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Ashiel wrote:

Completely unrelated sidenote.

I've discovered that in Corruption of Champions...

Anemone Hair + Naga Body = Success.

My naga has been wrecking everything. Anemone hair gives you poisonous tentacle hair that debuffs your foe's Strength and Dexterity in addition to poisoning them. Naga can constrict (an opposed Str/Dex vs Str/Dex thing, or something like that) and incapacitate foes while taking them apart.

It's awesome.

You playing the original or the mod? The mods quite neat.

Kinda wish I could pull that sorta stuff in dnd and such. Kinda why the summoner has that sorta a ppeal, being able to play a critter who relies more on natural innate abilities than wizardry or whatnot. It;s why I like Rite Publishings In the Company of Series. Particularily the dragon one :p

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Tacticslion wrote:
Ashiel wrote:
I admit to having been quite confused. ^~^

Probably because I'm still suffering from motion sickness - back of a car 106+ degree weather and a bumpy ride =/= a coherent Tac. Maybe I'll try again later, but suffice it to say, I think we're missing the base concepts - nonetheless, it's good to hear your insight.

Related side-question: in d20 Legends, are you changing buffs to attack due to lowering ACs via non-stacking natural/armor ACs, or just cutting losses and going forward? Regardless of which: why? What is the design thought process? Are there any other places where stacking does or doesn't happen? Have you even considered this, over-all? (I imagine you have, but I'm curious.)


For the most part ACs will remain pretty much the same overall as they are in Pathfinder. The natural armor bit only really effects edge cases like monstrous PCs and very high level druids (who have access to things like wild dragonhide fullplate and wild tower shields). In essence, it lowers the ceiling for AC but it doesn't affect the levels normal PCs could reach much at all.

As a result, most buffs that apply bonuses to attack rolls won't need to be changed. Some probably will be as I need to get real comfortable with the core combat changes (early demos to my family have been positive, but I feel like martials might be a little OP at the moment, but the demo games were mostly against trash NPCs who were intended to get swatted like gnats, so I'm not making any brash decisions).

My brother was most thrilled by the change to the combat mechanics, where his 4th level martial rogue (who fought with pistols and a battle axe) moved across the battlefield shooting dudes with his pistols before dropping them and quickdrawing his battleaxe to finish his movement by planting it in somedude's face.

He said he felt free and uninhibited, and he really liked how mobile his and the other martial characters in the group were, and he really liked how being able to make lots of attacks at a low-accuracy but high damage allowed him to sweep trash so excellently (martials gain bonus damage from a high BAB, and at +4 BAB you have +1d6 bonus damage and up to 2 attacks; and as a rogue specialized in pushing bonus damage, he also had +2d6 bonus damage with certain types of weapons and ranged attacks within 30 ft.; and he had dual-wielding, so he could make an off-hand attack. This meant that he could make up to 3 attacks at 4th level, at -6/-6/-6, with each attack dealing 1d6+3d6+ability modifier damage; which ultimately allowed him to quickly sweep low-AC/HP opponents rapidly).

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Icehawk wrote:
Ashiel wrote:

Completely unrelated sidenote.

I've discovered that in Corruption of Champions...

Anemone Hair + Naga Body = Success.

My naga has been wrecking everything. Anemone hair gives you poisonous tentacle hair that debuffs your foe's Strength and Dexterity in addition to poisoning them. Naga can constrict (an opposed Str/Dex vs Str/Dex thing, or something like that) and incapacitate foes while taking them apart.

It's awesome.

You playing the original or the mod? The mods quite neat.

Kinda wish I could pull that sorta stuff in dnd and such. Kinda why the summoner has that sorta a ppeal, being able to play a critter who relies more on natural innate abilities than wizardry or whatnot. It;s why I like Rite Publishings In the Company of Series. Particularily the dragon one :p

The modded one. I really love the UI changes and enhanced feedback on the stats screen. The extra content in the form of perks and stuff is beuno. Right now my Naga is built to be a sort of pacifist megatank.

