Chroon, world of spirits. A custom campaign setting.

Homebrew and House Rules

Grand Lodge

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So I've been working on this homebrew setting of mine back and forth over the past year and it's finally getting to the point where I'm fine putting it out in public. Only got a ton of maps and some brief descriptions to show for my work, but I'm gonna update this topic as I complete stuff. Right now I'd apprecite any help and feedback! Need to flesh this world out, so any ideas and suggestions are more than welcome! Anyway, lemme get to the meat of this setting of mine.


Chroon, world of spirits
Chroon is a terrestrial planet, slightly smaller than our Earth, that orbits a bright yellow star slightly bigger than our sun. It's accompanied by three moons; Anth the sleeper, Haman the singer and Feris the dancer, giving it an unusual system of tides.
The Chroon setting's most defining feature though is the concept of spirits. Unlike many other campaign settings, Chroon is completely devoid of gods, the typical fantasy poly- or monotheism having been replaced by a system of animism inspired by Shinto, among other things.
On Chroon, everything is infused with a spirit of its own, although most of these spirits are too weak to directly influence the material world.
Some spirits though have grown strong through the worship of them and these great spirits wield great power, often assuming positions as guardians of entire countries or regions.


The plane of spirits: The entire basis for the animism in Chroon is the plane of spirits, a world that overlaps the material plane to some degree. The plane of spirits is where spiritual creatures reside, although they all have a limited ability to manifest on the material plane if they so choose. A spirit can't interact with the material world unless they choose to manifest in it.

Both of these planes were completely separated in the past, however a great and so far, unexplained event partly fused them together, leading to the state they are in right now.
At its core, the plane of spirits consists of little else but an intangible, mentally malleable substance called Idama. When the material and spirit plane were fused, this Idama was infused into everything in the material plane, where it was than subject to the force of the innumerable sentient minds of the planet.

From the idama sprung the creatures of imagination, the entities people believed lived in all they saw around them. These creatures usually looked bizarre, yet familiar, drawing upon what the people of the world knew of the planet around them. Humanoids with the features of wild animals, plants with faces, living household objects, etc.

What was once merely superstition was now reality, as people soon came to experience. While spirituality had always been part of the people of Chroon, there was never any worship. Spirits were simply considered another force of nature, like the wind or the sun. With spirits now a reality, shrines were built and worship commenced. The spirits that were worshipped the most grew stronger from this admiration for them and became what is now referred to as the great spirits.


Life and death: Also sprung from the idama were numerous planes of existance based on the desire to live beyond death. When a sentient being dies, their soul is transported to Janngali, the halls of judgement, where psychopomps lead the soul before the Yamaraj judges who'll determine how and where the soul in question will end up. The soul will then be transformed into it's new form and sent off to their designated ”Sphere of death”. An afterlife chosen for them by the judges.

The spirits can be divided into various categories, summarized below:
nature spirits: The spirits of natural elements like trees, stones and rivers. These are usually neutral or neutral good in alignment and commonly have a way of thinking that takes into account time spans far greater than many humans bother to care about. The Kami from Bestiary 3 are an example of nature spirits.


Item spirits: The spirits of manufactured objects like shoes, pillows and swords. These spirits come in a variety of alignments and tend to be very straightforward and narrow in their thinking, caring about little else than what they deem the purpose of their ward to be. Item spirits that have lived for a really long time can wield great power and as such, old objects are commonly treated with some degree of reverance and respect.


Soul spirits: Spirits created by the souls of the dead after having gone through the halls of judgement at the end of their lives. These spirits are without question the most varied kind, created from the deep, complex thing that is the sentient soul. When a person dies, their soul is taken to the halls of judgement where the Yamaraj judges decide what becomes of it. Some might turn into noble Agathions, some into twisted Qlippoths. Soul spirits can't normally manifest on the material plane as they are bound to their sphere of death. However, soul spirits have the ability to possess people, taking over their minds and transforming their bodies into something that looks more like themselves. This is how half-fiends and half-celestials come to be.


Restless spirits: These are soul spirits who, through some circumstance, won't leave for Janngali when they die. Instead they remain on the material plane where they manifest as ghosts, poltergeists or other undead creatures.


Spiritkin:Spiritkin denotes creature with a spiritual ancestry who aren't currently spirits themselves. They tend to have a mix of familiar and otherwordly features. Examples include most fey, the oni and the spiritfolk.


Religion and worship: While almost all races of Chroon are animistic to some extent, their religious beliefs and ways of worship are pretty varied. Some cultures recognize the plurality of spirits in the world, yet only revere some patron spirit of great importance to them. Others choose to pay their respects to whatever powerful spirits exist at their current place of stay. Some combine both, worshipping a patron spirit while paying respects to whatever spirits they encounter during their travels.
Small shrines dedicated to 1-3 spirits are common on Chroon, usually positioned near or on the place where the spirit is believed to live. Spirits of greater power and/or importance tend to receive larger and more grandiose temples. As it is believed that the shrines or temples are supposed to act like second homes to the spirit, the greatest spirits usually receive massive temples filled with mostly empty space and useless rooms, just to get the size up to snuff.

