The Summoner's Handbook


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Hey all - After noticing that there doesn't seem to be a handbook for the Pathfinder Summoner, I've started one. It's currently hosted on the Giant in the Playground forums, at this address:

The Summoner's Handbook

Any feedback, advice, comments etc. would be very welcome. The handbook's still under construction and is currently about half done (there's a lot of material to cover!) I'll post updates from time to time and might cross-post it over here if enough people find it helpful.

Have you put any Info in yet? Whenever I click on a spoiler, it says Page is invalid.

All the spoiler boxes contain info, so it sounds like there's some technical glitch. Haven't had any reports from the local posters yet, so not sure what the problem would be.

They started working(why?). Anyways, it has a treantmonks feel to it (not a fan), and I think the half elf deserves a higher rating, their favored class bonus gives them more evolution points.

Half-Elf's already rated 'Good'. I can't honestly rate them on par with Humans, even with their alternate favoured class ability.

looks alright
it has a treantmonk feel to it as Kierato said, but I like his guides. If you stay that close, I would have staid even closer and made it more like his. So familiar readers can read it more easily.

Good luck with all the evolution possibilities.

Sovereign Court

I'm really glad you are putting this together and you've done a lot of work but I strongly disagree with a lot of your advice :( Here is what I would change and I hope you are open to constructive criticism:

Weaknesses (add this): The Eidolon loses HP when it is >100 feet away and disappears completely when the Summoner is asleep or unconscious.

Half-elf is unquestionably the best race since it can have a favored class option of 1/4 evolution point, which means everything to a summoner.

Skills - Eidolon should get Disable Device and Knowledge-Planes for extra utility and stealth and acrobatics since it will be in the front line with tanks and scouts.

Summoner Feats - Summoner's call (Strength). It is by far the best in the game. Always banish and resummon between fights to keep the buff up. Nothing is mediocre about +1 attack and damage to all attacks.

Improved initiative. Going first with haste is VERY important or else the rest of the group will waste attacks.

Traits - Reactionary is a must (+2 initiative).

Eidolon - Weapon Focus - Bite. Since 75%+ of your attacks will be bites (always for first round move/charge)

Metamagic Rod - Reach is much better than Extend to apply buffs to your Eidolon. Combat will almost always be over by the time a duration fades.

Saph7 wrote:
Half-Elf's already rated 'Good'. I can't honestly rate them on par with Humans, even with their alternate favoured class ability.

Half-elves are also immune to magical sleep effects, which means it's harder to lose your eidalon in battle. They can easily rate on par with humans,IMO.

Sovereign Court

Kierato wrote:
Half-Elf's already rated 'Good'. I can't honestly rate them on par with Humans, even with their alternate favoured class ability.

One evolution point can almost double your DPS (Improved Bite or Energy Attacks) or mean the difference between a horrible attack (tentacle) and one of the best (gore). Or be the difference between walking and flying. etc. Humans are TERRIBLE compared to half-elves. I challenge you to make any Human build that isn't far outmached by my half-elf build once they are level 4+.

I'd make Half-Elf cyan (Excellent), Human purple (meh), and all others Red (awful).

Interesting, didn't think of it that way. Do you think the extra evo points are worth the lost feat and HP though? Remember that every HP the summoner gets is an extra one for the Eidolon.

Class features are up, btw, but I'm going to go get some sleep since it's taken me all day to do this much. :P

Sovereign Court

Saph7 wrote:
Do you think the extra evo points are worth the lost feat and HP though? Remember that every HP the summoner gets is an extra one for the Eidolon.

WAY WAY WAY worth more. Like I said, literaly double the DPS

I'm going to going to have to agree with Kilroy and Kierato here.

While Human is one of the best races in the game, the bonus feat isn't particularly important, because Summoners are not nearly as feat dependent as other classes, since your build tends to rely more on the Eidolon's abilities. The extra skill point is not very useful, for Summoners are already starved on skills - in many cases, the Eidolon will already be doing it for you.

That isn't to say your guide isn't good though - I find myself nodding my head at some parts, and sucking air through my teeth at others. I like guides that are done Treantmonk style, even though I generally dislike being overly optimal. The Summoner is a very hard class to optimize because of the huge number of options at your disposal.

I look forward to reading more of it.

I like your guide so far, i especially like the Treantmonk style
I REALLY like the images from fate stay night.

KilroySummoner wrote:
Summoner Feats - Summoner's call (Strength). It is by far the best in the game. Always banish and resummon between fights to keep the buff up. Nothing is mediocre about +1 attack and damage to all attacks.

