Farewell2kings Campaign (Greyhawk CY 576)

Campaign Journals

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This is going to be the thread for the Farewell2kings campaign. Right now the action takes place predominantly in the See of Medegia and Hestmark Highlands area. The players have already completed several house-designed encounters and have completed Module "Citadel by the Sea" published in Dragon magazine 22 years ago and have also finished "Ever-Changing Fortunes" from Dungeon #85.

I plan to use as many Dungeon magazine adventures as possible, as I have little time to design adventures. Hopefully a cool theme will emerge, I'm going to run this game a little looser than my past games have been.....although throwing some politics in is always irresistible.

Here's a rough outline from my own notes on events so far:

Date Location Activity

4-13-576 Pontylver Silver (human female ranger), Locke Cole (human male rogue), Loganarius (fighter, human male) and Drak-Arath Taranial (elven male sorcerer) hitch a ride on an unguarded wagon train headed west for the village of Irian. One of the wagons throws an axle and the PC’s defend the wagon overnight against brigands.

4-14-576 Irian PC’s arrive in Irian, loosely banded together, end up traveling to Engemild’s Vineyards, to be hired by Elder Engemild to root out a small goblin infestation nearby. Prior to that, Sgt. Mern of the Irian militia showed them a sketch of the bandit lord at area 7 (Pontylver Environs map), but Logan slightly offended Mern by his demeanor. 225 xp each

4-15-576 Engemild’s Vineyards PC’s help drive off goblin raiders on vineyard territory. Drak takes ill and fails to participate. PC’s helped by Herban Engemild and two house guards. Next morning, raid goblin caverns and kill/capture 15 goblins with Herban’s help. Get reward and healing potion each from Elder Engemild. 800 xp each.

4-15-576 Engemild’s Vineyards Drak recovers from his intestinal illness and while the other PC’s are off hunting goblins he finds two orcs spying on the winery. He kills one and drives off the other and with help from Torsten Engemild and four winery employees, track the orcs to the ruined keep of Jawarl Avignon, where six orcs attack the group. One winery employee is slain and Drak is knocked out, but the group carries the day and Drak is reunited with his party members at the Vineyards.

4-16-576 Near Engemild’s Vineyards PC’s begin exploring the old elvish fortress of Jawarl Avignon, captured and converted by orcs 300 years ago, and then expelled by the Duke of Medegia some 150 years ago. Orcs have re-infiltrated the place and are searching for an orcish artifact elven slayer spear, the PC’s find out. The exploration party consisted of Silver, Drak, Loganarius and the dwarven teamster Gruntar and the elven ranger Aria. Gruntar had been running supplies to the vineyard and decided to tag along in case the PC’s need to have treasure hauled away for a fee. Aria knows Silver from their work in the Grandwood Forest. Aria had been tracking the goblins that the PC’s defeated the day before and she joined the group to get rid of the orcs in the stronghold. Locke Cole had to return to Pontylver briefly to complete an “errand” but stated he would return shortly to help liberate any treasure found in the stronghold. Drak and Silver got in an argument about what to do with 6 kobold slaves of the orcs that the party found. Drak wanted to use them as trapspringers, but Silver wanted to let them go because they had already provided all the information they knew. The situation ended up in a fistfight between Drak and Silver, which Silver won easily. The kobolds were freed and left, quite amused by what they had seen.

4-17 to 4-18-576 Javarl Avignon Party consisting of Drak, Silver, Loganariuis and Aria continue their exploration of Javarl Avignon; moving into the first dungeon level and cleaning it out of giant rats, a few orcs and a wererat. Drak is blinded by the wererat sorcerer and the party has to retreat to get his vision returned. Silver stays and keeps watch on the dungeon to make sure no one escapes with the magical spear that is supposed to be inside. At Irian, the party looks for the cleric of Hextor that runs the shrine there but does not find him in town. Instead, they make contact with Lt. Terba Morning blade and his patrol. He questions them about their adventuring writ and allows them to get one issued on the spot when it is apparent that they do not have one. Terba cures Drak’s blindness with a scroll in return for a magical crossbow, for which he also pays 500gp. Terba’s contact with the party was neutral-friendly, but since Engemild vouched for them, Terba was satisfied that they are not brigands. The party finishes exploring the 1st dungeon level and stands ready to descend to the 3rd dungeon level. 520xp each.

4-19-576 Starday Jawarl Avignon Party finishes exploring the lowest level, consisting of Drak, Silver, Loganarius and Aria. They recover the evil orcish spear “Elfdestroyer” and return to the winery, collecting their 600gp reward from Elder Engemild. XP 1000 Party spend the night at Engemild’s estate, planning to go to Pontylver the next day. They hear about Dorr and its large elven population and that Ruoyna’s Den south of there is a safe place to stay.

4-20-576 Irian Party goes to the small town of Irian and manages to sell a lot of their plunder. They decide to forego going to Pontylver and decide to travel to Dorr instead

4-21-576 On the road About 24 miles west of Irian, the party spends the night in a farmhouse that had been ransacked by unknown creatgures. Confronted by the Medegian Army in them orning, they find htat an unknown group of worgs or werewolves might be responsible.

4-23.576 On the road

4-24-576 Dorr Make contact with Arb and Erian, the dwarvish and elvish clerics (elderly) who run the Alms House. They put the party in contact with Akara, the kobold from “Ever Changing Fortunes” and the party discusses about whether or not to help. Party stays at Darkmantle Inn, make friendly contact with Thulla Axebiter. Aria makes a substantial donation of 80gp to the alm house.

4-25-576 Road to Ruoyna’s Den from Dorr Party leaves for Ruoyna’s Den, led by Akara the kobold. Ambushed on the way by Krista Ferns and her bandits, the party kills most of the bandits, including Krista Ferns, and leaves 4 alive, bound, but with battleaxes and shields nearby. The party arrives at Ruoyna’s Den and sells their booty to a traveling merchant. When Bear learns of their quest to free the dwarves, he gives them healing potions and free stabling for their animals.

4-26-576 Copper Mines near Ruoyna’s Den Party enters via water caves back entrance. Defeat the kobold tribe after their Chief offers a truce after the party killed over half the kobolds. Kobolds are told to leave before the party gets back. Party negotiates the water caves and defeats three tough troglodytes at the back entrance to the mines. 1300 xp
4-27-576to 5-3-576 Copper Mines near Ruoyna’s Den Party retreats to heal up and re-enter the cavern. Defeat troglodytes and free dwarven slaves. Given award of a masterowrk metal or stone object crafted by the dwarves, plus the service of Hanor Sharpaxe, a 3rd level cleric of Moradin, for a year.

Cory, I hope you keep a better log than this, otherwise you ain't getting your 10% XP bonus!!


Cool! A RUSH-inspired campaign!

Steve Greer wrote:
Cool! A RUSH-inspired campaign!

Hey, I'm glad somebody out there noticed. F2K is not my favorite Rush album musically, but it's my favorite Rush album title.

Well, Cory informed me that he's not keeping the log for this campaign, but for Brian's Star Trek game....oh well. For my players, what I will do is post a synopsis of the game here after each gaming session and then you guys can add your two cents in between games. I would like you post your PC's perspective of what happened, if you want. I may award some extra XP, at least 50 for a parapgraph, maybe up to 150 for a really entertaining post, but not more than that.

Synopsis from last game:

5-4-576 Hestmark Highlands near copper mines

Ambushed by 4 ogres, the party suffers a lot of damage from the beasts, but manage to slay them. Tracking the group back to their lair, the final ogre is killed there and the lair plundered. The party arrives at Ruoyna’s den in the afternoon and finds a merchant train encamped there, where they sell some of their mundane plunder.
Later in the evening, Lt. Terba Morningblade and a reinforced squad of Medegian regulars arrive to begin a recruiting drive for the summer’s campaigning season. Drak buys the Lt. a bottle of wine and tries to get information out of him about what’s going on, but doesn’t find out anything beyond the usual planned raids in the Hestmark Highlands to fight the Sunndi and bandits. Lots of travelers arrive at Ruoyna’s den and the party spends the evening gathering rumors and hanging out with the locals. Bear asks Silver to light the bridge lanterns, but she finds one of the Royal Pathwardens gravely wounded on the bridge. She brings him back to the Den and he is healed up enough to state that Dedermont’s Keep has been overrun by monsters, trolls and others. Lt. Morningblade sends an immediate courier to Dorr to get reinforcements and states that they are setting out in the morning to go to the Keep. The party offers to help out (for a reward) and Morningblade agrees.

5-5-576 Traveling

15 Medegian heavy infantry lead by Lt. Morningblade, Drak, Silver, Loganarius, Aria and the dwarf Hanor set out for Dedermont’s Keep. Silver gets annoyed with the Lieutenant because his pace of travel doesn’t allow her to do a proper job of tracking. By night fall the group is within a few hundred yards of the keep. Silver and Aria do an excellent scouting job and locate two orcish tree sentries and locate the guards upon the palisades. A plan is hatched for the morning assault and the group makes a cold camp that luckily goes undiscovered. During the night, the Medegian soldiers carve out a simple battering ram and attach four 200’ ropes to a small tree trunk they cut down.

5-6-576 Dedermont’s Keep—northern Wailing Wood Without much further ado, Silver and Aria take out the orc tree sentry and the group rushes the back of Dedermont’s Keep. The soldiers formed three groups—one to pin down the sentries on the palisades with crossbow fire, one to rush the palisades and throw the rope loops over the palisade tops and one to push the lever (tree trunk) the ropes were attached to, which was inside the tree line 50 yards away. The PC’s also closed with the wall, firing at the orcs on the palisades. Drak cast a summon swarm on the palisades as well. The plan went well, the palisades came down but not before two displacer beasts and two trolls attacked the group. 4 soldiers went down in the battle and many were hurt, but the four creatures were put down within about a minute. Hanor healed the Medegian Lieutenant, who was knocked unconscious by one of the displacer beasts.

The game ended with 11 combat effective Medigian heavy infantry, the wounded Lieutenant and the party members ready to enter the compound through the breach in the palisades that they created. 2 Medegian soldiers are permanently KIA and 2 are too wounded to continue and are staying behind with the mules and gear 200 yards away. 1100 xp for each PC.

Um....DM? You forgot to mention that when we freed the dwarves from their hellish imprisonment that I killed the drow elf keeping them captive in a most glorious fashion with only one hit from the "Elfdestroyer" spear and you kind of down-played the time that I beat the snot out of Drak, the insufferable, for trying to take advantage of those who are weaker than we are. But....that's OK. I'm really just a humble ranger out to right the wrongs in the world. I don't expect my spectacular doings to be written in the songs that will be sung by bards to entertain lords and ladies. I'll just humbly go about my business and hope that my work helps make the world a better place.

Yeah, I also forgot to mention that you guys had the dwarven miners destroy the elf-slayer spear (Alkarg), for which you got bonus experience points. Oh well, can't remember everything, which is one of the reasons I wanted to set up this thread--with thanks to Paizo for letting us do it.


Since I did not participate in the last game, I can not comment. However, check this site after every game since you are all going to want to see what Loganarius is thinking about you!

Can you believe that I had a stroke of creativity, and had written a complete log / commentary from Aria's perspective. I hit preview, and the site took me to the online store instead. I was working on it for TWO HOURS, and I lost everything! I didn't see any way that you could save it as you go. Sh*t.

Wow--Tina--that much effort? Type up your log as a wordpad document and then cut and paste the text into the post. That way you won't lose it and you also have a permanent record.

Here is what I've got so far. More to come.

Aria's Log

The year is 576

4-16 I tracked the goblins to this fortress, only to find that they had met their demise by an adventuring group. Damned, the bad luck. I was pleasantly surprised however, to discover that an old acquaintance of mine, Silver, was one of the adventurers. Our paths haven’t crossed since our work in the Grandwood Forest. She invited me to help rid this stronghold of a bunch of orcs and to search for an elf-killing spear. A noble cause, indeed!

