A dream

Pathfinder Adventure Path General Discussion

so i have a dream,
in this dream, Lisa, Wes, James, Adam and Rob trick a group of AP writers to come to the Paizo offices with promises of a Stuffed Cthulhu Enthusiast Convention and whatever really good dessert Lisa is famous for.

anyway, when said Writers are in Seattle the Paizo BigWigs (™) give them a region, lets say Galt and a basic premise (political intrigue?) and then lock them in a room for an hour or six and see what kind of AP ideas they come up with.

Armed with such knowledge, our intrepid writers scatter the the four winds to write their particular chapter.

in my dream the writers are
Brandon Hodges
Nick Logue
Crystal Frasier
Mike Shel
Jim Groves/
Wes Schneider, James Jacobs, Richard Pett, Amber Scott or Wolfgang bauer (i would take any of these, can't decide which one for sure)

so whats your AP dream?

Sovereign Court

Taldan AP all urban no dungeon crawl bait and switch with a political intrique system.

but what writers would you idealy have?

Sovereign Court

Well I am not that familiar with all the writers. I have ran the first book of Curse and all of Carrion Crown. I played in 3 books of serpent skull, and 3 books of Kingmaker. There were a few weak links in CC and some others but I cant completely write off a writer from one example. I guess I can list the folks that knocked it out of the park for me.

Micheal Kortes
Richard Pett
Greg A. Vaughn
James Jacobs


I would go for a Lovecraft AP. It can be set anywhere, really, but Varisia is what came to mind.

Black of the Stars Adventure Path

Book 1: Shadows Over Sandpoint by James Jacobs
Book 2: Masks of the Unknown by Neil Spicer
Book 3: The Horror of the Lost Coast by Nicolas Logue
Book 4: The Storval Abominations by Brandon Hodge
Book 5: Spawn of the Stars by Tito Leati
Book 6: What Lies Beyond by Greg Vaughn and Richard Pett

Liberty's Edge

Captain, sir.

Is this thread meant more for AP plot dreams or AP writer dreams?

both, sorry if my post didnt make that clear, im not a writer and i had ALOT of coffee beforehand.

Liberty's Edge

Well I can't speak much about writers since I've probably read about half a dozen PF adventures total. I would however love to see an all-female writer lineup because I've never seen it done before.

As for plotwise, my dream AP would be Arcadia hexploration and interaction with natives...Maztica done right, more or less.

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