1 minute summoning time every 10 minutes, in most environments this is a downright dangerous proposition.

Saph7 wrote:

Any feedback, advice, comments etc. would be very welcome. The handbook's still under construction and is currently about half done (there's a lot of material to cover!) I'll post updates from time to time and might cross-post it over here if enough people find it helpful.

Summoners come in different forms.

Some people like to focus solely on the eidolon and have the summoner as backup mediocre damage.

Personally one build that I like is the halfling stealth build. The eidolon is there as another party fighter, but the summoner is hidden as a party buffer.

You might want to divide decisions between caster focused summoners and combat focused ones. I have my own preferences but a handbook should be more neutral.


Sovereign Court

Pinky's Brain wrote:
1 minute summoning time every 10 minutes, in most environments this is a downright dangerous proposition.

Correct. You don't do that. You keep the Eidolon out the whole time and only when you definitely have a moment's break before entering a potentially dangerous area, do you do that. Which happens about 2/3 of scenario fights on average. Still by far making it the best feat since damage is all about +attack.

Curious about the Treantmonk thing, by the way. Why do you say it's in his style? I don't actually know the guy, though I like his guides.

Shadow Lodge

Just a quick comment On formatting:
Why do you list bad options at all? Just say "If it's not listed I don't recommend it" and be done with it.

Acrobatic - No

Is a complete waste of page space.

Deft Hands - Still no.

Still a waste.

If you are talking about class specific features, then perhaps its worth mentioning them all, but not for feats or more generic stuff.

Interesting guide, interesting discussion. I haven't had the chance to play a Summoner yet, but he's got a high priority on my "to play" list, so I'm very interested in people's thoughts on the class.

One thing that defies my intuition is dumping Strength. I mean, considering the spell list is almost purely buff/debuff/utility, and not being able to sustain a spell onslaught for long, I think I'd rather grab a decent weapon, cast a few buffs and go put that 3/4 BAB to use alongside my Eidolon.

Like I said, it's just my intuition, as I haven't actually played a Summoner yet, but I'd like to see others' thoughts about that.

0gre wrote:

Just a quick comment On formatting:

Why do you list bad options at all? Just say "If it's not listed I don't recommend it" and be done with it.

Acrobatic - No

Is a complete waste of page space.

Deft Hands - Still no.

Still a waste.

If you are talking about class specific features, then perhaps its worth mentioning them all, but not for feats or more generic stuff.

I think that listing some bad choices is good for new players or players that haven't really checked the class and it's not that there is any issue with the wordcount.

Shadow Lodge

leo1925 wrote:
I think that listing some bad choices is good for new players or players that haven't really checked the class and it's not that there is any issue with the wordcount.

New players would have particular problems with the sentence "If it's not in this guide I don't recommend it"?

I can understand if there are some choices that might seem appealing and giving some explanation of why they are not, but in this case it's just "No" which is a waste.

For example he lists all the races and why they are good or not, makes sense (though I disagree with some of his calls there) but just listing a feat and "No" is pointless.

I also don't care for the fact that you have to open every section. Make it difficult to read but I recognize that might just be my preference.

The spoiler boxes are to make it easier to scroll through. The guide's already big and going to be enormous, so there's something to be said for making it easier to navigate.

Shadow Lodge

Spoilers don't make a document less complex, they just make them more difficult to view easily and you have to guess what section you want to see.

"The guide's already big and going to be enormous"

So cut out the meaningless crap instead of hiding it. Meaningless crap being things like "Acrobatics - No".

Particularly if the goal is for new players you want something concise.

Thanks for the feedback. I'll consider it.

Saph7 wrote:
Curious about the Treantmonk thing, by the way. Why do you say it's in his style? I don't actually know the guy, though I like his guides.

It's a bit of a thing here on the forums. He assigns different colors to different skills/feats/abilities based on their viability/usefulness to the class' optimization, with red ones being outright "don't use it" to light blue being "it's a must" or "this is a highly optimal choice." It's a fairly intuitive system.

KilroySummoner wrote:
Pinky's Brain wrote:
1 minute summoning time every 10 minutes, in most environments this is a downright dangerous proposition.
Correct. You don't do that. You keep the Eidolon out the whole time and only when you definitely have a moment's break before entering a potentially dangerous area, do you do that. Which happens about 2/3 of scenario fights on average. Still by far making it the best feat since damage is all about +attack.

