Calling All Good Aligned Leaders

Pathfinder Online

Goblin Squad Member

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This is a roster of the good aligned leaders of the community. That includes:

• Leaders and officers of good aligned groups.
• Members of good aligned groups hoping to move into leadership.
• Players who intend to create or join a good aligned group where they will be in leadership positions.
• Anyone who would list themselves above that thinks they / their organization will be good aligned.

Please keep all posts on topic and free of negativity / goading, but feel free to promote yourself / your group a bit and ask relevant questions about people's bios.

Why just good-aligned? Because I want to give the less vocal majority a chance to get the word about themselves / their groups out there, and there aren't that many highly vocal good aligned leaders out there.

Character Name: Firstname Lastname
Character Alignment: LG, NG, CG, Good, Probably Good etc.
Organization: Organization Name or N/A
Rank: Rank within organization or N/A.
Organization Info:
Our Site
Our Forum Topic
A very brief overview of your group, preferably not exceeding 200 word, if you feel that's needed in addition to your links.
Orgaization Ambitions: Company(No territory), Settlement (Settlement holders), Nation (Holders of multiple settlements), or Not Sure / We'll See.
Play-style: Here are some keywords to make things easier...
Champion- PvP oriented players primarily wanting to roleplay their good alignment.
Crusader- PvP oriented players primarily wanting to promote or oppose meta-game behaviors.
Gaurdian- PvP oriented players looking to protect people.
Slayer- PvE players seeking to hunt monsters.
Adventurer- PvE players looking to explore new places, try new things, and complete quests.
Craftsmen- Characters who want to create things.
Laborer- Characters who want to gather raw materials.
Merchant- Characters who specialize in selling goods to consumers.
Trader- Characters who specialize in transporting products and materials.
Teacher- Someone who specializes in helping answer questions for others, especially newbs.
Diplomat- Someone who specializes in dealing with politics in a primarily non-military fashion.
Socialite- Someone who's really enjoys the tavern haunting and/or intricate storyline type RP.

List the category / categories you identify with the most and/or write your own, then give a brief description of your playstyle.
History: An overview of your gaming and possibly some personal history. History in other MMO's, particularly sandboxes and PvP games is of great interest. Anything pertaining to why you intend to be good aligned in this game and how you have / haven't followed that alignment in other titles is also of interest.
Leadership: Leadership roles you've served in the past both in and out of game.
Goals: In a nutshell what you hope to accomplish in PFO.
Final Notes: Anything else you have to add, shameless plugs for your group, etc.

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

Name: Qiang Tian Zsu
Alignment: Lawful Good
Organization: NA, put possibly The Nettles
Rank: None

Settlement Aspirations: A Monastery, POI

Play Styles:

Wanderer, Healer, Guardian, Gatherer / Craftsmen (Herbalist)

History / Philosophy:

Qiang Tian Zsu wrote:

The meaning of my name....

"Qiang Tian" literally means "Wall of Heaven" in the Tian language. There is also a geographic feature (Mountain Range) of that same name.

It is often that travelers, especially those who wish to leave something of their family connections behind, often name themselves after geographic features.

"Zsu" comes from the "Zsu Zsu's petals", from the movie "It's a Wonderful Life". The petals in the movie represent a restored hope in having a second chance to make things right in life.

Combining the two results in "Wall of Heaven and Restored Hope". Taking this as the central purpose in my character's "being", he will be Lawful Good.

However, based on Navar's podcast interview, and his view of slavery in the River Kingdoms, I have a slight disagreement with him as it pertains to the Hellknights and their use of slavery.

One can not restore hope, by just trying to improve an abhorrent condition. Hope can only be restored in the absence of such conditions. In believing this, I will not adhere to the "laws" of the Hellknights, but I will actively work to change them. This may shift my active alignment to Chaotic Good and create an inner turmoil within me, but that may be a necessary price to pay Internal spirit.

There will often times be a conflict between the internal and external. In the teachings of Irori and within the cultural beliefs of the Samsaran race, perfection is sought internally. The only external manifestation of perfection may be in the perfection of one's physical being, but that does not necessarily extend to perfection of action externally.

Previous Leadership experience: This character has no intentions of leading anything, so the experience has nothing to add.