I've spent her leveling perks on lots of stuff that reduces damage, allows her to shrug status effects, have better resistance vs tease attacks, have improved chances of blocking, have higher evade-% chances, and regenerate health. In combat she's pretty difficult to burst down, even when dealing with a formidable foe.

Since shield bashing stuns with diminishing returns, against particularly frightful foes, I'll usually open with a stunning shield bash, then sting with her tentacle hair once or twice, rotate back into a shield bash (if it's a reeeally scary foe) or go strait for the kill. "The kill" is her constrict ability which apparently is keyed off of Strength/Dexterity (your opponent resists it using their abilities) which her tentacle stings debuff. Once she can reliably constrict you, it's all over. Not only does it deny her foe actions (but her health keeps regenerating) but her tease damage during a constrict is biblical, and since they've already be softened up by the hair-venom, they're not going to be in fighting shape for very long.

Against lowly trash enemies, her venom stings can usually take them out in 2-3 hits without ever bothering to really fight them. Doesn't even cost much in fatigue. Just sting and keep walking (or slithering in her case). I have dubbed this build the Gorgon, as she's a naga-lady with venomous hair. Close enough. :D

EDIT: The reason I say pacifist is because I end most fights without ever even damaging the foe. They're just so juiced up on poison or seizing after being constricted that they just fall over helpless. At which point, gems, experience, and moving on. :P

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Oh, I also really like that the mod allows your champion to kill the demons infesting the world. In the vanilla game, you can knock imps and stuff unconscious but you can't actually kill them (which has some strange implications since there are instances in the game where characters mention slaying demons and stuff). I like that in the mod you can off imps and other fiends you defeat in combat (and even get imp skulls to sell in Tel'Adre).

I let the Omnibus in the factory go though, 'cause she pleads for mercy, and I'm a mercy addict. She gets one. If she shows up later in the game up to mischief, well, squeaky wheel gets the kick!

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Ashiel wrote:

On the subject of the fighter's weapon training adding enhancement bonuses, even stacking ones...

1. Weapon training would need to become a supernatural ability to remain consistent if it's actually making your weapon more magical, which would be the case.

2. It would have to affect the weapon itself to gain benefits of bypassing DR, and you'd have to write it so that despite being the same kind of bonus it stacks with the existing thing (which feels clunky).

3. If the objective is help them pierce DR faster, or deal more damage earlier, a flat modifier would be more elegant in most every case and would provide benefits immediately and regardless of DR.

4. It would need to be explained at least mildly in the narrative why fighters make their weapons more magical (otherwise you end up with the weird disassociated mechanics like in 4E where blood on a wall deals damage to your PCs because reasons).

5. Interestingly, Paladins actually have a few abilities that let them do the whole "this is a stick, but it's my stick, so it's a magic stick" in various forms. Paladins have bless weapon (weapon becomes a magical good-aligned weapon that auto-confirms crits vs evil), Spiritual Bond [Weapon], and holy sword (any random piece of crap becomes a +5 holy piece of crap). But the most important part of this is that while it provides a magic item without buying one (as proposed for the Fighter), the Paladin has class features that stack with having magic items (Smite, divine favor/power, etc).

Similarly, Rangers and Barbarians have class features that stack with magic items. Whatever the Fighter gets, it really needs to be better than "has a magic item", because magic items are assumed.

6. Paizo added a stupid rule where you can't stack enhancement bonuses and effects beyond +10, no matter how it's happening, which was not a thing in 3.5. Basically this means that the Fighter would get less mileage out of having free +X enhancement bonuses on their weapons and focusing...

>But as Integra Hellsing said...

You really like quoting her, don't you.

>However, it's hard to give them cool niche abilities when their entire class is built around having no centralized theme or focus.

Yeah, that is a bit sad. Fighter is quite an iconic class(at least as far as it's description), but it is broken mechanically, and not in a cool way.

Which brings me to my question:what class would you propose to a newbie who said they wanted to play a fight-guy(like gimli/legolas/aragorn)?

Relatedly, how would you build the party from LotR?

