Pathfinder Adventure Path #22: "The End of Eternity" (Legacy of Fire 4 of 6) (OGL) Print Edition—Non-Mint

4.80/5 (based on 4 ratings)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #22:

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Chapter 4: "The End of Eternity"
by Jason Nelson

Hidden amid the tattered parchment and mundane ink of a mysterious map hides the fabulous paradise of Kakishon. A realm of mystical wonders, mythical beasts, and legendary treasures, this long-lost creation of one of history’s greatest wizards once again inspires the bold to seek its wonders. Yet time, ancient magic, and bitter rivalries work to corrupt the incredible realm, turning it into both paradise and prison. Can they tame the powers of Kakishon’s magical islands and best the masters of the wondrous land? Or will they forever be prisoners of paradise?

    This Pathfinder Adventure Path volume includes:
  • "The End of Eternity," an adventure for 9th-level characters, by Jason Nelson
  • A glimpse into the Maelstrom and the lives of its enigmatic natives, the proteans, lords of primeval chaos, by Todd Stewart
  • The magical rites of Sulesh the Great, master of seals and binder of genies, as transcribed by Wolfgang Baur and James Jacobs
  • Pathfinder Channa Ti faces danger on the River Asp in the Pathfinder’s Journal, by New York Times bestselling author Elaine Cunningham
  • Six new monsters by Adam Daigle, James Jacobs, Jason Nelson, F. Wesley Schneider, and Todd Stewart

For characters of 9th to 11th level.

Pathfinder Adventure Path is Paizo Publishing's monthly 96-page, perfect-bound, full-color softcover book printed on high-quality paper. It contains an in-depth Adventure Path scenario, stats for about a half-dozen new monsters, and several support articles meant to give Game Masters additional material to expand their campaign. Because Pathfinder products use the Open Game License, they are 100% compatible with the 3.5 edition of the world's most popular fantasy roleplaying game.

ISBN–13: 978-1-60125-173-2

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4.80/5 (based on 4 ratings)

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Portuguese Review


Do ponto de vista da independência em relação a adventure path, esta edição é uma das que mais funciona sozinha até hoje, talvez por isso muitos reclamem da sensação de viagem de férias do enredo da campanha, pois realmente pouco tem a ver com os acontecimentos das outros aventuras, com exceção do fato que o tema completa muito bem a campanha de histórias das mil e uma noites. A estreia dos Proteans só são mais um brilho especial a edição que a torna muito recomendável para pessoas que só queiram idéias para aventuras marítimas sem ter que viver uma aventura ou campanha maior. Contudo, como parte de Legacy of Fire, poderia ter totalmente pulada (colocando qualquer outra coisa apenas para se ganhar XP) e ainda assim não mudaria quase nada na trama.

[adventure only] Lots of room and some work for a GM


This is a very loose framework into which a GM may insert quite a lot of additional adventuring.

Potential issues (heavy spoilers):


- sphinx riddle (can make the sand really blind eyes see? why would you use this riddle in a middle of sandy terrain?)
- assumption on sentient beings keeping Kakishon together is only so-so (unless one rules all intelligent semi-natives to be non-sentient)
- breaking Kakishon may not sit well with Good characters (quite a lot of deaths will be involved)
- main antagonist ambition to just rule over several colleagues in prison is so-so
- nigh-epic guy unable to squash low level opposition for several centuries is so-so

GMs are strongly advised to work around these... especially if the players like to ask questions.

The issues are unlikely to affect the flow of adventure for most parties, so they do not impact the rating. However, if your players are wont to ask questions, do some work on your own before running this scenario.




Personally, my favorite issue of LoF pathfinders so far. I wasn't super fond of the genie article, but proteans were excellent, kakishon was awesome, the bestiary was quite good, and the adventure hit upon all of the things I like in an adventure. All in all, very good. Actually, all of Legacy of Fire so far has benn of very high quality.

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Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

I've updated the cover and description to match the finished product.