While animism is the prevalent way of belief on Chroon, there's no one universal religious system that everyone subscribes to. Below are some of the more significant religions on the planet:


Derived from the old angorese word for ”soul”, Thall is the most prevalent polyanimistic religion amongst humans, having been developed during the great migrations from Angorat. It's had an influence on the religions of other races as well though due to the widespread nature of human society. A well-known symbol for the Thall faith are the spirit pillars and spirit beads.
In Thallian religion, spirit pillars are used to mark places of great spiritual significance, like the homes of great spirits or areas where something spiritually significant has occured.
A spirit pillar is a smoothened and painted log with a square beam running through the top from which large glass spirit beads hang. The base of a spirit pillar is usually cluttered with paper notes or wooden plaques carrying the prayers and wishes of the faithful, hoping that the spirits will grant them what they long for.
A variant of the spirit pillar, called a double pillar or a spirit gate, is two spirit pillars connected at the top by a strand of spirit beads. They are usually far enough apart that a person can pass between them and are commonly used to mark entrances to holy sites.
Spirit beads are a bit simpler and thus, more common. They are strands of glass beads ending with tassels that are used to decorate items and sites of holiness and spiritual significance. They come in a variety of shapes and lengths, from beads the size of marbles to those the size of an average person. They are usually made out of glass, but the biggest beads are made from copper, brass or other, less fragile materials.

The thall faith itself is based largely on the worship of so-called patron spirits. Every thallian has a spirit that they choose to pay tribute to. Usually the spirit governing the place where they were born. While they recognize the existance of other spirits and even revere them, they save most of their worship and reverance for their patron spirit. A common thing among thallians is to make an annual pilgrimage to the shrine of their patron spirit for enlightenment and prayer.
While thallians may change their patron spirit over the course of their life, it's largely frowned upon and is considered respectless and selfish.
Major thallian celebrations are:
The bonfire of tears:
This festival is held in winter and is centered around a large, deep pit into which people throw small wooden pellets called masins. By whispering your troubles and misfortunes into a masin before throwing it into the pit, it's believed that the masin will absorb your griefs and take them with it. The pit is open for one week, during which it's surrounded by market stalls, entertainers and the like. One the final day of the week, all of the masins are lit up in a huge bonfire accompanied by song and dance. This celebration is thought of as a way to shed your troubles and get rid of them forever.

Remembrance day:
During this spring-time holiday, people bring large flower boquets as well as ceremonial cakes called whitecakes to the graves of their loved ones, honouring the memory of the dearly departed. . It's a solemn, but beautiful holiday.

The festival of millions:
This biannual celebration honours all the countless spirits of the world. It consists of plays depicting stories from folklore, traditional music, lots of traditional food as well as sparklers and confetti beyond compare.

West thallian
A denomination of the thallian religion exists in Silverland, simply called West thallian. In this denomination, emphasis is not put on patron spirits. Instead, you are expected to always pay the greatest respect to whatever major spirit governs the area you're currently in. Aside from that, the religious practices are very similar.

The faith of the gnomes and the people in the eastern north. Khullney is a religion centered around simple and short ceremonies and prayers directed to all spirits as a collective whole. Khullans don't worship any particular spirits, they instead direct their worshio towards all of spiritkind, be they small or large, good or evil. Khullney also believe that too much prayer and too fancy temples make the spirits spoiled and vain, thus they keep their shrines simple and their prayers short.
A typical Khullney temple in the south is a ring of pillars, all decorated with mosaics of coloured glass. In the center of ring sits some kind of receptacle, commonly a large dish or basin, meant for collecting tribute to spirits. Up north, the structure is usually covered in reflective shards of glass instead and the structure is commonly covered by a dome.
When making a prayer, a person recites a small, commonly used mantra while dropping a Lwec (Forlinan currency) into the receptacle at set points during it. The most common mantra being:
Dewk enney chan (For those in the clouds)
Dewk enney bok (For those in the earth)
Dewk enney faren (For those in the sea)
Dewk enney chok (For those in the trees)

Followed by their prayer request.
Once per year, the respective shrine attendants gather all of the lwec collected over the year and dispose of it into the receptacle in the biggest shrine of the land. Once that's done, a powerful mage animates the lwec into a golem(Called a Lwec golem or a Wish golem) that's then sent on a pilgrimage throughout the land to help the needy with it's reality-changing wish powers generated from the accumulated prayer energy of all the countless lwecs.
Aside from that event, Khullans have no other religious festivies, again thinking that such things just spoil the spirits they worship.

The primary religion of the wood elves. This religion teaches that communication with the spirits isn't done through prayers in shrines, but rather through meditation and special herbs. Lonliei temples are usually little more than chambers full of pillows on which to sit, wind chimes and smoking pipes. All temples are built around some kind of natural feature though, like a large rock or a tree. Usually one said to be inhabited by a powerful spirit. People who can afford it usually install small meditation chambers in their homes where they can seal themselves off from any disturbances and (hopefully) achieve the state of mind necessary to communicate with the spirits. Well-known symbols for the lonliei faith are the spherical incense braziers used during many of the ceremonies as well as so called Gwyndrin flutes that are believed to be pleasing to the spirits when played.
Major lonlieian celebrations are:
The night of flesh: This celebration is held during the summer and is divided into two distinct parts. During the day, a huge festival with song, dance, weed and ale is held and once night falls, anyone who wants to may gather at a designated holy clearing to engage in a massive group sex event that lasts until dawn. The celebration itself is meant to be an ode to life and the great pleasures to be found in it.