I’m not too sure about Silver’s new friends though. Loganarius is rather loud, rude, and… well… human. Drak, an elven sorcerer seemed OK at first (quite full of himself, though) until he suggested that we use 6 kobold slaves that we freed and questioned as TRAPSPRINGERS of all things. Silver then quickly and effectively showed him the error of his ways.

4-17 to 4-18 Fought a tough battle with some giant rats, orcs, and a wererat sorcerer. Drak was blinded by the sorcerer during the fight, so we needed to get him cured. The party quickly decided to seek the aid of a Hextor cleric. Of course, I was appalled with the idea. The whole idea of making niceties with one of those vicious oppressors nauseates me (I said nothing, of course). Where do the loyalties of my fellow adventurers lie, anyways? I figured that the best way to find out would be to accompany Drak and Loganarius to Irian while Silver kept watch over the dungeon. As they say, keep your friends close… your enemies closer.

We didn’t find the cleric… Good thing. I don’t know that I would have been able to hide my hatred for him. Instead, we met a Lt. in the Medigian army (a little more acceptable, but not by much). He cured Drak, and issued us an adventurers writ, for a price. We then went back and cleared the remainder of the dungeon’s first level.

4-19 After clearing the dungeon’s lowest level, we “recover the evil orcish spear “Elfdestroyer”…” YEAH… out of my CHEST! Silver healed me up. We then disputed what we should do with the spear. Drak and I both agreed that the spear needed to be destroyed ASAP. Loganarius and Silver wanted to keep it. I expected that from Loganarius, but Silver? She finally reluctantly agreed with Drak and I.

4-20 Went to Irian to sell some of our loot. Didn’t get rid of the spear yet, though. Maybe we’ll get rid of it in Dorr.

4-21 Spent the night in a ransacked farmhouse. A lot of death happened here. The next morning, guess who appeared! Why, it’s Lt. Morningblade, our new friend from Irian! Gee… do you think he’s following us? He informs us that worgs or werewolves might have been responsible. We add Silver to our adventurers’ writ, as we had forgotten to do so in Irian.

4-24 Dorr. A much nicer place than I was expecting… quite civil, actually. Met a cleric of my god, Corellon Larethian. His name is Erian, and he helps to run the overwrought local alms house. In thanks to CL for sparing my life, I donate 80gp to the alms house. The rest of the party was pretty shocked. Don’t get your panties in a bunch… I was feeling generous. Arb (the dwarven cleric who also runs the alms house) and Erian put us in contact with a kobold named Akara, who presents us with another assignment. We are to get rid of some kobolds and troglodytes that took over a copper mine near Ruoyna’s den. Sounds like fun.

Drak’Arath Tarantial I must say that this party I have joined has been fun. We have gotten to kill some very unpleasant beasts, destroy an evil spear and have gotten the humans to bathe! I do enjoy humans very much as they seem to think they are superior! Ha, what joy to let them have their fleeting fantasies! They are here and gone so quickly. Ah well those Engemild chaps were very fine people indeed. Love their wine.

With this party my powers are increasing at a very fast rate. If this keeps up I should be able to fly and blast things about with greater efficiency.

That last battle with the Trolls, and orcs was very fun. I was able to suppress the beasts with a swarm of spiders that definitely sent Silver & Aria squirmy. My, it is strange to see such stout Rangers get all squealy and fussy!

I was very impressed with good dwarf Hanor’s hold person spell (note to self: must learn that one). Anyway I really enjoy my scorching ray spell, it really heats up the battle!

Like... oh m'gawd! I don't mind, like one spider, or maybe even three... but they were like, all OVER him. I gotta admit.. they were like.. really effective though.

Your friendly neighborhood Valley Ranger

Aria's Personal Journal - continued.

4-24 continued. Did I mention the shopping in Dorr? Nice stuff! I bought myself a fashionable courtier’s outfit with matching jewelry, and a nice signet ring. The party was rather surprised, wondering how a ranger like me could appreciate such things. So what if I’m now considered to be the first “Valley Ranger”. There’s like totally nothing wrong with wanting to feel like awesome about yourself every now and then.

I also bought a mule to help lighten my load. I named him Dorn after my father since he can be just as obstinate at times. I sure wish Father would stop pestering me about settling down and getting married. I wonder what trog he’s picked out for me this time. I’ve been feeling pretty uptight since I received Father’s summons. Talking with Drak after our meditations has helped some. He insists that I don't have to feel obligated to do anything that I don't want to do... especially when I haven't made promises do so. It kind of sounds like he's speaking from experience.

4-25 On the road to Ruoyna’s den, we were ambushed by some wench and her minions. She said that she was there to relieve us of all of our valuables. Things didn’t quite work out the way she had planned. We relieved her and several others of their lives, and left 4 of her minions nearly naked, bound, and cowering in the forest with their weapons close by. It was a good deal for us. Not only did we get their loot, we also took their horses. I now have a beautiful feisty black named Darkwind who loves to run. We took to each other right away, and when I ride him, it feels like I’m flying!

Once again, Silver and I are working quite efficiently together. I’m getting used to Loganarius and his loud, belligerent ways, and he is a very capable fighter. I still don’t really trust him, though. Drak and I have been getting along very well since our agreement on the fate of the spear…WHICH WE STILL HAVE, mind you.

4-26 Entered the copper mines near Ruoyna’s den. We killed a lot of kobolds and a few trogs. We gave the remainder of the kobolds the option to leave peacefully. They agreed. Wise choice.

4-27 to 5-3 After taking a break to heal up, we re-entered the mines and killed the remainder of the troglodytes. Silver used the evil spear to kill a drow elf (yeah, yeah, Silver and Loganarius.. it DID come in handy... You told me so... but it still has to go.

After freeing the dwarven slaves, we were awarded with a masterwork metal or stone object. I chose a masterwork chain shirt, but it slowed me down too much. I’ll probably sell it. They also awarded us with the services of a dwarven cleric named Hanor Sharpaxe for a year. With as much as we get hurt, a cleric sure is a welcome addition! The spear FINALLY met its demise in one of the mine’s foundries. Silver seemed pretty nonchalant about it (kind of like she was appeasing whining children), Loganarius grumbled… Drak and I celebrated.

5-4 What a day! We were still near the copper mines in the Hestmark Highlands when we were ambushed by 4 ogres. Tough fight! We then cheared and plundered their lair. We finally made it to Ruoyna’s den, and sold some of our stuff to traveling merchants.

Just when we were finally getting relaxed, who shows up AGAIN? Well, hello Lt. Morningwood… I mean… blade! Recruiting, I see! Sorry, the people here seem to be WAY too friendly to join YOUR band of tyrants. Thankfully, I was able to swallow my bile and keep my mouth shut (don’t worry… I brushed). Drak, ever the charmer, bought the twerp a bottle of wine and tried pumping him for information about what’s going on. Either Drak wasn’t charming enough, or Morningwood is pretty low on the food chain, because all he found out was that they were continuing their frequent raids of peaceful Sunndi villages.

Again, I was just getting relaxed (and accustomed to the stench of the Medegian soldiers), when Silver appeared with a badly wounded Royal Pathwarden from Dedermont’s Keep. He informed us that the Keep had been taken by monsters. For a reward, Silver negotiated a deal with Morningwood to assist his reinforcements in liberating the Keep. I feel like we’re making a deal with the devil, but at least we share a common enemy in this case. I’m not too fond of trolls and other monsters, either. (I sure hope the soldiers bathe first, or we might lose the element of surprise.)

5-5 We set off for Dedermont’s Keep with Morningwood and 15 soldiers. Morningwood agreed with Silver’s suggestion that she and I would track the Pathwarden’s trail ahead of the soldiers for signs of deception and/or ambush. The idiot went ahead and spurred his soldiers on so quickly that they overtook us and made tracking impossible. Silver was pretty hot about it, and told him so. When we arrived at the Keep, Silver and I scouted the place out and located some orcish sentries in the trees. Plans and preparations were made for the following morning.

5-6 After I took out the tree sentry (with amazing finesse, mind you), we began the assault of the keep. The soldiers prepared to pull down the palisades with ropes while we attacked the orcish palisades sentries from below. We were just getting into the rhythm of the fight when we were attacked on the ground by two trolls and two displacer beasts (nasty things, both). Drak summoned a swarm of spiders to attack the sentries… creepy, but effective. His scorching ray worked well, too. We defeated the creatures and the sentries, and burned the bodies of the trolls (finally... a smell that's even more offensive than that of human soldiers). At last, we’re ready to enter the Keep.

I still can’t believe that I’m fighting side-by-side with these soldiers. It gives me a sick feeling in my gut, but I guess that the more soldiers that are kept busy fighting battles like these, the fewer there will be to raise hell in the Hestmark Highlands. In the meantime, I'm paying very close attention to their tactics, strengths and weaknesses in this battle. This information could prove to be quite useful to the rest of the Highlands' defenders.

5-6-576 Dedermont’s Keep-Northern Wailing Wood Loganarius left the group after the battle with the displacer beasts, vowing to return after he took care of a urgent matter. As the group entered the palisaded keep, the kobolds fled the area and the soldiers pursued. The party entered the keep and defeated the dire rats gorging themselves on the old corpses. Hanor suggested retreating to replenish spells, but before the party could retreat, the harpies from the keep came out and started their attack. Hanor and Silver were captivated by their song, but thanks to Drak’s scorcing blast and Aria’s accurate arrow fire, the two harpies were driven off, heavily wounded. Out of spells, the party retreated into the woods to rest and replenish their spells. In the afternoon, the soldiers had returned, having killed five of the fleeing kobolds, but the rest managed to escape. Terba Morningblade ordered his troops to contain the perimeter of the keep, while he joined the party to help explore Dedermont’s Keep. The party clears out the keep and find out what happened, the attack of the council of the Thorn and the subsequent release of the monsters and the death of the Pathwardens. The party also finds out that Major Dedermont is captured by the Council of the Thorn. Morningblade rewards the party with 500gp each and a +1 chain shirt recovered from the keep. He advises that he’s going to report to his superiors to find out what they want to do with the Council of the Thorn. Morningblade notes in the group’s charter that the rendered honorable service to the Army of the See of Medegia. Aria realizes that Major Dedermont and the Royal Pathwardens of this area are the same organization that is attempting to subjugate the elves and woodsmen of the Grandwood Forest on behalf of the Overking. 1200 xp each.

Aria Avinwyn wrote:
Can you believe that I had a stroke of creativity, and had written a complete log / commentary from Aria's perspective. I hit preview, and the site took me to the online store instead. I was working on it for TWO HOURS, and I lost everything! I didn't see any way that you could save it as you go. Sh*t.

This is a really anoying problem with the boards that I have as well. Its absolutely infurating when one looses a long winded post in order to check out soem Rubix Cube.

I must say that once that pallisade was down the entire affair was pretty much over. Oh there were some large beastly rats, but they surely did not appreciate the fire I set upon them nor Aria's stinging arrows. She surely can fire at an alarming rate and is very acurate too. After the rats were run off, there was a sticky bit about those flying divas. Once again the Elvish blood lines were able to resist their ghastly screeching. Aria turned one of the carrion birds into a pin cushion, while I roasted them both! Too bad I can't fly yet, or they would have tasted the end of my rapier!
As we gained entrance to the keep, I found that our rangers surely like to whisper to each other, must be a girl thing. Oh well who can understand the fairer sex, not me I must say.

The creatures of this keep were not much of a bother, and we soon cleaned the place out and that Morningblade chap sure seems to be a man of great character! Too bad Aria has such an inexplicable mistrust of the lad.

Okay, Cory's pathetic excuses about spending time with his wife and family are okay after all, me being such a big softie. While Loganarius didn't get XP for the last adventure, I'm not going to drop him out of the campaign.