If you don't see a purple chick, clear your browser's image cache.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Yay. Sweet cover, but it's what's inside that counts, and I have it on good authority that the contents of this volume are composed of 100% PURE AWESOME!!!

I mean, if you want my unbiased opinion, that is... :)

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

She's all purple and rocky! A shaitan?

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Demiurge 1138 wrote:
She's all purple and rocky! A shaitan?

Looks like, don't it? Although there are a lot of tricksy folks that could just be pretending. You never know...

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber


Vic Wertz wrote:

I've updated the cover and description to match the finished product.

If you don't see a purple chick, clear your browser's image cache.

Say, who did your artwork for the cover?


I dig the purple chick, whatever she is.

Ohhhh!!!! Me likes that cover! I wonder if the purple chick is single! ~thinks and shakes my head~ Man! I have to get a girlfriend!

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Sharoth wrote:
Ohhhh!!!! Me likes that cover! I wonder if the purple chick is single! ~thinks and shakes my head~ Man! I have to get a girlfriend!

Hmmm ... based on LoF 20, she's single ... or double ... or whatever your preference is ::chuckle:: But visit your local cleric after any dates!

Gamer Girrl wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Ohhhh!!!! Me likes that cover! I wonder if the purple chick is single! ~thinks and shakes my head~ Man! I have to get a girlfriend!
Hmmm ... based on LoF 20, she's single ... or double ... or whatever your preference is ::chuckle:: But visit your local cleric after any dates!

~laughter~ Good point!

Silver Crusade

Totally a shaitan.

I gotta say, they've certainly long bypassed dao in terms of "cool" in my eyes.

And damn do I ever love khopeshes.

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Cover looks hawt! Looks like she could be in a Duran Duran video!

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Mactaka wrote:
Cover looks hawt! Looks like she could be in a Duran Duran video!

Is her name Rio 'cause she dances on the sand? Just like that river runnin' through the dusty land...

Or is she just hungry like the wolf?

Viva la 80s!

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

LMPjr007 wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:

I've updated the cover and description to match the finished product.

If you don't see a purple chick, clear your browser's image cache.

Say, who did your artwork for the cover?

Jesper Ejsing is doing the covers for all the Legacy of Fire books.

Damn, baby, what did you do to your hair?

Yeah, she's purple and hot...I like her.

Dark Archive

Jason Nelson wrote:
Mactaka wrote:
Cover looks hawt! Looks like she could be in a Duran Duran video!

Is her name Rio 'cause she dances on the sand? Just like that river runnin' through the dusty land...

Or is she just hungry like the wolf?

Viva la 80s!

Ahahahahahahahah!!! Awesome reference!! :-D

*absorbs self in reading through the pdf*

A couple reactions:

1) You did an awesome job Jason. Seriously cool stuff.
2) Very sneaky James, fitting in material cut from The Great Beyond into the protean ecology in AP#22. :)
3) The artwork. My God is the artwork nice.


King of the Crosstrade wrote:

*absorbs self in reading through the pdf*

A couple reactions:

1) You did an awesome job Jason. Seriously cool stuff.
2) Very sneaky James, fitting in material cut from The Great Beyond into the protean ecology in AP#22. :)
3) The artwork. My God is the artwork nice.


~grumbles~ You dirty rotten SOB!!! teasing us like that. Now I have to wait another month or so before I can read it! ~goes off to the corner to cry~

~grins~ It does sound good!

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

King of the Crosstrade wrote:

*absorbs self in reading through the pdf*

A couple reactions:

1) You did an awesome job Jason. Seriously cool stuff.
2) Very sneaky James, fitting in material cut from The Great Beyond into the protean ecology in AP#22. :)
3) The artwork. My God is the artwork nice.