The spirit choir: During the spring, all wood elves of the community gather in a holy clearing or like (usually the same one used for the nightly sex during the night of flesh) to ingest herbs and sing hymns together. These hymns are almost always tributes to the spirits of the world and use a lot of poetic language and metaphor, making them hard to decipher unless you know the wood elven language by heart.

The cult of the eye:
This small religious sect operates out of the islands of eyes east of Jyoga. Unlike the above religions, the cultists deny that spirits are of any consequence to the world and instead devoutly worship a being known only as the ”Father with many eyes”, whose statue dominates the island on which they live. According to the faith of the cult, normal mortals are blind to the past and the future, something that displeases the father. Cultists therefore go through gruesome rituals where they graft magical eyes of oracular power to their bodies in an attempt to become ”truly insightful”, like the father. To cultists, being ”truly insightful” means being able to perceive past, present and future at once and thus gain a true understanding of how the world works.
The eye cultists are known as much for their mystique as for their ruthlessness, not hesitating to kidnap or kill anyone deemed a threat against the cult.

Playable races:
These are main playable races for the Chroon setting. Many of them are straight up Pathfinder races, while some are new, or changed from how they were published in the official Pathfinder books.
Unchanged races:
Elf(Called high elf in Chroon)

New/changed races:
Rasargans are a race of desert-dwelling, psionically apt hunters living in the great desert wastes of central eastern Chroon. Rasargans are on average a bit taller than humans, with dark bronze skin, eyes ranging from red to yellow and thick, bony ridges on their knuckles, brow, feet and back. A typical rasargan has a more powerful build than you average human, with thick, pronounced muscles. Rasargans usually prefer practical clothing that protects them from the harsh rays of the sun and camouflages them when out hunting.
Humanoid, Rasargan

+2 Wisdom, +2 Strength, -2 Dexterity

Medium: Rasargans are Medium creatures and receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Rasargans have a base speed of 30 feet.
Low-Light Vision: Rasargans can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.

Tough skin: A rasargan's bony growths give it a +1 natural armour bonus to AC.

Desert acclimation: Rasargans are adapted to the hot, harsh deserts in which they live. They gain Fire resistance 5 and +2 on all fortitude saves to resist the effects of hot environments.

Hunter training: Rasargan culture emphasises hunting and all rasargans are trained from childhood in tracking down and killing prey. Rasargans gain a +2 bonus on survival checks and are automatically proficient with the Jahnn and Tnged.

Rasargans begin play speaking Common and Rasargan.Rasargans with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Terran, Draconic, Oni, Thri-kreen, Goblin, Giant, and Sylvan.

Wood elf
Wood elves are northern subrace of the high elves whose intermingling with fauns have given them a laxer attitude and an affinity for music not found in their high elven counterparts. Wood elves look much like regular elves, except with ruddy skin, curly hair and small vestigial horn knobs on their forehead.

+2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, –2 Strength: Wood elves are outgoing and nimble, but not very strong.
Medium: Wood elves are Medium creatures and receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Wood elves have a base speed of 30 feet.
Low-Light Vision: Wood elves can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Elven Immunities: Wood elves are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.
Wood elf music: Wood elves gain a +2 bonus to Perform(Wind instrument). A wood elf gains a +1 bonus to caster level when casting a spell with the sonic descriptor.
Sylvan step: Wood elves receive a +2 bonus on stealth checks to hide in forests.
Keen Senses: Wood elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.
Weapon Familiarity: Wood elves are proficient with longbows (including composite longbows), longswords, rapiers, and shortbows (including composite shortbows), and treat any weapon with the word "elven" in its name as a martial weapon.
Languages: Wood elves begin play speaking Common and Elven. Elves with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Celestial, Draconic, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, and Sylvan.

Spiritfolk are a people native to the forest of ancestors who can trace their lineage back to the first spirits to appear on chroon. They are a bit shorter than humans, with fine, soft fur all over their body and small, dark noses. Spiritfolk generally take their ancestry seriously and tend to want to commune with spirits to gain further knowledge and wisdom of the world around them. They don't much care about political intruigue, wars and the like, preferring an honest, peaceful approach to things.

+2 Wisdom: Spiritfolk are more in tune with the world around them.

Medium: Spiritfolk are Medium creatures and receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Spiritfolk have a base speed of 30 feet.
Low-Light Vision: Spiritfolk can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Spiritblood: Spiritfolk have some innate magic ability courtesy of their ancestry. All spiritfolk can use Prestidigitation at will as a spell-like ability.
Dreamgate: When a spiritfolk sleeps, their dreams open up to influence by spirits. When a spiritfolk sleeps, any creature of the spirit subtype that's on the plane of spirits may send telepathic messages to the spiritfolk as long as they know their location. When this happens and what the message consists of will be determined by the GM.
Spiritbond: A spiritfolk gains a +2 bonus to all bluff, diplomacy and intimidate checks made against a creature of the spirit subtype.
Languages: Spiritfolk begin play speaking Common and Idaman. Spiritfolk with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Sylvan, Celestial, Infernal, Ignan, Aquan, Terran, Auran.

