Joining an existing Reign of Winter campaign at level seven.

Reign of Winter

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

I'll be discussing the details with the GM in person as well, but I wanted to get some input from the forums without reading any of the spoilery threads. I've been invited to join an ongoing Reign of Winter game at level seven, and I'm brainstorming what characters would be a good fit for the campaign. I know very little about the adventure path - right now I know there's some winter, a bunch of witches (including Baba Yaga) and I know where you get to go during Book Five and who must die when you're there. That... is about it.

The GM has mentioned that the group could use a warpriest or battle cleric of some kind (I'm thinking warpriest).

Without giving anything spoilery away (any plot details I'll get directly from the GM), what sort of characters would be a good fit to join up with a party doing the adventure path at around this level? What races, motivations? Would a "witch hunter" sort of character be a good fit? What about elemental magic - I get that "cold" is a theme, but I'm afraid of running into lots of monsters who will be immune to cold. Would a fire-using character be useful here?

If the party is at the end of book 2, a warpriest of Milani would be perfect.

You'd probably be an Ulfen, possibly an outsider who's come to Irrisen, who's looking forward to the day that you can make Irrisen stop being a hell-hole.

And yeah, a fire using character will get some very good use of it (though watch out for fire vulnerable critters that are prepping resist energy (fire) in later books).

Though if you're looking at warpriest, well, sheer physical violence works well too. Don't forget your cold iron!

And see to it that you are protected from cold.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

At this point I'm thinking of doing an unconventional Warhammer-wielding Nature Fang Druid worshipping Torag and using the Blessed Hammer feat to deliver touch attacks.

Some of the best druid touch spells are cold damage, though - will I be screwed in a lot of fights if I'm using frostbite and frigid touch?

Well, there are really a lot of creatures with the cold subtype in this campaign.

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