't know.. I will figure something out. But for now, create and submit your characters here. My GM alias is GM DevilDoc and will be popping up from here out.

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Nope. I will supply the NPC's. Riverwind, Goldmoon, and even Elistan will be part of the Module and will be NPC's. The party will be taking the place of the original party of Tanis, Tass, etc. As for your characters, they are completely yours and there is no need to attempt "filling in holes". I will do my best to take care of any issues that pop up.