weirdness with Order 3490233

Customer Service

Hi paizo

It seems to me that the confirmation email for the above order doesn't line up with the actual order in my order history.

I'm on my phone, so it's hard to check easily. However, the comics in particular seem screwy (I seem to be getting the wrong cover of issue two and to be missing one of the issue 3 covers)

My order history is a bit of a schmozzle though at the moment. Good luck to whoever draws the short straw working out what I'm supposed to be getting...


I think I'm very confused. A package arrived today with some of these items. Perhaps I misread the confirmation email?

Paizo Employee Customer Service Representative

Hello Steve,

Thanks for letting us know about this! I'm about to head out for the evening, but I will try to pick this apart a bit more tomorrow. I just want to make sure I've got this all straight in my head.

It looks like you have the exclusive and Standard Cover for Origins #2 in this order, but you should be receiving the two alternate Standard covers for it as well?

The Limited Edition cover for #3 was hiding in it's own order, so I've helped it into your pending order. It looks like all of the other covers for #3 are in the order already.

If the only thing that looks off now is that you're missing two of the #2, then I should be able to get that taken care of tomorrow. If there's something else that still looks off, let me know and I'll try to wrangle the system until it cooperates.


Hi Katina.

Actually, I think it was me and my technical incompetence. Because I was reading emails on my phone (having broken my home computer) it looks like I hadnt downloaded the entire email.

As such - the confirmation email showed one package that had already been sent, one package that was pending and no mention of the third package. Having now downloaded the entire email - I can now see all of the comics and can reconcile it all to the various orders in my order history.

Long story short - I dont think there's any weirdness at all. I think I forgot to click the "download the rest of this email?" button.

Sorry about that. :/


Paizo Employee Customer Service Representative

Hi Steve,

Oh, well that's good to hear! As long as you're not missing anything, then we should be all set. I did move the Limited Edition of #3 into your subscription order, but everything else should be the same.

I did see that you had the Origins #2 Standard Cover and exclusive in another order (#3460975), so I'm not sure why they are in this one as well. Did you want me to cancel these, or did you never receive them? Just let me know what you'd like to do with them and I'll get it taken care of for you.

In the meantime, if there are any questions or concerns you might have, just let me know.


Thanks Katina.

No need for anything else - the reorders for those comics were deliberate. The maps were stapled into the first pair I received, which was no big deal - they were completely usable, but it just bothered me so I gave them to friends and reordered the fresh pair.

Sorry for the confusion. At least I learnt something about reading emails on my phone.


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