Goblin Dog

wolfpack75's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 41 posts. No reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character.

Experienced (old) gamer looking for a Pathfinder campaign to join. I've run a tabletop campaign for the last few years, however my group broke up when two of my gamers moved out of state and I am left gameless.

Would prefer to play once a week utilizing online software, I have never played an online game - PbP, Roll20, etc but would like to learn. I eventually would like to transition to running an online game using Roll20 or some other software.

I've run Kingmaker, Jade Throne, and been run through the first two modules of Skulls & Shackles.

Looking for a game which meets on a regular basis with a regular schedule. I am in Sacramento, CA and am available most nights.

Thank you,


Hi folks,

Looking for people interested in meeting once a month on Sundays for a Pathfinder group. Most likely run through the Skulls and Shackles AP, my wife would be running the group - she is a novice GM but wanted to give me a break from running the campaigns since I am always the GM. Looking for friendly, relaxed individuals who want to play. Would meet at our house, first session would be to make characters. We've both been gaming for awhile; it's been 27 years for me, my wife has been gaming 17.

mid 20's or older
No Rules Lawyers
Good Hygiene a must (I hate to have to specify but I have been surprised by the lack many times).

Message me here if in the area and interested.


Ok, let me preface this with - I have no real problem with this situation. My party is currently working its way through the Jade Regent AP and this topic came up last session. In a world/setting that is so large and diverse why are the AP set or starting in the same area of the map?

Of the existing adventure paths there are at least 5 that take place or start in Varisia.
Rise of the Runelords
Curse of the Crimson Throne
Second Darkness
Jade Regent
Shattered Star

So my question is with so many intriguing and diverse areas why do the adventures go to the traditional fantasy setting of Varisia? I am not trying to troll here, I really am thrilled with Pathfinder and Paizo, just would like to see more exploration of areas that are not normal. Or a reversal - have the players start in the jungle and then move into the city in pursuit of an item.

And I want to say, I haven't played or read all of the paths, I wish! But I was wondering if maybe Varisia is the official setting start area?


Also not sure this is the spot to post this message...

Hi, this is rather last minute (I run the campaign tonight) but I was hoping to get some advice with these two NPC's.

Spivey I am running as an Allied NPC (party healer) and was trying to break down her bonuses so I could put her on a character sheet. It is more convenient for me to do it that way than to run straight from the book. Has anyone done this already?

Wodes I have been able to needle the party with and deplete a lot of their resources. Any ideas for tactics that he may use now that his Scrolls have been depleted? I am thinking of attempting to lure them into an ambush but I have veteran players and don't believe they would fall for it.

Any suggestions or information as to how you used these two in your Jade Regent campaign would be great. Trying to formulate a strategy for both and have been too busy with work to sit down and do it.

Thank you in advance...


I am trying to figure out how much it would cost for a character to have a pocket created in their sleeve that functions as a bag of holding.
Essentially so that they never need to have a weapon out but can pull it from the sleeve pocket.
It would also allow for "unlimited" sling bullets, shuriken, etc to be pulled from the sleeve. Would you give any consideration to lowering the reload time on any bows, slings or crossbows?

Should I treat it just as the same price as a bag of holding or, because of the need for it to be integrated into a jacket or robe, charge more?

Unfortunately, I am at work and can't access all of my books - searching the various websites has produced no fruit.

Thank you in advance for your thoughts.


My current group is bogged down in the Kingmaker adventure path and, unfortunately, due to scheduling issues hasn't been able to play for awhile.
I am considering a fresh start with the Jade Regent adventure path but was hoping to have a beginning adventure, a short snippet of an adventure, where the group has a bit of time getting to know each other and the NPC's before they get to the meat of the path.
Any suggestions on d20 or easily adapted published/free online adventures that would work with this adventure path?

Hi everyone I could really use some advice on my new campaign. My apologies for the long post.

I am going to run an online d20 Pulp Heroes campaign set in New Orleans circa 1935. I am looking for Dungeon adventures or previously published adventures that I could adapt to the genre. I was hoping that the combined knowledge of everyone here would be able to suggest some useful adventures.
I can adapt nearly anything to Pulp Heroes, my best success was the Green Ronin adventure "Death In Freeport" but I don't feel that the second in the series lends itself so easily to the area as the lighthouse becomes a big focus and I don't want to adapt the first adventure again (I have adapted Death in Freeport twice already, once into Death in San Francisco and again in D&D as Death in Chessenta - same group of players).

My players have created a diverse group of characters that I have listed below. I am looking for adventures that will require the explorer to lead the group into the wilderness (either South American jungle or Himalayan mountains). But urban (especially with a crime organization), ship/boat/water traversing, or swamp adventures would work too.

Russian Explorer - Cosmopolitan Origin
American Scientist - Aristocrat Origin
Chinese Martial Artist - Cloistered Origin
American (Creole) Entertainer* - Aristocrat Origin
Hindu Mystic - Cosmopolitan Origin
British Soldier - Cosmopolitan Origin
Honduran Soldier - On The Run Origin (NPC and partner with the Russian)

*Entertainer is a class I created loosely based on the Bard Class. I am trying to determine how to make the abilities work as having someone sing in the middle of a shootout with the mob doesn't fit the genre.