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A Mary Sue is a character with no flaws or weaknesses, or has them but as token gestures (usually to try to avoid being a Mary Sue via a technicality) and therefore only have one or three weaknesses/flaws and only of a sort where they never actually matter to the story.

My suggestion would not really allow Mary Sues even ignoring the narrative side of things.

Also, my second suggestion (separating tier from lvl) wouldn't allow more to be part of a character than a standard lvl 20 character, and simply allow that many options while keeping the numbers in a specific tier.

The first suggestion could be construed as splitting each level into four, and thus a current lvl 20 would be equal to a suggested lvl 100, but even in that case, a character could only max 5 classes. Certainly they'd be easy to solo with at that point, but they certainly would have plenty of variety and a martial focused character would still be superior to a character that tries to cover everything. The only thing wrong with this option is option paralysis. A certain level of character mastery would be needed, however, I think some folks would enjoy that. I know I like the idea.

That said, the first suggestion was made with the idea of only going for a single tier, regardless of how many levels you break it into, much like E6 is about staying in a selected tier yet still allows growth.

TheAlicornSage wrote:

Personally for fighter, I'd give them greater mobility and more attacks for cheaper. For example, being able to move their speed and still make attacks anywhere along that movement, more attacks on a standard action, make things like cleave class features, etc. Tying them into various stats would be nice too, so a fighter can lean towards power, precision, or speed, or even strike a balance. Basically allow a fighter to dance or march through the battlefield attacking left, right, and center.

Maybe include a few of Joanna's feats (from The Gamers: Dorkness Rising).

Also, it doesn't make sense to reach demigod levels of ability yet remain completely mundane, so try including at mid levels and above try including a few "raw magic" type of abilities, like arcane strike that advances or a similar effect for ac, temporarily allow their armor to work against the etherial, become fatigued then exhausted to recover some hp on their own, those sorts of things.

I think these got missed. At least they have been ignored so far anyway.

Joana'S feats were pretty great. It's a shame they don't exist.

TheAlicornSage wrote:
TheAlicornSage wrote:

Personally for fighter, I'd give them greater mobility and more attacks for cheaper. For example, being able to move their speed and still make attacks anywhere along that movement, more attacks on a standard action, make things like cleave class features, etc. Tying them into various stats would be nice too, so a fighter can lean towards power, precision, or speed, or even strike a balance. Basically allow a fighter to dance or march through the battlefield attacking left, right, and center.

Maybe include a few of Joanna's feats (from The Gamers: Dorkness Rising).

Also, it doesn't make sense to reach demigod levels of ability yet remain completely mundane, so try including at mid levels and above try including a few "raw magic" type of abilities, like arcane strike that advances or a similar effect for ac, temporarily allow their armor to work against the etherial, become fatigued then exhausted to recover some hp on their own, those sorts of things.

I think these got missed. At least they have been ignored so far anyway.

>it doesn't make sense to reach demigod levels of ability yet remain completely mundane

I will just comment on this one. Why not? One of the most powerful characters in all of fiction that I know of is a 30 year old woman who is about as strong, fast and durable as a 30 year old fit woman, yet who could stomp all of justice league if she needed to.

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Klara Meison wrote:

>But as Integra Hellsing said...

You really like quoting her, don't you.

Yes. :)


>However, it's hard to give them cool niche abilities when their entire class is built around having no centralized theme or focus.

Yeah, that is a bit sad. Fighter is quite an iconic class(at least as far as it's description), but it is broken mechanically, and not in a cool way.

Which brings me to my question:what class would you propose to a newbie who said they wanted to play a fight-guy(like gimli/legolas/aragorn)?

Relatedly, how would you build the party from LotR?

Probably Ranger, actually. As far as core classes go, it's pretty much ideal for creating generally skilled martial characters with a variety of skills, and it's a great class for teaching people the game with.

As for the party from Lord of the Rings, I'd probably go with something like...

Aragorn = Level 4-6 switch-hitting Ranger with emphasis on Strength and moderate Dexterity. Aragorn uses some elf magic (such as speaking with animals).

