Open Gaming Monthly #5 PDF

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d20pfsrd presents Open Gaming Monthly is your premier source for NEW content, articles, and rules for your favorite Open Gaming Systems. This 96 page full color magazine presents content from all your favorite writers and game designers.

Here's some of the articles and columns!

P18 A Few Legendary Foes from the Book of Beasts Need some powerful and strange monsters in your next game? Dale C. McCoy, Jr has some nasty creature for you.

P50 Weapons of Renown Amazing heroes have weapons with the same rich history and legends, brought to you by Lucus Palosaari.

P64 THE DRAGON CEMETERY Jordi Diest (also known as El Dado Inquieto) has a sinister location for you Labyrinth Lord heroes.

P84 Unbalanced Party Lee Newman has a humorous tale for your enjoyment involving dwarves, magic, and treasure.

For Characters P36 Luck of the Draw: New Drawbacks for your Pathfinder Character Taylor Hubler explores some new drawbacks for your characters.

P46 Open Gaming Monthly’s Guide to Sidekicks
Every great hero needs a great sidekick, and Frank Gori explains how to make them shine!

P74 Guide to Minotaur Jason Stoffa & Rick Hershey bring you the minotaur as your next player race.

P88 The Optimal Path: Mammoth Rider No one can show you the best way to build awesome characters like the one and only, Tyler Beck.

For Game Masters
P14 Putting the Legend in Legendary Evil Joshua Jenkins gives you some insight on how to make your villains more awesome.

P24 Labyrinth Lord Magic Items Who doesn’t need more magic items? Derek M Holland has hundreds for you to hand over to your players.

P42 Behind the Spells: Meteor Swarm Bret Boyd brings back his classic series to OGM!

P56 The Good, The Bad, The Henchmen Memorable NPC’s for the busy GM by Matt Medeiros.

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FYI everyone! The incredible Rick Hershey of Fat Goblin Games has chosen to focus his attentions back on Fat Goblin Games which means this issue of Open Gaming Monthly (5) is *likely* to be the last issue of Open Gaming Monthly (unless something crazy happens).

You might note that the word "Monthly" is bolded. That's because we're moving to a quarterly format to better handle all of our other commitments and to allow more top-quality content time to cook.

In the meantime we've started laying some groundwork. If you'd like to get our status updates in your FB feed, please run (don't walk) over to the Open Gaming Quarterly Magazine Facebook Page and click the LIKE button!

While you're there please feel free to give Rick a round of applause and let us know what you'd like to see, or if you have any random questions just drop 'em on us!

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