The same thing goes for the rest of you alcoholic, middle aged and grey haired members of my gaming group (applies to all of you except my lovely wife of course). If you want someone else to play your character while you're bleeding out in an emergency room or whatever, just make sure they have a copy of your current character sheet. I trust everyone's role playing ability enough to do an adequate job.

5-7-576 Dedermont’s Keep
After spending the night in the now cleared keep, the party decided to go back to Dorr. Loganarius returned from his forest excursion and rejoined the group. Shortly after leaving the keep the party was attacked by 4 centaurs led by two members of the Council of the Thorn. A vicious exchange of arrows followed, but Silver and Aria were able to convince the druids to cease the attack. The rangers did some quick talking and told the druids that they didn’t know that they were helping to free a Royal Pathwarden Keep, they said they thought they were just killing monsters. The druids broke off the attack and eluded the party. Silver tracked the centaurs however and the party started following the tracks south towards the Druids’ Grove. Mardack eventually confronted them and told them to go to Boss Fromm’s camp in the Hestmark Highlands, as he did not trust their explanations.

5-8-576 Dorr
Back in Dorr, Aria and Silver made contact with Laeridon Redleaf, who provided them with a map on how to get to the Redleaf estate, seeing how Aria told Redleaf that she was a cousin of his sister-in law. Aria also gave a 100gp donation to the local alms house.

5-9-576 Dorr
The party leaves Dorr this morning, but noticed that the two companies of Medegian regulars that had been camped around the town have left. The regulars have gone east instead of west and are apparently attacking the Council of the Thorn in the Wailing Wood. The group headed south to Ruoyna’s Den, where they ate lunch. Silver spoke to Bear about the conversation she had overhead between him and Lt. Morningblade several days earlier. Bear stated only that there are some members of the Medegian military who have sworn loyalty to the See of Medegia for generations and that the Overking hasn’t always been evil.

5-9-576 Sharpaxe Copper Mines
The party spends the night at the copper mines of the Sharpaxe Clan. They notice that four elves, claiming to be from Sunndi, are helping hide and disguise the approaches to the mine, as the dwarves are anticipating hostilities in the coming months.

5-10-576 8 miles west of Sharpaxe copper mines
The party comes across the small woodsman town of Berlingford that has been plagued by a strange disease that turns its victims feral and blackens their gums. The party discovers that a strange smelling subterranenan fungus might be to blame and begins to investigate. Their trail leads them to a cabin just outside the town, where they fight and kill a wereboar named Remus.

Aria Avinwyn wrote:

Drak and I have been getting along very well since our agreement on the fate of the spear…WHICH WE STILL HAVE, mind you.

I just wanted to share with you me lady that I am enjoying reading your journal, and that destroying the spear would be a act of goodness. Playing a Paladin of Heironeous I tend to hold Elves in high reguard plus I take a bath rather frequently. Keep up the good works and don't let those stiff knecked characters pull you into their mier. :)

I must try this more often as I seem to have forgotten how to do this communion with the gods. Let me submit my prayer and see how it goes.

Ah it went well. I Drak'Arath am pleased to jot down the latest exploits of our most hearty band. Logan the hairless returned to us in time to sleep! Those hours of emptying his bowels must have been a tiring ordeal.

Ah I regress, we had just cleaned out the post and Sir Morningblade left with his men when we decided to stay here for the night.

Silver at once declared, "It's the open air for me!", to which I replied "Good for you" and went looking for the best chambers available. Ah, I found the Lord's chambers, with a pleasantly unspoiled four poster bed with a feather mattress and plump pillows. As it was the only decently appointed quarters I claimed it for me. My invitation to the beautiful Aria to join me was pleasantly accepted. She stated that she needed to get prepared and left the room! Yes I surely love a woman who prepares!

While I tidied the room up, the quiet was shatted by a loud thumping and scraping sound! I prepared my rapier and was ready for the creature that was approaching my chambers, when the door was kicked in......and enters Aria dragging her own bed with a wicked grin upon her beautiful face! Ah my heart!

Silver had to be talked out of spending the night alone in the woods as a divided party is a dead party. At least those who go off on their own. She grungingly agreed. In response to my offer of throwing some dirt on the floor for her sleep upon, she present a very novel and new rude gesture.

I acquired a new spell that allowed me to magically protect entrances to wake us if intruded upon, which I did. As a result the night went without mishapp.

The next day was very interesting, to say the least. I was bleed quit well by a very well placed centaur arrow, but prior to my response the rangers were able to quell the situation and we left.

After clearing the woods and dealing with some very unclean nature priests we went to Dorr. To speed things up, we came across a cursed village that we decided to help. At a lone woodsman cottage we had a brief confrontation with another beasty. This one was a wereboar, and I promptly pulled his tusks with my magic. He was very arogant and rude. Too bad he was burnt to a crisp and he reverted back to human. His head (boar that is) would have looked very nice at the local inn.

So that's my tale, hope you all enjoyed!

5-6 cont. Well… we won, I guess. After the battle (which was glorious, mind you), while exploring the keep, Silver and I suddenly realized that we had just “liberated” it on behalf of the enemy… wonderful. NEVER again. The monsters were summoned by the Council of the Thorn. I would have never thought that harpies, trolls, orcs and displacer beasts could possibly be the GOOD GUYS. When the time comes, I’ll take responsibility for my actions, and somehow try to make amends.

5-7 I KNEW that fighting with these cursed soldiers would finally catch up with us, I just didn’t realize that it would be so soon. We were attacked by 4 centaurs who, no matter how Silver and I tried to explain, just wouldn’t accept the fact that we didn’t know that the keep belonged to the enemy and that we were fighting the good guys. Thankfully, we did get them to break off the attack. I really didn’t want to hurt them. The druid Mardack ordered us out of the woods and told us to plead our case to Boss Fromm is the Hestmark Highlands. I was heartbroken, and tried to convince him to let us stay to help defend the forest, but he’d have nothing to do with us. I hope that Boss Fromm is more amenable.

5-8 We went back to Dorr, and I met up with Laeridon Redleaf, my cousin’s husband’s brother. He’s a city watch guard, and is somewhat loyal to them, I guess. He did give me a map to the Redleaf estate in the Highlands. The map also showed the location of Boss Fromm’s estate. Praise CL! Getting that information was much easier than I thought it would be.

5-9 We left Dorr, and found out that the soldiers that had been camped outside the city gate went on to attack the Council of the Thorn in the Wailing Wood. We were kind of torn between helping the Council fight them, or continuing onto the Highlands to speak to Fromm. As far as I’m concerned, the druids ordered us out, so I’m staying out. I wouldn’t want them to see us and think that we are fighting them instead of the enemy. After all, they were dense enough to doubt Silver’s and my sincerity in this matter before.

We spent the night at the Sharpaxe copper mines.

5-10 We came across the tiny village of Berlingford. Strange place. There is something plaguing them. It looks like lycanthropy, but it apparently isn’t. It might have something to do with some fungus that they are being force-fed. We killed Remus, the wereboar, and we’re going to investigate a nearby cave. I was scratched during the battle and took a dose of belladonna shortly after the battle. Hopefully the scratches aren’t a means of contracting this. Wereboars are ugly!

5-10-576 Near Berlingford The party decides to take the victims back to Berlingford. As darkness falls, they hear the deep growls and howls of very large wolves nearby. The party decides to try to take the 1 mile walk back into Berlingford as dusk falls. On the way back, they are ambushed by orc savages affected by the blacktooth fungus. Drak is knocked unconscious in the viscious melee, but the party defeat 8 orc savages in a very tough fight. The party comes back to Berlingford to find the town had just been attacked by large wolves. The party’s sudden appearance causes suspicion from the mayor, but Lariya the Witch says the party is telling the truth. The party is insulted by the town’s mayor’s behavior, as he questions their sudden appearance whenever an attack has occurred. The PC’s go back to the cabin a mile up the trail to spend the night. During the night a heavy thunderstorm moves in.
5-11-576 Near Berlingford In the morning, Lariya the Witch contacts the party and asks them to help the town. She tells the party that she suspects Kazok, a former member of the Council of the Pines, as having kidnapped the Council of the Pines and being behind the madness caused by the blacktooth fungus. She tells the party that she can probably prepare a cure if she can examine the blacktooth fungus growing in its natural environment, and asks that they contact her if they find the fungus growing in the caverns where she suspects Kazok as hiding. The party returns to town and commissions the blacksmith to make more silver arrow heads for them before they head to the caverns. An argument between the party members ensues about the wisdom of staying behind in Berlingford to await more arrowheads and silver weapons, or whether they should just go attack the caves right now. The decision is made to attack immediately. Prior to leaving, Silver scouted around the town and made contact with Felinal, the “awakened” local wolf pack leader who confides in her that many of the members of his pack were corrupted by the blacktooth fungus and that he wants them freed from the caves. He also tells Silver that two of the pack members that succumbed to the fungus were pregnant and he wants the puppies back for his pack. She agrees to try. Upon arrival at the caves, the PC’s are immediately met with a strong force of savage orcs and an ettin, whom they defeat after a fine melee battle. Upon entering the caves, they are ambushed by the feral blink dogs Kazok had corrupted. Kazok himself enters the fray and slays Loganarius with a flame strike, which also caused much equipment damage to the other victims of it. Even though Silver’s sword is pitted with fire damage, she still managed to close with Kazok before he could cast another spell and slam the sword into his chest, which had already been peppered with arrow fire from Aria and a flame spell from Drak. The party managed to free all the puppies, most of which had not been affected by the black tooth fungus. They brought Lariya up to the caves and she examined the fungus for a possible cure. The two remaining members of the Council of the Pines were also freed and taken back to town and caged until a cure could be found. The puppies were returned to Felinal and the group stumbled back into town that night, exhausted from their day’s work. Loganarius’ body was wrapped in linens and put into a coldroom for now.

5-14-576 Berlingford Lariya develops an herbal cure for the blacktooth fungus affliction. The cure takes several weeks to work fully, but she manages to restore Dravis and Shella, the surviving Pine Council druids. Dravis casts “reincarnate” on Loganarius, who manages to return as himself, human. 3050 xp.

They tell me that I died. I remember the feeling of floating and of a cool darkness surrounding me like a blanket in the deepest winter. I could hear the pleasing tones of Dwarvish singing as if from a great distance like at the floor of a valley between the mountains with a sinking wind forcing the delightful echos of the women's voices down from the crags. I seem to remember looking up at something with two heads and a smell like dog that has died beneath the porch and has been rotting there for week! That smell is still with me in my dreams. Did I slay that beast? If so, I have no memory of it.

In the nights after my reincarnation, I find myself awakening in the middle of my sleep shift wet with sweat and disoriented. It takes me a few moments to realize where I am. It takes me a moment to realize WHO I am. Then I begin to think of my father and the hopeless cause I have embarked upon. I often turn my thoughts to why I am here and what I should really be doing with my time and talents. Then I see the faces of the people here in the highlands. The Elves and the others here have been so kind and understanding despite my best efforts to befoul their honest offers of friendship with my off handed wit and my desire to belittle everyone else.

Could it really require my death to allow me to actually see my companions and those others around me for the lanterns of good that they are? I have awakened from the deep dark to realize my place in the World at last. My father's life is his own and there was never anything I could ever have done to right those wrongs.

However, here in the highlands I have found a hurt that I can be a part of healing. I owe everything to the people here. Thus, I will repay them with everything that I am. I will aid them in their struggle against the Medigians and all that those people and all of the Empire beyond the Holy See stand for.

I pledge to this my hammer.
I pledge to this my honor.
I pledge to this my life!

These are now my people and I am their's.

As to my companions who have somehow tolerated my existance all this time, I must find a way to leave them. They have proved with their uncalled for kindness my unworthiness to remain in their company. Now, I must find the courage to bid them farewell for they shall forever retain my friendship though I am unworthy of theirs.