It only gives an enhancement bonus, so if you go for a belt or spell to augment their stats it's worthless.

Even a feat that gave an eidolon a +2 enhancement bonus all day long would be a bad feat, as it is it's down right horrid.


Sovereign Court

james maissen wrote:
It only gives an enhancement bonus, so if you go for a belt or spell to augment their stats it's worthless.

Wake me up when I am infinitely rich and can't spend thousands of GP especially when cutting GP in half due to share equipment nerf. Until then, if a feat replaces a Belt of Str+2, I will buy an Ioun stone of Atk+1 or Amulet of Mighty Fists +1 or Metamagic Reach wand or etc. each of which is better than any feat in the game.

Downright horrid for the most important stat in the game (+1 atk) and +1 damage to ALL ATTACKS (unlike weapon focus etc) on the creature that has the most attacks of any PC (Eidolon) and your 10min buff is infinitely recyclable so it is up most of a scenario? Your advice is downright horrid.

KilroySummoner wrote:
cutting GP in half due to share equipment nerf

Probably a noob question, but could you please explain/elaborate?

Sovereign Court

amorangias wrote:
KilroySummoner wrote:
cutting GP in half due to share equipment nerf
Probably a noob question, but could you please explain/elaborate?

Summoners must split their GP between themselves and their Eidolons. The Eidolon is essential to the utility of the summoner. So a Sorcerer's Ring of Protection +1 is equivalent to two of the same Rings (one for the Summoner and one for the Eidolon) at of course twice the cost.

Summoners are the weakest defensive class in the game as every level they fall further behind in magic weapons as more magic item usefulness comes from gearing up the Eidolon (who is more scalable) than themselves.

KilroySummoner wrote:
Your advice is downright horrid.

It is a downright horrid feat. Hyperbole and bluster notwithstanding.

You might like it, but it's not all that and a bag of chips.. It's a trap feat. Its up there with the old toughness feat for a flat 3hps that didn't scale. Its worse in that you're needing to stop every 10 minutes to bring it back up and sitting around for a 1minute to do so.

The feat was originally meant to do something else entirely, but the summoner got changed and they had to quickly think of something. They could have done better. Much better.

And I don't know what an ioun stone of atk+1 is, care to enlighten?

An amulet of mighty fists +1 is better done via greater magic fang leaving the mighty fists to apply to a weapon enhancement.

Rather than take this feat I'd take craft wondrous items, spend 2k gold to make a belt of strength +2 and have the enhancement bonus to STR at all times.


Sovereign Court

Some words of advice for Saph. I will be really excited if you make a good guide with the best advice, the community could use one since this is the most confusing class!

Here is some more advice from my experience:

I have found that Biped > Quadruped > Serpentine. Strength is all-important (for base form and items) and you gain evolution points from the free limbs-arms which allow the cheapest best evolution points to satisfy your natural attack cap: Claws.

Top priorities for evolutions should be Str+2, Improved Bite, Energy Attacks and Trip-Bite. Buffing your bite is more important than all other attacks put together (as mentioned above), so you should always have weapon focus, guidance and natural fang for the bite (if possible).

The Eidolon, with his multiple natural attacks, scales VERY well with the Power Attack feat which should always be up (buff the str/attack to compensate). Also at level 7 Cornugon Smash is insanely good.

For spells: guidance, resistance, and haste are no-brainers. I'd skip mage armor and rejuvenate eidolon and buy wands for those instead. I like enlarge person to cast on a 2h-wielding fighter or barbarian in the group (higher-die weapons scale way better on this spell). Finally, I like expeditious retreat on the Eidolon so he can move really far on the first charge/move to get the attack (also helps with difficult terrain and allows you to keep him next to you with shield bonus and still be in attack range instead of sending him ahead).

I would SKIP getting flight evolution for the Eidolon and use the evolution surge spell to surge it in when needed (many times you won't need it). Also having Evolution Surge as a readied action is amazing since you can instantly apply a Resistance evolution to void spell damage.

Finally a pearly white cracked Ioun stone will prevent you having to heal your Eidolon each day (so you can drop Rejuvenate Eidolon spell and use a wand).

Sovereign Court

james maissen wrote:
Its worse in that you're needing to stop every 10 minutes to bring it back up and sitting around for a 1minute to do so.

I never stop every 10 min (I leave the Eidolon out), only before we enter a suspicious area or I think a fight will occur, which is accurate nearly all the time.

james maissen wrote:
And I don't know what an ioun stone of atk+1 is, care to enlighten?