Legolas = Level 4-6 archery ranger with a high Dexterity and moderate Strength. Also uses some elf magic (in LotR, there's even a fun scene where Legolas is clearly using pass without trace as he's walking on top of the snow while everyone else trudges through it).

Gimli = Level 4-6 barbarian with emphasis on Strength and Constitution but poorish Dexterity. I picked barbarian because he never wears anything heavier than chainmail, can grudgingly keep pace with the lightly armored Aragorn and Gimli, and pretty much gets pissed and chops things up with his axe. He uses throwing axes as a ranged weapon (which benefit from his rage), as does his heavy two-handed axe. He doesn't appear to have much in the way of magic but he's clearly got enough skill points to know a little somethin' about somethin'.

Gandalf is a bit trickier, mostly because there's no class that has a spell list that quite captures the things Gandalf does. Of course, it's been explained to me that Gandalf is more of an outsider than not, which would explain the proficiency with martial weapons, the lack of armor proficiencies, and the assortment of low-level spells from different spell lists, and the occasional "big spells" such as when he was uttering his "words of power" against the Balrog. Since he seems to lose a lot of his magical power when denied his staff, it seems reasonable to stat out his staff as a magic item that he's created through a good Spellcraft modifier that allows him access to a few key spells or abilities beyond his actual ability to cast.


>it doesn't make sense to reach demigod levels of ability yet remain completely mundane

I will just comment on this one. Why not? One of the most powerful characters in all of fiction that I know of is a 30 year old woman who is about as strong, fast and durable as a 30 year old fit woman, yet who could stomp all of justice league if she needed to.

I have no clue who you are referring to, but being only as capable as a natural human being is not above lvl 5. Using smarts to outwit an opponent, or using the environment to one's advantage, or other cases of fighting smarter rather than harder do not make one high level either, it just allows one to defeat higher level opposition.

According to the rules of d20, at least the parts that can be reliably mapped to the real world, place the maximum of human capacity at lvl 5, and those lvl 5s are the Spartans and Einsteins of the world.

Being level 20 means one could jump 50-70 feet with training, that is far beyond human capacity. What makes nonsensical to be mundane, is just how is this high level person supposed to be able to do so much more than mere training can achieve? Magic, chi, divine energy, etc. Some sort of unnatural something is necessary to allow a human to jump twice as far as the best mundane humans.

Ashiel wrote:
Klara Meison wrote:

>But as Integra Hellsing said...

You really like quoting her, don't you.

Yes. :)


>However, it's hard to give them cool niche abilities when their entire class is built around having no centralized theme or focus.

Yeah, that is a bit sad. Fighter is quite an iconic class(at least as far as it's description), but it is broken mechanically, and not in a cool way.

Which brings me to my question:what class would you propose to a newbie who said they wanted to play a fight-guy(like gimli/legolas/aragorn)?

Relatedly, how would you build the party from LotR?

Probably Ranger, actually. As far as core classes go, it's pretty much ideal for creating generally skilled martial characters with a variety of skills, and it's a great class for teaching people the game with.

As for the party from Lord of the Rings, I'd probably go with something like...

Aragorn = Level 4-6 switch-hitting Ranger with emphasis on Strength and moderate Dexterity. Aragorn uses some elf magic (such as speaking with animals).

Legolas = Level 4-6 archery ranger with a high Dexterity and moderate Strength. Also uses some elf magic (in LotR, there's even a fun scene where Legolas is clearly using pass without trace as he's walking on top of the snow while everyone else trudges through it).

Gimli = Level 4-6 barbarian with emphasis on Strength and Constitution but poorish Dexterity. I picked barbarian because he never wears anything heavier than chainmail, can grudgingly keep pace with the lightly armored Aragorn and Gimli, and pretty much gets pissed and chops things up with his axe. He uses throwing axes as a ranged weapon (which benefit from his rage), as does his heavy two-handed axe. He doesn't appear to have much in the way of magic but he's clearly got enough skill points to know a little somethin' about somethin'.

Gandalf is a bit trickier, mostly because there's no class that has a spell list that quite captures the things Gandalf does. Of course, it's been...

