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So I am looking to develop a take on the Modron, unfortunately the traits available in the advanced race guide do not really match the 3.5 version (Dragon 354) that well. It used the living construct race trait, and the half construct doesn't match up in the least.
So here is what I came up with, and I am curious to get feedback, and if anyone agrees/disagrees with my RP value for it. I should also note the campaign that it will be used in also uses some 3.5 content, such as some spells.
Racial Type: Outsider (Lawful, Sentient Construct)
Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, disease, nausea, fatigue, exhaustion, effects that cause the sickened condition, and energy drain. (8rp)
Does not need to eat, drink, or sleep. Though may do so in order to gain benefits. A Modron must still meditate for 8 hours to regain spells. (6rp)
Spell Vulnerabilty: As a Modron they are subject to spells that affect living creatures and constructs, such as Disable Construct and Harm. (-2rp)
Healing Vulnerabilty: spells from the healing subschool and sypernatural abilities that cure hitpoint and/or ability damage are only 50% effective. (-2rp)
Spell Weakness: Spells that effect armor, such as heat metal, or chill metal, damage the target regardless of the armor being worn. Likewise he is affected by other spells that target a creature as if he were wearing metal armor, should that have an effect, regardless of the material of the clothing or armor he wears. Spells that affect objects only cannot be used on the subject. (-1rp)
Revive and Resurrection: A Modron cannot be revived or resurrected, but may be affected by Revive Outsider, and Wish. (-1rp)
Dark Vision (0rp), from outsider.
Ability Bonuses
Ability Bonuses: +2 con, +2 int, -4 Cha. (-1rp)
Other Bonuses/Penalties
Racial Perception Bonus: +2 racial bonus to perception (2rp)
Illusion Resistance: Modrons logical minds are able to more keenly discern illusions. Modrons gain +2 racial saving throw bonus against illusion spells and effects (1rp)
Modron Shell: A modron has a resistance of 5 to Acid, Cold, and Fire, and a +2 to their natural armor. (6rp)
Born of Order: -2 to all charisma checks against chaotic creatures. (-1rp)
Cubed: Cannot wear normal armor, all such equipment must be fitted for the creature. Doesn’t increase cost of purchased gear, but means found armor will need to be adapted before use. (0rp)
Surprise Vulnerability: Remains flat-footed for an extra round following a surprise round. (-1rp)
The end total is 14
Thoughts, think I over or undervalued?

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My favourite trait of Modrons was how in 2e they had a static initiative, rolled at gen and set for life. That to me epitomized the ideal of order and clockwork nature they represented.
I have no idea what rp cost that would have though.
I'd likely set it at 0rp personally, entirely possible to be stuck with a one. Some of the other optional things in 2nd ed were fun as well, like preset actions which could allow you to act out of initiative if the conditions were met.

Scythia |

Scythia wrote:I'd likely set it at 0rp personally, entirely possible to be stuck with a one. Some of the other optional things in 2nd ed were fun as well, like preset actions which could allow you to act out of initiative if the conditions were met.My favourite trait of Modrons was how in 2e they had a static initiative, rolled at gen and set for life. That to me epitomized the ideal of order and clockwork nature they represented.
I have no idea what rp cost that would have though.
That was always a risk, fair point.
There were alot of things I liked and wanted to try in Planescape, but sadly it came out at a time when my 2e group was splitting up, and when next I had a group 3 was the game of choice.