Sidebar #2—Arbalist: Crossbow Rules (PFRPG) PDF

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Fat Goblin Games Presents:

Sidebar #2—Arbalist: Crossbow Rules

The Crossbow is a powerful ranged weapon, designed to be easier to use and master than the traditional bow. In addition, the locking mechanism and the use of heavier bolts rather than lightweight arrows allows for a lot more potential to be packed into each shot. The trade-off, however, is that Crossbows are much slower early on, and take time, strength, and feats to match the sheer speed of traditional archers.

The Sidebar product line brings you an assortment of ideas, homebrew rules, and various options from the talented pool of writers at Fat Goblin Games for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. These short and low-priced products are perfect for Game Masters and Players who want to integrate unique new options to their games.

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I like these rules, but they don't seem to cover double crossbows or hand crossbows...I would guess double crossbows would have the same pull as a light crossbow, though counting its pull as twice that for how quickly you can reload it might make sense? Is there such a thing as a repeating recurve crossbow or an underwater recurve crossbow?

The other thing you missed is what category a recurve crossbow is...though I would speculate it's supposed to be a simple weapon?

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