Other races:
Darfellan (From D&D 3.5 Stormwrack)
Ratfolk(Nezumi) (from D&D 3.0 Oriental Adventures)
Changeling (From D&D 3.5 Eberron campaign setting)

Jahnn 2d4 x4 Reach P or S 10 lbs. Trip
Tnged 1d4 x2 15ft. P 2 lbs. -

Jahnn: A jahnn is a long staff wrapped in strips of cloth and topped with a wicked, curved blade fastened perpendicular to the rest of the weapon. It's used by rasargans to engage and incapacitate prey without putting themselves in direct harm.

Tnged: A tnged is a barbed blade attached to a thin, but strong chain used to retrieve the blade if it misses its target. When attacking with a tnged, you can choose to take a -2 penalty on the attack roll. If you do, if the tnged hits, you can make a free Combat manuever check to lodge the barbed blade deep in your target. If you succeed on this check, the opponent is considered grappled by you, but not pinned.

Idaman: Idaman is the collective language of all entities from the realm of spirits. While it has some similarities to sylvan, it incorporates many bizarre and otherwordly sounds impossible for anything on Chroon to replicate.

The world:
Below are brief descriptions of the various countries and regions of Chroon. They will be filled out further down the line as well as updated with flags and the like. The maps themselves can be downloaded here. Keep in mind that the map for Mzngvahr is not yet complete. I'll have it up as fast as I can: Download here
The main world map can be found here: World map

The countries:
ADNGHR, Tngdarate of-
[Red desert of proud hunters] LN

Ruled by tngdar Hebrnz the third, who comes from a long line of royalty who came to power through their display of martial prowess during the war of fire.
Adnghr is right now in a bit of an uproar at the possible threat from the dragons in the west and many young/and or self-admittedly capable rasargans leave on dragon hunting treks.

Races: Rasargan, High elves, half-elves
Belief System: Moon reverance.
Important persons/creatures:
Hebrnz III (LN Rasargan Psychic Warrior 10)

ANDOR, Kingdom of-
[Disease-stricken centre of humanity] LG

Ruled by king Gurdoch Singleblade, a kind king who tries his best to help his people. The king is advised by a council of people from various noble families in Andor.
The nation is currently descending into chaos as the grayblight is spreading quickly and infecting the populus. Gurdoch is also politically beseiged by lord Fenrik of house Alderant who deems himself the rightful heir to the throne as Mordoch Rynnad, Gurdoch's father merely seized rulership in order to make the nation pull through the green war after king Dolrik Alderant was killed by his own steward.
Andor is still bearing the scars of this so-called ”green war” that occured 18 years ago where Snakevale tried to invade Andor. Right as the war began, king Dolrik was drowned in wine by his unhinged steward and as the nation now lacked a ruler, general Mordoch Rynnad assumed the position temporarily to steady his nation and support his people. This was, however, met with more success than expected and the people decreed that Mordoch stay as king, which he did out of care for his country.
Dolrik's daughter, Arra Alderant did not approve of this and the entire house of Alderant retreated out of Bronzebridge back north, where they stayed out of sight and mind from most people. Arra raised her boy into hating the Rynnad's for their ”usurping” and when she died, he became the new lord of the house and propagated her anti-Rynnad views. Mordoch was eventually assassinated, some think by the Alderants, and rather than give the throne to Fenrik, as would have been appropriate, it was given to Mordoch's son Gurdoch.

Capital: Bronzebridge ()
Races: Human, Dwarves, Elves, Half-elves, Gnomes, Spiritfolk.
Belief System: Monospiritism, Avospiritism.
Important persons/creatures:
Gurdoch ”Singleblade” Rynnad (NG Human Fighter 8/Aristocrat 2)
House Rynnad, Bravery shared (NG)
[Symbol: White horse running in front of a yellow sun on a fiery red background]
House Alderant, We know the day (LN)
[Symbol: White eagle in front of a silver radiance star on a deep purple background]
House Massiy, Moves with the mountains (CG)
[Symbol: Black bear holding axe on a red background]
House Feleor, Our thorns are sweet (N)
[Symbol: Three white roses on a green background]
House Harth, Forging the skies (NE)
[Symbol: White and black circular face on a yellow background]

ANGORAT, Jungles of-
[Ruin-dotted cradle of humanity] N

Wild and uncivilized, Angorat defies any attempt to establish civilization except for in a few outlying areas. The jungles are thick, deep and full of creatures, plants and
locations otherwise unseen and unheard of. Angorat has several cities inhabited by the vishkanya, humans who've evolved over the years to gain poisonous blood among other things. The vishkanya are divided into different tribes and have no one leader. The biggest tribe though is always lead by the Hangvak Kahat, A tanggal who's been raised into the role of ruler, having to learn magic, combat, mental discipline and music, among other things.