Ioun Stone, Pale Green Prism, Cracked

james maissen wrote:
An amulet of mighty fists +1 is better done via greater magic fang leaving the mighty fists to apply to a weapon enhancement.

You will be casting haste the first round, and probably bulls strength the second. Mobs almost never last 2 rounds. Wasting an action casting magic fang is a BIG deal. Also it is range of touch and your Eidolon will be far away after your first haste round.

james maissen wrote:
Rather than take this feat I'd take craft wondrous items, spend 2k gold to make a belt of strength +2 and have the enhancement bonus to STR at all times.

I'm very sorry, now I see where your advice comes from. I only play in Pathfinder Society, which disallows this feat and nullifies your advice. I forgot to mention that up front. Maybe Saph should give 2 sets of advice, one for PFS play and one for other.

Another important point to note is the bite second time evolution gives you 3X the penalty in damage you take from power attack.

Shadow Lodge

KilroySummoner wrote:

Some words of advice for Saph. I will be really excited if you make a good guide with the best advice, the community could use one since this is the most confusing class!

Here is some more advice from my experience:

I have found that Biped > Quadruped > Serpentine. Strength is all-important (for base form and items) and you gain evolution points from the free limbs-arms which allow the cheapest best evolution points to satisfy your natural attack cap: Claws.

I dunno, quadraped gets some of the best evolutions (pounce, rend, mount), and the fastest speed for mobility.

Serpentine is awesome for stealth/ skills builds.

Biped is king if raw damage output is your goal.

KilroySummoner wrote:
amorangias wrote:
KilroySummoner wrote:
cutting GP in half due to share equipment nerf
Probably a noob question, but could you please explain/elaborate?

Summoners must split their GP between themselves and their Eidolons. The Eidolon is essential to the utility of the summoner. So a Sorcerer's Ring of Protection +1 is equivalent to two of the same Rings (one for the Summoner and one for the Eidolon) at of course twice the cost.

Summoners are the weakest defensive class in the game as every level they fall further behind in magic weapons as more magic item usefulness comes from gearing up the Eidolon (who is more scalable) than themselves.

Ah, thanks.

Ogre wrote:

I dunno, quadraped gets some of the best evolutions (pounce, rend, mount), and the fastest speed for mobility.

Serpentine is awesome for stealth/ skills builds.

Biped is king if raw damage output is your goal.

Maximizing damage output seems to be the best thing to do with your Eidolon, considering you get so many other tasty summon options as a Summoner.

Shadow Lodge

Nothing wrong with focusing on damage, but some people want to do other things with their eidolons than just turn them into DPR engines and the eidolons can be quite good at it.

Pounce, grab, rake is a really nice combo (dire lion is one of the most popular summons for exactly this reason). Grappling also is a great way to control the encounter. A caster can cast defensively when he's getting pounded, if he's in a grapple hug he has to make a vicious concentration check.

Also from the DPR side, quadrapeds and serpents can upgrade their bite to get 1 1/2 strength damage and 1:3 power attack, you can't do this with any other attack form (and bipeds can't do it at all).

Some things I have thought about, but haven't playtested them yet:

-I would say that con doubles up with charisma as the most useful stat. A con focused summoner should not waste his time picking spell that require a save. Thankfully there are many good spells in his list that don't.

Example: You may start with con 16 and charisma 14, or charisma 16 and con 14. It doesn't really make a big difference at low levels. The difference becomes apparent in higher levels.
At level 20 the first guy would have:
con 16+ 6 enchantment+3 levels+ 5 tome=30
and charisma 14+2 levels (to have a base 16)+ 6 enchantment= 22
and the second guy con 14 +6 enchantment=20
and charisma 16+ 6 enchantment+5 levels+5 tome= 32

So the first summoner would have 100 extra hp and +5 to fortitude saves compared to other summoner who would have +5 extra summons per day, +5 dc to spells, +5 in concetration and 1 extra spell slot per spell level.
Personally I would prefer the extra hp and bonus to fortitude saves.

Note: The summoner should focus on his con especially if there aren't any other tank melee types in the party (fighter, barbarian etc...).

- Regarding half-elf vs human

Half elf: +2 perception, immune to sleep, +2 vs enchantment, +3-6 to one skill, +0-5 evolution points,
Human: +1 feats, +1-20 skill points, +1-20 hit points

Hmm I think they are about equal, with the human slighty ahead at low levels and the half-elf slighty ahead at high levels.