Goblin Squad Member

Character Name: Urman MacUrmanson (tentative. All entries tentative)
Character Alignment: Good
Organization: Foresters Local 315
Rank: Site Boss
Organization Info: Foresters Local 315 will be primarily focused on resource extraction. The main area of expertise will be forestry and logging, but the company will shift efforts to other extraction as markets demand. The company will encourage woodmanship: exploration for resources (and just to explore), hunting, and monster control. Some combat will be expected in the defense of timber camps, against both monsters and raiders. The company will not be primarily focused on PvP, but will fight as militia for settlement defense and during escalations.
Organization Ambitions: Company. Holding a hex as a logging site is possible. Shifting settlements to follow the demand for wood is possible.
Play-style: Casual; Laborer; Adventurer; Slayer
History: From playing in sandboxes like ATITD and Wurm (PvE servers), I've seen that many people want to play towards cooperative goals. I also think that some people cannot devote huge blocks of time to a game, and I'd like to create a harvesting company that can vary its efforts as members log in and out. But from those games I've also learned that acquisition of resources without goals and unexpected challenges will grow old, and I think some level of PvP like PFO will have is likely to provide both goals and unexpected challenges. Philosophically, I see MMORPGs as an extension of the tabletop game, expanded on a huge scale through technology. To me, characters are just placeholders or tokens representing the players, and I try to treat other characters and players like I would if we were at a gaming table, with courtesy and respect. I've played evil characters in D&D in the distant past, but that was a time when I apparently needed to be edgy, contrary, and abusive. I don't care to be that person these days.
(Once monks are released for the game, I may leave the forestry business and shift my game goals.)

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Character Name: Tony the Baker
Character Alignment: Lawful Sexy!
Organization: Tony's Totally Legitimate Breadmaking Business
Rank: Breadmaking Person with the Shiniest Moustache
Organization Info: Talk to Uncle Tony and tell him about your problems. Through positive attitude and odd coincidences, mayhaps Tony can find a way to make them go away.
Organization Ambitions: to make backstab-berry muffins every day and use the power of heating up dough to make everyone's problems go away.
Play-style: whimsical and ironic
History: Legend has it that Tony's moustache helped clear many of the monsters from the River Kingdoms to help make settlement of Fort Inevitable possible.

Goblin Squad Member

Character Name: Harad Navar
Character Alignment: LG
Organization: Company - the Nettles; after monks introduced, a Company controlled POI hex for a monastery of the 36th Order
Rank: Nettles - Gatherer, Teacher; after monks introduced, Monastery - Abbott
Organization Info:
EE to OE: Company focused on gathering herbs and facilitating the crafting of potions
After OE and/or release of monk skills and feats: monastery
Organization Ambitions: Control a wilderness hex to be a base for gathering and for building a fort to serve as a monastery.
Play Style: Champion; Adventurer; Guardian; Craftsman; Teacher
History: MMO - limited; TT - player/GM over 30 years, last 4 in Pathfinder
Leadership: In-Game: none; Out-of-Game: built and lead a state wide emergency response organization for public health
Game Goals: To build a monastery for the 36th order to promote monk character development; develop ongoing lore based context for players
Final Notes:
Being in a story greater than myself is the reason I game. I believe that PFO will be a great opportunity to craft a small story line that will give others a context within which to craft their own story.

Goblin Squad Member

Character Name: Arnaeus Moonglow
Character Alignment: Chaotic Good
Organization: The Empyrean Order
Rank: Guildmaster of the White Staves
Organization Info: Settlement oriented company with a meta-focus on anti-RPK policies and an eye towards nation-building with allies.

The White Staves is a sub-organization within The Empyrean Order with a focus on community outreach and engagement as well as member recruitment and hospitality. Outreach includes assisting novice players improve their ability, hosting roleplay events for both the PFO community and internal membership, as well as acts of charity.

Play-style: Adventurer, Socialite, Diplomat,Teacher,
Avenger - PvP focused on righting wrongs and delivering revenge for Evil actions against other players. Calistria demands vengeance.

History: MSN Chat roleplay when that existed. MMO - Ultima Online (Minor), WoW - (Launch to 2012). Various other MMOs in the mix.

Leadership: Small (10-20 members) RP oriented guilds in WoW. Typically favor influential positions out of the spotlight, but step forward when needed.
Goals: To have fun. Also, to work towards establishing a strong region of Good and player safety within the otherwise dark world we will be experiencing. To provide a beacon where cooperation is expected and 'Evil' actions are rare.

Goblin Squad Member

Character Name: Khimber Vhane
Character Alignment: Lawful Good (Paladin)
Organization: Hallowed Ground
Rank: Leader
Organization Info: Small, family-oriented guild oriented around Faith in Good.
History: Hallowed Ground has always been a small guild centered around my family. We have occasionally grown large enough to engage with small Raid content, mostly in WoW and Vanguard.
Goals: Our primary goal in PFO will be to engage PvE content.
Final Notes: We have never spent much effort on recruitment, and don't intend to change that. Generally, we've only grown when people we've grouped with have liked the name and all it represents, and have also liked grouping with us to the point of asking to join.

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