1. Thanks!

2. I have unfortunately slacked off entirely too much from working this afternoon while reading said pdf - yes, I get all gleed up when something I wrote finally comes out, even if it's only to have my glees get dashed by the cruel, cruel editor (I'm looking at you Mr. Jacobs!) for mangling my OBVIOUSLY, COMPLETELY, IRREFUTABLY PERFECT CREATION!!! Meanie. :P

3. The artwork is great. I love the Golden Ram picture and the "opening the map" picture the best I think, though the edge of the world certainly has its charms. The cover, featuring the lovely and talented Dilix Mahad, is of course fabulous, and I love the intro pages and the border art too.


[nerdrage over the spookification of the adventure edited]

So, I guess the adventure comprises of only 99.8% PURE AWESOME. Unless you like cats named Spooky, in which case it's a solid 100 all the way baby... :)

And, having heard a bit more as to the whys and wherefores of Spooky's appearance, I hereby give it a 100% thumbs up for awesomeness and rescind and revoke all prior rants to the contrary!

Jason Nelson wrote:

If I may make one thing VERY clear, I take absolutely NO responsibility for the gratuitous placement of a cat named Spooky in the adventure. NONE! You hear me, NONE!!! I mean... Spooky? SPOOKY? Not something Arabianish, or even exotic, or Katapeshian. Spooky. Dude...

sigh... grumblegrumblegrumble

So, I guess the adventure comprises of only 99.8% PURE AWESOME. Unless you like cats named Spooky, in which case it's a solid 100 all the way baby... :)

Spooky! MADE OF WIN.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 4

Well, I'm looking forward to this read Jason With all your help and comments for everyone in the RPG Superstar '09 contest and your killer submissions the year before, I'm glad to see you in print finally.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

TheTwitching King wrote:
Well, I'm looking forward to this read Jason With all your help and comments for everyone in the RPG Superstar '09 contest and your killer submissions the year before, I'm glad to see you in print finally.

Aw shucks. You're sweet to say so, Matt. I was very tickled when the good Mr. Spicer mentioned me as an influence, and he went me one better by winning the whole darn thing, but I was happy to give whatever help I could to anyone and everyone in the competition, and I'm glad for anything I said or wrote that was a help to you in making the Top 4!

The way I see it, we're all in the hobby to have fun, and I'm happy if folks get an idea or three along the way that dials it up to 11 when they're at the gaming table, shooting for the top as a SUPERSTAR, or even just reading a game book. I hope the adventure does not disappoint!

BTW, if you're looking for more of my comedic stylings courtesy of Paizo, you could dial up:

The PF Campaign Setting (Lastwall, Nirmathas, Mendev, the Worldwound, half-elves, half-orcs, psionics, and the sample NPCs)

Osirion, Land of the Pharaohs (cowritten with Todd Stewart - he did the glorious fluff, I did the gravelly crunch)

Dungeon Denizens Revisited (shambling mounds FTW!) - the PDF is up for subscribers, and I think the book comes out next month.

Bestiary monsters: shaitan (PF 18), miengu and wyrmskull (PF 22), and the proteans (naunet and imentesh in PF 22, keketar in The Great Beyond - again, Todd Stewart came up with the concepts and descriptive text, I did the mechanics)

Cities of Golarion (Vigil), coming this fall!

Hopefully more will come down the road, but in the meantime it's really neat to see my name on the front cover of a D&D product. My nerdvolution is now complete... :)

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Jason Nelson wrote:

Dungeon Denizens Revisited (shambling mounds FTW!) - the PDF is up for subscribers, and I think the book comes out next month.

*Scurries off happily to My Downloads page. Weeps when he finds it's not there. Comes back to shake fist and curse at Jason for raising false hopes. Alternatively, it could be going up next month on schedule, and Mr Nelson just made an honest slip in timing. Curses Jason again just to be sure.*

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Paul Watson wrote:
Jason Nelson wrote:

Dungeon Denizens Revisited (shambling mounds FTW!) - the PDF is up for subscribers, and I think the book comes out next month.
*Scurries off happily to My Downloads page. Weeps when he finds it's not there. Comes back to shake fist and curse at Jason for raising false hopes. Alternatively, it could be going up next month on schedule, and Mr Nelson just made an honest slip in timing. Curses Jason again just to be sure.*

I accept the first shaking and cursing... but I can tell you that I downloaded it yesterday. Maybe I got an early download email or link as a contributor or something.