- Quadruped seems like the best type pounce is very usefull.

-Feats: The first 3 feats should be improved initiative, toughness, great fortitude with spell focus conjuration and augment summoning close seconds. I am undecided on summoners call. Combat focus isn't bad at low levels either.

Sovereign Court

0gre wrote:
Also from the DPR side, quadrapeds and serpents can upgrade their bite to get 1 1/2 strength damage and 1:3 power attack, you can't do this with any other attack form (and bipeds can't do it at all).

Incorrect. My Biped has this and it is perfectly legal.

Sovereign Court

0gre wrote:
Pounce, grab, rake is a really nice combo (dire lion is one of the most popular summons for exactly this reason). Grappling also is a great way to control the encounter. A caster can cast defensively when he's getting pounded, if he's in a grapple hug he has to make a vicious concentration check.

The Extra DPS from Biped (mostly from the +attack from the strength hitting more and the 1 extra evo point from no pounce and 2 points from limb-arms) and the trip from bite controls the encounter more than a grapple. With haste, that's 2 trips potentially per round. Also, grapple severely weakens the Eidolon's defenses (which are already weak).

The evolution point loss from quadruped and the fact that pounce is only used a max time of once per encounter (often you can't charge in straight line or difficult terrain) definitely don't make up for the extra damage of the Biped. However, the discrepancy lessens at higher levels (when more natural attacks are added to the potential pounce).

Quadruped does have faster base speed and allows mount options and a different RP flavor of course. It is almost as much damage (but not quite) so it isn't an unreasonable choice unlike the Serpentine which does far less damage.

KilroySummoner wrote:

Ioun Stone, Pale Green Prism, Cracked

Ah, I keep forgetting that they augmented the list of the Ioun stones, thanks.

Still at 2k to craft the STR belt quickly does replace your feat that you don't use all the time.

Edit: even at 4k this occurs. And if you can predict combats accurately within that short time frame then even knowing the bull strength spell becomes worthwhile. If you cannot fit that in then the feat (taken at 7th level) to give you more spells known would give you that and another.

james maissen wrote:
An amulet of mighty fists +1 is better done via greater magic fang leaving the mighty fists to apply to a weapon enhancement.
KilroySummoner wrote:

You will be casting haste the first round, and probably bulls strength the second. Mobs almost never last 2 rounds. Wasting an action casting magic fang is a BIG deal. Also it is range of touch and your Eidolon will be far away after your first haste round.

You misread my comment. Again amulet of mighty fists is best spent on enhancements. At 5k for the +1 it seems worthwhile to go with the greater magic fang instead.

And if you are casting bull's strength the second round then your feat is only sometimes giving a +1 to hit and damage for 1 round. It's getting less and less useful.

I do greatly admit the usefulness of a lesser rod of reach spell. At 3k gold it's a good item.

KilroySummoner wrote:

I'm very sorry, now I see where your advice comes from. I only play in Pathfinder Society, which disallows this feat and nullifies your advice. I forgot to mention that up front. Maybe Saph should give 2 sets of advice, one for PFS play and one for other.

Well even without the craft feats, I'm not a great fan of your feat here as you can tell.

Even capping at 12th you are going to outgrow it. And at higher levels you are going to need more of your feats working for you rather than being idle.

As you level your ability to predict combats within 10minute intervals decreases drastically while time pressures against spending 1 minute doing nothing increases. If the PFS writers don't follow this trend (that LG writers almost universally adopted) then all short duration buffs will become godly as instead of casting them in combat you could cast them prior to it.

But PFS does skew things from it's level cap, feat prohibitions and spell prohibitions as well as lack of party synergy (as you are likely changing parties for each module). Spontaneous casters with a list of known spells are hit hard by the later as you cannot make choices based on party composition.


OK, I'm going to be covering the Spells section next, probably tomorrow. I'm leaving Eidolons for last since they're the most complicated.

A lot of people seem to have ideas as to good Eidolon builds, so if you'd like me to include them in the handbook, please submit them either in this thread or by PM, and I'll credit you with them. Use this format:

<Eidolon Name> (Xth Level)

Form: <quadruped, biped, serpentine>
Ability Scores: <Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha>
Skills: <Skill Name> +X, <Skill Name> +Y, etc
Feats: X (1st), Y (3rd), etc
Evolutions (base): <determined by your base form>
Evolutions (extra): <list all here>
Attack Routine: Bite +X (1dY+Z) and 2 claws +X (1dY+Z) and ... etc.
Notes: <description and anything that needs explaining>

The baseline levels I'm going to be using are 1st, 5th, and 10th-level, so build to one of those levels (or all three if you really think your build's that good).