What about the hobbits? And Boromir?

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So I will just leave this here if that's alright. If it's not I can make it go, if you want.

Going to be hard to use. It's impossible to complain in a public fashion, since their Feedback forum predictably gets about 5 visits a year.

I love you so much, Klara. :)

I'm seriously considering making GITP my go-to forum again, like it was before Pathfinder. It was a good forum. It had better formatting and organization. And most importantly, better moderation.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Ashiel wrote:
I'm seriously considering making GITP my go-to forum again, like it was before Pathfinder. It was a good forum. It had better formatting and organization. And most importantly, better moderation.

But then you won't visit this thread anymore ;_;

How will we ever get it to 3000 posts?

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Klara Meison wrote:
Ashiel wrote:
I'm seriously considering making GITP my go-to forum again, like it was before Pathfinder. It was a good forum. It had better formatting and organization. And most importantly, better moderation.

But then you won't visit this thread anymore ;_;

How will we ever get it to 3000 posts?

we betta werk.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Klara Meison wrote:
Ashiel wrote:
I'm seriously considering making GITP my go-to forum again, like it was before Pathfinder. It was a good forum. It had better formatting and organization. And most importantly, better moderation.

But then you won't visit this thread anymore ;_;

How will we ever get it to 3000 posts?

Haha, oh man, you're right. XD

Geeze. Well, either way I'd visit this thread (I have it as a button on my browser so I can jump strait to it). I just find very little desire to actually participate on these forums. Once a long time ago, they were good. These days, it feels really dirty to me. Nobody has a voice, and posts are removed on the whims of moderators with no need for justifications and no rules broken. The customer feedback forums are a wasteland, and there's no public way to voice any complaints (placing 100% of the power in any conflict on one side).

It's a dirty business practice and I'm pretty sick of it. I've seen a lot of stuff get axed in the past because it didn't adhere to an employee's principles or political preferences. After you watch people get silenced in so many things to the point there is no open discussion, there's no reason to try to engage in a discussion.

IMHO, I think Mods should have to cite a rule when they remove a post and explain why the post was removed. IIRC, the mods at GITP do exactly that.

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In other news, I beat corruption of champions this morning and took the most good of good endings I think (I saved Marae and restored the demon queen Lethice's soul, allowing her to aid in undoing all the corruption of the world). Yay!

Also, more sketchy sketchies. Marilith sketch (not anatomically correct), and another marilith I sketched up to practice a few things (mostly molding squishy bits, which is why her lower hands are full) and getting in more painting practice.

EDIT: An earlier more sketchy version. Trying different things while painting so the (still unfinished) link before, despite being more recent than this one, has less pronounced teeth and such.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Ashiel wrote:
Klara Meison wrote:
Ashiel wrote:
I'm seriously considering making GITP my go-to forum again, like it was before Pathfinder. It was a good forum. It had better formatting and organization. And most importantly, better moderation.

But then you won't visit this thread anymore ;_;

How will we ever get it to 3000 posts?

Haha, oh man, you're right. XD

Geeze. Well, either way I'd visit this thread (I have it as a button on my browser so I can jump strait to it). I just find very little desire to actually participate on these forums. Once a long time ago, they were good. These days, it feels really dirty to me. Nobody has a voice, and posts are removed on the whims of moderators with no need for justifications and no rules broken. The customer feedback forums are a wasteland, and there's no public way to voice any complaints (placing 100% of the power in any conflict on one side).

It's a dirty business practice and I'm pretty sick of it. I've seen a lot of stuff get axed in the past because it didn't adhere to an employee's principles or political preferences. After you watch people get silenced in so many things to the point there is no open discussion, there's no reason to try to engage in a discussion.

IMHO, I think Mods should have to cite a rule when they remove a post and explain why the post was removed. IIRC, the mods at GITP do exactly that.

Yeah, this site, politically, is an echo chamber.

I don't have a GITP account. let me know if I need to get one :)

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I used to frequent GITP all the time. Then I got really excited about Pathfinder back during the playtests and came over here and ended up doing most of my posting here, etc, etc. Rest is mostly history.