Races: Tanggal, Tasloi, Jungle giants
Belief system: Monospiritism, Leader worship
Important persons/creatures:
King Hangvak Kahat of the Grihhat tribe(LN Tanggal Bard 4/Psychic Warrior 4/ Cerebremancer 7)
Servies Frehn, the sunshy scholar (LE Nosferatu high elf Archivist 4/ Rogue 3)

[Enslaved elven nation ruled by demonic forces] CE
Once a druidic elven nation united in reverence of Andrameios, the child of nature, Azmar fell in one fell swoop when Feremai, a horrifying half-demon, killed the entire royal family as well as Andrameios itself and instituted herself as the ruler. Feremai was born to a babau mother after she had raped and killed her own husband as punishment for a betrayal she suffered before her death. Originally an assassin of predominantly child targets, Feremais mother was ratted out by her husband and executed by having her head crushed. Feremai herself is a cruel and disconnected ruler who's merely running on what is essentially an extended power trip. Her combat prowess and ability to cause pain, suffering and death at her mere command has her endlessly amused and as a result, the nation is mostly dysfunctional right now, with no one left to steer things up.
Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:
Feremai the careless (CE young half-babau high elf barbarian 14)
Andrameios (NE fiendish barometz zombie)

BEASTLANDS, The untamed
[Uncivilized land of dinosaurs and behemoths.] CN

Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:
Bobarass (N Thunder behemoth)

[Nation drained from the north and ravaged from the west]

Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:
Hanggin (CE dark naga Shadowdancer 8)


Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:


Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:

CIFFI, The fetid duchy of-
[Sinking swamps of famine]

Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:
Duchess Ellian Vienh (NG female Half-elf Aristocrat 6)
The Eternal (LE male Samsaran spectral savant Monk 4/ Fist of Zuoken 5 (CR 11))
The plague Walker (CE male broken soul Vishkanyan Fighter(Unbreakable) 5/Cancer mage 6)


CRESCENT COAST, The plutocracy of the
[Barren gold fields of the west]
Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:
Lord Haggan Bonon (NE Half-giant Expert 3/ Rogue 3)
Lady Lannel Gertz (NG Dwarf Expert 4/ Aristocrat 1)
Lord Kngtr ged Ganghr (LN Rasargan Expert 2/ Samurai 3)
The water beneath (N colossal water elemental creature that hides in the sand and reaches up with tentacles to catch prey. [<Think of reason for this. Needs water to stay alive maybe?])

DARFELL, Islands of-
[Wartorn isles of plenty]
Ruled by a group of old shamans who share deep bonds with various water spirits. Most darfellans follow the advice of these sages and go on pilgrimages to certain shrines dedicated to the spirits.
Darfellans live in mobile, modular cities that can be moved and rearranged as they see fit. They are very protective of their kin and are currently in a war against the Sahuagin.
Races: Darfellans, Locathah, Humans
Belief System: Polyspiritism
Important persons/creatures:
Elder Kihiloch (NG old male darfellan Shaman 9)
King Habadihi'ohe (LG male darfellan Shaman 3/Scout 4)
Queen Ihalik (CG female darfellan Bard 7)


Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:


Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:

[Saurian land of the gnolls]

Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:
Chief Jooghoy Asharash (CE Female gnoll fighter 6/Scout 3)

ESSOR, The anocracy of-
[Xenophobic warring nation]
Important persons/creatures:
Northern ruler Abai (LE male elf worm that walks Scout 4/Fighter 4)
Southern ruler Hashnu (CE female vishkanya Oracle 4/Bard 6)
Prophet Essiriacs (LN Caulborn oracle 4)
Hashnu's seers (LN Caulborn)


Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:
Elhan Sanloa, The fairy king (CE male Nightmare half-elf fairy Magus 20[CR 22])
The sisters of sleep (x4 CE Yuki-onna Sorcerer 7)

[Serene spiritgrounds]
This country has no single ruler, although it's capital city is looked after by a council of spiritfolk shamans. This society is very communistic, with the work of everyone being made to benefit the many.
The country itself is mainly the massive forest of ancestors, which holds many spirits and other spiritual phenomena.

Races: Spiritfolk, a small assortment of other races
Belief system: Polyspiritism
Important persons/creatures:
Kivokaidan (N old nature spirit Oracle 7)
Grandfather Roshu (NG old Spiritfolk Oracle 4/ Sohei 6)
Kikuni the scrollkeeper (N Pipefox shaman 6)
The beast of the deep woods (CE Nightmarish Shemhazian Demon)
Hio, the autumnwatcher (LN Shae Sohei 8) [Prideful guardian of the city of pillars]
Tangi, who twists fate(N Julunggali) [Planning granter of animal lordship]

[Green pastures of colour and bloom]
The home of the gnomes is ruled by a moot of local rulers who come together once every other month to discuss important matters.
Forlin is rich in fey and spirits, which seems to clash with the highly advanced machinery that the gnomes seem very fond of.
Races: Gnomes, humans, elves, half-elves, switchlings, wyrwood.
Belief systems: Polyspiritism
Important persons/creatures:
Zidd Windborn (CG gnome expert 8)
Old mother Rikka (NE graeae sorcerer 5)

FREIGALD PENINSULA, The gloomlands of-
[Swampy badlands ruled by vampires] LE

Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:
Father Hechtor Dreidenoch (LE old half-elf nosferatu bard 8/Duelist 3) Ruler and patriarch of the dreidenoch family.
Child of Dreidenoch (LE or NE half-elf nosferatu aristocrat 5)
Gimon Jedan (LG dhampir(Nosferatu) Expert 6/Shadow scout 4) Scholar and hunter of vampires.
Abanga the horrid (CE Mobogo)
The Nightchoir (CN Seaweed Siren Wu Jen(Water) 5)
The lanternmen (LG advanced Lantern archon)
The mother of boars (NG female human Druid 5/Fighter 3)

GAHLA FRONTIER, The colonies of-
[Contested colonygrounds]

Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:
Haian (NE young spiritfolk nightmare jiang-shi necromancer 11)

GIZZFELL, The ravaged plains of-
[Former elven colony ravaged by eldritch calamity]

Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:

GORMASHAN, Land of rivers

Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:

GREVIA, Kingdom of-
[Untamed gate to the north]

Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:
The wheeping lady (CN female Lampad Wilder 4)
The rusted man (CE Broken soul ragewalker CR 15)

HESSAFA, The wilderness of-
[Swampy forests of rival tribal lizardmen.]

Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:
Great ruler Habbik (LG lizardfolk sorcerer 3/barbarian 2/Eldritch knight 2)

HJARHJA, The breeze-kissed-

Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:


Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:

JAJOKI, The duchy of-
[Boreal continent of danger and mystery] LN

Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:
Duke Fermud ui Handraf (LE male Human Scout 3/ Aristrocrat 5)

JAMTIA, Kingdom of-
[Inhospitable land of boreal beasts]

Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:
Jaya, captain of the protectors (LG half-giant samurai 5/scout 4)


Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:

JOVIUS, The deadlands of-
[Scorched gate to the netherworld]

Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:
Raidan (CN oni wu jen 9)

JYOGA, The inequtial realm of-
[Ruined wastes of the bizzare and alien.]

Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:
Lrharl (Protean Scourge magus 6)

KARFVUR, The duchy of-
[Northern trading nation divided by fraternal civil war]
Important persons/creatures:
Baronness Tillian Bornouth (LN human aristocrat 8/Duelist 3)
Baronness Fourt Bornouth (LG human aristocrat 13)
Harana, the bandit queen (NE half-giant fighter 5/Battle Trickster 3)


Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:

KEHKEST, Wild isles of-
[Oppressed islands of the Sahuagin]
Sahuagin dominated by dragon eel. (Gargothoz the Devourer)
Important persons/creatures:
Wavelord Merios (CN male Oceanid Scout 7)

KIMRAUU, The dracocracy of-
[Independant dragon tyrrany]
Ruled by a couple of incestual, homosexual silver dragon brothers (Both NE) who managed to claim their own piece of Terize. The dragons only really care about living a comfortable life and indulging in their own desires.
The management of the nation is left largely to X X, a Sorceress(LE Half-elf Sorcerer/Pactbound Adept) who's made pacts with both of the brothers and enforces a state religion based on worship of the brothers.
Races: High Elves, Kobolds, Half-elves, halfings, Rasargans, Humans.
Belief system: Worship of the brothers, Monospiritism
Important persons/creatures:
Azzaj and Vehhaj Ez Fadduix Thi Dahznahk(NE young silver dragons)

KITSAWHA, The bamboo principality of-

Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:


Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:

LAND OF FIRE, The volcanic-
[The forbidding, seething badlands]
Important persons/creatures:
His greatness and lord of fire, king Jartar Grumbadak (LE middle-aged fire giant shaman 3/Fighter 4)
Allal, servant of her majesty Jummeht (LN male maftet adept 2/Sword Dancer 4)
Yallakh Ez Pnantt Thi Taldaruhk (CN mature adult male Magma dragon) [Wife killed by Tradonn, her bastard son]
Unnak Ez Yallakh Thi Taldaruhk(N young female Magma dragon)
Tradonn the Ash-Cursed (CE male half-magma dragon fire giant Shadow Scout(Dragons) 4)

LASTRA VALES, The arboraceous-
[Dread refuge for the rich and eccentric]

Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:
The king of ectsasy (LE male Ostarius Kyton bard 6)
Kyrin Deliawm, rebel leader (CG female high elf fighter 3/rogue 4/scout 3)


LEAD ISLES, The lawless-
[Haven of piracy and illegal trade]

Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:
Ironback (CE male Karkinoi barbarian 3)
Charay (CN female human Pennangalen shaman 9)
The causeless prophet (CN Mothman oracle(occult) 7)

LHOKAN PEAKS, The silent-
[Massive mountain chain of challenge and self-improvement]
Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:
Master Donien (LG male stone giant monk 9)
Chief Baxadar (NE male ibixan barbarian 4/scout 4)
Bandit king Maohk (CE spiritfolk barbarian 3/rogue 3)

LYEDAN PLAINS, The unbound-
[Great steppes untouched by civilization]

Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:



Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:

MOONLANDS, The meritocracy of the-
[Home of the gray elves and warzone between elves and oni]

Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:
Archmage Gallian Farand (LE male Spellwarped Soulbound Shell (CR 14))
Freivalda, the carrion wench (NE zombie lord nymph)

MZNGVAHR, the red sands of-
[Untamed desert of beasts and monsters]
Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:
Berehul (LE Belier devil. Leader and centre of a cult.)
Queen by divine blood, Jummeht (LE female Fairy maftet Wu Jen(Wood) 7) [Taboos: Cannot show face to others, Must bathe once every day]

NADIA, The magocracy of,
[Centre of magic and history]

Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:
Archmage Telliani Charavath (N female half-elf Wizard 20)

NEMELIA, Untamed forests of-
[Home of the wood elves and the red forest]
Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:

NGORIA, Statue-dotted steps of-
[Resting place of the first human civilization]
Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:
High chancellor Ikruga Diria (LE female kitsune bard 5)
Gizuna the loreseeker (LE female Mummified human Fighter 5/Archivist 4)


Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:


Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:
Ranadan ez Harfvass thi Vechtu, the crystal tyrant (LE young adult crystal dragon)
Kailara the green queen (NE female high elf druid lich 12)

NORTHERN WASTES, The endless white void of the-
[Frozen desert of death and life]
Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:
Tarrire, watcher of the white (CN female taiga giant oracle 5)

ODAM, The tall peaks of-
[The highest peak and lowest valley.]

Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:
Grilda Ashcarrier (N female Slag Giant expert 4)
King deep under, Haathon Kurdendor (LN male half-stone golem dwarf aristocrat 3/expert 5)


Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:


Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:

REMORHAZ ISLANDS, The deserted colony of the-
[Islands of beasts and witches]

Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:
The warrior (LE half-elf nightmare lord insane fighter 8) One of the few remaining colonists of the first colony on the islands. Currently insane and tries to kill anyone intruding on colony territory.
Rugga Sheev (NE female venerable half-elf shaman 18) The most powerful and respected witch on the island.


Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:

RHYMING FJORDS, The vastness of the-
[Prowling grounds of linnorms]

Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:
Daryor the five-blessed (NG male rune-scribed human slayer 5/scout 6)

ROULAND, The great cultural hub.
[Center of commerce and travel]
Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:
The unease (NE Soulsliver ninja 9)
Red Kip (CE male Monaciello gremlin rogue 4)
Uutraner (LE female half-fiend nosferatu medusa)
Joringgal, the copper-scarred (NG female half copper dragon Shae shaman 3)
Henenangiang the witch of the cave (NE female Shae Wu Jen (Earth)10)

SAMIRIA, The infinite fields of-
[Home of great beasts and hunters]

Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:
Cessalai (Male advanced raiju (huge))



Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:

SILVERLAND, The shining empire of-
[Feudal nation weary of war]

Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:
Yina, the godstealer (NE changeling ninja 7/Archivist 3)
The rainmaker (NG half-water elemental treant druid 7)
The golden sovereign (LG Adult golden dragon)

SNAKEVALE, The lethal-
[Home of the xenophobic vishkanya empire] LE

Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:
Eiribi tas Kalmos (LE Vishkanya psychic warrior 4) The warrior of the serpentine triptych
Nerine tas Kalmos (LE Vishkanya psion 5) The public face of the serpentine triptych
Keryka tas Erataes (NE Vishkanya psychic warrior 3[Lurker]/Rogue 2) The infomaster of the serpentine triptych
Hengalis (N Phrenic constrictor snake) Pet of Nerine
Kafrasoes (LE Vishkanya Ninja 5/Cloaked dancer 4) leader of the the cinnabar dancers.
-Cinnabar Dancer (LE Ninja 3/ Cloaked dancer 2)
Demetais (CE Vishkanya ninja 6) Enemy of the triptych.
Falometra (NE phrenic half-illithid Vishkanya Wilder 8)
”Daughter” of Heyakch and unwitting pawn.
Heyakch (NE Mind Flayer Psion(Telepath)7)
The ”mother” of Falometra and an ambitious schemer intent on dominating the snakevale.
Blood of the earth (N Carnivourous blob)
Sardros, champion of Kylomeiis (NE bodak Sohei 12)
Cinnabar Dancers[Minor] (LE spies and assassins working for Keryka)


Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:

[Desert of nothing]

Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:

TERIZE, The dragonlands of-
[Blasted land of nomads and survivors]

An uncivilized land in constant war and turmoil between the ambitioius and greedy dragons that inhabit the place.
Currently, Nahliok, a N ancient green dragon tries to keep things somewhat peaceful from her seat in an ancient elven city.
She is guarded by her children (LN Green half-dragon Elf Dragon Adepts), elven half-dragons born from intercourse between herself and many elven men who are handpicked as mates for her on a regular basis.
Many dragons wish to kill Nahliok for various reasons and the people who live in Terize are never completely safe from the constant draconic threat looming over their heads.

Races: Humans, ,kobolds, dracotaurs, halflings, high elves, half-elves
Belief System: Monospiritism, Dragon worship
Important persons/creatures:
Mahliok ez Klemenaks thi Ghakty (N female great wyrm green dragon)
Tirinaiai Athresul (LN female high elf Wizard 5(Abjurer)/Green Wizard 10) Archmage of the Green Wizards of Naxa and Nahliok's most trusted confidant
- Green Wizard acolyte (LN high elf wizard 4(any)/ Green Wizard 3
Green Wizard master (LN high elf wizard 5(any)/ Green Wizard 7
Huuzimak ez Varakk thi Vvusdaliis, the brazen protector (CG adult brass dragon Scout 6)
Darmooz ez Hormooz thi Vechtu, the bonekisser (NE young crystal dragon necromancer 9)

THE CRACKED LANDS, the walled off jarldom of-
[Mountainous continent of frost giants]

Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:
The carrier of lost travelers (N boreal corpse colossus)
Mannerli (CN mountain troll)
The weaver of tapestries (LN advanced boreal norn guardian 10)