I'm interested to look and see what Rob McCreary, he of the Ooze Imperium, did with the gelatinous cube, and Boomer Von Boomerstein with the mimic.

Sovereign Court

Jason Nelson wrote:

Dungeon Denizens Revisited (shambling mounds FTW!) - the PDF is up for subscribers

Uhhhhh. As a subscriber, I can safely say, "No it's not"

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

cappadocius wrote:
Jason Nelson wrote:

Dungeon Denizens Revisited (shambling mounds FTW!) - the PDF is up for subscribers
Uhhhhh. As a subscriber, I can safely say, "No it's not"

How odd. Perhaps it is only up for download for me! I got it an email for it and downloaded it, so I assumed it was available to others; my bad for the misinformation. Alas and sorry to all and hope you get it soon!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

As a Superscriber, I can say it's not up yet. Maybe Monday, if the shipping dept. is running up to speed.


Jason Nelson wrote:
How odd. Perhaps it is only up for download for me! I got it an email for it and downloaded it, so I assumed it was available to others; my bad for the misinformation. Alas and sorry to all and hope you get it soon!

I have access as well. I'm pretty sure that we get access a week or more before anyone else. Wonder twin powers activate! Form of sneak peak of new pdfs!


Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Jason Nelson wrote:
Paul Watson wrote:
Jason Nelson wrote:

Dungeon Denizens Revisited (shambling mounds FTW!) - the PDF is up for subscribers, and I think the book comes out next month.
*Scurries off happily to My Downloads page. Weeps when he finds it's not there. Comes back to shake fist and curse at Jason for raising false hopes. Alternatively, it could be going up next month on schedule, and Mr Nelson just made an honest slip in timing. Curses Jason again just to be sure.*

I accept the first shaking and cursing... but I can tell you that I downloaded it yesterday. Maybe I got an early download email or link as a contributor or something.

I'm interested to look and see what Rob McCreary, he of the Ooze Imperium, did with the gelatinous cube, and Boomer Von Boomerstein with the mimic.


I think it's because you're a contributer to the product. It's not due until May in print, and I don't get the PDFs until the same month as the hardcopies usually (My current subscription order is for the Guide to Katapesh and Part 3 of Legacy of Fire only). But the curses and fist shaking stand, dammit. ;-)

Looking forward to seeing the book when it does turn up in my downloads.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Todd Stewart wrote:
Jason Nelson wrote:
How odd. Perhaps it is only up for download for me! I got it an email for it and downloaded it, so I assumed it was available to others; my bad for the misinformation. Alas and sorry to all and hope you get it soon!

I have access as well. I'm pretty sure that we get access a week or more before anyone else. Wonder twin powers activate! Form of sneak peak of new pdfs!


Shape of... an Ice Kindle, to read the pdfs!

(hey, if he can become an ice *JET* he can become an ice Kindle)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Todd Stewart wrote:
Jason Nelson wrote:
How odd. Perhaps it is only up for download for me! I got it an email for it and downloaded it, so I assumed it was available to others; my bad for the misinformation. Alas and sorry to all and hope you get it soon!

I have access as well. I'm pretty sure that we get access a week or more before anyone else. Wonder twin powers activate! Form of sneak peak of new pdfs!


Yes—contributors get early access to most PDFs.

Jason Nelson wrote:
And, having heard a bit more as to the whys and wherefores of Spooky's appearance, I hereby give it a 100% thumbs up for awesomeness and rescind and revoke all prior rants to the contrary!