These days...meh, I just don't enjoy it. I'm here for the people more than anything else. Actually, no, I'm just here for the people. I don't even have the drive to create anything for the majority of the community here, because you can't have any sort of reasonable rules discussion on these boards (I used to LIVE on the rules stuff on the WotC boards, but I avoid the crunchy places on these forums like they were pox-fields).

I used to write little guides and such, but some of the more fun ones got drowned in a sea of people arguing over Charisma or something. It's not particularly productive and makes it feel unworthy of my more limited time these days.

The moderation feels like a tyranny. You can contact customer service about moderation behavior, and y'know who's on the other end of the customer service? The moderators you're concerned about. That's not cool. The fact there's often no rhyme or reason to their responses doesn't help either. To give an example, there was a poster named Ciretose that found me and doxxed my information into a thread to try to expose my gender on the forums, since I didn't consider my gender worth mentioning. The post got removed with some complaint and he continued posting the same day.

Contrasting this behavior, a few months ago I was having a conversation and this person kept arguing over and over but clearly not reading what I was posting. Several people even noted he wasn't even reading what he was responding to. After several rounds, I jokingly remarked that "we're going to need some professional help" and linked to the hooked on phonics website. I got a 1 day ban.

I don't even go to the LGBT threads anymore because it generally just fills me with pain and disgust. Ironic, perhaps, all things considered.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Yep. I remember Ciretose, and I remember him doxxing you. OMG ASH IS A DUDE! So? You used google, wanna cookie? I'm glad he linked your blog, though :)
I actually miss his playtest posts. Like a pitbull, that guy. But far too fond of hyperbole. His arguments with the staff got him perma-banned.

I miss SKR too. At least when he argued, he actually argued his points, instead of hiding behind moderation.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Kryzbyn wrote:

Yep. I remember Ciretose, and I remember him doxxing you. OMG ASH IS A DUDE! So? You used google, wanna cookie? I'm glad he linked your blog, though :)

I actually miss his playtest posts. Like a pitbull, that guy. But far too fond of hyperbole. His arguments with the staff got him perma-banned.

Yeah, I still don't really understand what the big deal is. One of the reasons I like online forums like this is that we can engage in conversation and exchanging of ideas simply as minds. Our sexes are irrelevant to the value of our thoughts, y'know?

Like, what does a poster's sitting down or standing up to pee have to do with the price of potions in Korvosa? O_o

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

If they are gender reassignment potions...


Anyhoo, aside form a long running online game here, this thread is the only one I check regularly, unless I've posting a class I created and am waiting for feedback.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kryzbyn wrote:

If they are gender reassignment potions...


Anyhoo, aside form a long running online game here, this thread is the only one I check regularly, unless I've posting a class I created and am waiting for feedback.

Man, y'know, that reminds me. There was a thread that I was in (I can't remember if I started it or was just really excited about it) that was explicitly about transgender issues in a fantasy setting. The entire commentary about the special challenges and stuff that we might face, such as the imperfections of the elixir of gender switching or whatever it's called, was removed. Removed because the moderators said it made one of the staff members feel uncomfortable.

Just...what the hell? *groans*
It still upsets me. I wanted to talk about the elixir and transgendered characters. I still want to talk about it. It was an interesting conversation. (T_T)

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I dunno. Maybe it's like a war vet not wanting to discuss war, or listen or read war stories.

Then again, don't read the thread, maybe?

Also weird, is that when the transgender iconic was revealed, there was a ton of discussion in that thread about the potions.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber
Ashiel wrote:
And most importantly, better moderation.

I got warned for making a monk joke. I never went back.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

LOL in GitP, TOZ?


Shadow Lodge

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I mean, I understand it's hard to tell when I'm trolling and when I'm not, but come on!

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
Ashiel wrote:
And most importantly, better moderation.
I got warned for making a monk joke. I never went back.