THE KETTLE, The red kingdom of-
[Mining island of kobolds]
Important persons/creatures:
Urhak ez Irhok thi Jaddfenebb(LE ancient red dragon)
Aznag (CN male kobold Barbarian (Titan mauler) 5)
Duugh (LE male kobold sorcerer (crossblooded) 5)
Dzivra purple-eye (NG female half-celestial (Silvanshee) kobold Shaman 5/Rogue 1)

THE MAGESCAR, The bizzare lands of,
[Magically ruined land of anomaly and unrealness]

Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:
The eternal lawkeeper (LN Lhaksharut lich)
Noel Unfawhylch (N female wood elf Wizard [Scrollmaster](Conjurer) 6)
Halfassin Ez Khajatti Thi Derefan (LG adult sky dragon)
The dreamer (CE Nightmare Morphling)
Commander Gregarw Todoran(NE Urdefhan magus 7)


Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:

TRIANGLE VALLEY, The hidden sanctuary of-
[Secluded valley of mystery and self-improvement]

Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:


Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:

TUNKEKUMANAK, The fogswept mountains of-
[Mysterious mountains of the fog giants]

Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:
The mountainroot sentinel (NE male fog giant ghost fighter 4)
Dokeku Takiniho (LN male fog giant rogue 5)
Uriga Valleywatcher (NG female fog giant scout 3/oracle 4)


Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:

VODRHR, Empire of-
[Sun-baked grave of plant spirits]
Empire. Ruled by the sovereign children, two Elan Wilders who look like kids.
A large, secret elanification operation goes on in Vodrhr and the sovereign children are the first successful Elans to be made.
Races: Rasargan, human, halfling
Important persons/creatures:
Esserka (N female seven-headed pyrohydra)
Hevirax the cloudspeaker (N female sphinx Wu Jen 3)
Fngra the griever (N female rasargan Psion(clairvoyant) 6)


Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:
The hermit of kidney lake (CE hill giant barbarian 3/oracle of wind 2)
Yess the lamia bandit queen (CE lamia slayer 7)
Ioune Helwych, the oaken warrior(LG female high elf samurai 6/champion of Gwynharwyf 10)


Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:

XATTA, Principality of-
[Haven of the outcast and endangered]
Ruled by the moon princess, a samsaran factotum who's been ruling for thousands of years due to her reincarnation ability. The current princess is the 16th incarnation.
She's lazy, aloof and antisocial, preferring to stay in her royal tower instead of doing her royal duties.
Races: Human, Kitsune, wood elves, half-elves, spiritfolk.
Belief System: Magnospiritism, Monospiritism
Important persons/creatures:
The 16th moon princess (N Samsaran Factotum 9)
Jik'Chak Sunclaw (LE male ratfolk ninja 6/Sorcerer[Serpentine] 2) Agent of the Ichortears out to kill the moon princess once and for all.


Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:

YOSSON, The elemental monarchy of-

Belief system:
Important persons/creatures:

ZIZIRA, The unstable colonies of-
[Warring lands of goblinoids]
Military nation ruled by the iron fist of Hakkon, a hobgoblin commander. Small colonies of dwarves live to the east in heavily fortified towns, defending themselves against the hobgoblin horde.
Important persons/creatures:
Commander Hakkon (LE male hobgoblin Sohei(Halberd) 10)
Ironbash (NE female goblin rogue 9) Hammer-wielding centre of the goblin community. Used by Hakkon to keep the goblins in line.
The gemwitch (CE female hobgoblin witchfire)

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

And there is only one person who is the bridge between the spirit and the material worlds..... :)

You had me engaged with the world until you threw psionics into it. It really needs something that has more of a psychic than psionic feel to it. Something more on the quality of Second Sight, than psi powers.

Grand Lodge

LazarX wrote:

And there is only one person who is the bridge between the spirit and the material worlds..... :)

You had me engaged with the world until you threw psionics into it. It really needs something that has more of a psychic than psionic feel to it. Something more on the quality of Second Sight, than psi powers.

Well, psionics and magic are kinda separated on Chroon. Mostly due to cultural boundaries. Having been terrorized by dragons, who use magic and whose servants use magic, the rasargans fear and distrust magic and will generally not allow it within their nations. Instead they've developed psionics as part of their rigorous hunting training regimen. Most cultures outside of the rasargan tend to view the psionics as just a primitive method of manipulating the world, so they tend not to want to bother with it. So yeah, I'm not just slapping psionics into my world willy-nilly. xD


Grand Lodge

Alright, since the Paizo forums won't let you edit your posts after a certain time's passed, I've decided to change the format of this a bit. From now on, I'll keep all of the stuff in a single text document, formatted to hopefully be a bit more parseable. As I add more stuff, I'll link you to the latest version of the document, as well as provide you with a changelog.

As of now, the latest version can be found here:Download link!

-Changed the format a bit
- Added the half-oni race(Feedback needed)

Coming up in the next version:
-Specifics on the Chrooni oni.
-Alignments and brief summaries of the various countries
-Mzngvahr map


Grand Lodge

New update released!

Latest version is here:Clicky!

Changelog(V 0.3)
-More stuff on the Chrooni oni
-All countries now have associated alignments as well as brief descriptions.
-Mzngvahr map now in the map back which can be found here:Clicky!
-Added missing names to world map. Download the new version here:Clicky!

Next update:
-Descriptions of every playable race on Chroon.
-Various religious ceremonies like funerals and the like.


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