Blue-Flame Legacy (Sorceror Blood-line)

Homebrew and House Rules

This is a campaign specific bloodline i'm working on for my campaign - thought i'd post it here for comments & suggestions. i've got two "gaps" for abilities, which i will mark with a questionmark

Background: The Blue Lady is a great legend from ages past. a mighty enchantress and mistress of "the flame arcane" (a varient on spellfire). she bore at least two children, and although the gift of true spellfire is rare in her decendants, its essence sometimes manifests as a talent for sorcery, conjuring a silver-blue fire that both burns and purifies

Class Skill: Knowledge (The Planes)

Bonus spells (note, some of these are campaign home-brews, or non-OGL. others are other elemental-damage spells with the element replaced by fire). also note, in each case, the fire is not its usual colour, but is a blue flame edged in silver
1)Fire Missile (Magic missile, but fire)
2)Nimbus (a damaging fire aura)
3)FireBolt (lightning bolt, but fire)
4)Fireshild (warm only)
5)Cone of Fire (cone of cold, only flame)
6)Chain Firebolt
7) ?
9)Metior Swarm (balls of solid silver, trailing blue fire)

Bonus Feats
Empower Spell, Maximise Spell, Endurance, Spell Focus, Weapon Focus (rays), Iron Will, Lighnight Reflexes, Attractive (home-brew, does exactly what it says on the tin)

Bloodline Arcana
by expending a spell-slot one level higher, you can change half the damage of a fire spell to untyped arcane damage, therefore bypassing fire resistance

Bloodline Powers
Healing Flame - at first level, you can fill your hand with a soothing blue-fire. this alows you, by touch, to heal 1d4 + caster level damage to another. you can use this 3/day + charisma modifier

Absorb Magic - at 3rd level, you can use a spell-slot of equivilent level to counter a spell, using the same rules as a dispel magic being used as a counterspell (so, to counter a 2nd level spell, you expend a 2nd level slot, and so on)

Wings of Arcane Flame - at 9th level, you can manifest wings of blue flame (use rules for the equivilent power from celestial bloodline)

Gift of the Blue Lady - the healing-power of the arcane flame blossoms into its true potential. you can expend a spell-slot to heal others. each spell-slot expended heals 1d4+1 damage per level of the slot.

Capstone Ability - ?

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