Wait, what? O.o

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

I made an offhand comment as I usually do, something about 'it's not monk hate, it's monk love because they need the help' or similar. It got removed and I got an email about it.

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Kryzbyn wrote:

I dunno. Maybe it's like a war vet not wanting to discuss war, or listen or read war stories.

Then again, don't read the thread, maybe?

See, this is my thinking on it. If I'm not comfortable with it, I just will leave it alone until I am.

Also weird, is that when the transgender iconic was revealed, there was a ton of discussion in that thread about the potions.

Yeah... *grumbles*

1 person marked this as a favorite.
TriOmegaZero wrote:
I made an offhand comment as I usually do, something about 'it's not monk hate, it's monk love because they need the help' or similar. It got removed and I got an email about it.

Wow, that's crazy. I hope they haven't gone nuts too. :X

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

It's interesting to see our disagreement on the moderation subject. This place would be a scorched wasteland if I were in charge. But maybe it is due to my own views being more in line with Paizo's on social subjects.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Ashiel wrote:
Kryzbyn wrote:

If they are gender reassignment potions...


Anyhoo, aside form a long running online game here, this thread is the only one I check regularly, unless I've posting a class I created and am waiting for feedback.

Man, y'know, that reminds me. There was a thread that I was in (I can't remember if I started it or was just really excited about it) that was explicitly about transgender issues in a fantasy setting. The entire commentary about the special challenges and stuff that we might face, such as the imperfections of the elixir of gender switching or whatever it's called, was removed. Removed because the moderators said it made one of the staff members feel uncomfortable.

Just...what the hell? *groans*
It still upsets me. I wanted to talk about the elixir and transgendered characters. I still want to talk about it. It was an interesting conversation. (T_T)

>I still want to talk about it. It was an interesting conversation. (T_T)

Such a shame you don't have a thread where you can discuss pretty much anything you want with other intelligent people.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

This thread isn't moderator free.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
TriOmegaZero wrote:
It's interesting to see our disagreement on the moderation subject. This place would be a scorched wasteland if I were in charge. But maybe it is due to my own views being more in line with Paizo's on social subjects.

Well, don't get me wrong. I'd probably take a flamethrower to a lot of the forums, but I'd be sure to include an explanation for why a post was removed, what rule it was violating, and I wouldn't let my personal views and interests get in the way.

I've been a moderator on other forums or games.

Kryzbyn wrote:
This thread isn't moderator free.

I doubt that the moderator that was made uncomfortable reads this one, so what's the harm?

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I don't think there's harm in discussing any topic if done in good taste.

Apparently, however, others disagree. Some of whom are moderators.

Shadow Lodge

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Klara Meison wrote:
I doubt that the moderator that was made uncomfortable reads this one, so what's the harm?

Do you want threadlock? Cause that's how you get threadlock.

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Klara Meison wrote:
Ashiel wrote:
Kryzbyn wrote:

If they are gender reassignment potions...


Anyhoo, aside form a long running online game here, this thread is the only one I check regularly, unless I've posting a class I created and am waiting for feedback.

Man, y'know, that reminds me. There was a thread that I was in (I can't remember if I started it or was just really excited about it) that was explicitly about transgender issues in a fantasy setting. The entire commentary about the special challenges and stuff that we might face, such as the imperfections of the elixir of gender switching or whatever it's called, was removed. Removed because the moderators said it made one of the staff members feel uncomfortable.

Just...what the hell? *groans*
It still upsets me. I wanted to talk about the elixir and transgendered characters. I still want to talk about it. It was an interesting conversation. (T_T)

>I still want to talk about it. It was an interesting conversation. (T_T)

Such a shame you don't have a thread where you can discuss pretty much anything you want with other intelligent people.

Well I guess it couldn't hurt to try. We're out here in the wasteland afterall.

Bascially, we were discussing the challenges and implications that characters would have to deal with in game, such as Disguise checks (which is how Victoria the vampire I've mentioned on the forums plenty of times did it), or the fact that the elixir of sex shifting or whatever it was called is simultaneously perfect and grossly imperfect as well in terms of helping you to jump the gap.