Upon the morning, I will tell them all. I will go to the Mayor of Berlingford and beg him for forgiveness and I will begin the process of earning this town's trust.

Yes, in the morning all will be well and I may begin the life that I was born to live and had to perish to find...

Tomorrow night I shall know sleep.


I have to say that this latest adventure was not as enjoyable as the previous ones. First of all our good rangers were unable to detect and avoid an insidious ambush of a group of the largest orcs I've ever encountered! I end up on the ground when my steed, Vial, which means "Twighlight" in the Elvish tongue, takes a fall from the trip rope.

Before I can gain my wits, pain is all I feel and then no more... then I awaken with Silver just removing the emtpy healing potion from my lips. With a quick grunt of gratitude I leap to my feet with a spell upon my lips, just to see the last of the brutes get hacked down.

Now that the danger is past for the moment, I thank Silver with a greater empathy than my previous attempt. I think she like the grunted thanks better than my eloquent speech of gratitude. Oh well, humans, who can understand them.

Well the woman and boy were slain, and our pack mules a little worse for the wear, so we move onto the town.

The town is also being attacked by wolves, which run from our approach. Then we get highly insulted by the boob of a mayor. At least we don't have to stay in this sty.

We get back to the slain family's cabin and lock ourselves in with our animals. The next morning the village witch meets with Silver and convinces her to convince us to free the town of this black toothed plaque.

We do accomplish the feat with a loss, Logan is burnt asunder by an evil priestly spell. At least he went quick. We win the day and get back to the town with rescued hostages and some loot.

It appears that Logan's dance with death has changed the man. And it seems he has lost his desire for adventure. Oh well.

Well... Well. I can see that Drak is all torn up about Loganarius' desire to commit to the Highland's defense and leave the party.

Well, at least we won't have to suffer through any long good byes!

Good luck to you three. Trust that you will have at least one friend here in the highlands (and through my future work, may you find many more...).

Perhaps I can be of direct service to you all at some point in the future in repayment for your kindness and friendship these past few months.


Someone needs to note that Loganarius will turn over the following items that belong to the party that he was holding:

A potion of Bull's Strength
A potion of Cure Light Wounds (1d8 +6)
A Potion of Cure Serious Wounds (2d8 +6)
A Masterwork War Hammer (might be worth something in a sale)

I knew it! For years, have I not warned my uncles and father of the impending action of the Over King? Have I not spent so many nights not in song with my kindred in the halls of our fathers but shouting with desperate voice to the old timbers?

Certainly, Papa and the oldsters who sit apart upon the high steps will listen now! Earnur and Io will now spread the word of the coming of the Medigians to Berlingford. Now Master Redleaf will begin the labor of marshalling our people to set down lyre, pipe, and flower and to replace them with blade, bow, and shield.

Years will be the making of our readiness although the Over King has decided to grant us but weeks. Our own blindness to the World has given the Over King command over our next actions.

Curse these men who wither the World about them as the Penkow Worm rots the Oak from its roots. Silent and unoticed until the time to stike has come.

And yet, with this misforune for our beloved Highlands, I find myself tasting the joy of freedom from the elders of my family. I have been bestowed upon the World to provide my full measure of wrath upon the backs of our enemies from the outside of my estate or to find my own fortune and leave my family to burn. It will, of course, be the Over King's minions who will feel the fire of my wrath; for my oath of service is dear to me (despite my father's speculations to the contrary) and I will find a way to mete out the destruction the Medigians so richly deserve.

I owe my Uncle Earnur and my good Cousin Io for finding these adventurers. I have spoken with them and they are true of heart. They are an unlikely cadre of beings. Their leader is an Elven Sorcerer of high measure. This Drak often speaks for the group; but, he is wise and allows others to speak and act when it is most advantageous! He is accompanied by one of my more distant Cousins Aria of whom I know little more than the glow of her goodly nature. She is a ranger of note! There is also a Human woman named Silver whose skills in the woodlands rival many of the high folk I have met!

To watch Silver and Aria working together upon the trail was a delighful entertainment. Though far younger than Earnur and from a far away land, they were making their own choices as to direction through the thickets and thorns of the paths to the Mesa and were coming to most of the same choices as my Uncle despite his clear advantage of having travelled these paths for over 118 years! The only way in which they could better surprise one is with their beauty. I have seldom seen women who are as competant with sight, skill, and blade and are as breathtaking as these maiden/warriors. They are warriors, poets, and women all at the same moment! I wonder if they fathom the tremendous power they might wield? I doubt that even the stout Dwarves of these hills could stand long in their radiance.

They are accompanied by one of these stout hearty folk from within the hills themselves! He is with them in response to their aiding the people of his family some time ago. As always, when a dwarf makes an oath (whether he is swearing to defend you, swearing to kill you, or merely declaring whether or not it will rain) You turn your mind to other things as you know that he will do as he says. I am looking forward to many a deep discussion with him as we traverse the countryside in our travels.

I have volunteered to fill a hole in their company left by a Human named Loganarius who has now committed himself to the defense of Berlingford. I hope that the Medigians will not recognize his difference from those in that small village. However, I know something about the tactics of the Over King and his minions. They will find this stranger amoung those native to the village. They will make him talk.

If the Medigians find him out, then we will be in need of haste to warn all who remain in the accessable places in the hills. It is my hope that these people will remain committed to the purpose of aiding the Highlanders in general and the Redleaf Clan in specifically for the defense agains the invaders.

I will urge every one of my kinsmen to aid them in their endeavors as I have by adding my sword and bow to theirs. I see that I can bond with and befriend these people. They are all of the sort that lends one to like them upon meeting them. I shall work hard to earn their trust and respect.

5-15-576 Berlingford Party stays in Berlingford after town throws them a celebratory feast. Silver discusses herbalism with Lariya. Drak enjoys the company of a Hartston estate wench. Aria stayed up talking with Master Hartston about various topics. Hanor got drunk in fine dwarvish fashion.
5-16-576 Traveling Scouts arrived in Berlingford and heralded the pending arrival of a full regiment of Medegian soldiers. The rebel-minded in town evacuated quickly and the party decided it was time to leave as well and head for Boss Fromm’s camp. Two of the three scouts were Redleaves and known to Aria, so the scouts joined the party, offering to guide them to Fromm’s hilltop fort 20 miles to the south. On the way, the party is ambushed by half-fiend servants of the Overking, five of them. A horrific fight ensues, with the party taking grievous injuries, but the party manages to prevail. Drak nearly died from sword cuts, but Hanor managed to get to him can cast cure serious wounds before Drak was gone. The half-fiend fighters yield a treasure trove of magical chain shirts and magical longswords, plus no small amount of coin. By evening, the party arrives at Boss Fromm’s camp, exhausted and battle weary. Fromm’s hilltop camp is on top of a flat mesa and can only be reached through a narrow gorge that gently winds up towards the hilltop. The encampment is heavily patrolled, so the party sleeps comfortably in a log cabin after managing to drink a few flagons and swap stories with the locals. Drak displays the body of one of the half-fiends he preserved in a store an item flask, to much enjoyment and racous laughter.

5-17-576 Fromm’s camp The party meets with Boss Fromm and Silver tries to convince him that they are not agents of the Overking even though they helped the Medegian army in the attack on the monster-overrun Dedermont’s Keep. Fromm had already spoken with the druid Mardak about it, but Fromm believed the party and advised them that they could use his camp as a base and were welcome to come and go as they pleased.

5-18-576 Fromm’s Camp The party members commission some minor magic items from Fromm’s wizards, trading and laying down large amounts of their coin for bracers of armor and other items.

Ah my injuries still pain me, even though good dwarf Hanor patched me up very well. I do not remember much of the fight with those fiends. I was able to stick one with my rapier before going down.

The hill fort of Boss Fromm is very impressive, and the atmosphere much more to my liking that that of the Medegian army's. I think I will stay around and help out as I have to even the score with those fiend scouts of the Overking!

Indeed, friend Drak. I too seek to avenge my wounds upon the servants of the Over King. His Fiends are far from home and will not be easily replaced! We have dealt their forces a great blow by ridding them of such powerful scouts!

My fondest desire is to rid him of as many of his knights as we can, for those are quite literally irreplaceable! The Medigians will have much of the "fight" taken from them should a goodly number of those powerful men fall. But, their armor is thick and their wills are bent on carrying out the evil desires of their Master. I dare say that the Medigians are more fearful of these hellish warriors than they are of us!

We must correct this, somehow.

It is wise to consult with my fathers and family at the Redleaf estate. But, I must warn you all, do not expect a military committment from my family! They stand against much of the Over King's policy; however, they are rooted here. There are songs here that have been sung longer than the humans in our group can trace their family lines! Do not expect the Eldest to openly oppose the Over King or his minions.

In fact, we must be cautious upon the road and the approaches to my home. THe Over King has minions who travel upon the air. It is even possible that they have already held council with the Eldest and the rest of the clan lords (Redleaf,Seregon, Earnural, the Rose Winds, and the others). Though, I am certain that we will find much aid amounst my brethren, the family and the Free Hold will most likely treat with the Medigians and the Over King's dogs to maintain a facade of loyalty.

This show of "loyalty" might be predicated on their turning us over to the Medigians for our success with the Fiends! I doubt this to my root. But, we should keep a weather eye upon the leaves as we approach the estate nonetheless. With you and our beautiful rangers with me, I am certain that the forest will give us ample warning of foul play if we listen to carefully.

Should signs of foul play elude us, I would like to suggest that once we are at the estate, that only Aria and I approach openly. We are family here and perhaps that will win favor with the Council of the Chiefs and with the Eldest if we are alone.

Should things go badly and we become separated in the wood. Do what you can to hide and cover. I know these woods, the trees will aid me in finding you all.

My insecurity has been lifted and I can continue my work. Boss From has confirmed my intentions and the doubt that was cast upon me by that gnarled, hateful druid, Mardak, is gone. Damn the man for causing me to even wonder about my own intentions!! Evil monsters need killing!! They can't be left alone to ravish good people!!! We can't be left to decide who is driving those monsters to their doings without being given insight!! Praise to Obad-Hai for giving me the knowledge and the power to destroy the evil and help the good! This is a war! Sadly, that means that innocents will die as well as evil. The cause is just. I will continue my fight.
Alas, we are losing Loganarius. As annoying as that man could be, and that was very annoying, he was a great help and good person to haave on our side of the cause. I always felt that there was more good in him than his arrogant and snide manner showed. Perhaps it is best that he died and returned to his body by the gods. Maybe now he will get to know his true self. Obad-Hai help him.
I appears that we may have a new companion to join us in our fight against the evil that plagues the See of Medegia. It will be a long hard battle. Obad-Hai help us.

5-18-576 Fromm’s Camp
The party members commission some minor magic items from Fromm’s wizards, trading and laying down large amounts of their coin for bracers of armor and other items. The stuff will take a week to finish.

5-20-576 Fromm’s Camp
Boss Fromm’s lieutenant approaches the party and tells them that Boss Fromm wants to hire them to go to Firewatch Island (location 57) and retrieve a secret map from Janore Stormwake, a cleric of Procan who lives there. Fromm doesn’t tell the PC’s what the map is, he just tells them to get a scroll tube from her, which must remain sealed. He says travel is dangerous duringthe summer war season, so he offers the PC’s 1000gp for completing the mission. One of Fromm’s lieutenants, Terranza, will accompany the party on this mission. Terranza is a doughty human female fighter who fights with a double headed axe.