Jason, I loved your posts in the Beta playtest, so I'm a fan of your work before I've even seen it! Can't wait to get this one. I have a feeling that Spooky will be something like the black cat that gives Neo deja vu in The Matrix: memorable exactly because something feels a little off. I'm looking forward to the promised awesomeness!

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Jason Nelson wrote:
And, having heard a bit more as to the whys and wherefores of Spooky's appearance, I hereby give it a 100% thumbs up for awesomeness and rescind and revoke all prior rants to the contrary!

I assume this is an easter egg planted by the editors in memory of a recently departed feline friend? That makes me happy. I can't wait to see how Spook the Mighty Hunter will live on forever in the pages of Pathfinder.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

yoda8myhead wrote:
Jason Nelson wrote:
And, having heard a bit more as to the whys and wherefores of Spooky's appearance, I hereby give it a 100% thumbs up for awesomeness and rescind and revoke all prior rants to the contrary!
I assume this is an easter egg planted by the editors in memory of a recently departed feline friend? That makes me happy. I can't wait to see how Spook the Mighty Hunter will live on forever in the pages of Pathfinder.

Indeed. I thought actually it was a very sweet gesture and just the sort of thing I might have done if I ran a game company. People can dismiss it as sentimental mush if they like, but I rather enjoy working with a game company that feels (and acts) like it has a heart. It's all a business, of course, but it's not "all business," if you know what I mean.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

yoda8myhead wrote:
Jason Nelson wrote:
And, having heard a bit more as to the whys and wherefores of Spooky's appearance, I hereby give it a 100% thumbs up for awesomeness and rescind and revoke all prior rants to the contrary!
I assume this is an easter egg planted by the editors in memory of a recently departed feline friend? That makes me happy. I can't wait to see how Spook the Mighty Hunter will live on forever in the pages of Pathfinder.

It is; Spooky got inserted into the adventure during development to honor his memory.

Dark Archive

Who's spooky?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Jason Beardsley wrote:
Who's spooky?

A key NPC in the adventure "The End of Eternity."

Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:
Jason Beardsley wrote:
Who's spooky?
A key NPC in the adventure "The End of Eternity."

I mean in reference to the "recently departed feline friend"..

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

That's really awesome of y'all!

May Spooky eternally and mightily hunt!


Jason Beardsley wrote:
I mean in reference to the "recently departed feline friend"..

Tune into tomorrow's blog for details on Paizo's most heroic kitty.

Sovereign Court

Vic Wertz wrote:
Todd Stewart wrote:
Jason Nelson wrote:
How odd. Perhaps it is only up for download for me! I got it an email for it and downloaded it, so I assumed it was available to others; my bad for the misinformation. Alas and sorry to all and hope you get it soon!

I have access as well. I'm pretty sure that we get access a week or more before anyone else. Wonder twin powers activate! Form of sneak peak of new pdfs!


Yes—contributors get early access to most PDFs.

I guess that's only for subscribers, then, since I don't have a download. :(

I guess I'll have to wait until May when the hardcopy comes out (and another 3 weeks or so for international shipping) to see Jason's shambling stylings and Boomer's mimic mayhem (not to mention the editorial butchering of my own gelatinous cube!)

Oh, and on topic, looking forward to End of Eternity too!

Dark Archive

Jason Beardsley wrote:
Who's spooky?

Hunt in peace Spooky.

I am anxiously awaiting this issue, now even more after seeing Spooky in the blog.

Fixed link to blog.

Happy hunting, Spooky!

Dark Archive

May is almost upon us, any idea when we can expect this?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Atrocious wrote:
May is almost upon us, any idea when we can expect this?

It should be arriving in our warehouse in about a week.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

This AP is proceeding fast!

Sovereign Court

Zaister wrote:
This AP is proceeding fast!

It's about to slow down. They can't start the next Adventure Path until the PFRPG rules release in August - three issues left in AP4, three months until GenCon.

Liberty's Edge

I have received the pre-alert, so we should be seeing shipments very soon.

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