Don't include items, buff spells, or other situational bonuses, as all summoners use those - the idea's to do a comparison. (Every eidolon's going to have Mage Armour, so there's no need to include it in your statblock.)

KilroySummoner wrote:
Quadruped does have faster base speed and allows mount options and a different RP flavor of course. It is almost as much damage (but not quite) so it isn't an unreasonable choice unlike the Serpentine which does far less damage.

Constrict helps a little. If you immediately release your opponent after grabbing them (a free action) constrict becomes pure bonus damage.

Saph7 wrote:

OK, I'm going to be covering the Spells section next, probably tomorrow. I'm leaving Eidolons for last since they're the most complicated.


Thank you for doing this for us.

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.
KilroySummoner wrote:
0gre wrote:
Also from the DPR side, quadrapeds and serpents can upgrade their bite to get 1 1/2 strength damage and 1:3 power attack, you can't do this with any other attack form (and bipeds can't do it at all).
Incorrect. My Biped has this and it is perfectly legal.

You can only take an evolution once.

"Evolutions are grouped by their cost in evolution points. Evolution points cannot be saved. All of the points must be spent whenever the summoner gains a level. Unless otherwise noted, each evolution can only be selected once."

"If the eidolon already has a bite attack, this evolution allows it to deal 1-1/2 times its Strength modifier on damage rolls made with its bite."

leo1925 wrote:


Thank you for doing this for us.

No problem. Glad you like it!

Sovereign Court

0gre wrote:

You can only take an evolution once.

"Evolutions are grouped by their cost in evolution points. Evolution points cannot be saved. All of the points must be spent whenever the summoner gains a level. Unless otherwise noted, each evolution can only be selected once."

"If the eidolon already has a bite attack, this evolution allows it to deal 1-1/2 times its Strength modifier on damage rolls made with its bite."

Once the Biped takes the Bite evolution, he 'already has the bite attack'. Then you take Improved Bite, which is makes your existing bite stronger - a totally different effect and satisfies 'unless otherwise noted' since it clearly talks about taking the same thing twice.

Shadow Lodge

KilroySummoner wrote:
0gre wrote:

You can only take an evolution once.

"Evolutions are grouped by their cost in evolution points. Evolution points cannot be saved. All of the points must be spent whenever the summoner gains a level. Unless otherwise noted, each evolution can only be selected once."

"If the eidolon already has a bite attack, this evolution allows it to deal 1-1/2 times its Strength modifier on damage rolls made with its bite."

Once the Biped takes the Bite evolution, he 'already has the bite attack'. Then you take Improved Bite, which is makes your existing bite stronger - a totally different effect and satisfies 'unless otherwise noted' since it clearly talks about taking the same thing twice.

It says "If the eidolon already has a bite attack", the quad and the serpent already have a bite attack and that language applies to them.

Nothing in the evolution says or even implies you can take it twice.

Scarab Sages

Ogre, it "already has a bite attack" because it specifically has the "Bite" evolution as a free evolution based on its form.

Therefore, if you were to get the Bite evolution on a Biped, you could certainly then take "improved bite" on the biped as well, since both the quad and the serpentine have both evolutions.

Shadow Lodge

What makes you think it's not the simple statement that if you already have it you get a different benefit?

To me it's simple to parse.

Bite gets you XXX

If you have bite and you take this you get XXX + YYY.

Nowhere in parsing that does the idea of being able to take the evolution twice come up. What makes you think it does.

Limbs: "This evolution can be selected more than once."

Ability increase "This evolution can be selected more than once."

That's pretty explicit.

Swim: "This evolution can be selected more than once. Each additional time it is selected, increase..."

Why doesn't it say "This evolution can be taken more than once. Taking this evolution a second time ..."?

Again the original phrase is "Unless otherwise noted". It most certainly does not note bite can be taken twice.

Scarab Sages

maybe because its called "Bite" and then "Bite, Improved" and then the evo "Improved Damage: Bite"??

all 3 are different evolutions???

Notice that the "Bite" evolution that they get for free is not able to be taken. Instead, you get "Bite, Improved".

At least it is on HeroLabs, so in the book its a bit different. That said, it can be confusing to say the least.

HL also allows a Biped to take "Bite" then "Bite, Improved" as well.

So, this should be FAQ'd.

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