5-24-576 Leavng Fromm’s Camp
The party leaves Fromm’s camp. They are warned of goblin scouts in the area, and surely, the party is ambushed by a large group of goblins, who attempt to fire missiles and take down Silver as she is scouting 300yrds ahead of the party. Unfortunately for the goblins, Silver spotted them before they were in position and managed to entangle most of fhem with an Entangle spell. Silver received quite a bit of javelin and arrow fire, but she picked off more goblins wit h her crossbow until the rest of the party arrived. Drak blasated the main goblin body with a fireball and the goblins routed. Terranza announced that if the party pushed hard, they could get make it to the village of Uskarn shortly after nightfall. They pressed on. By late afternoon the Oathbound (as Hanor refers to the as yet STILL unnamed group of adventurers) reached the coastal road to Uskarn, where they come upon a trio of Harpies fighting over a corpse they had fished out of the ocean. While several party members are charmed by the captivating song, the uncharmed ones make short work of two of the harpies, causing the last surviving one to flee. The Oathbound had a bit of trouble to negotiate their way into Uskarn after hours, but they eventually convinced the town watch to let them in. They arrived at the Sea Bass Inn, where Drak ingratiated himself with the locals by buying the whole tavern several rounds of drinks. The local ferryman that makes daily runs to Firewatch Island tried to charge the Oathbound five times the normal rate for going to the island, but Terranza’s forceful presence made him rethink his ways and he ended up getting paid twice as much if the took the party early the next morning.

5-25-576 Firewatch Island
After an hour’s ferry boat ride, the Oathbound docked at the small Firewatch Island. The party approached the hermitage and found very little activity. The front door was barred and it appeared like it had been busted down, so the party explored around the building. They encountered a covey of sea hags, who attempted to use their powers upon the Oathbound.Unfortunately, Aria succumbed to the frightful powers of the Sea Hags, her heart quailed and she dropped dead. The Sea Hags triumph was short lived, however, as Drak immediately killed both of them with a successful fireball spell. After a short discussion of ethical values, Drak drained Aria of her blood so that her weight could fit into a store an item spell vial. Drak got very angry at Elrohir when Elrohir questioned how the Gods might view that act, but Hanor confirmed that since the intent was to preserve her body so that she could be brought back from the dead, it was acceptable. The group went on to explore the rest of the hermitage, finding evidence of a savage attack. A huge peryton tried to carry off Silver, but Terranza managed to hack the creature down. The group also encountered a chuul laying in wait near a large group of dead bodies dumped into a cove behind the hermitage. The chuul gave the Oathbound some trouble before it, too, was finished off. Using a waterbreathing spell supplied by Hanor, Silver cut the chuul open to examine its stomach contents for treasure, but had to stop when a large group of sharks was attracted to the butchery. The party decided to spend the night in the hermitage’s larder, next to a secret door they had found behind some shelves. Soon after dark, a group of water soaked undead attacked the party, but the group had little difficulty in putting them into a final rest, although a very fast undead with a magical shortsword held his own for a few rounds before his head rolled into Davey Jones’ locker a final time.Unbeknownst to the party, the secret door they had been camping next to was the hiding place of Janore Stormswake, the cleric whom they had been searching for. Two of her companions had been affected by the blue rot disease spread by the waterlogged undead, and while the Oathbound were speaking to her, they succumbed to the disease and rose as undead, but not for long. Terranza told Janore that Boss Fromm had sent her to recover the map, and Janore took the party to her quarters to find the map. It was gone. Janore said the undead probably took it with them to Dagon’s Maw.

My dear Cousin Io,

This is the first in a series of letters that I am writing to you to attempt to chronicle my adventures with my new found comrades. It is my hope to send these to you by messenger whenever I am in the Hestmark and can do so.

We left Boss Fromm’s fortress near dawn after accepting from him a mission to retrieve an ‘item’ from a cleric of Pocan who resides on Firewatch Island. Her name is Janore Stormwake. Fromm sent with us one of his warriors named Terranza. She is the largest and toughest human fighter I have seen in many years! As it often turns out, her presence was most beneficial and a testimony to the wisdom of Pelor and the ways in which he manipulates the Fates.

“For the Pathwarden and the Celestial Knight, the way is not always clear… may they always be thankful and woe be to them who shun aid unbidden or unseen upon their road…”

Or so the 14th scroll of the Sun states. As our faith demands, I accepted her companionship without question sensing that her heart was a flower despite her outer appearance of toughness.

Thus I began my first journey with ‘The Oathbound’ (my new friend Hanor has given this name to our troupe despite its not having an ‘official’ name). After speaking with these folk extensively, I must once again bow to the practicality of the dwarves in the way in which they label the World about them.

The first leg of our adventure took us down from the hills to the coastal village of Uslarn. I found myself looking forward to the smell of the salt air and the sing-song of the waves upon the shores. Just before breaking from the high hills to the lowering rounds that lead down to the plain, we encountered a band of Goblins. We were marching in a loose formation. As I was occupied in deep conversation with our cousin Aria at the time, Silver (Aria’s counterpart human ranger of surprising beauty and even more surprising swordsmanship and woodcraft!) was scouting ahead in a position that Drak called the “Point”. She managed to get nearly half a fallon ahead of us when she skillfully spotted the clumsy oafs setting an ambush for us. She immediately cast a spell upon the grass causing a majority number of the hapless Goblins to be held fast to the ground. The surprised remainder found themselves the targets of her dangerous attention with her bow! Hearing her battle cry, we galloped the horses in an attempt to rush to her aid. When we broke cover and could see her in the distance, a dozen arrows were flying her way, with a few already stuck into the greaves of her armor! I begged Io’s Pride for a new burst of speed and the mare gave me everything she had left in a last sprint. I must admit, cousin, I find myself hearing Earnur’s words naming me but a child in the World as I failed utterly to notice two of the vile creatures holding a rope fast across the gap into which I charged and committed your horse and my head to collisions with the ground! Despite the price paid for my inattentiveness, we both struggled to our feet and found ourselves in combat.

As I was tumbling over Io’s Pride’s head toward my appointment with a mouthful of dirt, Drak spoke to the Goblins in a more appropriate manner. His fire bomb spell rocked us all with its blast of heat, and sent over a dozen of our foes to speak to vile darkness that is their god. The remainder fought on for a short few seconds and decided that they should follow the better part of valor and flee.

Though hurt grievously, it was amazing to see the smile on Silver’s beautiful face as a counterpoint to her arrow punctured studded armor. Such wounds would have brought many a warrior to his knees; yet, her first words were to ask if everyone else were all right! If a heart filled with the light of goodness could be seen with the eyes, this woman would be a lighthouse!

In true dwarfish fashion, good Hanor doled out the healing magic as if handing out ration bags without word or complaint… another beacon of good to light the dark paths of the World.

Once the rest of us joined in the melee, the remaining Goblins fled leaving a few still ensnared in the grass by Silver’s command. We questioned them and learned that they were indeed in the employ of the Over King’s forces currently invading the Highlands. We let those few go and resumed our trek to Uslarn in the knowledge that once again, the Over King’s Knights (and their dogs the Medigians), are keeping our movements in the intelligence reports their commanders hear each morning. We must begin to evade these patrols more if our actions are ever to become unpredictable!

As we followed the road to the coast, we began to smell the salt air! Ah! It has been far too long since the leaden airs of the sea have lifted my hair and my heart. Though I love the Highlands I do need to come to the coast more often… Perhaps when we have vanquished the cancerous louts in the ‘Holy See’…

As we turned onto the coast road within sight of Uslarn, we spotted a poor fisherman’s dead body being fought over by three of the Deamon Venchuen (the humans call then Harpy’s). By any name, these foulest of creatures to ever take the female form are a formidable foe.

They took to the air and enthralled several of us with their evil song. Silver, Hanor, myself, and Drak escaped their snare and managed to attack. Drak used his vast skill in controlling fire to destroy two of them along with some help from the rest of us and our darts. The remaining creature was driven off and the human male killed earlier by them was spared the indignity of having his corpse eaten by these carrion. We brought him back to his village and family. I held back from offering a ‘pronouncement to the realms of heaven’ of his passage in respect to this man’s own gods. I did, however, offer a prayer to Pelor to watch over his spirit to ensure its safe passage to whatever destination his life’s faith has determined for it.

We then stabled our horses and offered good payment to the man who ferries people to and from Fire Watch Island which we could see just off the coast (perhaps 15 Fallon distant). We arranged for passage to the island at dawn and bedded down for an easy nights sleep.

Upon the morn and the awakening of Pelor’s eye upon the World, we ate and took passage across the water to the island. The portage went well and the sea was calm. We paid the ferry man to return for us at intervals throughout the day and then set out to the lone set of buildings on the island.

We approached the main doors, and noticed that they had been forced and then hastily repaired. We knocked and received no answer. As we made our way around the east end of the building, we came to a small courtyard still well kept in spite of the air of increasing alarm we were all feeling. Everything was silent. Only the muted sounds of the surrounding sea kept us company as we searched for the dozens of residents who were supposed to be here tending the extensive gardens.

Suddenly, from a small pond near the middle of the yard a pair of Yembrial leaped from the pond. Drak yelled the human name for these creatures (Sea Hags) and let loose his fire upon them. With a terrible eruption of flame and wind, the Hags met their doom in but a moment of time. I had not even been able to release my sword from its scabbard before there was nothing more than smoking ruin where the Yembrial had once stood.

After several eye blinks in attempt to adjust for the unexpected sun Drak had released before us, we noticed that Silver was gasping for air and Aria had collapsed! We ran to Aria (Silver turned out to be none worse for the wear) and found that she had expired. I am sorry to say, cousin, that there was nothing all the Elven magic in the World could do for her. My comrades set her body in a safe place while I muttered a quick prayer for Pelor to bless her passing. Drak was quite close to her and his dark mood thereafter stood as stark evidence of this. I can still see the fire in his eyes even after all that has been done this day.

Very soon thereafter, we were attacked by an evil mutated beast that Drak later identified as a Peryton. Once again, availing ourselves of Drak’s magical skills and a bit of bladework, this latest attempt to waylay us failed its demise.

Upon entering the southern door of the complex (which also displayed signs of forced entry), we found ourselves in the midst of two giant swarms of rats! Hanor was caught in the middle of one swarm. Silver pulled him free while I summoned a large Fire Beetle to aid in the fight. A very short time later, we were free of the vermin.

We searched the entire compound and found much evidence of the struggle that had caused the deaths of the island’s residents. It appeared that all had been lost. We found the boat landing on the western side of the compound and were set upon by yet another strange creature! We were later to find a name for this vile creation… a Chuul. To be in the presence of one such strange beast should normally be a tale for years to come! Today, we were attacked by many. The evil controlling this series of events is truly powerful and as dark as their minions are strong.

The Chuul grabbed at Silver and at me with its great pincers like those found on a scorpion though many times their size. I was lifted into the air and finally dropped into the tentacles that this terror uses to pull its prey into its mouth. I finally struggled free to fall into the broken boat that we were investigating while the rest of our band destroyed it.

We decided to remain on the island despite our fear of encountering yet another fantastic beast. We would need the light of day to more completely investigate what happened here. Of course, the creatures we had encountered gave us little doubt what had happened to the islanders; however, as our Uncle Earnur constantly reminds us, “one should be thorough in all aspects of one’s life”.

We camped in the larder. There are but two entries (the secret door leading down, and the door to the kitchen). We set a watch for the night and Drak and I were left to remain alert first.

After but a short time, I heard a sound in the building. I thought that it came from deep inside the house, though it turns out that it was a softer noise just outside the door!

I cracked open the door to find myself facing some form of creature wielding a marvelous looking short sword and using it with amazing speed! As I struggled to keep up with him in our swordplay, he scored hit upon hit while I did little to faze him. I called for the others to aid me while I could hear Drak behind me preparing spells. Drak lit a fire on the floor to damage or drive off the creature and his minions (for he was followed quickly by 8 more). After settling in to our fight, I could finally see that this foul thing was of the undead (though my memory still cannot dredge any details of his kind or even what to call him) as were his companions. After a few painful exchanges, I realized that I needed to fall back lest I follow Aria past the horizon to Pelor’s feet. As I moved back, Silver leaped into the fray! With her fresh arm and Drak’s assistance, the creature was lain down. Hanor stepped forward and presented his holy symbol to the remainder. They fled from him. Through the blood in my eyes, I found Hanor to stand much beyond his diminutive height that evening.

