Plunder island scenarios

Homebrew and House Rules

So, I've started to develop a series of scenarios that may grow into a full adventure (if I can come up with 3 more scenarios). So far, we have 2 scenarios - Hunt on Plunder Island, and Escape from Plunder Island

(Yea, yea, I know - it's cliche. I am spending my creativity points on a good scenario)

Escape from Plunder island
(Before I begin - we have playtested this 2 times, with only slightly changed rules, but fairly different outcomes. So there may be some balance issues that need to be resolved - I do want this scenario to feel like a "high risk/high rewards scenario")

Concept - you are attempting to recover treasure from a mysterious island, during a hurricane. Should you succeed, you will have your choice of treasure. But the hurricane is strong, and will test your ability to survive. And you aren't alone in trying to recover the treasure

(I have not decided which locations make sense for 1 character vs 6 characters)
Fog Bank
Mangrove Swamp
Raker Shoals
Rocky Cliff
Sea Caves

For this scenario, locations cannot be closed until there are no cards in the location deck. All locations close automatically when they are empty.

Villain and Henchman
No villian
Henchmen - Enemy ships
When you defeat an enemy ship card, set it next to the scenario card.

Blessing deck modification
Shuffle all Hurricane Winds henchmen into the blessing deck (you'll have 36 turns, in effect).


When a Hurricane Winds henchman appears in the blessing discard pile, remove it and create a pile next to the scenario card. Count the number of Hurricane wind cards and the number Enemy ship cards. Roll the dice that corresponds with 2*(# of Hurricane winds cards), and then subtract the total number of enemy ship henchmen cards that you have defeated. Banish that amount of plunder cards. If you would banish more cards than are in the plunder deck, banish the remaining cards from any players hand.

(Example - on your turn, you draw a Hurricane winds card. Prior to this turn, you've draw 2 other Hurricane winds cards, and have defeated 2 enemy ship henchmen cards. You then role a D6, which rolls a 6. You then would then banish 4 plunder cards. However, there are only 2 cards in the plunder deck. Your team then has to banish an addition 2 cards, from someone's hand)

When you defeat a monster, examine the location deck until you find a boon - instantly encounter and succeed at aquiring that boon.

When you aquire a boon, you can either place the boon in your hand, or you can place the card in your plunder deck.

All the plunder cards you have recieved (just to stress - if you lose the scenario, you lose all your plunder cards). If you have 3 of a particular type of cards (3 items, 3 weapons, etc), you can exchange that for 1 card of that type of your choice (IE you turn in 3 random plunder weapons, and you get to choose a weapon from the box as your reward).


We've play tested this 2 times, with some slight modifications between the 2 play throughs. Originally, you would remove a number of plunder cards equal to the total number of Hurricane winds cards you have, but it was suggested that adding a random element would be useful. Also, instead of defeating a monster, we added in Buccaneers to each location (so each location had 2 henchmen), and when you defeated the Buccaneers, the 2 cards under that card would be considered a successful encounter.

Our first play through, we used Valeros, Feiya, and Damiel. We ended up with 6-8 cards in the plunder deck, and were able to do the exchange with weapons cards.

Our second play through we used Oloch, Lini, Alahazra, and Damiel. We ended up with like 20+ cards in the plunder deck (although I will hasten to add that we had a number of get treasure barriers, and had VERY good rolls for losing plunders [we rolled a 2 on the D12]) so that may just be a very lucky run, and not a balance issue.

Each time, we almost always ran out of turns (5 turns on the first playthrough, 3 turns on second)

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