For example, the description of the elixir says:

While the imbiber's physiology changes dramatically and their features adjust slightly to take on the new qualities, the imbiber is still recognizable as the same person. The character has only minor control over the specific details of this new appearance, and the elixir grants no benefit on Disguise skill checks or similar checks.

Put simply, it will re-arrange your plumming but if this guy chugs it back, he's still instantly recognizable as the same person to anyone. It doesn't even serve to make a passing attempt at a disguise. Anyone that's seen you would recognize you on sight, no matter how manly or feminine you were before you drank the elixir.

Which is directly contrasting the way things work in reality, because in reality the plumbing part is where we hit imperfection, but we're pretty good at making the rest of everything feel "right". For example, Blair White, and Sarina Valentina aren't going to have any issues with the appearance side of things.

It's interesting to me to discuss the details that go into playing characters like these, as well as the social implications for these sorts of things as well. I was sad it got cut short. Looking for answers to issues like the beefbarian being beefbarian with ovaries was something worth pondering, I felt.

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yeah, it does seem odd that it functionally does nothing about your appearance... i kind of get that it's tough to balance a mechanic that should theoretically have a variable effect depending on the features of the original user, but it should still add some mechanical benefit to "passing". (also, am i the only one that finds that term a bit crude?)

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I remember getting a 3 day ban here for Sarcasm. Still have the email saved informing ke of it.

Can you imagine the emptiness of this site if that rule were enforced?

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cuatroespada wrote:
yeah, it does seem odd that it functionally does nothing about your appearance... i kind of get that it's tough to balance a mechanic that should theoretically have a variable effect depending on the features of the original user, but it should still add some mechanical benefit to "passing". (am i the only one that finds that term a bit crude?)

No, you're not the only one. It feels a little weird when I say it but I don't have much better to offer and it's semantics anyway so I'll get over it. :P

But it's interesting to me because of the unique circumstances that such characters have to deal with. The elixir would probably be something far down the road. Like the final piece of whatever the overall puzzle was.

cuatroespada wrote:
yeah, it does seem odd that it functionally does nothing about your appearance... i kind of get that it's tough to balance a mechanic that should theoretically have a variable effect depending on the features of the original user, but it should still add some mechanical benefit to "passing". (also, am i the only one that finds that term a bit crude?)

Well it's kind of weird really. It's a pretty expensive item all things considered, especially since it does nothing mechanically beneficial for your character. It doesn't even make you look less manly or womanly. I personally wouldn't have seen an issue with granting a +10 circumstance bonus to do Disguise checks made to appear different to people that were looking for the original you, which would make it akin to an instantaneous polymorph effect.

As is, a hat of disguise is noticeably more effective if you don't want to be the bearded lady.

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Ashiel wrote:
No, you're not the only one. It feels a little weird when I say it but I don't have much better to offer and it's semantics anyway so I'll get over it. :P

the punster in me really wishes you'd said "so it gets a pass."

god i slay me. #dadjokes #notadad

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cuatroespada wrote:
Ashiel wrote:
No, you're not the only one. It feels a little weird when I say it but I don't have much better to offer and it's semantics anyway so I'll get over it. :P

the punster in me really wishes you'd said "so it gets a pass."

god i slay me. #dadjokes #notadad

Hahahaha. XD

EDIT: The term my friend going through hormonal treatments tends to use is "successful trap", but I think that's infinitely less politically correct than passing. :P

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You know, you are always welcome in my rules suggestions threads. I try to have intelligent discussions. Doesn't always come out right, but that is the goal. Besides, I'd like better feedback. My thread on expanding tiers is getting good traffic for my threads and it is still on page 1, though it has had more good stuff than normal.

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I have rarely seen any moderation issues around here (the threads I frequent maybe?) but they are odd when the occur.

I was part of a discussion, a debate of sorts about a particular term I used in a question. Then I tried to leave the debate aside for a moment and rephrase my question without the troubling term. Got the post deleted for continuing the debate after being asked to end it.

Question, have ever gone to rpol? I like their pbp support and tools.

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