After this final confrontation, we heard people in the room beneath the larder and found Janore Stormwalker hiding below with a couple of her kin. As we began to bring her up, she was in distress as her two companions were turning into more of the undead that we had just dispatched! She named the disease, ‘The Blue Rot’. Apparently, those poor hapless souls attacking us were also victims of this contagion. Followed by a prayer to Pelor, these last foes were sent to their makers.

Janore is convinced that the undead folks we had just had the misfortune of meeting had all ready sequestered the ‘item’ that we came here for. Janore finally informed us as to what prize we had missed… It is a map to the Over King’s lair! This we must have. She says that these creatures have taken this map to a place called Dagon’s Maw. For now, we rest. Tomorrow, we will learn what this Dagon’s Maw is and what must be done to retrieve this most valuable of maps…

Your cousin,

Elrohir Redleaf

Alas! Sadness has befallen our little band of do-gooders yet again! My faithful comrade and fellow ranger, Aria, is dead. Let Obad-Hai accompany her spirit through the lasting light of the ever after. Our greatest hope is that we will be able to unite her body and spirit once again that she may rejoin us and fight for the cause she so fervently upholds. Only the Gods can see what shall come.

We may be a bit further along in our quest. We have found, on Firewatch Island, with the help of a new friend, Terranza, a cleric named Jenore Stormswake who has given us very valuable information. At Boss Fromm's request we accompanied Terranza, a formidable female fighter, to find an item of interest on this island. We were to collect it from Jenore. Upon arrival on the island, which was supposed to be inhabited by hermits that tended the gardens, it seemed that our trip was all for naught. For all I could see, it appeared that the island was deserted! The doors on the keep had been forced and set back again hastily but there was no sign of the inhabitants. In our exploration around the keep we encountered two foul beings I had heard of but never had laid an eye on. Sea Hags! It was then that we lost, Aria. She could not withstand their evil presence. Thanks be to Obad-Hai that Drak was there to avenge Aria's death! One dance-like motion of his arms and some spoken magic and the sea hags exploded before our very eyes! It was fitting that Drak should be the one to dispense of the sea hags. Aria was very dear to him. We encountered and killed two more horrid beasts, some rats and undead before we found Jenore. The poor woman, after losing most of her friends to something called the Blue Rot, was hiding in a room accessed by a secret door. She was trying to save her two surviving comrades from succumbing to the disease when we found her. The disease took them, though, and they also had to be killed. Poor, poor woman! To know such grief but still have the strength to give us the information we came for. Apparently, Terranza was to retrieve a map of the Crystal Cathedral!!! Imagine what a tool that would be! Sadly, though, Jenore informed us that the undead had probably taken the map while they were terrorizing the people on the island. The poor souls! Evil at every turn! Obad-Hai assist them in finding their way through the golden forests of the ever after as they find their way to their final resting place with their Gods.

To a place called Dagon's Maw in the ocean we must go to retrieve this map. What else will we find there? It is well and good that we have new friends, El-Rohir, a valiant, well spoken half-elf that can hold his own in any situation and Terranza, our friend from Boss Fromm’s camp to aid us in our battle against evil. Obad-Hai guide and protect us as we look for this very important tool. We must win this fight!

Alas it is with a weary heart that I make this entry.. Aria boon companion has fallen! My heart aches but my anger burns brighter than my latest spell. Aria I have avenged you on those vile creatures who ended your travels.

Aria I will try to bring you back.

Oathbound, Yes I like that. I will propose to the rest that we formally accept this name. It defines our purpose very well.

Aside from our loss, we had set out better. I now keep up my magical protections as long as there may be danger. My latest spell, I must say is very impressive. We are meshing better as a group rather than just individuals traveling in the same direction.

I have to say Silver was very daunting just standing there taking those arrows and dropping the goblins one after another and another and another. But I couldn't just let her have all the fun, and WOW goblins surely stink worse cooked than alive. I couldn't help myself, I love fire spells!

Anyway I don't have much more to add that the others haven't.

5-25-576 Firewatch Island The Oathbound rest and recuperate, planning their expedition against Dagons’ Maw.

5-26-576 to 5-28-576 Taking the island’s skiff out to Dagon’s Maw, the party uses waterberathing spells and potions to enter Dagon’s Maw and defeat the undead there. The party seals the rift and Janore performs the necessary ceremonies. Janore stays behind in Uskarn, the fishing village, and tells the party that she will always be their ally. The party gives her a candelabra of Procan that they found.

6-2-576 Party returns to Boss Fromm’s Camp and has Aria raised; magic items identified, bought and sold. They turn the map of the Crystal Cathedral in to Boss Fromm and collect their 1000gp reward.

6-3-576 The party asks Boss Fromm if they could help with the attack he was planning on the Crystal Cathedral. Boss Fromm told them that he might consider them for part of his strike team if they could gather more experience in the Highlands this summer, fighting against the massive incursion of Medegian led humanoids and troops that were threatening his outpost. Boss Fromm said that rumor has it that the Overking’s Malachite Knights and the Blackguards of Hextor were going to move against him this summer and he wanted to take the fight to the enemy to take pressure off him by assassinating the Archbishop of Pontylver. Boss Fromm told the Oathbound that the hills were teeming with the Overkling’s minions and that hunting was plentiful.

They soon found out the truth of that. Scouting a few hours east of Boss Fromm’s hilltop fortress, the party ambushed a war party of gnolls and two ettins. Trying to track the group back to its lair after vanquishing them, the party found themselves at the receiving end of an ambush of two hill giants and two ettins. The party tried to flee, but Drak briefly stood his ground and tried to hit one of the giants with a flame spell. This delay proved disastrous for him and for Aria, who delayed to try to help him. The hill giants overwhelmed them and knocked them both unconscious, although they both stabilized and did not continue to bleed out. Silver and Elrohir slowed down to watch what was happening and Terranza and Hanor fled on horseback.When a flying wizard human appeared and the dozens of gnolls following turned out to be an illusion, the four remaining party members used spells and potions to fortify themselves and gave chase. They ran down the enemy giants carrying off their friends and destroyed them in an epic battle. After the epic battle and the return of their captured friends, the Oathbound retreated and found a thicket to hole up for the night, but not before speaking with one of Fromm’s airborne scouts, who told them that they had driven off the flying wizard, but didn’t know where he was now.
Within just a few miles of the Fromm Hilltop fort, the party almost met its end at the hand of the monstrous minions of the See of Medegia.

My Dear Cousin Io,

I hope that this letter finds you well. I sent my previous letter to you via courier through the ferryman on Fire Watch Island. Please tell Earnur about this place. It might be possible to fix the fortifications here to make this a rather defendable redoubt should things go badly in the Hestmark for our folk and others.

After resting from our “Day of bizarre encounters”, we packed up our gear and decided to join with the cleric Janore to aid her in fulfilling her mission of closing and sealing the undersea gateway called Dagon’s Maw.

I have known for some time the type and use of magic spell craft to allow one to breathe and function under the waves for extended periods. Someday, should my efforts win the favor of great Pelor, I too will be given the opportunity to weave such magic myself! However, on this day, I had never attempted such a feat using my own skill or not. I must admit, cousin, I entered into this latest adventure with a bit of trepidation and a bit of curiosity. It is true that I have never been in deep water before (certainly not wearing more than my skin); but, I have also never seen the creatures that dwell there, nor the remains of a wrecked ocean vessel as is rumored to be at the site of this evil rift in our World. Thus, I jumped over the side of our boat, plunging into the unknown with the fascination of a child and some guilt at leaving our friend Hanor adrift to battle the sea gulls on his own!

Once the weight of our gear delivered us to the bottom (perhaps 6 fallan below the wave tops), we landed in a barren sandy world where no life was in evidence. We did see the wrecked ship right away about 90 paces distant. It amazed me how our guide (Janore) could find the correct location just by sighting points of reference on the distant shore and timing our speed and noting our direction! Sea navigation seems like it would be a terrific challenge if I were not so busy ridding the World of monsters and Medigian slime.

Upon reaching the wreck, we noticed a hole in the side of the ancient ship about 8 feet above us. I swam up to it and peered inside only to find myself literally face to face with a terrifying visage! This creature was in rags and was obviously some sort of undead horror loosed upon us for daring to trespass on this site. His blows were tremendous and caused me great hurt as I battled him for my life.

Silver had swum up with me and also engaged the creature. Drak cast a spell or two (I don’t remember as he was behind and below me at the time), and Silver and I reduced it to its bones quickly after that. As its remains fell gently through the water, I called upon the might of Pelor and cured the wounds given me. As I finished this task, Silver and I peered down into the body of the wreck to see a gaping hole in the sea floor at the base of the hollowed out corpse of a once grand sailing vessel. From this gap in the sea bottom, there was emitted a strange and foreboding evil green light that we could see even before reaching the wreck. This place, the light, the pile of bones stacked thickly below this hole threatened to take my courage away. Most of us felt weakened by this place. Janore, Hanor, and I were particularly aware of this draining feeling. The green glow itself was particularly painful to look upon. This is not the sharp pain of an arrow wound, rather it was more the dull slow pain of the heart one feels when a loved one is murdered slowly for naught but the fleeting pleasure of something evil.

Once the remainder of our company had joined us within the wreck, we proceeded into the hole. We were attempting to hide through the spell craft of Janore that should have masked our presence to all undead carrion. Alas, this magic was not strong enough for the evil awaiting us here. Upon entry to Dagon’s Maw, we were accosted by the ghost of the ship’s captain and two more of the undead vermin that waylaid me above at the entrance. We were later to find that these were the remains of the crew of this ship…
After some contemplation, I find that I pity these poor devils.

We engaged the Captain, who attacked us with spell work and a wand that creates a terrible illusory attacker. Though fearsome, his magic and evil power was no match to us wielding the power of good. He fell quickly and decisively beneath our blades. Upon his demise, his two remaining crew members fell to dust where they stood. His evil will was the only apparent ‘glue’ holding them in their resolve to remain here instead of crossing over as they all should have done years ago. I also learned that my friend Drak experienced some great difficulty in the water with his spell craft. Of course, this could have simply been the ache of his heart at Aria’s passing. Our cousin’s death has weighed upon him. I can see it pulling at him. I do so wish that we will attain the materials needed to have the clerics on Fromm’s Mesa bring her back to us.

After defeating the ghosts of the crew, Janore began the process of sealing the rift that is called Dagon’s Maw. By the evidence we saw there, no ‘outsiders’ from the underworlds has noticed the opening and the ghosts were its only defenders. They were simply very unlucky in that their natural deaths (the wrecking of their ship) happened to cause the slight opening of this portal to greater evil (it looked as if the ship itself pounded open a crack upon landing on the seafloor). Thus, the already doomed crewmen were robbed of their peaceful repose upon the briny bottom and were forced by the evil emanating from the Maw to become once again the slaves of their master, the Captain. Freeing those enslaved is one of the noblest endeavors to be undertaken by those who follow Pelor’s light… “For blessed are they who will smite the Whip Master that those scarred by his vile pleasure might rise up and praise the holy light of Him! Vengence cometh with the rising of the Sun as the Holy Eye of Pelor in the hearts of men…” - 21st Sun Scroll, 3rd verse.

Afterwards, we spent a great deal of time making certain that the remains of the crew and their many victims were properly buried and Janore consecrated the entire wreck site as a cemetery and thus holy ground. She also spoke the proper incantations and rituals to permanently seal the Maw and contain its evil.

Our next quest (after finding and distributing several rather nice mystical items), was to take Aria back to the Mesa and to see if there was sufficient aid there to perhaps bring her back us. Unsure of the cost (in both money and penance) for such a powerful divine gift, I could see the weight of potential failure squarely riding upon Drak’s shoulders. I claim Aria as family as she is the daughter of my father’s sister’s son. But Drak’s claim is far greater as he (although perhaps unknown to him as yet) is undeniably deeply smitten with her. I can understand this well. Aria is as undeniably beautiful as she is powerful. What Elf would not want her by his side in combat or in song. In fact, I must admit to you, Io, that if not for the even more stunning beauty of Silver, I might actually find myself falling to some insane jealous fit that Uncle Earnur would no doubt attribute to my ‘weak’ human blood! Never to fear, my cousin, I hail from the Hestmark! I have not fallen from grace as so many of our kin from that place they call the “Little Rock” were they wed their sisters and cousins and have blood as thin as a mountain stream’s clear water!

All through this, Drak seems to be attempting to hide his desire behind the comradeship of those under arms in company! I do not understand why he does not declare himself to her. Does he not know that we all can see the look on his face as he gazes upon her? How they always sit together at meals… share private jokes… take occasional walks together… stay up late in the evening together talking earnestly about everything but themselves and their thoughts as naught but their toes touch out of sight of the others? One day, they will see the light and it will take pride in guiding them together if I can.

After returning to Fire Watch Island, we took the ferry back to the village and decided to head straight for the plateau where Fromm makes his camp. Upon arriving there some hours later, we could see that the men are continuing their efforts to mount a real defense against the Over King and his dogs, the Medigians. Fromm’s lads are stout and true of heart; but, they are too few in number to clearly defeat the amassed horde that now defiles the Highlands in search of my kin and those others loyal to the ways of truth and honor. I fear for them and our cause.

We held council with Boss Fromm and his leaders with two pieces of business. First, we turned over the scroll containing the map to the Crystal Cathedral (the Arch-Bishop of Pontylver’s residence!). Fromm had offered us a reward of 1000 Gold Pieces for the securing of this map. I may have mis-written in my last letter that this map involved the Over King… Forgive my lack of clarity, cousin. I was hurried in the writing of my last letter and simply mistook a bit of detail. This map apparently reveals a secret way into the dear Arch-Bishop’s chambers!

Fromm confided in us of the rumors that the Over King will be committing his Malachite Knights as well as the Blackguards of Hextor before the end of summer! I can remember the stories of the Blackguards that Uncle Earnur told us as children. Can any man truly be that terrifying? As I have grown and now encountered many creatures with the shriveled heart given to those for who evil is the way, I cannot imagine that even the blackguards can inspire in me the kind of fear Earnur brought out in us on those summer nights with his stories...

In response to this new treat, Fromm is putting together what he called a “strike team” to use the map to the logical conclusion of relieving the Arch-Bishop of his position and his life. Doing so, it is believed, will cause the Over King’s thugs and their dogs (the Medigians) to give pause in the understanding that no one will be safe from the wrath of those oppressed by them. If this ‘holy man’ can be affected, then so can they all. This is what Fromm called “taking the fight to the enemy”. Such a descriptive and yet concise phrase is unusual in the common speech. It is almost Elvish in its clarity!

To earn a place on that team, Fromm assigned the Oathbound (as good Hanor calls our troupe) to hunt down and perhaps destroy some of the various skirmishing patrols that the Over King’s forces are sending hither and thither throughout our beloved hills. I believe this is simply a test to see if we are up to the challenge that this “strike team’s” mission will provide.

The next morning, we gathered and purchased a number of supply items to bring ourselves to full readiness and we set off on a path chosen by the lovely Silver. Aria and Silver took turns on the point and tracked their way to the crest of a small hill. On the opposing side of this hillock was a war party of gnolls and two giant men with two heads apiece that Drak later named ‘Ettins’. Truly the women are becoming powerful in their ability to spot and ambush enemies in the forest and hills of the Hestmark! As you know well, gnolls are swift of foot and adept of scent! The ladies managed to get us to within 100 feet of nearly a score and ten of these creatures without our being detected! They finally spotted us and we began raining arrows and spells upon them from the hill. The Ettins charged the hill and managed to get within 10 feet of us before Drak’s spell craft laid one to rest and damaged the other so mightily that it fell with but a single blow from Terranza! The remainder of the war party was neatly handled through spell work and sword play.

After dealing with these intruders, we set out to track them to their lair. These fetid beasts care not for even the smallest blade of grass! Their lumbering about through the hills was so destructive that even I could easily discern their path (and you know how poor I am at hunting and tracking game). Aria and Silver were once again searching the ground before the party around two fallon ahead of us when they spied a lone Gnoll keeping watch of the trail. He whistled down along the path and his sound was answered by another and soon another! Silver turned to flee what she saw and a moment later, we all could see why she would do this…

Before us, charging at an unbelievable speed were two of the largest man-like creatures I have ever seen, two more men who were clearly ‘Ettins”, and about 40 gnolls! Never at our best could we defeat such a force. They were obviously under some powerful magical enchantment since they were running toward us much faster that these creatures can normally run! Since the giant men towered above the Ettins, I assume that these are true giants. They are the first I have ever encountered and they truly frightened me for a few moments. I drew hard upon the reins and brought Io’s Pride about and yelled for the Oathbound to retreat! Remembering the wand of signaling entrusted to me by Boss Fromm, I quickly shot off a burst of magical fire into the air to alert any of Fromm’s forces in the immediate area. It was a vain hope for help, but hope nonetheless. Terranza bravely stayed her retreat so as to keep pace with and protect Hanor and his slower pony. Aria immediately made for Drak’s position to cover him, Silver and I began to move out at full dash. Drak, however, had other plans. He stood his ground in an attempt to use his flame spell craft to the giant’s ruin. Unfortunetly, the Giants and the Ettins over came him (and Aria as well) and pounded upon them with their fists and morning stars. Aria and Drak were down and unconscious within seconds.

I have to admit, that my first instinct was to simply run. I must say with shame in my heart that this was, in fact, my first impulse. Then as I watched from a short distance, the Giants picked up our cousin and my friend Drak and made off with them as if they were sacks of potatoes! At that moment, a flying wizard appeared and as he vanished again and soared to the clouds, the party of 40 gnolls charging at us disappeared! They were simply a clever spell effect! They were an illusion!

Well, feeling very stupid brought my ire to the fore and I found that I could not leave my cousin Aria and my friend Drak to be savaged by these terrors afoot. Silver, Terranza, Hanor, and I then gave chase. Good Hanor and I nearly expended nearly every bit of divine magic afforded us that day as we called upon the Gods for aid. It is testimony only to the power of the divine that we were able to steel ourselves for the coming battle.

We must have been a sight to see running up behind those giants. Their own thunderous footfalls and (no doubt) loud boasting about our defeat and what they intended to do to Drak and fair Aria hid our approach and we set upon them before they could react! Terranza with her fearsome double axe laid into them like a farmer reaping the fall grain. Hanor with his feet planted on the Earth as if connected to the living rock itself immediately set himself to curing our comrades tossed aside by the surprised enemy. Silver moving like lightning danced about among the flailing arms and swinging morning stars dealt death and judgement with every stroke of her weapons. And I hewing them for all I was worth with my great sword, eventually brought them all down.

To be honest cousin, most of the details of the battle are beyond my memory. I fear that I must finally confess to all of Earnur’s jibes over the years about the way I blind myself as I move into combat. Remember all those times I would destroy the practice targets? I remember him yelling at me for letting my emotions take hold of my actions when bringing my sword to bear; yet, due to my rage, I can never actually remember hitting the practice targets! Of course, I do remember all the long hours we spent rebuilding them as punishment! Though you will not see the need, I must apologize for getting you and in that sort of trouble for all those years ago.

After we destroyed the enemy, our eyes were drawn to the sky. During our melee on the ground, there was apparently and magical battle in the clouds! After a time as Drak and Aria were restored to health by the ever capable Hanor, one of Fromm’s sky riders came down to our battlefield upon a hippogriff. It was a roan and looked to be from the Anheleus Herd kept in the northern reaches of the Hestmark, and thus, of good stock. The rider informed us that they drove off the wizard whom I saw vanish; but, they did not vanquish him. His whereabouts are unknown. This means that there will be a report of our doings and our victory to the Over King’s commanders in the field. This can only mean that our next encounter with them will find them prepared for us specifically. It took nearly everything we had to fight and destroy those four dastardly foes. At least, it took everything I had. Terranza and Silver looked as if they could take on a dozen more giants while I stood bent over trying to catch my breath! I do not know how we might fare should more find us (particularly if we are caught unawares).

Tired and depleted of magical ability, we found a thicket to hide in and address both our wounds and our deities in thanks for the survival of our friends and ourselves. Before departing on a congratulatory note, Fromm’s rider informed us of a cave nearby that might have served as the giant’s base of operations in this region. Taking council, we have decided to explore and possibly attack it come first light. In the mean time, it is time for prayer and sleep. That rest is well bought, for once again, we have dealt the Over King and his dogs the Medigians a blow that will not heal quickly!

I will dream tonight about the Arch-Bishop in the Crystal Cathedral and I will imagine that each blow we strike among his foul minions will be like a painful scratch or splinter that he must endure until the day when he will feel my blade ending his pain and the oppression of this region!

Please thank the sky rider for delivering this for me and be certain to feed his fine mount. I understand that they love dead ferrets.

Your faithful cousin,


Dearest Mother,

I am writing to tell you of my new plans. Boss Fromm sent me on a mission of great importance to find Jenore Stomswake and retrieve the map of the Crystal Cathedral. I journeyed with a group of warriors, for lack of a better word, that proved to be trustworthy and loyal. Upon returning to Boss Fromss's camp, I have chosen to take a leave of absence from my post as Lieutenant and join this eclectic band and fight the evil that has filled our lands. I feel this will be the best way to avenge my father's death and defeat the Overking and his minions. Please do not fret for these warriors will soon be friends and will accomplish much. Just today we defeated two hill gaints, four ettins and many gnolls. We rescued two party members adn are making plans to attack a mage that works under the Overking. Trust in me, Mother, for I will not fail you or the memory of my father. Pray to Pelor for speed and strength.

With undying love,


Ettins! Hill Giants! What evil has befallen our world that I should happen upon so many of my greatest enemies in one day? With such stalwart companions as I am accompanied by, I have no fear that we will rid the Oerth of many of these foul creatures before our time to meet with the Gods has come. After today I feel that our cause has a chance. There is hope. There is too much good on Oerth to allow such evil to reign. Such evil that, while still feeling the joy of having our companion, Aria, returned to us, she should nearly be taken from us again by these horrid ettins and giants, and Drak as well!! So thankful am I to have such determined comrades. Without El'Rohir and Terranza, Drak and Aria should have become no more than fodder for these giant-kind. My utmost gratitude to Obad-Hai for giving me the strength and wit to overcome these creatures. I pray with undying faith that Obad-Hai will continue to guide me, staff in hand, through my journey to cleanse Medegia of the evil that has befallen it.

6-4-576 Hestmark Highlands near Boss Fromm’s place During the night, the party notices that Boss Fromm’s hilltop fort was apparently attacked by dragons and a large army. They heard explosioins and saw fire on the horizons, heard drums beating and the roaring of large numbers of troops. Soon after awakening the Oathbound fought off an attack by worg riding goblin archers. The group decided that they couldn’t do much to help out in a large battle, so they decided to go explore the cave nearby. They found an underground lake and a 30’ long heavy boat pulled up to the sandy beach of the underground cave. After defeating two scrags guarding the boat, the party found a glyphed chest containing the Journal of Tarz-Zadum, necromancer in the service of Archiship Tethrano Swanblade of Pontylver, plus a spellbook and a magical scroll worth 5000gp that imprints the tributaries of the Thelly river in the readers’ mind, giving them a permanent +10 bonus to survival rolls when navigating underground tributaries of the Thelly River.

6-5-576 The Oathbound rest in the lake-cavern and link up with five survivors of the attack on Boss Fromm’s Place—four soldiers and a cleric of St. Cuthbert. These troops decide to join the group, especially once they saw that Terranza was among the party. Silver spends most of her free time reading the necromancer’s journal. She finds that he was recently tasked with recovering a “demon cloak” from a traitorous scrag named Shplizzmak. Apparently the Archbishop has a demon guardian on his watercavern entrance to his Crystal Cathedral and this “cloak” allowed authorized visitors to pass the demon guardian unmolested. Tarz-Zadum’s journal mentions that the water passage is now “unusable” because Shplizzmak stole the demon cloak. Tarz-Zadum mentions that the Archbishop’s diviniations revealed that the demon cloak “Fiend’s Embrace” was located in the Underdark beneath the Hestmark Highlands, in a place called “Cold Stones Keep.”
Tarz-Zadum had been unable to locate such a place and he beached his boat in the cavern near Boss Fromm’s place in order to fly back to Pontylver for more research. The party doesn’t know what happened to Tarz-Zadum, but they had already killed his guards and taken his boat.
The Oathbound discussed the matter and decided that they wanted to recover the demon cloak and press on with the attack on the Archbishop, even not knowing if Boss Fromm had survived the attack on his stronghold. They released their warhorses and loaded their three pack mules on to the necromancer’s boat. Using their new found magical navigation skills, they found themselves at the underground lake of Tradeport some 10 hours later, about a half mile below the Hestmark Highlands. Tradeport was a deep gnome controlled peaceful trading port located on an island in the middle of a vast Underdark lake.
6-6-576 The Oathbound spent the day buying and selling stuff, including magic items. Since they were the first surface dwellers that had been seen in Tradeport for many months, the group was contacted by Skirna Longwalker, station manager of the Tradeport station house of the “League of Boot and Trail.” The party willingly shared their stories of the surface and Drak donated the nightmare skull he had collected as a trophy to display at the station house. In return, the League advised the party of the location of Cold Stones Keep and gave them letters of reference so that the party members would only have to donate a 250gp case of liquor from at least 300 miles away at the next station house they went to.

6-7-576 The party remount their boat and spend about 6 hours traveling through the Underdark rivers, defeating a giant crustacean and arriving at Cold Stones Keep in the early afternoon. Hanor estimates that they were about a half mile below the surface now. The party was closing in on “Fiend’s Embrace.”

Dear Mother,
I hope this letter finds you well and healthy. I saw, from afar, Boss Fromms' camp burning. My heart wept for my fallen commrads and I pray for their families as they did for mine. Several soldiers from camp joined us in a cave. They were not sure of our loyalty until they recognized me in my ever peacful slummber. I am not sure but I think one said not to wake me because I am much better looking asleep than awake. Have no fear, after this mission I will find a husband and bare you grandchildren. I do no know of any other survivors from our small town but I will keep a look out and let you know.
We traveled into the cave and found a river that led to an under ground trade city. It is a wonderful place, so many different people. We found a journal that belongs to a necromancer to the Archiship Swanblade. I bring this up only becasue it talks of a wall that surrounds the Crystal Cathedral. This wall was made from the bodies of people they practiced their black magic on. By the grace of Pelor, I hope to find Father among those that make up the wall. I will give him a proper burial and ask El'rohir, a cleric of amazing faith and strength, to say a prayer for Father and for you. Our group, known as Oathbound, are on the way to becoming part of a great tradition. We have joined a group called the Boot and Trail. The members of this organization are well revered and respected in many different countries. I will tell you more upon my return home. i must leave you know, pray to Pelor for speed and strength.

with undying love


Dear Dungeon Lord Master Dude,

Ive been following this game and may i make a suggestion? You need to be more cruel. it seems that your being to easy on them more than your droping hammers. might i suggest a fight againest a dragon? i noticed no dragons. humor me please.

Farlin Akahn wrote:

Dear Dungeon Lord Master Dude,

Ive been following this game and may i make a suggestion? You need to be more cruel. it seems that your being to easy on them more than your droping hammers. might i suggest a fight againest a dragon? i noticed no dragons. humor me please.

Patience, Cody....patience.....hey, can you take Sundays off with some advance notice that when we come up to the badlands of NM, you'll actually have some time to play??

Yes i can get the time off just let me know. And i got a question, can my freind roll up and join? he is a fellow D&D master just like you. what say you? i dont care either way i just promised to ask you. anyway your story line involes orcs more than other monsters i noticed. well tell jennifer i say hi and tell jake hi too. c ya soon.

Greetings I wish to speak to you about this freind of yours who died, Aria, how can you bring her back. under what god can allow such a thing. I have only played in 2 other games so im pretty much a noobie. plz fill me in.

Cody...e-mail me at farewell2kings (AT) gmail (dot) com

My hopes have been shattered. No sooner had I felt that we had a chance to defeat the evil that fills our lands when Boss Fromms camp was destroyed by evil minions of the Sea of Medegia. We watched as smoke filled the skies and could do nothing but stand while our heart's broke. Poor Terranza! So many of her comrades at arms! How many of them live? Did Boss Fromm survive? So many questions! And where are we? Under the earth trying to find some cloak that will allow us to pass the guardian at the underground entrance to the Crystal Cathedral and, even though this is a worthy cause and will further our cause, I can't help but feel we are in the wrong place. We should be out searching for the survivors from the attack on Boss Fromm's camp! Luckily, some of the survivors found us in the cave of the evil mage that works for the Archbishop of Pontylver. A little worse for the wear but noble and worthy comrades to have at such a crucial time. Hopefully this quest will no last long. I pray for the survivors. To Obad-Hai I most humbly beg that they should be protected until they may reach safety. We must assist in gathering the forces now before everyone loses what little hope remains!!! Obad-Hai see us through these wrtchedly, miserable and sad days!

It has been awhile since I have placed my thoughts upon the pages of history. After the battle with the Ettins, which I don’t have any found memories. I still am having trouble removing their stink from my clothing! Anyway we camped out in a thicket and during the night came under attack by worg riding goblins. We quickly armed and defended ourselves. Almost all were slain by well placed arrows and quick blade and ax work. But brave Hanor was savaged most severely by the goblin lances and Worg fangs! Luckily we were able to revive him through the healing magic of our store of potions.

We then moved away afraid of further confrontation and located the cave where we believed the cowardly wizard flew off to. We entered and found that it lead to an underground lake with a giant sized skiff, which was being guarded by water trolls. They burn just as easily as regular trolls. We were able to recover some treasure, to include the wizard’s journal! As we rested some stragglers from a Boss Fromm scouting party came to the cave to rest. After welcoming them we had a short battle with the enemy.

We all boarded the skiff and went across to the underground Telloy River that we had a map to.

As we traveled the water ways we came across a huge crab that was soon so much fish food. After that we came across a merchant barge commanded by Drow! I have never met one of my dark cousins and I must say they are very imposing! I think that they burn just as easily as trolls though.

We then came to an underground trading town where all are welcome and conflict and thievery dealt with harshly by the underground gnomes who control it. I must stop at this point as my adventures are about to continue……..

They arrived in the large water filled cavern where Cold Stones Keep was located. The keep was tilted into the water-filled cavern, with its main building built into the cavern walls while its forward gatehouse, walls and towers tilted downward into the water at an angle that partially submerged the gatehouse, docks and front gate into the water. The party noticed a boat tied to the submerged docks at the front of the keep. They also noticed an opening about 8’ up on the eastern tower where it appeared that a siege engine had smashed through the stones of the outer wall. The Oathbound tied their boat up to that opening and climbed into a partially submerged room full of various fungi. Drak explored ahead and walked up the stairs to see what was on the 2nd story. He was promptly attackd by a sickly sweet smelling vine creature, which almost killed him. He jumped off the staircase to avoid further damage. Silver stepped up to chop at the plant creature and with Arias’s help, was able to put it down, finally.
They continued to explore the keep and were attacked by three scrags in the watery courtyard. After the scrags were dispatched and wounds were healed the party entered the keep proper. At a point when they were split up and checking out different rooms, the Fingers of Iuz struck their ambush. Unfortunately for the Fingers of Iuz, Terranza heard Baklunag preparing a spell upstairs, so they lost the element of surprise. They sprung their ambush—Grinag lept upon Terranza with his axe and sorely wounded her, Valen used his javelins of lightning to initiate an attack. Then things went bad for the Fingers—Hanor was able to successfully cast hold person on Valen and Terranza and Silver were aided by a Drak summoned fire elemental to put Grinag down. Baklunag escaped and Roon was killed before Matyara surrendered to them. The Oathbound interrogated her vigorously, but she managed to find out what their plans for the cloak were. A deal was struck. Baklunag’s familiar had been spying on the party and Baklunag knew what their plans for the cloak were. A truce was arranged and with the help of Matyara’s “Control Water” spell, the party was able to confront Sphlizzmak and defeat him. The cloak was recovered and the Oathbound kept to their word and released Matyara and let Baklunag go without a fight. Matyara told the Oatbhbound that Iuz had no love lost for Hextor or the Archbishop of Pontylver and that Iggwilv would have her cloak back after they were done using it, whether they were willing to give it up willingly or not. Drak told Matyara that he felt no hostility towards Iggwilv or Iuz and hoped that they might meet under better circumstances in the future.
Matyara and Baklunag rowed off towards Tradeport. Soon afterwards, so did the Oatbhbound, loaded down with loot, Fiend’s Embrace and the gear recently liberated from the dead members of the Fingers of Iuz. Matyara was not given her stuff back.

We came across a very interesting place, the inn of the Boot and Trail. We were soon able to determine that this was more than just the local watering hole. It is a waystation of travelers and story tellers! Membership allows much in the way of haven and information. To obtain lodging and food we each had to tell a story of our adventures. So after others gave their tales, I regaled our audience with “The Fight of the Overking’s Fiends.” The audience was most appreciative and during the height of the story I unleashed the dead fiend I had magically stored ! The gasps were most satisfactorily. I then donated the fiend’s corpse to the Inn so that it could be stuffed and placed upon the wall with the other wonderous and fantastic trophies donated by full members. This was a great way to start my initiation into their ranks. I also purchased some of the local liquor to sell at far away Inns of the Boot & Trail. The gift of the Fiend was so much appreciated that we were able to obtain a map of the location of Cold Stone Keep.

After resting and gearing up, we left upon our Giant skiff and set off. The keep was soon located and we found another boat tied up at it’s tilted and awash pier. We made entry via a breach in the north wall of the northern tower. The first floor didn’t hold much interest for me, so I checked out the second floor. As I ascended I detected a very strong sickly sweet smell…hmmm, Reminds me of my aunt’s perfume! By the Seven Heavens and Nine Hells! The orcspawned vines attacked me with such force that their blows nearly brought me down. Luckily I was able to leap of the stairs out of their reach and let the powerful fighters take it down. Of course my flask alchemist fire did work on one of the vines! My next spell must be one of precision and power! Fireballs do not lend themselves for close combat! The vines were destroyed and we moved on, after looting of course!

We left the tower and were on the veranda of the keep itself when three Skraggs attacked! I must have still been weak from the battering the vines gave me as my aim was severely off. Though they soon fell, and Hanor torched them to make sure they stayed down.

We then entered the keep and found a green slime in the foyer. Another flask of alchemist fire soon dispatched the beastie, or oozie? Oh well. We were soon attacked by another adventuring party that was after the same prize. Hanor’s priestly magic soon stopped the lightening throwing bastard to the north, while my summoned earth elemental and my companions arrows and blades soon dispatched the others. One wizard was able to fly away while the female cleric was captured. We soon reached an agreement to help each other, in that she lived and we obtained the cloak. With loot and main prize we set off.

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